Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basket is owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi

Pairing: Eventual GOMXKuro

A/N: Because fast update is fast. But not fast enough to finish this for TououAoXTeikouKuro day apparently.

Thanks to my reviewers: Neellok, Dumti, Billyberry97, fostinefoli, Another observer of the world, Chiisaiuki, booklover1209, Independent Not in Love, gsinbyk, silver woman, Guest, rea, TomAndJerry and chunminie as well for the favorite and follow alerts!

3rd Quarter: Reestablishment

Aomine drank his water eagerly as he leaned back against the wall when Coach Sanada announced that basketball practice was over. Having to experience Teikou's hellish training again was pure torture. Either because he hasn't practice for a while now or that he wasn't used to his younger body yet that he had a hard time enduring practice. And judging by everyone's exhausted state; he wasn't the only one who felt that way. In any case, he'll get the hang of it again after some time.


He looked up to find Akashi staring down at him. He wondered what the red head wants with him. "What?"

"Aren't you going to meet up with Tetsuya in the fourth gym later?" asked Akashi.

His brows furrowed in confusion. "But Tetsu won't practice there until a month later."

"Tetsuya told me that he's been practicing in the gym for a week now," Akashi said and crossed his arms. "I won't be able to teach Tetsuya misdirection if he hasn't bonded with you yet."

"But we always see each other during lunch," he protested.

Akashi unemotionally stared at him. "I meant your bond as a shadow and light. Tetsuya improved because he has you as a partner."

He frowned. "Yeah, yeah I get it already. I'll see Tetsu later."

"Don't be such a grouch Daiki," said Akashi. "Or I'll have Ryouta replace you as Tetsuya's light."

Aomine couldn't help but snort. "As if Kise could compare to me, he won't be able to use Tetsu's full power."

Unfazed, Akashi said, "Then I will be Tetsuya's light."

He paused and stared hard at the red head, who doesn't look like he was kidding not that Akashi is the type to joke anyway. He sighed. "I'll do what I can."

"Hurry up Daiki," Akashi ordered. "I want Tetsuya to be with us before the Championship."

With that settled, Akashi left; leaving him with the thoughts of his impending meet up with Kuroko.

"Da—I mean, Aomine-kun!"

He turned his head and found Momoi waiting for him. "Satsuki."

"Aren't you going to change yet?" Momoi asked while rummaging for her phone in her bag that was ringing incessantly.

He slowly stood up from his spot and gave his childhood friend a pat on the head. "I'll stay here for a while so you can go on ahead. Spend some time with your friends or the other managers," he said and turned around to grab a basketball.

He puzzlingly looked back at Momoi when he heard her gasped and found the pink head covering her mouth with her two hands and staring at him with tears in her eyes. "What the hell? Satsuki, what's wrong?" he asked, scowling.

Momoi grabbed his arms tightly. "Dai-chan, are you dying?" she asked frantically, reflexively calling him by his childhood nickname. "Did you hit your head or something? You're never this nice. We should call the hospital!"

"Shut up Satsuki! I'm fine," he growled, an annoyed vein ticking on his forehead and removed Momoi's hands in him. "You're exaggerating as always."

Momoi pouted. "Well, you're acting weird."

"I'll practice some more, okay," he said. "So you don't have to wait for me."

"Whatever you say Dai-chan. I'll see you tomorrow then," Momoi said and waved goodbye to him before skipping towards the gym door where the other two managers were waiting for her.

Aomine sighed. "Time to meet Tetsu, I guess."


Aomine spun the ball that he brought atop of his finger as he opened the door to the fourth gym. He glanced around inside, his eyes searching for the teal head. "Tetsu, you in here?"


He jumped in surprise when and dropped the ball from his finger when he heard Kuroko's soft voice beside him. He turned to his side, glaring at the teal head. "Tetsu don't scare me!"

"I'm sorry," Kuroko apologized and gazed up at him in confusion. "What are you doing here Aomine-kun?"

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, I heard from Akashi that you're practicing here and I thought that you could use a partner or something."

"I don't mind having Aomine-kun as my partner," said Kuroko. "But I'm not a very good player though."

"Everyone is good at something," he said as he started to dribble the ball that he dropped. "You just haven't found what yours is yet. And whether you're good or not, I don't care just as long as both of us are having fun playing basketball together, right?"

Kuroko let out a small smile at him. "I hope you won't regret what you just said Aomine-kun."

"I won't." Nor would I ever will.

And that's what they did, they played basketball nonstop. He didn't hold back against Kuroko especially when the teal head looked so determined. There were times when Kuroko would unconsciously use his weak presence and would try to steal the ball from his hands but he doesn't know misdirection yet so it didn't work out plus the fact that he was already used to Kuroko's weak presence on the court. But even so, for him, playing with Kuroko again was nostalgic and yet at the same time also fun.

