Noble Parties III

Author's Notes: Alright, time for the thrilling (ha, no way) conclusion to the first story arc of Rekka No Ken: Side Stories! Been a long time coming and I'm glad to finally conclude it and move on to something new. Next time though, Michael will take the spotlight, as well as the first introduction of Jake in the timeline for Rekka No Ken! For those of you who have good enough a memory to remember Michael mentioning a certain incident that Jake made him shut up about back in Valor, this will be telling THAT story. Expect some funny moments there as well.

Now, I have a poll set up for you all to decide which Fic I update next. I'll be asking you all to decide what chapter I'll write each month (this is for February). To keep things fair, every month, I'll remove the fic that won that month's poll so I don't get repeat victories. It's just a way to keep things fair and fresh with all the ones I have going. Plus, it gives me time to come up and refine ideas. With all that said, enjoy the chapter!

With all eyes watching Lyn and her escorts as they marched over to the center of the room, the resulting silence could have made it possible for a pin to drop and still have everyone hear it. Lyn was more mindful than usual, making sure her dress didn't flutter for too long in the resulting breeze lest her fragile humility and regality be destroyed in an instant. Florina, the friend that she was, immediately took to walking by Lyn's immediate left to block any view in case such an event occurred. Though… Wil may have been taking the brunt of the audience's staring as they eyed his outfit. Either Collin was a master strategist on par with Michael, or he just knew how to transform someone into a fashion disaster.

"Now, Lyn…" Florina whispered to the young lordling as she kept up her best regal expression. "They'll all expect you to make a speech. Not to put much pressure on you, but you'll need a first-rate speech to help break through the racial barrier." Florina: the soother of souls.

"Florina…" Lyn sighed out of the corner of her mouth. "Saying things like that… doesn't actually make me feel better. It just makes me feel more anxious."

"That's the idea," Florina smirked. "With this, all you need to do is treat it like a battle and you'll win no problem! …Of course me not having to brandish a lance might help matters."

Lyn noted the oddly backhanded compliment with a teasing grin. "…I don't know if that's a compliment to my sword skills or an insult to my speaking skills…" While Florina did help Lyn brush up on her dignitary skills, to which, Lyn was eternally grateful, she was still her friend first and that meant tossing out the occasional joking jab at the other now and again.

"I-I didn't mean it that way!" Florina began to fluster in front of everyone, her face turning beat red, "I-I mean… I would NEVER insult you k-knowingly Lyn! You have to believe me…"

"Lady Florina," Sain whispered from his position. "I do believe you are causing a scene…! While it may prove a more useful distraction than Sir Wil's attire, I suggest we leave that for a more precarious time…!"

"Sain…" Kent began to snap at him before quickly collecting himself, "That is… an excellent idea. I'm impressed." Wil decided to let both comments go for the sake of team morale and because he couldn't think up a witty enough retort.

"I am under the distinct impression that you think me a fool, Kent. Tell me I'm wrong for thinking such a thing," Sain replied, partly joking but also sounding a little more serious than what was the norm for him.

Of course, he was quickly and successfully ignored by his redheaded companion as Kent walked out from the group and took root in front of Lyn. He cleared his throat by coughing into his hand before standing straight and addressing the crowd of nobles gathered before him. "Ladies and gentlemen of our honorable noble houses!" he yelled loud enough for hopefully all to hear, "On behalf of our Marquess Hausen, I greet and thank you all for attending this gala on such short notice. We are gathered here to bear witness to Lord Hausen's next of kin and heir to the throne of Caelin; his granddaughter Lady Lyndis! Might all here tonight gaze upon her splendor and be at peace."

As Kent finished his speech, the nobles began to mutter amongst themselves. Kent bowed and began to walk back towards the group, a pleased smile on his face from a job her thought well done. Sain could do nothing more than cover his face with his palms and slide them down his face in agony.

"Kent, whhhhyyyyy you do thiisssss…?" Sain whispered to himself. The man didn't know he stood no chance for her heart while not even recognizing he wanted it! This would require many vats of alcohol and several nasty rumors from the neighboring taverns on a later date.

"Hmm…" Casanova hummed to himself as he sipped his tea from afar. "She commands a great amount of respect and adoration from her little guards. They stick to her like flies to a cowpat. Now how exactly do I chase away the flies so that I might make my move…?" As Casanova delved even deeper into his musings, someone tapped his shoulder,

"Yes?" he asked as he looked towards his right.

"Excuse me, but… who are you and why are you at our table?" Camael asked as he put one of his arms between Casanova and his family. "And why are you drinking our tea? Out of my teacup…"

Casanova looked down to his cup and then back to Camael, repeating the same motion several times before setting the cup back down on the table and clearing his throat. "I apologize, milord. It seems I was entranced more than I'd care to admit by the young lady's entrance earlier. Terribly sorry about intruding upon your space like that." Casanova gave his game ending smile, hoping it would ignite some favor within the noble's female companions so that they might deliver him from the situation.

