Well, here's the short ending. I apologize if my fight sequences are bad, I'm pretty terrible at describing them. I also apologize for my mess up. I accidentally put up Ch 3 for Ch 8. Sorry! Anyway, thank you all if you've been reading! And now, on with the show! ~Miss Peabody

Kevin and another rock monster began to charge at them. Ben was determined to keep his promise. He slammed the Omnitrix and became Swampfire. He yelled his name and began to throw fire at the creature and Kevin, intending the fire to hit Charmcaster.

"Tempestus!" Charmcaster yelled, as her creature and Kevin dodged the fire ball. She created a stretch of water to douse Swampfire's flame.

Swampfire tried again, but as soon as he began blasting, so did Charmcaster. The water and fire clashed and began to mix. Soon, the place was filled up with fog. A tug of war was going on as to who could power the other. Swampfire was eventually the victor. Charmcaster was blasted backward and landed on her back.

There was some movement in the fog. A rock monster tried to punch Swampfire, but he dodged it, knocking down his attacker. He looked over and saw two figures moving, Gwen and Kevin.

Kevin attempted to take down Gwen, who raised a shield to block him. His fist landed on the shield trying to break through it, but then he raised his fist again.

"Kevin!" Gwen screamed. "No!"

But it was too late. He broke the shield and Gwen landed on her back. Ben turned to see if she was alright as the fog began to dissipate. Nevertheless, he had to deal with fighting other rock creatures. While fighting, he heard Hex's voice.

"It's time to write the last chapter in this sad little saga." he said, floating down through a hole in the ceiling.

"Thanks anyway, Hex." Swampfire said, upon pushing an unconscious monster to the ground. "But I'm not much of a reader!" he finished, throwing fire at the ceiling, with bits and pieced of it landing on Hex.

Gwen picked up her book of spells. Funny, Ben hadn't noticed she had it with her.
"Let's get out of here." Swampfire began. "Before they have a chance to-." The Omnitrix began to crackle, Ben was human again and all the pain came rushing back to him. He fell to his knees on the ground, groaning in pain.

Gwen knelt beside him, her hand on his back. Both of them looked around to see Charmcaster and her monsters, Kevin, and Hex walking up to them. They were outnumbered. Ben didn't want to break his promise. He tried to get up, but it was no use.

"Hold them off, Ben." said Gwen. "I need time to cast a spell."

"And that'll fix everything?" Ben asked, weakly. He didn't even know what it was that needed to be fixed. He looked into Gwen eyes; they were swimming in tears. He tried to comfort her. "Do what you can." he said. "I trust you." He did trust her, and he knew she could fix whatever was wrong.

Hex, Charmcaster, her rock monster, and Kevin began close in on them. Ben was able to stand up. Gwen nodded at him and ran off into a hallway. Then, he turned into Big Chill.

Gwen ran down the hallway, muttering her spell. She had to fix this and make everything the way it was supposed to be.

"Quis quandum..." she began.

"Big Chill!" Ben yelled. He flew up about to freeze everyone, but it looked they already were. They were below him, frozen in time. "What?" he asked himself, landing and changing back to human.

"Hello, again Ben." said Paradox, appearing behind him.

"Paradox?" Ben asked, sitting in the floor.

"You can rest now, Ben." he said. "The nightmare's over."

"But Gwen." he asked weakly. "How-?"

"You're in an alternate present created by Gwen herself that began when she kept you from hacking the Omnitrix that morphed Kevin." Paradox explained.

Ben was still confused.

Gwen kept speaking her incantation in the hallway. "...iem feachus mas..."

"So I'm not Ben?" he asked. It was one thing to talk about an alternate timeline. It was another thing to actually be in one.

"You most certainly are." said Paradox, making Ben even more confused. "But, once this timeline of the future of this timeline and the true timeline collide, you will be the true Ben." Paradox then caught Ben's gaze. "And Gwen will be alright, as will Kevin." "Everything will be fine." "Now close your eyes and rest."

"...redentegero..."spoke Gwen.

"You'll wake up, I promise." said Paradox "With no memory of these events."

"Quis vent pro..." Suddenly, Gwen was interrupted by Hex bursting through the hallway. She didn't care however, she would finish the spell. "...mas mesquam essei!" she finished, going up in a blue triangle portal that had appeared above her.
Ben still didn't fully understand everything that was going on. But, rest sounded like a good idea. He laid down on his back slowly and closed his eyes.


Ben opened his eyes. He was sitting on the couch watching the game with Kevin at Gwen's home. Funnily enough, he didn't remember how the game ended or began for that matter. He looked towards Kevin who seemed a little dazed as well.

"I must have dozed off." he said, turning toward Kevin. "Hey, Kevin, who won the game?"

"Huh?" Kevin asked confused. "Oh, they won!" "Yes!" he said, laughing proudly.

"Where's Gwen?" asked Ben..

"I think she's upstairs." "She probably doesn't want to be around me anymore." Kevin said sadly. "Considering I look like a monster now."

"Golly, Kev." Ben said in a high pitched voice. "Gwen thinks you're swell."

Kevin stares at Ben. There was something very familiar about that statement. "Why do I feel like you've said that before?" he asked,

"Hmm." Ben said, thinking. "I feel like I did too." "Oh well." he said, giving up looking for the reason. "I guess I'm starting to repeat myself."

"Uh huh..."

"I'm going to go see what Gwen's doing."

"Okay." said Kevin, switching off the television. "Be right up."

Ben walked up to Gwen's door and unlocked it. She was sitting in the floor with one of her books. "What have you been doing up here all day?" He asked her. "You missed the whole game."

"Sorry." she said. "I was just finishing a project." She picked up her book and placed it on a shelf.

"Wanna go to Mr. Smoothie's?" Kevin said, appearing in the doorway. "It's Ben's treat."

Ben looked at Kevin angrily. This wasn't the first time he'd had to pay for smoothies. Gwen, however, smiled very brightly and ran to Kevin, embracing him.

"What was that for?" Kevin asked, confused after she stopped.
"I don't know..." she said in a tone that sounded as if she did know.

Gwen walked past the boys, leaving them shrugging their shoulders at each other. Then, they all began exiting Gwen's house to get in Kevin's car, which was parked on the side of the road. The car wasn't the only thing there, though. So was a professor dressed in a lab coat and bow tie.

"Professor Paradox?" Ben asked in shock.

"Is something wrong?" asked Gwen.

"No." said Paradox. "Everything is fine."

And with that, he flashed out without another word. Everything was fine and Paradox knew it would be in the future as well.

Well, hope you guys enjoyed! I hope to put more fanfics up in the future. But since this is my first, I will always cherish it and I hope you will too. Thanks again!