Title: Harry Potter and The Panacea – Chapter 01
Author name: Falcon
Author email: [email protected]
Category: Schnoogle
Sub Category: Action/Adventure, Romance, Humor
Keywords: H/Hr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Two years have gone by since the end of Harry's final year.  Voldemort is dead.  Harry has withdrawn from the wizarding society after defeating Voldemort and graduation from Hogwarts, but still keeps in contact with Ron & Hermione through owl post and occasional visits.  Ron is a Chudley Cannon. Hermione has been working at Hogwarts since their final year with all the Professors.  Sirius has been acquitted of all charges against him and is the Transfiguration Professor.  Professor McGonagall is the new Headmistress replacing an ill Headmaster Dumbledore and Flitwick is the Deputy Headmaster.  Lupin is reinstated as the DADA Professor after Moody's retirement. 

Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR, and I ain't making no money off them. This story is made up of my own original ideas, and any resemblance to anyone else's is strictly coincidental, and unintentional.

Chapter 1

Harry Potter walked into his study and dropped into his favorite chair. He grabbed a tattered book off his desk, propped his feet up and began reading. Two hours later, he dropped the book in exasperation.

           "Another dead end!" he said aloud. He looked at the books stacked on his desk and on his table in annoyance. "So much knowledge, and so little time."

           Harry grabbed another book and started reading. The hours passed, and the pile of discarded books grew larger. He looked up when Hedwig landed on her perch beside his desk. The Snowy Owl had an envelope in her beak and two cylindrical packages attached to her legs, and Harry looked at them curiously for a moment before removing them. The envelope was from Hermione, as were the other two objects. He tore open the envelope and pulled out a sheaf of computer paper, and a piece of parchment. He looked at the parchment first.


                                Happy Birthday! Guess what! I've got great news!

                      The publishers of Hogwarts: A History want me to write their

                      revised edition! Isn't that great! Enclosed is the first draft of my

                      first few pages.

                                How about you grab those two presents from me and

                      Apparate to my parents' house, so we can celebrate your birthday.

                      I've missed you these past few months, and can't wait to see you.


                      Love always,


           Harry gasped when he realized that he had been so preoccupied that he had completely forgotten his birthday. He snatched a quill from his desk and jotted down a quick note.


                                Thank you for the gifts. I have a request however, please hold your

                      pendant and say my name.


           He quickly rolled the small note and attached it to Hedwig's leg. Pausing for a moment, he scribbled another note that he folded and stuck in the bird's beak. He lifted the owl off her perch and carried her up the two flights of stairs to the ground floor of the house. He opened a one-way shutter that allowed owls in but not out. Raising his arm, he whispered a spell over her.

           "Leave the note in your beak on the Granger's kitchen table, and deliver the other to Hermione. Now go Hedwig!" Harry launched the owl off his arm and into the bright sunlight. The owl flew away with such speed that any Muggle that saw her would think she was the contrail from a jet plane.

           Harry went back to his study and grabbed another book to read while he waited. He had read the first twenty pages and was making notes when Hermione Granger appeared in front of him. Her long brown hair had been highlighted with blonde streaks, and it was pulled back behind her ears in two bunches. She had on a baby t-shirt that didn't leave much to the imagination, short, jean shorts that showed her long legs, and comfortable looking white sneakers. She looked around her in surprise, her eyes coming to rest on Harry, who had risen when she first appeared.

           "HARRY!" Hermione rushed around the desk and threw her arms around him so forcefully that she knocked him back into his chair and ended up on his lap.

           Harry returned her hug with equal force, and they just sat there holding one another for a long moment.

           "I've missed you Harry." Hermione whispered into his shirt.

           "I've missed you too." He said softly.

           Hermione stood up and looked around again. "So Harry," she said, "where are we?"

           Harry scratched the back of his head before answering. "This is my place."

           Hermione smiled. "Well, are you going to give me the tour, or do I have to explore on my own?"

           He grinned, and waved a hand at their present location. "This is my study, or given the way it is now, my library."

           She grinned in response. "You certainly do have a lot of old books. If I were the nosy sort, I would be inclined to ask why."

           Harry chuckled. "Good thing you're not the nosy sort then, isn't it?" He offered her his arm. "If you would come with me, I'll show you the rest."

           Hermione eagerly grabbed his arm, and he led her out the door and into the hall. He escorted her through each room of his house, and she oooh'ed and ahhh'ed at each turn. However, when he led her to the living room, she gasped.

           "Harry! Isn't that?" She released his arm and moved to the center of the room where a sword was standing straight up from the floor. As she got closer, she noticed that the sword was stuck into a rock level with the floor's surface.  She reached out her hand to touch it, and the sword glowed in warning.

           Harry quickly, but gently grabbed her hand. She looked up at him, and for the first time noticed that he wasn't wearing his glasses. His eyes glowed with green fire as he stared at the sword. She looked back, and the weapon slowly lost its glow.

           "You have to be careful around Excalibur Hermione," he said, his voice startling her. "It's got a mind of its own sometimes." He gently lowered her hand to rest on the cold pommel of the weapon. "It hadn't been bonded to anyone in so long that it forgot what friendship means. I had to remind it that I am its friend, and you are my friend." Harry explained, removing his hand from hers. "You can touch it now, without me."

           Hermione felt the mystic sword grow warm under her touch, and a tentative nudge at her mind. She opened her thoughts, and the presence cautiously ventured forward. It was in the shape of a man, and looked a lot like Harry. It spoke softly, it's deep voice rolling gently through her mind.

           "I am Caliburnus or as you say Excalibur. My master has assured me that you are no threat to either myself or to him. I apologize for my behavior, but as my master said, it has been a very long time since I last knew the companionship of one worthy of my power. I can see now that you too would be worthy to wield me in combat. If ever my master forsakes me, I will seek you out." The image slowly retreated to the edge of her consciousness, then it disappeared.

           Hermione looked quickly to Harry, and he nodded. Apparently he had witnessed the entire conversation.

           "Don't look so freaked out Hermione. That was one of the biggest compliments you could ever receive." He took her hand and led her back to the study. She seemed to come out of her shock once he closed the door.

           "I can't believe that I just spoke to Excalibur! It was amazing, I could feel the power inside it just from its voice!"

           Harry smiled. He had been pretty much the same way when it had first spoken to him, on that night long ago when he put an end to Voldemort. Unfortunately, he hadn't been quick enough to stop the evil wizard from speaking one last curse at Dumbledore, before turning to deal with Harry. That reminded him.

           He looked at Hermione, who had fallen silent as his expression turned sour.

           "I need your help." He stated.