And so they continued to play and play, forgetting the world outside the two of them and the one thing that was important to them both.

Until Aomine find himself genuinely grinning while playing basketball with Kuroko.

He easily passed the teal head's defense and shot the ball from the three-point line. "My win again," he said, grinning at Kuroko.

Kuroko panted. "I'm no match for you Aomine-kun."

He slung an arm around Kuroko's shoulders. "C'mon Tetsu cheer up, it's just for today. One day you're going to pass my defenses but until then practice hard."

"I'll try Aomine-kun," Kuroko said. "But for now, stop leaning on me. You're heavy."

He quickly removed his arm. "Oops, sorry Tetsu." He eyed the teal head carefully as Kuroko panted in exhaustion. "But man, you're stamina is really, really weak Tetsu."

"Aomine-kun is just abnormal," Kuroko retorted in between huffs.

"Hey, don't blame it on me," Aomine stared at Kuroko for a while. "Let's do this again tomorrow Tetsu."

Kuroko nodded, smiling at him a little. "Yes."


Aomine poked Kuroko's lifeless body after their intense one-on-one. "Oi, Tetsu don't sleep here. You'll catch a cold and Akashi will kill me if you caught one," he said still poking the teal head.

"I'm sorry," Kuroko murmured, still lying down with his face on the floor. "I'll get up in a moment."

"You're not even moving!" he complained before sighing and gently pulled Kuroko's arm to drape onto his shoulders. He helped Kuroko stand and carefully deposited him against the wall. He took the teal head's towel and threw it on Kuroko's head. "Here. At least dry yourself."

"Thank you Aomine-kun," Kuroko muttered weakly as he dried himself. "You can be considerate at times."

His left eye twitched in annoyance. "Oi, I'm always considerate."

Kuroko chose to ignore him and just drank his bottle of water. "It's not fair that Aomine-kun isn't even sweating that much."

He smirked. "Because I'm just that great."

"Humble, too," Kuroko sarcastically muttered before eyeing him. "Kise-kun didn't come today."

Aomine scowled in irritation at the mention of that blond. "Yeah, good riddance," he said, not even hiding the annoyance in his voice.

Once Kise found out about his one-on-one practice with Tetsu, that idiot came barreling at the fourth gym demanding that he wants to join and also whining that he wants to spend time with Kuroko. Kuroko was okay with it but for him it was the opposite. His late night practice with Tetsu was just for the two of them and he won't have Kise come between them. But it seems like the blond doesn't get it and still barged in. He was (slightly) grateful that Akashi stepped in and forbade Kise from interfering with them.

He sat beside the teal head as he took his drink. "Akashi ordered Kise to train some more. Alone."

"It seems so weird that all of you listen to Akashi-kun," Kuroko observed.

He shrugged at that. Akashi can be scary when provoked. "You're stamina is getting better," he said, changing the subject.

"Yes," Kuroko nodded. "Though practice is still hard, I'm getting the hang of it." He then looked at him, eyeing the ball he was spinning on his finger. "When did you start playing basketball Aomine-kun?"

He thoughtfully looked up at the ceiling. "I don't remember. All I know is that I've been playing since I was little. I always challenged some adults to play with me in a street ball court. I guess that's where I picked up my own style."

Kuroko blinked at him. "Your own style?"

"Yup," he said as he stood up and started to dribble the ball. "It's called the formless style."

"Formless style?" Kuroko repeated.

Aomine grinned at Kuroko. "Watch," he said before running through the center of the court, dribbling the ball. Once in the free throw line, he jumped and shot the ball with his body almost parallel to the ground.

Kuroko watched in amazement at his skill and agility only to sweatdropped when the ball hit the board instead of going through the net. "That was…" he trailed off, "…almost impressive Aomine-kun."

"Tch!" he grumbled before running towards the ball. "Almost had it."

Kuroko slowly stood up from his spot and walked towards him. "When Aomine-kun said formless, you mean you don't use the standard position of shooting."

"Yeah," he shrugged. "In street ball, you can shoot however you want just as long as you can score. I got used to it, I guess."

"That's amazing," Kuroko praised.

Aomine awkwardly scratched the back of his neck at the compliment. "Yeah," he said. "Anyway, it's late. Let's go home."

"Alright," Kuroko agreed and smiled at him. "Let's play tomorrow Aomine-kun."

"Of course!" he said with a grin and before he knew it, he was holding up his fist to Kuroko; almost a reflex. He inwardly cursed himself when he noticed what he was doing and was about to pulled his fist back when Kuroko bumped his fist with his. He stared at the teal head in surprise and found Kuroko gently smiling at him. His grin got wider at that.

