It's been twenty eight years since the Gateway War. Small battles erupted throughout the Realms naturally. One resulted in the release of Odin from his prison, by a traitor Jotunm. Yet, Odin was never seen other than to show his face here and there. They knew the man was waiting to outlive most of the humans that had contributed to his biggest defeat. The man in his craze never realize that each generation was more prepared than the last.

The whole situation lasted five and a half years. They lost and gained people on their side. Soon Thor became King and Tony became Consort. The World Council became a universal known factor in dealing with foreign powers and became elected or chosen diplomats from every single country. Surprisingly, Fury came to be the representative of the superhero community. Professor Xavier for the mutants. And so forth.

Tony had become the direct contact for Asgard which allowed him to retain his Midgardian citizenship. He was the second one in all the realms to be awarded tri-realm-citizenship. The first being his son. They both held Jotunheimr as a home planet. They spent their winters (which was their summer in the other two realms) there.

Lucien had grown into the crown prince role. As the mother in this situation, he could not be any prouder as he watch his son use his renown silvertongue to please the two warring clans of bitter Jotun. They clung to his every word as he explained the next steps. Tony had long ago taken the golden apple awarded to him after that initial battle. So had some of the major players of the battle. Some gained other forms of elongated life from the Realms that recognized them. Midgard gave their own form of recognition in form of trade treaties statutes and specified citizenships to certain countries after some attacks started to fall into guerilla tactics against certain points that held magic lines.

It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn close. He knew that it never would be. After the unexpected birth of his second child, Esmeralda Nova Stark Thordottir, he had really noticed the change in his body as it leaned to being androgynous in nature. He had not lost his facial hair, thank god, but he had gained a leaner figure and curves that were unusual in a male, but not unfound. Nothing that would make him stick out, but enough to be a game changer. This lead to him be able to bear two more children much easier after that.

The boy, Edward Heithir Stark Thorson, was almost did not make it as he was born in the caves of Niflheim when he had come come to assist behind the lines. He had gone into labor after an attack on the camp and the haste escape. Clint, the already declared godfather, had helped him and defended them as he passed out in exhaustion and blood loss. In honor the boy had the middle name of 'Hawk'. True to his name, the boy had eyes that were sharp and ears that caught gossip to slip to his brother when he held court in Jotun. The boy had claimed sword and gauntlet as his weapons. He learned to man a shield like his godfathers Steve and Bucky. He was just as good with a bow and arrow. He was to become a weapons master and well on his way of learning the lance alongside his sister and older brother as a hobby.

Little Frigga Martha was a gem of pure glee. The little jewel was of pure heart and as stubborn as her father. Thor did not dot on her like his parents had done him. He treated all equally and when she showed favor of potions and magic, like her godmother Wanda, over the axe or sword, he supported her and made room for her own lab and teachers of magics from across the lands were hired. He did his foot down and state that she should at least learn the lance like her older and younger brother so that she would have something physical.

They had grown so much and Tony teared as he heard the council come to a close. It had been twenty eight wonderful years. He had so many more beside his husband and their children. He still ran his company, but Peter, his heir in that respect, was in charge more. Pepper had been lost in battle along side Happy as they defended a school by the tower. They had lost two children to a collapsed ceiling as well. The children were part of Russia's exhange program. Out of the tragedy, they had gained a solid relation with those nations that banded on the other side of democracy.

"Mother . . ." The soft distinct voice of his oldest vibrated in his ears as he smiled without hesitation at his direction. He did not rise from his comfortable seat as he rubbed his stomach and calmed the child within, another boy to be exact. He was wearing a robe of the fluffiest kind. His hair was long and iconic goatee a thing of the past other than three stripes on his chin. A delicate crown decorated his brow with a single glowing starkanium that all those known to him wore. It was treated as a gift of midgard and a sign of his birth planet. All travellers wore them.

"Yes, Luce?" He reached and clasped the hand that had reached in his direction. His other hand closed around the smaller and younger hand of a snoozing Edward.

His big boy had looked just like Loki if you were not careful. Now considered an adult in human years, his boy was slim and carried a sword and staff on his person at all times. War was still fresh in their minds.

Lucien's eyes had changed since he remembered his past life. He mourned the innocence that had fled the boy's eyes, but cheered that some of it remained in his oldest. He was proud still as he watched his young one grow beyond that past life and embrace the life before him. He regret that he would not be able to stop the inevitable fight with Odin.

The child had prophesied throughout his life with small gaps in between that one day he would return, but he had no fear. He knew he would win. He would have himself all the descendants of the Avengers, Realms, and friends to back him up.

"Thank you." Those words always said as much as his little one says 'I love you'.

"My little Lucy, you will always be welcome. You are my son and you deserve everything. Now Lucien, go tell your father to prepared the Rainbow Bridge. It is almost time to go to Steve's boy's graduation. You only graduate high school once." He chided as he saw the Prince of Jotunmheim drag his feet.

Lucien was of courting age and James Rogers had his eyes on him. Time would tell and they had plenty of it.

A/N: Well that has been a journey. I had this on my computer for a month or so, but I was unsure if I truly wanted to end this. I encourage anyone wanted to change or expand on it. I had read nothing like this and I hoped I encouraged others to write their own. May your writing continue and your paths be ever lit! -Halo