           Hermione looked at him. "With what Harry? Does it have something to do with all these books?" she asked.


           "Are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?"

           "Remember the night I killed Voldemort?"

           She nodded and took a seat on the small couch. She had a feeling this wasn't going to be good.

           "Well, while you and Ron were keeping the Death Eaters busy, and I was trying to get close to attack with the sword, Voldemort cast a very ancient spell on Dumbledore."

           Hermione's eyes widened. "You mean that the reason Dumbledore went blind is because of that curse?"

           Harry nodded sadly. "Not just blind, he's been going deaf too. And last word I had from him, his body is starting to waste away."

           Her eyes full of tears, Hermione looked up at Harry. "What can I do to help?"

           He gestured at the books stacked everywhere. "It's this, there's so many books that have to be gone through, and there's only one of me. I've been through maybe a quarter of them, and made notes on any curse that remotely sounds like the words I heard Voldemort say that night."

           Hermione stood up and wrapped her arms around Harry's middle. "We'll find a cure Harry. I promise." She tightened her hug. "The only spell without a counter spell is the killing curse, so we know right off that this curse has a cure somewhere, we just have to find it."

           Harry returned her hug, and laid his head on top of hers. "I'm glad you're here. I've been at this for the past three months."

           "Why haven't you asked for help before this?" she asked. "You know that I would have been here as soon as I got your owl." Hermione frowned and looked up at Harry. "That is if I knew where here was."

           Harry laughed. "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. This is the old Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade."

           "You're joking!"

           "Nope, bought it two years ago with some of the money I had made off Fred and George's shop."

           "How did you make money Harry? Have you been endorsing their products like Ron has?"

           "Nope, I'm their silent partner. Remember that money I won off the Triwizard Tournament?"

           "You didn't!"

           "I did. I figured some good should come of that money, so I gave it to Fred and George. They used it to open their first shop, and they send me a monthly check by owl for one thousand galleons. I go to London every so often and withdraw some from Gringott's."

           "I'm impressed." She said.

           "Don't be. It keeps me comfortable, and out of the public view. You know that old saying, "out of sight, out of mind." Well, it works great for me. I ditched my glasses, and grew my hair out even longer than before, and now nobody even recognizes me."

           "I was wondering when and why you grew this." Hermione reached up and tugged on a tuft of shoulder length hair. "But speaking of public view, have you heard about Ron?"

           Harry turned away to hide a scowl. "No, I've owled him at least twice a month for the past six months, and have yet to hear back from him."

           Hermione caught the pain in Harry's voice, and patted his shoulder. "Don't feel bad, you can't get him to write to you, and I can't get him to stop writing me."

           He spun around. "Why would you want him to stop writing you?"

           She sighed and sat back down. "Long story, and if you want to hear it I suggest you grab those two bottles off your desk."

           Harry raised his hands, and the two bottles flew into his grasp. He took the paper off them both and opened them. He handed her one and sat next to her.

           Hermione watched the flying bottles with her mouth open in surprise. She closed her mouth, and took the proffered bottle. Taking a sip, she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts, then she started speaking.

           "I guess I'd have to say that it started about a year ago. You know two years ago he got recruited by the Cannons as their relief keeper, and he was so happy." She opened her eyes and caught his nod. She took another drink, and continued. "Well, he and I spent a lot of time together while you were away, and we grew close. Very close. Then he went to training camp, and when he came back he was a little different, but not much and I ignored it for the most part. Then, I got an owl from him a month ago saying that he's been nominated for MVP for the Cannons. He invited me to attend a team dinner, but I was just starting my book, and my mother was getting an award that night, so I told him I couldn't make it. Not thinking on my part, I told him in person."

           Harry winced in sympathy. "Ouch. I can imagine what he said to that."

           "Yeah, made me long for that fight after the Yule Ball," she chuckled, "you'd have thought that I had suddenly revealed that I was carrying Malfoy's baby, and that it was possessed by Voldemort from the way he carried on. I finally grew tired of his tirade, and Apparated home. Since then, he's owled me constantly, begging me to take him back. Funny thing is, it never occurred to me that I had him. And after seeing the way he acts now that he's in the spotlight, I don't want him." She took a long drink of butterbeer.

           Harry shook his head. "Damn, I just knew fame would go to his head. I had always hoped it would be different, but deep down I had this feeling that he wouldn't be able to handle it. How are his parents taking it?"

           Hermione was silent for a moment. "His dad and brothers are happy as can be, his mother is worried he'll get hurt, and Ginny is depressed that he doesn't visit as much as he used to."

           "I guess that's why I haven't heard back from him. He's just too busy to answer letters from old friends. I thought about Apparating to his location and giving him a portkey like I did you so that he could visit me." At his words, Hermione's hand leaped up to clutch her pendant.

           "Please don't tell Ron about this place, it's the only place he can't bother me!" She rubbed the pendant thoughtfully. "I thought this might be a portkey, but I've touched it constantly since you gave it to me, and even said your name while holding it and it never worked. Why did it work this time? And why isn't it working now?"

           Harry smiled and explained. "It never worked before, because I didn't allow it to work," he grinned wickedly, "It's not working now for the same reason."

           Hermione caressed the emerald teardrop pendant, and stared deep into Harry's eyes. "What now?" she asked softly, her voice a trifle husky.

           Harry's gaze dropped from her eyes, he stared at where her hand played with the emerald. He couldn't help himself, and he looked harder. His eyes glowed softly, and he watched her grow excited. With an incredible effort, he tore his gaze away and back up to her eyes. What he saw there did not help him any, but somehow he fought against the desire building inside him.

           He stood up quickly, and turned his back to her while he regained control of himself. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to Hermione. She had managed to calm herself considerably too, and stared up at him in amazement.

           "What…was…that?" She asked.

           Harry blushed. That was the first time he had ever done that on accident. "Sorry, when I get excited or upset, my power can get a little out of hand."

           Hermione blushed. "It felt like you were touching me."

           "Yeah, sorry about that. What do you expect, I haven't seen a girl in three months." He rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.

           She smiled and shook her head.

           "So, where do I sleep while we're doing all this research?" she asked, finally ending the moment.

           He smiled, and bit his tongue before answering. "Leave this room, go to the bathroom, and take the door to the right. I'm the door on the left and we share the bathroom, so I suggest we either get comfortable with the sight of each other naked, or lock the door behind us. And NO Alohamora!"

           Hermione giggled. She did have a way with that particular spell. She looked up at Harry and really took stock of him for the first time. As she had noted before, the glasses were gone, the hair was much longer, his jaw was covered by several day's worth of stubble and he now towered over her by at least ten inches, where before he had only been six inches taller than she was. "You've gotten taller, are you using growth spells?"

