Inside the LPS daycamp, Sunil was there staring at the new LPS day camper. Everyone else saw that he was but Sunil didn't care if they were.

"There she was, the most beautiful kitty I ever saw, Delilah. Her purple fur, that necklace, her blond bangs and those beautiful golden eyes." Sunil thought to himself.

"Uhh guys, I think Sunil has a thing for Delilah." Vinnie said.

"Of course he does, he's in love." Penny Ling said.

"Well that would explain why he keeps staring at her." Pepper said.

"Oh romance, such a beautiful thing." Zoe said.

"Hey, maybe we should help Sunil with Delilah." Minka said.

All of the pets agreed in Minka's statement, except Russell.

"Guys, I don't think that a great idea." He said.

"Oh come on Russell, we're just helping our friend." Vinnie said.

"I know but it never good to meddle in other people's relationship." Russell said.

"Don't worry Russell, it won't be meddling just helping." Pepper said.

"Alright but if something goes wrong, don't say I didn't warned you." Russell said.

All the pets, except Russell, gathered around Delilah with smiles on their faces.

"Ello pet mates, can I help ye with anything?" Delilah said.

"Well Delilah our friend, Sunil, has a major crush on you." Zoe said.

"Sunny, he's a cute duckie." She said.

"Well since you think he's cute, maybe you should talk to him." Penny ling said.

"It'll really make him happy." Pepper said.

"Hmmm, alreet I'll give it a go." She said then got out of her seat and walked over to Sunil.

"Oh my, she's walking towards me. Okay Sunil, act cool, don't mess up." He said to himself.

"Oi Sunny, the other pet just told me that thou liked me." Delilah said.

"Well... I... well... yes..." He said.

"I think that's very cute." She said.

"R-Really? You think so?" He asked.

"Absolutely, and I find ye cute as well, duckie." She said.

"Hehehehehe! You called me a duck." He said.

"So, who yeh fancy to bobby a mosey with me somewhere?" She asked.

"If that is your way of saying let's go somewhere together, then yes." He said.

"Alreet then, let's go." She said then walked to the door.

Sunil saw his friends, mouthed out the words "Thank you." and followed Delilah happily.

"Like I said, romance is a beautiful thing." Zoe said.