14AmyChan: okay, so, don't kill me, but I teamed up with an awesome author and we're now working on a collaboration! *hides behind aforementioned awesome author*

Naruisawesome: We hope you enjoy this story!

14AmyChan: and we don't own Ghost Hunt!

Naruisawesome: But we do own some of the characters!

14AmyChan: Ah! That we do! *^_^*

A baby's wail pierced the mid-morning air. It was not a desperate scream of pain, nor a frightened cry of pain. It was merely a calling to attention, a need that was waiting to be fulfilled.

"Emi, are you hungry again?" a woman asked, a smile on her face as she gazed upon her six-month-old's face. The child had her father's eyes and her own tufts of hair. The baby continued to cry for its food as her mother picked her up.

"Alright, Emi, calm down and we'll get you some food." she said softly to her daughter.

As the mother fed her baby, the father went about dressing and getting ready for the day, all the while speaking to his wife and little girl.

"I suppose the Shibuyas and Lins will be at the office before us, won't they?" John Brown asked as he fiddled with his tie, contorting his face into an adorable expression of innocent confusion as the secret of tie tying eluded him.

"Aren't they always?" Masako smiled at her husband.

"I guess so," John smiled, forgoing his tie a moment to sneak a kiss from his wife.

He then lightly rested his hand on little Emi.

"Naru and Lin just always have to be there before anyone else." Masako said as she cradled the baby more securely when she began to squirm.

"And now they're dragging their families with them," John chuckled good naturedly. The twenty-nine year old had remained gentle and kind throughout the years, even when leaving the priesthood to be with Masako. It was a trait everyone admired in him.

"Yes, although I don't think Mai and Madoka like getting the children up so early." Masako replied.

John was about to respond when their daughter indicated she was finished. Emi was passed over to her father while her mother prepared for the day. The blond man smiled at this cherished time with his child and held her close for a moment.

"Never grow up..." he said softly. Emi cooed happily in response before promptly spitting up all over his tie.

John glanced down at his soiled tie and sighed. And to think that he had finally gotten it tied. He looked back up at his daughter, and when she giggled he couldn't help but smile.

"I thought you would need this," Masako stated somewhat smugly as she held in her hand a clean new tie. She had walked into the room only moments prior in order to see their daughter soil yet another tie. "She runs through those ties faster than she does her own diaper, I swear."

Emi cooed happily as if agreeing with that statement. If she did not spit up on them, she often stuffed the ties in her mouth and in one memorable event, even stuffed the tip down her diaper. John was halfway wondering if he should stop with the ties until she was older, but then Masako came over and made short work of discarding the old tie and replacing it with the new.

"Now, if Emi doesn't spit up again in the next few minutes," Masako began, looking at Emi before she tickled her tummy making the baby laugh. "We'll be ready to go."

The child giggled brightly, her blue eyes searching her surroundings, taking in every light refraction and color. The Brown family waited a few moments longer before it was deemed Emi would not spit up again.

John continued to hold Emi as Masako grabbed the pink polka dotted baby bag. Then they were on their way in the SPR office.

As per custom nowadays, the family was greeted with boisterous noise, starting with the swarming of many mini-people.

"Mamma, Auntie Masa brought the smelly baby again!" a dark-haired child of five years announced loudly, stalking straight up to the family again. Despite her harsh words and seemingly disgusted face, no one was fooled by this girl's farce.

"Yuzuki! What have I told you? Don't say such things!" the girl's mother's voice rang from the office kitchenette.


"You're mother's right, for once," the girl's father admonished as he walked out of his office, his blue eyes observing half of his children and his sharp ears hearing the angry retort of his wife.

The little girl, Yuzuki, glanced petulantly at her father.

"Well it's true!" She exclaimed.

"Come on, Yui," a young boy with a Chinese heritage and a bright smile said, hoping to calm the girl down. "Emi-chan can't help how she smells..."

"Soutaaa..." the black haired girl complained, her blue eyes narrowing. "Don't call me Yui! It's Yu-zu-ki! Yuzuki is more awesome that Yui, just like me!"

Souta rolled his eyes at his friend. "What does it matter, Yui?" the boy asked teasingly, purposely calling the girl by her nickname.


"The tea's ready," a distinct voice, now free from admonishing or angry tones, chirped happily as its owner came from the kitchen. By her side was a boy-the same age as Yuzuki-who had short messy hair and kind brown eyes. He was carrying a set of tea very carefully as he walked by his mother's side, silently offering the substance to anyone who wanted some with a smile.