Suddenly, Aomine felt that everything was going to be all right.


"Here," Aomine said, handing Kuroko his GoriGori-kun.

Kuroko took the popsicle he offered. "Thank you Aomine-kun."

"How's your practice in the third string coming along?" he asked as he removed the wrapping of his popsicle and throwing it in the trash bin.

Kuroko sighed wearily. "It's hard."

"You'll get used to it soon enough."

Kuroko looked up at him. "What about Aomine-kun and everyone else?"

"Practice is fine," he shrugged. "Except when Akashi tends to be sadistic and punished us by doubling or tripling our training menu."

He frowned when he remembered the day that he got into a squabble with Kise the same time Murasakibara picked a fight with Midorima because of the green head's lucky item. Akashi got pissed at them and tripled their training regimen. Their seniors pitied them but none dared to oppose the red haired vice-captain and even Nijimura-senpai and Coach Sanada overlooked their punishment.

"Really?" said Kuroko, who seemed to surprise at what he said. "But Akashi-kun seems so nice."

His train of thought broke off at the teal head's words. "Don't get fooled by him Tetsu," he warned. "Trust me, that guy's a devil."

Kuroko doesn't seem entirely convinced but accepted his warning. "How long have you known everyone anyway?" he asked before licking his popsicle.

Aomine doesn't know how to respond to that so he safely answered, "A while but we're not that close. We only met because of basketball, as if I'll be friends with those crazy guys."

"But you seem like you get along well with each other," Kuroko commented.

He gave Kuroko a despairingly look which the teal head somehow find amusing. "We don't get along."

"Whatever you say Aomine-kun," said Kuroko, hiding a smile. "What about basketball, do they play just like you?"

"No," he shook his head. "We have our own style. Kise can copy movements once he sees them, Midorima is good at three pointers, Murasakibara has a good defense and also good at offense and Akashi can do pretty much everything."

"Hmm…" Kuroko mulled at the info he'd given him. "A style of your own, huh?"

Aomine got distracted when he saw a game arcade in the distance. He grabbed Kuroko's wrist excitedly and tugged him forward. "Tetsu, let's play at the arcade!"

"Wait, Aomine-kun!" Kuroko tried to stop him but it was useless and just sighed, following his whim.


Aomine was whistling with his hands in his pockets as he walked home with Momoi by his side. Since Kuroko had to go home early, they postponed their late practice and because he had nothing better to do (he ignored Kise's beg for a one-one-one), he decided to go home and buy a gravure magazine on the way to read later.

He turned to his childhood friend who kept glancing at him ever since they left school. "What?"

Momoi quickly averted her eyes from him. "Nothing!"

"Yeah, right," he snorted. "You kept staring at me for a while now."

"Well," Momoi said as she laced her fingers behind her back. "You're kind of grumpy when we started middle school but these past few days you seem to be smiling a lot and I wondered what's the reason for that."

He almost halted on his steps but he continued moving forward and at the thought of Kuroko, a grin showed on his face.

"Like that!" Momoi exclaimed while pointing at him. "You're grinning by yourself more often."

He pushed the finger pointed at his face and said, "I met a guy."

Momoi gasped, shocked. "Dai-chan, you're gay?!"

"Idiot, that's not what I meant!" he shouted, glaring at the pink head. "There's this guy that I've been practicing basketball with in the fourth auditorium."

"Oh," said Momoi, finally getting what he meant. "That guy must be good if you're having fun playing with him. Is it Akashi-kun?"

"Hell no, as if I'll have fun playing with him," Aomine rolled his eyes at the thought of the red head and suppressed his shiver when the thought of playing basketball with Akashi and having fun with it crossed his mind. "That guy is still in third string."

Momoi blinked. "Eh?"

"It's fine. He'll be promoted to first string soon," he said and buried his hands in his pockets. "You'll meet him then."

Momoi let out a soft smile while fondly looking at him. "I'm glad that you're having fun Dai-chan."

Aomine couldn't help the smile blossoming on his face. "Yeah, me too."


Aomine quickly apologized at the students he kept bumping into as he ran in the hallways towards Kuroko's class. It was after class and since basketball practice was cancelled due to reasons that he didn't bother listening to, he figured that he could practice with Kuroko instead (after shaking Kise from his trail of course; that guy was stubbornly persistent).

When he finally arrived at Kuroko's classroom, he abruptly slide the door open and called the teal head's name loudly. "Tetsu!" He paid no heed to the baffled and surprised looks that he was getting as he scanned for Kuroko inside.

"You're disturbing everyone Daiki."

He jumped in surprise and whirled towards the red head, who moved beside him without his notice. "Akashi?!" he asked in bewilderment. "What the heck are you doing here?"