           "No, its just another growth spurt."

           "How tall are you now anyway?" she asked.

           "Uhm…about 6'4" I think."

           "Wow! You're 4 inches taller than Ron now!"

           "I know, and I can't wait to call him "midget." Harry grinned at the thought. "Seriously now, you really don't want me to tell him about this place?"

           "That's right Harry, I'm begging you not to tell anyone else about this! I really need a place where I can get away from everybody and write my book, but now that I know what you've been busy with, my book will have to wait until we find a cure for Dumbledore."

           Harry gave her a long, searching look. "Are you sure Hemione? I don't want you to feel resentful that I've taken you from your book."

           Hermione walked right up to him, so close their bodies where touching when they breathed, and looked up into his face. "I'm sure Harry. I've already told McGonagall that I'm writing the book, and that I'll be on sabbatical until it's finished. She told me to take my time and make sure it's done right, so I have all the time in the world to write the book, however from the way you've been working, I gather that Dumbledore doesn't."

           "No, he doesn't. He's using all his power to stay alive, and a lot of potions that make him sleep to fight death."

She looked more closely at him, and noticed the bags under his eyes, and the pallor of his skin. "When was the last time you slept Harry? Or had a decent meal?"

"I can't remember that last time I had a full night's sleep, I go to bed, and an hour later I'm in here reading like crazy. I get tired, go to bed for another two or three hours, and here I am again, reading some more. Meal? What's that? I've been living on soup, crackers and cheese. Quick fixes that I can eat and read at the same time."

Hermione frowned. "Well, tonight you're going to take a break from reading, I'm going to fix you a good hearty dinner, we'll catch up some more, you'll shower, and then you, Mr. Potter, are going to get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep! I will take over the reading until you've regained your strength. And I will hear no arguing about it! Is that clear?"

           Harry smiled. "God I've missed you! You are just what I've been needing, someone to MAKE me go to bed!"

           She pushed him away lightly, "Oh, go on." She walked over to the desk and looked down at the assorted books. "So what spell are we looking for?"

           "The words I heard sounded like Mortificare Deteriorare. Or something like that."

           Her eyes widened in surprise. "The Wasting Death!"

           "You know of it?"

           "Yes! I found mention of it when I was doing research over Hogwart's first years. There's only one book in the world that mentions the actual spell and it's cure, and that book disappeared 600 years ago!"

           "Do you know the name of the book?"

           "No, the name has been lost for centuries. I just happened to stumble onto the name of the spell, and what it means. So we'll have to continue reading and hope we find it mentioned again."

           He wiped his forehead. "Whew! I was beginning to think that I had read all those books for nothing."

           Hermione laughed. "I bet." She grabbed a book at random, walked over to the couch, and made herself comfortable. "Guess we better get started."

           Harry took his book off his desk, seated himself beside her, and continued his reading. They read straight through the next few hours, and only looked up when Hedwig entered the room followed by a large Screech Owl, and a big Barn Owl. Hedwig carried two letters, and the other two had both letters and packages.

           He set down his book in time to catch the letter and package dropped by the Barn Owl. He quickly handed them to Hermione, and caught the items carried by the Screech Owl. He directed both birds to a perch along the wall, where they could get some water and food. Hedwig landed between Harry and Hermione, and let her two letters fall from her beak.

           Hermione petted the haughty bird while Harry went through his letters. Three were to him, and one to Hermione. He opened the heaviest envelope first, inside was a piece of parchment and a Gringotts key.


Happy birthday.  I have a few things to tell you and I'm not sure how to go about it.  So, I'm going to just say it and I apologize for the shock it may cause you.

Your parents left certain items in my care in case Voldemort did get to them.  I regret not doing this sooner, however this is the first time I have been able to come to terms with it.  I implore that you visit the vault when you are ready.  Please do not rush into it, it is the main reason it has taken me this long to get their belongings to you.

The enclosed key is to vault #219.  In it, you will find your parents belongings, which they wanted you to have.



           Harry felt himself getting all choked up while he read. Looking up, he caught Hermione's concerned expression and wordlessly handed it to her.  He recognized Hagrid's untidy scrawl on one of the letters and opened it next.


Happy Birthday!  Haven't seen you in awhile stop by and visit sometime, me and Fang miss you.  Hope you enjoy the fudge.


PS – You should see the animal for this years' Care of Magical Creatures, he's a beauty.

           Hagrid's tastes were well known to them both, and they shuddered at the thought of what the animal might be.  Harry opened the third letter and was great surprised to find that it was from Professor Lupin.


Happy birthday.  I know I've never given you anything before, however Sirius recently brought it to my attention, that if your parents lived I would be Uncle Remus.  This present was given to me by your father, I have no use for it now since I have learned to control myself during my transformations.  You may be able to put this to good use.

                      Remus  (Uncle Moony)

           Harry quickly yanked the paper off the more neatly wrapped box.  He opened it and inside was a tightly woven coat of chain mail.  He was surprised to note that it weighed next to nothing, and figured that it must be enchanted.

           Hermoine had waited until Harry had opened all his letters before looking at hers.  When she recognized the writing, she grit her teeth in aggravation.  She calmly removed the letter and read it aloud:

                      My Dearest Hermione,

Why haven't you been returning my owls?  A lot has been going on with the Cannons, I've been elected MVP for the team.  The price of my rookie cards will definitely be increasing, make sure you buy some before they get too expensive.

Now that you have had time to calm down from your fit since we last talked, I want you to come to my awards ceremony tonight.  I'll Apparate to your parents around 7, so be ready to go and make sure you look your best.



                      MVP of the Chuddley Cannons

           Hermione savagely tore the letter in two, and gestured at Harry with one of the pieces.  "You see! You see what I've had to put up with!" She leaped to her feet startling a dozing Hedwig who screeched her annoyance. "The nerve of that boy! Expecting me to drop any plans that I might have to attend an awards ceremony with him!  And I can't believe he forgot today was your birthday!"

           Harry looked appalled at Ron's impudence.  "Wow, I see what you mean.  He's definitely got an attitude.  I don't blame you for trying to get away from him.  Was I ever that bad?"

           Hermione flopped back down causing Hedwig to take flight and seek a more peaceful environment in which to nap.  She wadded up the torn letter and hurled it across the room.

           "He's going to be at my house at 7," she looked at a nearby clock, "I've got two hours to go home get packed and get back here, before he shows up."  Hermione said, leaping to her feet.  She looked at Harry.  "You have to send me back now, so I can get everything I need."