"Why thank you, Kazuki." Masako thanked with an amiable smile as the little boy handed out the hot tea to her and her husband after they sat down. John's cup reminded on the table in front of him as he was still holding his restless daughter.

The young boy-Kazuki by name-smiled happily at being able to help and then made his way to his sister and friend.

"So now we're just waiting for Amaya and Jun?" Souta asked. Yuzuki frowned.

"At least they don't stink..." she muttered, loud enough for all to hear.

"Yuzuki!" Mai scolded her daughter with a stern face. "Stop that, I told you!" she briefly glanced at her husband for help on controlling their little girl, who was being insolent at the moment.

Naru sipped on his tea for a moment. Either delaying the inevitable or simply enjoying his tea, you decide. When he had finished, he gave his daughter a cool glare over the rim of the china.

"Emi Brown smells like a normal, healthy baby. If you would rather, she could always smell worse," the blue-eyed man stated factually. Yuzuki stayed silent for a short while before turning her attention back to the babe.

"Then I guess she's fine..." she admitted before walking over the Emi and staring at her. "But if she smells like this now, I don't wanna know how she smells when she's sick."

The baby blinked up at Yuzuki in wonder before she laughed adorably and clapped clumsy from her father's lap.

"Yooo~!" a male voice called into the office. Kazuki immediately ran to the door, a wide grin on his face as he ran. A grey-haired man walked into the office with a little girl in tow. "What, my darling Bou-san not in yet?" the man sighed dramatically.

Mai rolled her eyes.

"No, Yasu, but they should be here soon though so don't worry your little head about it." she informed with a smile.

"Hi, Kazuki!" the little girl by Yasu's side chirped. Her long hair was tied back in a secure scrunchie and she had a glint in her eye, much like her father's. Kazuki waved hello excitedly before dragging her over to the other children.

Most of the adults chuckled at the little boy's antics.

"Hey, Amaya!" Souta greeted his friend as she came to them.

"Hey, everyone," Amaya greeted her friends with a grin. "So why did uncle Naru call daddy over?"

"My daddy says he's got a case," Yuzuki answered, finally breaking off her staring match with baby Emi. She looked Amaya and Souta evenly, her eyes showing her barely contained excitement. "And this time, we all get to go."

Amaya's little eyes widened a bit with excitement also. "Really? Are you sure, Yuzuki? They told you that?" she inquired, full of questions.

"Yup," the young girl stated, popping the P noticeably. "Mamma and daddy were talking about it a few days ago. Kazuki wanted to know if we could all go, so Daddy called your daddy, and-"

"They said okay this time," Souta finished his friend's statement with an eager grin. He had only gone on three cases before now, while the twins had been "on the field", so to speak, since they were three. It had taken the half-Chinese boy a bit longer to hone his... talents.

"Really?!" Amaya grinned brightly. "Daddy, I can go, right?!" She addressed her father.

"Oh, I don't know... I thought I saw some greens still on your plate last night..." Yasu grinned at his daughter, who's face dropped in shock.

"But I ate all my greens!" the young girl complained, attempting to get her father to say yes. "Souta, Yuzuki, and Kazuki get to go!"

"Don't forget Jun too." Yuzuki intervened, gaining the other girl's attention. Amaya twirled back around to face Yasu with big round eyes and her bottom lip sticking out slightly.

"Daaaaaddy! Please?!" She begged, clasping her hands together.

At first, it looked as though the man were going to tease his daughter further, but one look at her adorable face cast those thoughts away. Not completely, but well enough.

"Yes, you're coming," Yasu consented. Before his daughter could get too far in celebrating her victory, he tacked and additional statement on the end. "But if you say the ghost ate your greens, he'll eat you next!"

With wide eyes, the little girl let out a fleeting shriek at Yasu's words and quickly hid behind Kazuki, peeking at her father over the little boy's shoulder.

The young Shibuya seemed flustered for a moment, confused at what to do. He ended up holding his arms out in defense and attempting to hide Amaya from her father's playful gaze.

Mai smiled at her son trying to be a brave little hero, and she had to cover her mouth with her hand in order to muffle her giggles.

Naru openly smirked about the scene, causing slight confusion in his son, who had an uncanny knack for observing everything he possibly could.

