"Katie do you have any laundry that you need done?" Mrs. Knight asked as she held an empty laundry basket in her hand.

Katie was sitting on the couch. "No, I don't think so" Katie answered.

"Okay sweetie I'm going to get the boys laundry" Mrs. Knight said walking away.

Katie turned on the TV. She sighed when the news was on.

'Breaking News The Us Bank near the Palm Woods hotel is being held up as three men with guns hold sixteen year old's Logan Mitchel and Carlos Garcia" the reporter said.

Katie's eyes widened. Logan and Carlos are hostages in a bank! "MOM!" Katie yelled. Mrs. Knight came running.

"Katie what's wrong?" she asked. Katie blinked pointing at the screen as Logan and Carlos picture flashed on the screen.

'Logan Mitchel and Carlos Garcia are apart of the popular boy band Big Time Rush...The robbers wants are unknown at the moment we will bring you more news as we get it' The Reporter continued.'

"Oh My god...I have to call the boys" Mrs. Knight said pulling out her cell phone.

Kendall and James were sitting in the studio Logan and Carlos were supposed to meet them twenty minutes ago.

"Dude where are they?" James asked slightly angered.

"I don't know but I've been trying to call them" Kendall said with his cell phone out.

"Dogs! Where are the other two? They were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago" Gustavo said.

"We don't know Gustavo" Kendall said.

"Well then find them!" He shouted.

Just then Kendall's phone rang. "I'm sure that's one of them" Kendall said answering his phone.

"Logan?" he asked. "Oh Mom what's up?" Kendall asked. "Mom calm down what's going...Oh my god..do you..okay we'll meet you there" Kendall said hanging up the phone.

"Kendall what's wrong?" James asked.

"There's a hold up at the bank Logan and Carlos are in there" Kendall said.

"Oh my god we have to go" James said. Kendall nodded and the two ran out the door.

"Do you see them?" James asked Kendall through the crowd as they reached the bank.

"No but come on" Kendall said grabbing James's arms and pulled him through the crowd.

Kendall looked for his Mom. Then spotted her up front. "MOM!" he yelled running toward her and Katie.

"Mom what's going on where are they?" Kendall asked.

"I don't know they won't tell me anything" Mrs. Knight said pointing to the officer's.

Kendall's eyes flashed with anger and he stormed over to the police officers.

"Can I help you son?" the officer asked politely.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" Kendall growled.

"Look son" the officer said noticing the women and the child next to him. "I've already told her that we can't help her at the moment" the officer said.

"Can't help her? You can help her by getting those two boys out of that bank!" Kendall shouted.

"We're trying..." the officer said.

"Your trying? All your doing is sitting around and doing nothing! Nothing's not going to help them!" Kendall said.

"Okay you need to step back" the officer said pushing them back.

"Hey you can't stop me! Those are my baby brother's in there and I'll be damned if I let something happen to them!" Kendall shouted.

"Son I know this isn't easy but we're doing the best we can okay? Just stay back and let us do our job" the officer said.

"To hell with that!" Kendall yelled. "I'm not letting anything happen to them" Kendall said firmly.

"Son please we have this under control we're going to keep your brother's safe." the officer said.

"Kendall he's right" Mrs. Knight said coming toward her son with a hand on his shoulder he turned to her.

"Mom, we can't just stand here and do nothing..." Kendall said.

"Just wait that what we need to do" Mrs. Knight said. Kendall nodded and then look back at the building.

"Excuse me" Kendall said pushing past the crowd.

"I'll go after him" James said.

"Hurry back" Mrs. Knight said.

James quickly followed Kendall away from the crowd of people. "Kendall! Hey!" James yelled running after his friend.

"What?" Kendall snapped turning back to James.

"What's your problem?" James asked.

"My problem? My problem is our little brother's are in there! They could get hurt" Kendall said.

"The officer's are doing the best they can" James said.

"So your sticking up for them?" Kendall asked angrily.

"No Kendall I'm not but I want to believe they are going to save them" James said.

"Maybe they won't but we can" Kendall said.

"We can? Kendall how do we manage to do that?" James asked.

"You'll see come on follow me" Kendall said pulling James by the arm toward the bank.