           Harry nodded and stood up.  He wrapped his hand around her pendant, ignoring their closeness, and whispered a spell.  He released the necklace and stepped back.

           "There you go, all you have to do now is say your destination and it will take you there.  When you're ready to come back, take hold of it and say my name."

           Hermione nodded.  "I'll be back as soon as I can."  She grasped the pendant said her destination and disappeared.

           Harry wrote some quick thank you notes, then motioned for the two birds to follow him.  He led them to the exit, attached his letters then saw them off. He went back downstairs, grabbed a soda from the fridge and went back to his reading.

The time passed swiftly, and before he knew it, Hermione was back in his study, a backpack slung over one shoulder, a duffle bag over the other, a suitcase in each hand and the pendant clutched in her teeth. She dropped her burdens before Harry could jump up to help her, spit out the pendant and swore softly.

"He was early!" She spat. "Can you believe that Ron Weasley, a guy who is perpetually late, was EARLY?" She grabbed Harry's soda and gulped it down. "I barely made it out of there before he got upstairs to my room. Luckily, my mom stopped him to chat, and that gave me the time I needed to pack one last bag and get out of there." Hermione dropped onto the couch and handed Harry his empty soda. "Thanks. I needed that."

Harry looked at the empty bottle, then at her. "Sure. No problem. Want another?"

"No thank you." She looked hard at him. "I was thinking, we should go out tonight."

"Huh? What about the dinner you were gonna fix?"

Hermione smiled. "I reconsidered. You look like you could use a night on the town. I've been hearing about this new club that opened in Hogsmeade last year, and I've been dying to go see it.

"A club?" Harry looked dubious. "What kind of club?"

"It's a nice club Harry. Not suits and ties, but nice."

Harry scratched his head. "I don't know Hermione, I've gotten used to being forgotten, if I go out in public now—" he shrugged.

"That was before, Harry. You're different now. You're taller, your hair's longer, you're not wearing your glasses, and the stubble—you'd be surprised at how un-Harry Potter you look."

He ran a hand through his hair and grinned. "Well, maybe. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting cabin fever, and a night out sounds like fun. A little distraction before we have to buckle down with this research."

Hermione clapped her hands. "That's the spirit Harry! I'll make you some Pepperup Potion real quick, and then we can go get ready."

Harry laughed. He had to admit that her excitement was catching, and the fear of being recognized was fading. It was being replaced by the urge to go out and have fun, something he hadn't done in far too long.

"I'm going to go fix that potion. You go take a shower and get dressed." Hermione hopped off the couch and left the room. Following in her wake, Harry had just opened the bathroom door when she stuck her head around the corner. "And Harry, do try to find something NICE to wear!"

Harry chuckled as he went into the bathroom and started his shower. He came out fifteen minutes later to find a steaming cup of Pepperup Potion waiting on his dresser. He smiled, gulped it down, and ignored the steam coming out of his ears. He put on a clean pair of briefs, and stood staring into his closet. Harry didn't have much of a fashion sense, what with growing up wearing Dudley's castoffs and all, and the little he did have was gleaned from Sirius. He remembered the conversation they had had about style very well.

"Remember this Harry," Sirius had said. "Black goes with everything, and it works for any occasion." He had clapped Harry on the shoulder, and whispered quietly. "Not to mention, chicks dig guys in black." Harry had grinned. "I'm serious!" That had caused Harry to laugh outright.

"What's so funny?" His godfather had asked.

"It's just that you're talking about black, and then you said you're serious," Harry had chuckled.

It had taken Sirius a few seconds to see the relation, but when he did, he had laughed even harder than Harry. "I haven't made or had anyone make puns of my name in a very long time," he wiped his eyes, "brings back a lot of memories."

Harry had patted the older man's shoulder. "I'm sorry Sirius."

"Don't be. You just reminded me of James right then," he had said. "He used to tease me all the time about my name." Sirius had smiled broadly in memory. "You should have seen the look on his face the first time I transformed. He laughed for days every time he thought about it. Me, Sirius Black turning into a black dog, talk about irony."

Harry shook off the memory, and dug into his closet. He had lots of clothes, and per Sirius' advice, they were all black. He grabbed a turtleneck, trousers, and with a little nod to Bad Bill Weasley, a pair of knee high, dragon hide boots. Harry got dressed quickly, ran a brush through his hair and went to the study to wait for Hermione.

He had just seated himself when Hermione entered the room. Harry's jaw dropped. She looked incredible. Her long, thick hair was piled in a bun at the back of her head, with tendrils hanging down in back, and on the sides. Her wand was thrust through the bun to hold it in place. She was wearing a black, satin cocktail dress with a sparkling tulle covering. The covering had a high collar, flared sleeves, and gave the impression of a starlit night. Black stockings, and high-heeled shoes completed her ensemble.

Harry closed his mouth and searched for something to say. "Uhmm—Herm—Hermione. You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Hermione blushed. She gave him a once over. "You don't look so bad yourself."

It was Harry's turn to blush, and he coughed self-consciously. "Uhm. Thanks," he indicated the door. "Shall we go?" They went upstairs to the hidden door. As they slipped out the secret opening, she linked her arm through his. They walked into Hogsmead in companionable silence. Harry looked around, noticing all the little changes that had taken place since the last time he had been there. He immediately picked out Weasley Wizard Wheezes due to the huge exploding wand on top of the building. Down the road, a line of people could be seen waiting to get into a building called The Crystal Ballroom & Black Cat Club.

"Is that the place?" Harry asked.

           "That's the place." She answered. "Although, I have no idea how we're going to get a table."

           "Easy, leave that to me," he said. Harry waved his hand and they became invisible. He waved it again, and the people in front of them casually moved aside for no apparent reason. He tugged her to the front of the line, and made them visible again. Hermione expected a fuss, but nobody seemed to notice them. She was about to comment on this, when her name was called from inside.

           "Yoohoo! Miss Granger!"

           Hermione squinted into the darkness of the club. "Who's there? Who called me?"

           A woman appeared behind one of the big bouncers. "It's me, Professor Trelawney."

           Hermione groaned quietly, but pasted a big smile on her face. "Professor! What are you doing here?"

           Sybil Trelawney smiled. "Now, now, Hermione. We're colleagues now. You can call me by my name."

           Her smile slipping a little, Hermione strived for a polite blandness. "Of course Sybil," she nodded. "What are you doing here?"

           Sybil's smile broadened. "I own this place."

           "Wow! What made you decide to open a club?" Hermione asked. "I thought you—" She started to say something, but Sybil cut her off.

           "Please, come in. I do so hate to have a conversation with people in the way." She looked pointedly at the mountain of muscle blocking their entrance. "Honestly, you would think these louts would actually READ the list of people to be admitted without reservations." She shoved the big man aside, and grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled them inside the club.