"Daddy, Kazuki wants to know why you're making fun of him and Amaya," Yuzuki stated brashly, without a second thought towards repercussions of any kind.

"Is someone making fun without me!?" an excited young male voice called from the front door. Everyone turned to the source of the newest voice.

"Move out the way!" came a woman's voice as the man was pushed forward. "How do you expect us to get in if you're blocking the doorway?"

Yasuhara's eyes lit up when he saw the older man and a playfully glint sparkled in his eye.

"My darling Bou-san!" the grey-haired man cried out, transferring his teasing to the monk and priestess pair that had fallen through the door. "Come into my awaiting bosom and we will embrace forever!"

In panic, Bou-san's eyes widened and he quickly dodged the oncoming Yasu and hide behind Ayako.

"And I'm married to you?" the priestess sighed angrily. Though it may have been from embarrassment. Ah, well.

"Uncle Yasu!" a distinct young voice cried out happily, and before anyone knew it, the bespectacled man was flat on his back, a young boy with fiery red hair pinning him down with a mischievous grin.

"Jun! How is my little accomplice?" Yasu asked, grinned up at the boy.

"Dad says we've got a case! Do we get to meet a ghost that pranks people!?" Jun asked, his eyes alight with anticipation. Ayako rolled her eyes in the background, a motherly smile somehow finding itself on her face.

"We don't know that yet, but it's most obviously a-"

"Well, if you all would sit down, you can learn about the case I've taken." Naru interrupted, giving everyone a steady gaze.

Without much hesitation, the adults gathered in a well-practiced circle around their leader. Eventually, they got the children to settle long enough do they, too, were still. If one were to look down on the scene, the order clockwise would be Naru, Yuzuki, Souta, Lin, Madoka, Amaya, Yasu, Jun, Bou-san, Ayako, Masako (and Emi), John, Kazuki, Mai, and then back to Naru.

Hopefully not too confusing, but those were the seating arrangements.

The children, especially, listened quietly as Yuzuki and Kazuki's father began to speak.

"This case was brought to my attention a week ago when the client came into the office with a bucket of paint on his head," Naru stated. A few chuckles of disbelief were heard throughout the room.

"Kazuki said that man had been funny." Yuzuki spoke for her brother.

"Yes, his actions were funny," Mai agreed with her children, quirking an amused smile at the memory of their estranged client. Her expression sobered quickly enough, allowing Naru to take the reins of the conversation again.

"Based upon initial information, I believe this is a poltergeist of a prankster. The actions are similar to a case we took three months ago," Naru explained. No one in the room spoke, though that did little to mask a few chuckles emitted from a certain researcher.

The excitement Jun was expressing was almost too much to bare though.

"As we are all familiar with such a case and it appears to be low-threat, it is safe enough to introduce the next generation to the job, should they wish to pursue this career in the future," Naru concluded, snapping his folder shut. Yuzuki looked up to her father, hope and excitement reflecting not just in her eyes, but in the eyes of every child in the room.

"You mean we finally get to train?" she asked aloud, her tone of voice revealing exactly how excited she really was. Naru gave a curt nod of his head, much to the children's delight.

"Yatta!" the victorious cheer rang through the room, each child doing their own variation of celebration.

Mai laughed warmly at the kids' antics and leaned closer to her husband. "Looks like we do have the next generation, Naru." she said as she smiled at him.

Her only response was a brief nod of the head, but Mai already knew what her husband had not uttered. He was very proud of the children's reaction. And never before had he been so eager to take such a boring case.

At least, they believed it would be a boring case. But you and I should know it will be anything but.

Naruisawesome: I hope they got all the character names...

14AmyChan: Should we just clarify for now?

Naruisawesome: Why not?

14AmyChan: Yuzuki and Kazuki Shibuya are Naru and Mai's kids

Naruisawesome: Emi Brown is John and Masako's daughter

14AmyChan: Souta Lin is Lin and Madoka's son

Naruisawesome: Amaya is Yasuhara's daughter

14AmyChan: and Jun is Takigawa is Hoshou and Ayako's son

Naruisawesome: Hey, Amy...?

14AmyChan: hm?

Naruisawesome: Who's Amaya's mom?

14AmyChan: ...

Naruisawesome: ...

14AmyChan: inconsequential for now...?

Naruisawesome: *shrugs shoulders* okay, I can live with that.

14AmyChan: okay, please read and review! *^_^*

Naruisawesome: And thanks for reading!