NOTES AND SHIOT: Well, well, well! I got way more reviews for "Sailor Goku" than I anticipated, so I decided to do a sequel thingy. IF THAT'LL MAKE YOU BASTARDS HAPPY! Nah, I'm just kidding. Enjoy the new "Sailor Goku" and stuff. (Oh yeah, remember Chichi is dead. For that, I'm sure you guys must be glad.) Um...Oh yeah. Some guy named Majin Bob suggested that I should give this trio of sailors some certain attacks, so I did. Thanks Bob! And I'm sorry, there will be no Sailor Bob, I could do some jokes on him, but I don't wanna piss Majin Bob off.


Iba Soloway ^_^

* * *

We find our bitch, Sailor Goku, in the Ohmyfuckinggodthisismessedupshit Mall (O-Mall for short). Goku, and his gooooooood friends Bejita and Pikoro were accompanying him, as they listened to some tunes.

They all sang along with the song:

Humping ass by moonlight,

Jacking off with yaoi by computer light,

Smoking weed and asking if someone has a light,


"Oh, this music is simply fantastical," Pikoro commented. "So great!"

"Thank you ever so much," Goku said, firmly patting Pikoro on the rear. "I think they have a song about little green men here too...."

"Little is right..." Bejita said, standing in his normal 'I got a stick up my ass' way, with his arms folded, and eyebrows twitching. His beady eyes staring at Pikoro's crotch, then he quickly looked away when he felt his own pants begin to shrink.

"Oh don't be such a meanie!" Goku scolded him. "And I want to go to another store now! I need some new spandex. My little pink ones were torn of when I was working again..."

"Whatever girlfriend," Bejita shrugged. "Let's go."

* * *

Goku stepped out of the dressing room and twirled around, showing off the new spandex he had chosen. "What do you guys thing....I mean think...of this one?"

Pikoro and Bejita smiled as they looked up to him, and simultaneously folded their hands over their laps.

"Very nice," Pikoro said.

"Exquisite," said Bejita. "Now let's go, I'm horny as fuck. But I don't want to use Buruma for some reason."

"It's okay," Pikoro told him, as he set his hand on Bejita's knee. "We will help you, we're your friends."

"Hold it right there fags!" Freezer yelled, appearing out of nowhere. I have come to kill you all!"

Disoriented, the trio grabbed their crotches at tugged like Michael Jackson.


"COCK PLUS ASS MAKE-UP!" Bejita cried.

"OW FUCK!...MAKE-UP!" Pikoro yelped.

The three thrusted their hips forward, and transformed into Sailor Senshi. Goku in purple, Bejita in hot pink, and Pikoro and sunshine yellow.

"We thought you were in Hell!" Pikoro said. "What are you doing here, Freezer? And why do you want to kill us?"

"Well," Freezer said. "I don't know my sexual identity, or choice, and I have no cock. Second, you're all fags. There is no other reason for me to hate you other than I am afraid that I may be just like you, a fag. That is in the case if I am male. So you all must die!"

"PRETTY TUTU SURPRISE!" Pikoro said, as he lifted up his skirt and flashed Freezer.

"Ah! Gawdammit!! I'm bliiiiiiind!" Freezer covered his eyes.

"Now Sailor Goku!" Bejita said, since Goku was too faulking stupid to know when to attack.

"Right, Sailor Bejita! SAIYAN ASSBELUNKER RAM!" Goku tore off the entire lower part of his outfit.

"Uh oh...." Freezer ran off screaming like a girl after processing what Goku had chanted. He didn't want to stick around for when Goku actually does the process of the attack.

Goku stood there saddened, and pantsless.

And once again, Sailor Goku and his friends have made the world a bit safer for gays everywhere.

Doo dee doo dee doo! The End!(_Y_)

So what do ya guys think? I think I went a bit overboard this time...oh well. Review this and shiot, please.