           Once they were inside the club, the doors shut behind them and the lights came up. Trelawney looked closely at Hermione and Harry. "So Hermione, who's your handsome friend?"

           Hermione struggled not to smile, and to come up with an alias for Harry. She gave herself time to think by acting appalled that she had forgotten to introduce them.

           "I am so sorry! Where are my manners?" She indicated Harry. "This is—"

           Harry stepped forward before she could think of anything, and extended his hand. "Hi. Name's John James Black," he said, with a strong American accent. "Folks call me Johnny, Jimmy or even J.J," he smiled. "I'm a third cousin to Sirius Black. I'm over here visitin' him, and he set me up with this gal." Hermione's eyebrows shot up at this.

           "Ah. Well, if you're going to be here for a while, I do hope you'll allow me to show you the more interesting bits." Sybil smiled.

           Hermione covered her laugh with a choked cough, and Harry pretended that he didn't know what she had really meant.

           Harry grinned at the wizened woman. "That sounds like fun, but this little gal has already volunteered to show me all the interesting bits." Hermione seemed to have developed a lung condition, and he clapped her on the back.

           "Oh. Perhaps another time then." Trelawney's, disappointment was evident in her voice. She cleared her throat, and became all business. "Would you like a private table, booth, or do you prefer the bar?"

           "We'd like a private table please, in a dark corner if you have it. Way I hear it, Hermione here is kinda famous, and we'd rather not be disturbed." Harry smiled.

           Trelawney nodded in understanding. "Yes, yes, of course." She winked at Hermione. "If you would follow me please." She led them past the Maitre'd, giving the woman a sour look and instructing her to check the line at the door for notables every 30 minutes, instead of every hour. Their table was at the far end of the club, tucked into a dark corner, softly lit by candles, and hidden from view by hanging plants.

           Harry pulled Hermione's chair out for her, then seated himself with his back to the wall, so that he could watch the room.

           "Someone will be here shortly with your menus." Trelawney said. "If you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to." She departed quickly.

           Hermione waited until Trelawney was out of earshot, then she turned an accusing glance on Harry. "You enjoyed that a little too much. Making her think that you and I were—were—." Words failed her, so she settled for folding her arms and giving him her best frown. "Honestly Harry."

           Harry gave her his best innocent look. "What?" His eyes twinkled suddenly and he grinned. "You should have seen the look on your face! It was priceless!"

           "I'm sure." Hermione said, her voice very droll.

           "Oh come on Hermione. You know I was just playing."

           "Well it wasn't funny! I can just see it now, Trelawney goes back to Hogwarts on September 1st, and starts telling people that I was in the company of a stranger, and that I had promised to show him my bits!"  She glared daggers at him. "I have a reputation you know!"

           Harry looked ashamed, and tried to mollify her. "I'm sorry Hermione. It's just that I've been cooped up for three whole months. I'm not quite myself yet."

           Hermione's expression softened. "I know Harry. It's a very noble thing that you're doing. I'm sure Dumbledore greatly appreciates everything you've done for him.

           Harry was about to say more, but their waitress arrived with their menus.

           "Hello," smiled the pretty blonde. "My name is Sidreena, and I'll be your server for this evening." She handed each a menu. "What can I get for you?"

           Harry ran down the menu quickly. "I'll have a butterbeer for starters—Hermione?"

           "I'll have a butterbeer as well," she said. Hermione looked at the menu. "Hmm. How about we start with chips and salsa? I'm in the mood for something spicy," she told Harry.

           Harry heard Hermione say something, but his attention was focused on the waitress, who was smiling and making eyes at him. Her smile faltered when Hermione cleared her throat.


           Harry looked guilty, and the waitress looked quickly to Hermione.

           "Sorry ma'am," she said. She wrote quickly on her pad. "That was two butterbeers, chips and salsa. Would you like a few more minutes to decide on the entree?"

           "Yes please." Harry said.

           "Alright, I'll return shortly." The waitress bustled off, with perhaps a little more sway to her walk than was completely necessary. Harry leaned sideways and stared after her.

           Hermione shook her head and smiled. "Honestly. I can't take you anywhere."

           Realizing what he was doing, Harry blushed, and sat up in his chair. "I'm really sorry Hermione." He made a pointed effort to look her in the eye, which caused her to laugh. "This is why I haven't been out in three months, I was trying to avoid distractions." As he talked, his gaze traveled down her face, to her neck and finally settled on her chest. He watched her breasts rise and fall as she breathed, and when he realized what he was doing, he jerked his gaze back up to meet hers.

           "You're hopeless," she chuckled. "You were never this bad before Harry. Why the sudden fascination with women?"

           "I've always been fascinated with women Hermione. I was just embarrassed about showing it back then."

           "Really? When did it start?"

           Harry frowned in thought. "I guess I'd have to say that it started around 3rd year, I noticed Cho was pretty, then at the beginning of 4th year, the Veela at the Quidditch Cup had my head full of strange thoughts. Then when I saw you at the Yule Ball, I noticed for the first time just how pretty you had gotten."

           "You thought I was pretty?"

           "You were very pretty, and I could believe that I hadn't noticed it before. Anyway, after that I started really looking at girls, and listening to the other guys talk about girls. Then Ron asked to borrow my invisibility cloak, and he didn't want to tell me why."

           "He did what?" she asked, her eyes growing wide. "You didn't let him did you?"

           "No, I didn't."

           "Good." Hermione said.

           "It made him mad for a few days, but I didn't care too much. But it did get me thinking, so I used it to sneak into the girls' dorm one night."

           Hermione's eyes bulged. "YOU DID WHAT!"

           "Shhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Harry hissed.

           "Harry, please tell me you're joking about that."

           "Sorry, but you know how my curiosity is. I can't let something go until my curiosity is satisfied. Anyway, I sneaked into the girls' dorm room, and waited to see something. I wasn't really sure what I was there to see, but I wasn't leaving until I saw it." He admitted.

           Hermione looked horrified at his revelation. "You didn't."

           "I did. I watched you all change for bed."

           "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." She said, with narrowed eyes.

           "Hey, you asked about my fascination with girls," Harry shrugged. "This is all part of it."

           "That was before I knew how perverted you were." Hermione's smile took the sting from her words. "Did you—uhmm—see any of us—naked?"

           Harry blushed. "Uhm—I'd rather not say."

           "You're not getting off that easy!"

           Blushing furiously, Harry raised an eyebrow. "You want to rephrase that?"

           Hermione was about to reply, when the waitress arrived with their appetizer.