Akashi arched an eyebrow at him. "This is my class Daiki."

"Huh?" His brows scrunched together as he took a step back and looked up at the class sign above the door to check of he got the wrong classroom. He turned his eyes back to Akashi. "But isn't this Tetsu's class?"

"Yes, it is. Tetsuya and I are classmates," answered Akashi.

"What!" He shakily pointed at the red head. "But-But, you're…I mean, you…" he trailed off and narrowed his eyes at Akashi. "Don't tell me, you—"

Akashi waved his hand dismissively, stopping him from finishing his accusation. "What do you need Tetsuya for, Daiki?"

Aomine sighed and pocketed his hands. "To ask Tetsu to practice with me."

"I see. Tetsuya is at the library borrowing a book. He should still be there and perhaps talking to Shintarou," Akashi said and gestured for him to move aside so he could get out of the classroom. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to hand the class journal to my homeroom teacher."

He didn't bother asking the red head how he knew what Kuroko was doing but he was wondering about something. "Wait, Akashi!" he called, stopping Akashi.

Akashi glanced back at him. "What is it?"

"When will you teach Tetsu misdirection?" he asked. He couldn't wait to be Kuroko's light again, to be his partner again.

Akashi smirked. "Soon, Daiki. Soon," was his vague reply before walking away.

Aomine clenched his fists in his pocket. He wants that soon to come fast.


Aomine and Kuroko were sitting and lounging inside the fourth auditorium as they decided to take a break from playing. Aomine watched as Kuroko pensively peered at the ball in his hands. It didn't escape his notice how the teal head looked distracted that day and seemed to have a lot of things in mind. He figured that it wasn't any of his business and would wait when Kuroko was ready to talk. But waiting wasn't really his strong point and he got impatient.

"What's wrong Tetsu?" he asked, his patience already ran out.

Kuroko blinked as if snapping from his thoughts before looking up at him. "What do you mean Aomine-kun?"

"You're not acting like your usual self so I thought that you might have a problem or something," he said, shifting awkwardly. He really wasn't the type to give advice but if it's Kuroko he'll try his best.

Kuroko returned his gaze back to the ball in his hands. "I was thinking of something," he said. "Do you remember when you told me about your own style Aomine-kun and even everyone's style?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "What about it?"

"I can't forget what you said at that time," said Kuroko. "And then an idea sprouted in my mind."

His brows furrowed while looking at Kuroko as he took his pocari sweat to drink.

"What if there's style that was intended for me and only I can use it?"

Aomine choked on his drink. Kuroko gently patted him on the back as he started to cough and tried to gasp for air. When his cough has finally subsided, he stared wide eyed at the teal head. "Wh-What did you just say?"

Kuroko was watching him in confusion but answered him anyway. "I said, what if there's a unique style that I could play in basketball."

He stared at the teal head in astonishment. Could it be possible that Kuroko figured out his misdirection style even without Akashi's help? But it looks like Kuroko was still unsure about it. Despite that, he was surprised that the teal head thought about his own style just because he told him about his formless style in basketball. As much as he wants to tell Kuroko about misdirection, he can't. Not just because Akashi will skin him alive if he did but because he doesn't know much about that style even if Kuroko was his shadow and partner or even when they became enemies. He gets the mechanics of it since he was his light but he doesn't understand it the way Kuroko does or even Akashi.

He opened his mouth to say something encouraging to the teal head but he was interrupted when the door of the gym suddenly opened. Both he and Kuroko turned towards it and found Akashi watching them with a blank expression.

"So you're both here," said Akashi while walking towards them.

Kuroko stood up and he followed suit but didn't greeted the red head unlike Kuroko. "Akashi-kun."

He watched in uncertainty as Akashi intensely stared Kuroko. "Do you need something Akashi?" he asked.

"Yes, I do," Akashi said, not taking his eyes away from the teal head. "I need to talk to Tetsuya."

He raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

Akashi gave him a knowing look. "I need to speak with Tetsuya alone, Daiki," he repeated.

His eyes widen in surprise when he finally understands what the red head meant. "Uh, yeah sure," he mumbled. "See you tomorrow Tetsu."

"See you Aomine-kun."

Aomine gave Kuroko one last look and glanced at Akashi for a second before quietly leaving the fourth gym. He closed the door and leaned against it for a moment before sighing and walked away.

It was finally time for his shadow to be back by his side.

A/N: If you're wondering about Haizaki, he'll show up soon. In the canon, Kuroko met Akashi in Oct. and admitted in the first string in Dec. of their first year while in this story, it is still May. There's a purpose for this, which I can't tell since I don't want to spoil it for you.

And I only just noticed that Akashi-kun is mentioned here a lot. That was totally unintentional.