Burning Future
Pairings: Luke x Jason x Nico x Percy, Frank x Hazel x Leo
Warnings: Yaoi, MPreg
A/N: The third and hopefully last part of Scarlet Past and Bloody Present series.
Chapter 1
"Over here!"
A small dark haired boy looked up and raced towards the girl who yelled. Pretty blonde hair braided in two even ponytails swung from her small head as she turned towards the sound of running. Her cute face perked up when she saw her best friend run towards her.
"What did you find?" The boy asked eagerly.
The girl held up a long, dull object but quickly dropped it, "ouch!" she yelped.
The boy grabbed her hand and examined it. "You're bleeding!" he frowned. "Let's get you to my dad."
The girl shook her head, "I'm fine Levi."
"Well checking in with my dad could not hurt Vivia."
Viviana Blake, daughter of Apollo, sighed. She followed Levi to his parent's home.
Viviana was a pure half blood. They only had one of the Gods blood in them and therefore are weaker than the Legacies. Levi was a Legacy of three great heroes and is considered a noble of some sort.
Levi banged his fist on the door to his house. Well his summer house at least, his actual home was huge. It was not a house really. More like a mansion.
A beautiful teenager opened the door. She had spiky black hair with two longer braided and beaded strands on either side of her ears. She sneered when she saw the bleeding girl next to Levi.
"Is Dad home?" Levi asked.
The girl shook her head and smiled at her little brother. "Ally is making lunch in the kitchen. You go eat, I'll take her to the hospital."
Levi frowned and cast a worried glance at Viviana. His sister gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Levi, she will be fine."
Viviana nodded at Levi, "You should eat."
Levi smiled hesitantly, "I guess."
Viviana just gave him a one handed hug, she kissed his cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Levi grinned and nodded, "Okay, see you tomorrow Vivia."
"And don't eat all the food Ally makes Levi!" His sister called out as she left the house.
Levi giggled and yelled back, "No promises Ava!"
A cute blonde girl ran up to the door. She had a cute pink apron on and a spatula in her hand. As far as Levi could tell she was not wearing anything except a bra, panties and the apron. "Get back before it gets cold babe!"
"Will do Ally!" Ava giggled.
Alayla blushed and shut the door. She looked at Levi and frowned, "You're too skinny."
Levi pouted, "Have you seen Alex lately? Ever since he went vegan he seems to be a walking skeleton."
Alayla crossed her arms and scowled at that, "I know. Ever since he started dating those tree huggers he has become insufferable."
Levi sighed and took the plate of yummy smelling pancakes, the only thing Alayla knows how to make, and took a seat at the table.
"Quit complaining Ally, now I have some advice for you."
Alayla rolled her eyes, "I'm taking advice from a ten year old."
Levi scowled and crossed his arms. "Well at least I have the dignity to walk around in clothes."
Alayla frowned at that, "oh please, clothes are only for when I'm on my period."
Levi turned red at that and covered his face. "Ally!" He squealed.
Alayla frowned at that and crossed her arms. "Be lucky I wore the boob prison and my non see through underwear for you."
"Only because Ava told you too."
"Yeah, for you. Ava doesn't mind."
Levi groaned and covered his face.
Zero frowned as he allowed the gorgeous girl by his side to kiss his cheek. He did not understand why he did not feel anything. He tried dating girls, he dated guys, he even did what Alex did and tried multiple lovers. Nothing, maybe he was just assexual.
Zero shook his head, no, assexuality was a ridiculous idea.
Kea frowned at the expression on his face, "what's wrong?" she asked, worried.
Zero gave her a sincere smile, "I told you this wouldn't work."
Kea pouted and slumped on the couch. She threw her legs over Zero's and collapsed on the couch, "I'm telling you that you are not assexual!"
Zero groaned and covered his face. "You say that but there is no proof." he would have said more but a large book slammed against his head. "Ouch! Dem!"
Dementia huffed as she prepared to throw another object at him. "Stop wallowing in self pity brother."
Zero pouted and crossed his arms.
Kea giggled and patted Zero on the head affectionately. Zero stuck his tongue out at her and attempted to bite her.
A pillow was thrown at Kea's head this time.
"Dem!" Kea gasped shocked, Dementia always sided with the girls! She was adorable in that way. Oh no! Was she finally growing up?
Dementia just shook her head and pointed at the corner of the room. It took Kea a moment but she was finally able to make out the shape of a little boy. A five year old boy glared at her with as much venom as he could, which wasn't much considering how big and blue his eyes were. It was very cute though.
"Stop harassing my brother with your female ways!" the boy yelled.
"Careful Jeremy, you know you shouldn't push yourself like that." Zero warned.
Jeremy pouted and stormed up to Kea. He crossed his painfully thin arms and glared again. Jeremy was diagnosed with Leukemia a couple years ago but with Gaea and Chronos' help they were slowing curing him.
Kea smiled at him and messed up his hair gently. Since the Gods had their own cures Jeremy did not have to go through chemotherapy. After the Gods were defeated Luke made sure all Godly power would go towards helping sick children and curing incurable diseases.
Kea chuckled at the glare Jeremy directed at her. "So how are you feeling today?"