           "Here you are, two butterbeers, salsa and tortilla chips. Are you ready to order?"

           "Yes, I'll have the 16 ounce Sirloin steak, well done, the dinner salad with Ranch dressing, and a baked potato, hold the sour cream," Harry looked up from his menu. "Hermione?"

           "I'll have the Bruschetta Chicken and the dinner salad with Italian Vinaigrette," she answered.

           "Okay, that's a 16 ounce Sirloin, well done, dinner salad with Ranch, baked potato no sour cream, a Bruschetta Chicken, and a dinner salad with Italian Vinaigrette," the waitress said, reading from her pad. "Will there be anything else?"

           "No thank you, that will be all for now." Harry answered.

           "Alright, your food should take about 15 minutes," she smiled, "give or take." She hurried off again, and Harry turned back to Hermione.

           "Now, back to our discussion. You want to know if I saw any of you naked right?"

           "Harry, I don't think—"

           "Oh no, you asked. To answer the question, yes I did see all of you naked. But that was later."

           "LATER! YOU MEAN YOU DID THAT MORE THAN ONCE!" Hermione's voice climbed in volume again and he quickly shushed her.

           "The only way I'll keep talking is if you stop raising your voice!"

           "Sorry. But you mean to tell me that you watched us not once but twice!"

           "Actually, I watched from 5th year until graduation," he said, looking ashamed. "I couldn't help myself, you were all so pretty."

           "You thought we were pretty?" she asked. Hermione looked down. "I hate to ask this, but I have to know." She blushed a light pink. "How—how'd I look?"

           Harry couldn't believe his ears. "How'd you look?" he quoted. "You looked incredible. Of all the girls we went to school with, you had the best body hands down!"

           Hermione's light pink blush grew to a light red, and she kept her head down. "Really? I hate to sound conceited, but this is the first time anyone has complimented me on my body."

Harry nodded, "I don't wish to sound crude, but since you asked, I can tell you truthfully that you have perfect breasts, incredible legs, and a spectacular butt."

Hermione went from a light red to a vivid scarlet. "Thank you. I never knew—"

"I can see why you don't get many compliments, you hide under your robes, and behind your books. You never let anyone see you Hermione!"

           "What would you have me do, wear mini-skirts and shirts that are too small?"

           Harry shook his head. "Nothing so provocative, just not robes all the time. The only time you wear less, is during the summer, and then it's only when you're at home alone. I was very surprised when you showed up today wearing those clothes."

           "When I got your owl, I thought about changing before using the portkey, but I was anxious to see you, and didn't want to wait."

           "I'm glad, I was about ready to pull my hair out."

           Hermione laughed. "I can see why. You've been working so hard, and keeping to yourself so much, it's a wonder you're still sane."

           "You know, I was just thinking that same thing yesterday." Harry chuckled. He sipped his drink, and took the opportunity to scan the tables nearby for people he knew. He spotted a flash of white-blonde hair, and turned quickly to Hermione. "I forgot to ask, but whatever became of Malfoy?"

           "What? Oh! He's on the Hogwarts Board of Governors now."

           "Wow. How much trouble does he cause?"

           "Surprisingly, he's not that bad. He changed a lot after you spared his father's life, and most of it was for the better. Oh sure, he still likes to annoy on general principles, but he does back up the Board's decisions."

           "Sounds like you've been keeping tabs on him. Good girl, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

           "I had to, just because he acted reformed didn't mean that he was reformed. But this latest development should be the clincher to his transformation." Hermione leaned in close. "Want to hear a secret?"

           "Of course."

           Hermione looked around to make sure no one would hear what she had to say. "He's been dating Ginny, and she said he proposed."

           Harry's eyes widened, and his eyebrows shot up. "You're joking!"

           "Nope, I got an owl from Ginny about a week ago, telling me everything."

           "Do her parents know?"

           "No," she said, shaking her head. "They've been dating in secret for the past six months, and now they're getting married."

           "Is she---?"

           "I don't think so, but maybe," she said. "Wouldn't that be adorable?"

           "A blonde Weasley, or a redheaded Malfoy. Hmmm." Harry thought for a moment, then his face split in a wide grin. "I can just see the look on Lucius Malfoy's face."

           Hermione giggled. "I can too."

Harry was about to say more, but he noticed the waitress returning with their food.

           "Ahhhh, here we go. Dinner salad with Italian Vinaigrette," she said, setting down Hermione's plate. "And, dinner salad with Ranch." She set down Harry's plate. "Your entrée will be ready in a few moments." She hurried off again.

           "Mmm, looks good," he said. He started mixing his salad together.

           Hermione watched Harry dig into his meal. "Hungry aren't you?"

           Harry nodded, his cheeks bulging with food. He chewed quickly, and swallowed hard. "Yeah, I've missed having a variety. Soup and crackers gets old fast." He stabbed his salad viciously, impaling lettuce, cheese, and a cherry tomato on his fork's tines. He looked at the pile of food on his fork and frowned. "Wish I had a bigger fork."

Hermione laughed, but kept her hands well away from his plate, lest she lose a finger or two.

           "Slow down Harry. We've plenty of time to enjoy our meal. No need for you to inhale it like that." Hermione chided.

           "Sorry," he said. He slowed down his almost frantic eating pace. "It's just so GOOD!"

           "Yes it is, and it's even better when you taste it!"

           This last comment came right as Harry was taking a drink, and he choked on his butterbeer. "That wasn't funny Hermione!" He said, coughing.

           "Yes it was," she snickered.

           "Okay, it was funny, but I could've drowned!" Harry wailed.

           This caused Hermione to burst out laughing. The mighty Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, the guy that faced Voldemort without batting an eye, was whining about choking on his drink. Harry played up the part, every inch the victim. "Oh sure, laugh at me. Some friend you are, I take you out to dinner for my birthday, and you try to kill me as a present!

           Hermione shrieked with laughter, and she held her aching sides. "St-st-stop Harry! I c-c-can't b-b-breathe!"

           "You can dish it out, but you can't take it!" Harry said, joining her in laughter. Hermione was laughing so hard, all she could do was wave a hand, and hope he would stop.

           Deciding that she had suffered enough, Harry got serious. "So tell me all about this thing with Ron. I know you said you and he kind of dated, but that doesn't tell me much."

           The abrupt change in topic caught Hermione off guard, and her laughter died immediately. "It's kind of hard to explain, but since it's over I'll give it a shot."

           "Hang on, here comes our dinner." Harry said, spotting the waitress heading their way.

           "Here you are, one Bruschetta Chicken," the waitress said, placing their meals on the table, "and one well done 16 oz. Sirloin with baked potato, no sour cream. Enjoy your meal, and don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

           "Thank you, we shall," said Hermione.

           Harry attacked his steak with the same ferocity he had shown the salad earlier. He sliced it quickly into bite-sized chunks, and speared one on his knife tip. He ate it straight off the blade, and sighed in obvious bliss. A huge contented smile lit his face as he chewed slowly, savoring the first bite. "Delicious."

           Hermione ate slowly, "It isn't often that I go out, but when I do, I like to enjoy every second of it." She took a sip of her drink, and watched Harry add butter to his now mashed up potato. "As I was about to say," she said. "In 4th year, I knew Ron was attracted to me, but not how much. Then in 5th year, he started flirting with me. I wasn't sure how to handle that, so I pretended not to notice." She took a bite of her chicken, and washed it down. "Problem was, Ron thought I was playing hard to get, and increased his efforts."

           Harry looked up, "All this was going on, and he never even told me about it."

           "He was kind of weird there for a little while, and really made me nervous at times. The way he would look at me, it just made my skin crawl every time he did it. For a short time, I was afraid that Voldemort had somehow taken control of him, and was planning on using him in some way to get at you through me," she confided.

           "That was always my biggest fear," said Harry. "That one day he'd do something to one of you, or worse, use one of you to hurt the other."

           "Well, you put an end to all that finally, so I'll jump ahead a bit. This was when you were doing all that secret training with Dumbledore. He'd ask me out every so often, but I was always busy, so he'd stay and try to help me with whatever I was working on. But that usually ended up with us fighting, and him storming off. This was our normal routine all the way to graduation. Then you left with Sirius, and Ron started spending a lot more time with me. We'd hang out at my house, or his, we went to some Quidditch matches but that was it.

Then one night he tried to kiss me, and I pushed him away. I realized then, that he was more than attracted to me. He wanted me, but I didn't want him, not that way at least. I tried to explain it to him, that he was moving way to fast, and he blew up at me. Accused me of teasing him all through school, leading him on, and getting his hopes up. But I swear Harry, I never said or did anything to make him think that. Then a few days later, he apologized and we went back to hanging out again. Then, he got recruited by the Cannons, and went off to training camp. When he came back for visits, you could see how proud he was of himself, and I admit I fawned over the accomplishment, what with him being in your shadow for so long and all.

Anyway, after that he was convinced that I belonged to him, and that's when it got really bad. He owled me constantly, sending me love notes, candy, and presents. Then he started showing up at my house unannounced, and uninvited almost every Friday night, asking me to go to dinner, or the theater. I tried to be gracious, but it just got so annoying." Hermione paused, and took a few more bites.

"I'm sure it did," said Harry. "Having someone always bothering you like that."

"Well, after everything that happened, I was in no mood to put up with more of his foolishness. And that's when he invited me to the dinner, it just so happened to be on the same night as my mother's award ceremony, and I decided to tell him why I wouldn't be going with him in person. I had hoped that he would take it better if I told him rather than owled him. However, that wasn't the case. I can't tell you everything he said, because I quit listening after the first two minutes of his ranting. He wouldn't let me get a word in, and I finally had enough and went home. But I told you this already."

"I know, but now I understand a little better. I hate to say this, but I think he's obsessed with you."

"It seems that way doesn't it?" She sipped her drink. "Maybe when we get this thing with Dumbledore sorted out, you could have a talk with him," Hermione said hopefully.

"Yeah, I'll do that." Harry promised.


They ate in silence, until their meal was finished. Harry wiped his mouth, and checked his bowls and plates for anything he might have missed.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he said. He laid a handful of coins on the table, "This'll take care of the check and the tip. I'll be right back"

Hermione nodded, and began counting the money while Harry made his way to the restrooms. When he came out, he saw Hermione staring very hard at someone sitting in his chair, the look on her face made him pause and he eased closer to hear the conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth!" an agitated male voice asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Because I don't answer to you."

"But you're my girlfriend, you're supposed to be with me!"

"I am not your girlfriend, and even if I was, I see it didn't take you long to find a date," she said, looking to the side of the male voice. "Was she expensive?"

"Ronnie, are you going to let her talk to me like that?" said a peeved female voice.

"Hermione! Take that back!"

"Of course, that was rude of me," Hermione said sweetly.  "I'm sure she's just another one of your adoring fans."

"This isn't about me, it's about you & what you're doing here?"

"I'm having dinner silly, what does it look like?"

Harry heard something hit the table.  "Yeah, but there are two plates here, and I'm sure you don't dress like that to go out with the girls, so who's the jerk?"

"That's none of your business. Now, if you'll excuse me I really must be going," she said getting up from the table.  She started to walk away but a hand on her arm stopped her.

"We're not finished yet! I asked you who he was, now tell me!"

Ron's shouting caught the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Hermione looked at the hand on her arm then into Ron's eyes. "You're causing a scene," she said coolly, "Please take your hand off me."

Hermione tried to pull away, and winced when Ron's grip tightened.

When Harry saw Hermione in pain he moved quickly forward. Grabbing Ron by the shoulder he squeezed tightly and growled in a low dangerous voice. "Hands off the lady, bub."

He took a step back as Ron spun quickly and threw a high right cross. Harry caught the fist effortlessly, and through gritted teeth said, "Calm down." He was about to say more when the authorities arrived.

"What's going on here?" the uniform demanded.

Harry started to explain, but was cut off by Ron. "I'm glad you're here, this man was disturbing my two fans here, and when I stepped in to stop him he assaulted me!"

"EXCUSE ME!" Hermione shouted, "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard!" She gestured at the nearby diners. "You can ask them what happened, they all saw it."

The officer looked at the nearest patron. "Is that right? Did you see it?"

"Yes sir officer, the young lady was having dinner with the dark haired chap, and this redheaded fellow with the blonde appeared and started causing trouble."

"Is that so? Well then, I'm going to have to ask all four of you to leave these premises." He pointed towards the exit. "After you."

Harry grabbed Hermione's cloak and slipped it around her shoulders, "We were just leaving anyway."

Ron stared hard at the officer as he walked by. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, and I don't care, if you want to fight do it outside. Now leave!"

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going."

Outside, Hermione took Harry's hand and tugged him down the nearest alley where they hid in the shadows.  Harry leaned his head around the corner and waited for Ron to exit, he was inclined to go back and teach his friend a lesson, only Hermione's hands on his arm stopping him. He watched the redhead stalk out dragging the blonde behind him with narrowed eyes. Ron looked right and left, then he and his date Apparated with an audible "pop."