Jeremy looked away, not liking to talk about his condition and how weak it made him. His daddies did not even let him fight because he could not even hold a sword for long and he always ran out of breath easily. It was not fair! Alex, Alayla, Zero and Dementia all got to fight and he is not allowed to and even if he was he would not be able to.
Zero sighed and pulled his baby brother into his lap so they could cuddle.
Kea sighed and pulled Dementia into her arms. This family had issues. A lot of issues.
There were the four fathers, and they were all power Gods on top of that. Luke, the world's savior and hero. He was the new King. He overpowered the former rulers. His husband Jason kicked Zeus out of the sky, his first love and husband Percy washed Poseidon out of the sea and finally his precious Nico stole the underworld from Hades.
After the Gods were overthrown Luke united all the nations to get rid of war. He put a limit on how many souls could enter the living world so there would be no overpopulation. He changed the views of the mortals so they were no longer narrow minded and scared of the unknown. Mortals no longer feared gay people and accepted it. All bad people who attempt to gain power like Hitler or Stalin are cut down before they can rise.
They switched to energy efficient means to generate power. Oil companies were shut down and all the workers switched to building windmills and other nature operated machines.
Luke made it so the poorer countries could gain power by making their land healthier and the soil fertile.
He made it so two men or two woman could have a child together and all abandoned children had the chance to grow up to be whatever they wanted because they could go to the best schools.
That was only the beginning. Luke had so much more he could do to help the world and it's inhabitants.
Artemis was still around, Percy had asked for her hunters to stay because they taught woman power. She was not, however, to look down on boys.
Chiron was in charge of the demigod camps. There was one in every country now and every now and then each camp would visit another and learn different cultures and languages. The biggest camp however was the one located near Luke's mansion. That camp is run by Leo Valdez and his two lovers Hazel and Frank.
Anyways, back to the Castellan family. The eldest child, Alexander Castellan, was, for lack of a better word, a slut. He had two lovers, both children of Aphrodite. The first one was a girl named Liliana Bell. He had met her about have a decade ago on his first mission. She was beautiful, as to be expected from a child of Aphrodite. Long, flowing blond hair and smooth sun kissed skin and bright green eyes that captivated everyone.
The second one was a boy named Holter de Amor, a son of Aphrodite. He was the complete opposite of Lily, appearance wise. Midnight black hair and dark blue eyes. His skin was pale, but not sickly so. More porcelain and dollish like.
Alex openly cheated on them but they were too love struck to leave him though it did hurt them deeply.
Next was Alayla, the oldest girl. She is albino and no matter what the Gods tried they couldn't change that about her. Now, however she was accepted much easily. She had one girlfriend, her childhood best friend Ava Zhang. The two of them inseparable. They even built a small cabin in camp to live in with Ava's little brother Levianther Zhang and his girlfriend who Ava loved to tease him about Viviana Blake.
Zero had relationship problems and he hated being touched without permission. Dementia had issues with the entire male population that was not her precious daddies due to being kidnapped as a child. Lastly Jeremy had cancer and hated the entire female population because he believes they all want to hurt him due to the fact that it was a woman who told him he had cancer and made his daddy cry.
Yes, a very messed up family indeed. Not that Kea could complain. She had been reincarnated from one of Percy's former friends. A girl named Annabeth Chase.
So, first chapter up. Yes it is MPreg because I love MPreg. Anyway, I redesigned my OC submission list because honestly I need more than what you gave me.
Also I have some specific requests for you: Also please copy and paste the format or else I won't even look at it. And DON'T PM them to me, I won't look at it either.
First name 'Nickname' Last name:
God Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Love interests:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Brothers? Sister?
Follow these guidelines please:
1) Don't name your OC after your username, I won't use it
2) Do NOT PM it to me, I will not open or view it
3) No sons or daughters of Hades, Zeus or Poseidon please
4) If you log in and submit a character you have a higher chance of getting chosen
5) I am not going to put everyone who submits a person in, sorry
6) Please no rape stories, I already have way too many in this story
7) Your history for the character needs to be compatible with my storyline
8) Don't have a complicated history for your character, it will be cut down if you do
9) Please don't make every character gay, not everyone is gay
10) If you just have a name for your character or just one specific detail just submit that and I will combine ideas
(How many I need) What I need
(1)Alex's Boyfriend: Holter de Amor
(1)Alex's Girlfriend: Liliana Bell
(1-3)Zero's love interest: John Gilbert (2 more)
(5)Percy, Luke, Jason, and Nico's Children need names: (Alayla, Zero, Alex, Jeremy, Dementia)
(1)Will, Michael, Travis and Connor's Children need names: (One more)
(4) Leo, Frank, and Hazel's Kids: (Ava, Levi, (2 more))
(1-5) Alex's friends: Sohalia Hexx, Allisyn Ride, (2 more)
(1) Zero's best friend: Theseus Stark
(1) Alayla's girl friend: Ava
(1-3) Alayla's friends: Elinor (2 more)
(2) Viviana's siblings: (2 more)
(3) Levi's friends: (3 more)
Viviana's background
(1-4) Jeremy's friends: Allisondra Johnson, Marius Whitecomb, (2 more)
Jeremy's background
(1-10) Background characters
Anyways, thanks for reading, tell me what you thought and this chapter is changeable so if you didn't like anything just tell me.
Lilac ;)