Hermione tugged on his arm, getting his attention. "Harry can we go home now?" she asked quietly.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

They walked up the hill to the Shrieking Shack talking about their encounter with Ron. Harry was appalled at the way Ron had acted towards Hermione.

"I can't believe that was Ron. He's so different from the last time I saw him."

"Now you see what I've had to put up with." She laid her head on his arm as they walked.

Harry looked down, but didn't say anything. They continued to his place in silence. They crossed the visibility boundary (a neat little spell he had concocted himself), and to anyone watching, disappeared from sight.

They entered the shack through the secret entrance, and Harry hung up their cloaks. He turned to Hermione. "Thank you for the wonderful time, I'm sorry that it got ruined."

Hermione stared up at him, "It wasn't your fault Harry. Even with the disturbance, I had a wonderful evening with you."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, "I had a lovely meal, some interesting conversation, and a floor show."

Harry grinned. "Me too. Could have done without the intrusion though," he said. "After all that excitement, I'm wired, there's no way I can go to sleep now."

"Harry," Hermione frowned. "You were supposed to get some sleep. I'll make you a sleeping potion."

  "Nah, I'll make some coffee. Why don't you go change?" He gave her clothes a long look, "Anything that looks that good can't be comfortable."

Hermione blushed at his compliment. "Thank you, and you're right, these heels are killing me!" She started to lean down to take off her shoes, but Harry beat her to it.

"Let me do that." He unbuckled the straps around her ankles, lightly caressing her shapely legs as he raised each one. He slid first one shoe off and then the other, keeping his gaze solidly on the black leather objects in his hands. He stood back up and held them out to her. "Here you go."

Hermione took them, and looked up at Harry. With the shoes on, she had been level with his mouth. Without them, she barely reached his chin. "Thank you."  She stared at his lips, and her deep brown eyes grew darker. Harry felt himself getting lost in them.

"I'm-I'm going- uh-going to go make that coffee now." He stuttered. The look in her eyes was making it hard to think, let alone talk. He tried to back away, but she grabbed his shirt - front and pulled him down for a quick kiss on the cheek. She whispered in his ear while he was bent over.

"I'm not sure what's going on between us Harry, but I like it. I hope you do too."

Of their own accord, Harry's arms came up and pulled her to him in a fierce hug. "I do like it, and as much as I want to do more, something deep inside is telling me to wait," he said.

"I understand," she said quietly. "You're not sure about how to handle this."

"No! I know how I feel about this. I'm attracted to you Hermione. I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone, but that's not fair to you. You deserve so much more. I know what I'd like to do, but there's this voice telling me not to act on my impulses. And I've learned to listen to that voice, it's kept us safe numerous times."

"Oh, then what do we do?"

Harry kissed the top of her head. "Let's just have fun, but we can't get physical. Not that I thought you wanted to get physical or anything," he said hastily. "That voice is telling me that I can and should enjoy every aspect of your company, but it's also telling me to keep my hands to myself. It tears me up to say it, but I think we should heed it."

Hermione smiled up at him, "Okay then, nothing physical. Not that you want to get physical with me or anything," she grinned.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Deal, we can hug, hold hands, and maybe eventually kiss, but nothing more than that."

"Right, well I'm going to get out of these clothes, and into something a lot more comfortable." She broke the hug and walked down the stairs. She turned back to him before leaving. "I like you Harry. I like you a lot. I've never felt this way about any guy except you. Is it love? I don't know, but I do want to find out." She hurried downstairs.

Harry wasn't really that surprised. He had realized he had similar feelings earlier when his power had decided to take over. They never did that unless he was having very strong feelings about the person he was with. The previous times had been out of anger, but with Hermione, it was something different. He would just take it slow, and see where they ended up. The voice was telling him that everything would turn out all right as long as he and Hermione didn't have sex. Harry hoped rather fervently that the voice would change it's mind, and SOON! Shaking his head to clear it, he went to the kitchen and set about making coffee.  Leaving the coffee to percolate, Harry decided that he might as well change clothes too.  He was headed to his room when Hermione came out dressed in dark blue vinyl shorts and a white t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail.

"I'm going to change real quick and then I'll finish the coffee," Harry said.

"That's okay," said Hermione.  "I'll do it."

"Thanks," said Harry, "I won't be long."  He hurried to his room, and undressed quickly. He grabbed a black t-shirt, and pajama bottoms from a drawer and pulled them on. He went to the library, and found Hermione already there. She had two cups of coffee in front of her, and was busy taking notes. She looked up when he entered.

"Harry! I've just discovered some very interesting information!"

He walked in and sat down on the couch close to her, "Oh yeah?"

"Yes." She held up his notebook. "I was taking a look at your notes, and comparing them to some I took while I was researching my book, and a number of rare or priceless books disappeared about six hundred years ago."

Harry took a sip of his coffee. "Yeah, so?"

Hermione smacked him on the shoulder with the notebook. "So you big dummy, all we have to do is find out what happened six hundred years ago that might have caused these books to disappear."

"Oh, is that all?" Harry asked sarcastically. "I thought it was going to be something hard. Where are we going to find information like that?"

"There's only one place that I can think of." She said, picking up her coffee.

"You don't mean?"

"Yes Harry. The Hogwarts library."

"NOOOOoooooo!" Harry howled.

"Harry! What's wrong?" Hermione asked, alarmed.

"No no no! It's only been two years since the last time I was there!" He wailed, "In case you forgot, we were there for four straight days! It's only been two years, that's one year per day! I've got two more years to go before that memory will be erased."

 "Now Harry. That's no way to be." Hermione chided.

"It's not fair! I've spent the past three months buried in books, and I did it without complaining. Now you want me to go to the Library?"


"I know. I know, but it's going to take forever, and that's with the speed-reading spell we've been using."


"Oh alright! I'll go!"


Harry rolled his eyes, "And I won't complain."

Hermione smiled brightly. "Good, that's what I wanted to hear." She patted Harry on the arm. "It'll be alright."

"Thanks. At least I won't have to do it alone anymore." He yawned mightily. "Whoa. Where'd that come from?"

"Looks like that adrenaline rush you were on is fading. You'd better go to bed, I'll take care of this."

Harry's eyes blurred, and he rubbed them. "I think-think that's a good idea." He wandered out of the study, and stumbled into his bedroom. His eyes closing, Harry flopped on top of his bed and was immediately asleep.

Author's Notes:  Please read and review.  I'll take any kind of constructive criticism.  I really need some good constructive criticism.  If you like it, tell me why & in detail.  If you don't like it, tell me why & in extreme detail.  I'll even take flames, IF they are constructive.  Remember, the more reviews I get the faster I can get out the other chapters!  = )