"You're creepy," Uriel winced.

Alas, tis not to be…

Gabriel took a step forward and began to leer at Casanova, almost as if she were giving him a thorough look over. When she pulled back her stare, she responded with, "Well, if you're all collected now, please leave. And don't think it'll be as easy as you'd expect it to be."

"P-Pardon, milady?" Casanova almost stumbled. Whatever did she mean by that? Could the rumors about him have spread as high up as to the more experienced ladies of the court?! Why, he was practically famous!

"You have the same look plastered over your face ALL men have when they've baser thoughts on the mind. I'd rethink about what you're about to do if I were you," Gabriel responded before taking her daughter by the hand and walking off towards a different table to keep her daughter from becoming a potential victim.

Casanova was left completely flabbergasted, with no one left but Camael as company. He looked to the older noble and gave a shaky nod and bow before begging for his pardon and escaping.

Lyn's feet were shacking. Why did Kent have to announce her presence like that? She could barely walk in her heels, much less do so while being watched. Seriously, how did women walk in these small death traps?! Fighting was all but impossible with such footwear. Come to think of it, Lyn would much rather prefer fighting a group of bandits with a small stick than be here right now.

"Lyn?" Florina asked as she tapped the back of Lyn's shoulder.

Oh, thank goodness! Leave it to Florina to save her from this situation! Bless her heart.

"You need to say something to all these people. They're all waiting for you to speak."

'E tu, Florina? Why must you throw me to the wolves?' Lyn cried in her head.
What to say, what to say? She only ever taught her about proper etiquette and (barely) how to walk in heels. "D-Do I?" Lyn asked, her cheeks turning a slight shade of red.

Lyn could swear she saw one of Florina's nerves pop out of the side of her head for a split second. "Lyn, this is your duty. Just appeal to their vanity, you'll be fine."

"…Florina, you didn't happen to plan on doing that to find employment once you got to Lycia, did you?" Lyn asked as Florina and Sain began to guide her to the center of the room for all to see.

"Not like I had to use it though," Florina muttered as an aside. "Give it your all, Lyn!"

With a slight shove, Lyn found herself all on her lonesome in a sea of metaphorical beasts. Every nobles' eyes set upon her as she stood there, paralyzed in fear. Instinctively, she hovered a hand over her side, trying to feel for her sword. Alas, swords have no place in pleasurable company. Lyn began to pull her hand back to place, but she felt something being slipped into it instead. Turning towards her side, she saw Sain sliding a glass of wine into her hand. She tossed him a questioning stare that he returned for a week before stepping away. Lyn looked at her glass, then back towards the crowd, and knew what she had to do.

Taking a huge breath, Lyn took a small swig from her glass and cleared her throat, "Noble ladies and gentlemen of Lycia! Please, allow me to welcome you to the humble dwellings of Castle Caelin. While this gala might have been called to introduce me to the royal courts, bear me no mind! Please, drink, eat, socialize to your heart's content. After all, one woman such as myself isn't so important that she demands special treatment!" finishing her little spiel, Lyn took the glass to her mouth and downed the rest of the contents, as if making a point.

From his placement, Sain looked on in stunned horror as half the crowd (mostly men) roared in approval of the act. That wine was some of the strongest the castle had to offer! She was only supposed to toast with it then drink some to establish a mood of goodwill! "Oh no…"

"Woo!" Lyn shuddered as she shook her head, the aftertaste climbing up her throat and onto her tongue as an intense warmth spread in her stomach. This wine had a bigger punch to it than what she was used to. Not to mention how it was severely lacking in the sweetness most Sacean alcohol she had partaken in.

"Eh… Lyn?" Florina asked as she gave Lyn a close glance. "Are you feeling alright? You just downed an entire glass of wine like it was nothing. Florina took the glass from Lyn's hand and sniffed it, the overwhelming smell of its now consumed contents burning her nostrils slightly. "It smells strong…" Florina pinched her nose while wincing.

"I'll be fine," Lyn waved off Florina's concern. "Let me just lie down and eat some of those fancy cheeses and I'll be fine." Florina had the nagging suspicion that she most definitely wouldn't be fine. It never stopped at just one drink.

Why was it never just one?!

From his post in the corner, Wil wasn't exactly blessed with a terrific view of the event for the evening, but even then, with his trained eyes, he could make out some things. Further supplemented with any reactions and comments from the party goes, he could guess that Lyn had done something jaw-dropping. If they wanted a show, they should see her fight. Or watch her and Michael try not to flirt. "Nice to see someone's enjoying themselves here…" Wil could have killed to get his hands on some of those fancy cheeses.

"Sir Wil!" a voice whispered into his ear along with a tapping on his shoulder. The archer didn't even need to turn around to know it was Sain asking for his attention. "Hey, Sain. What's up?"

"Have you not been watching the unfolding events? Things are going to get very messy very quickly." Sain quickly glanced to Lyn and then to Kent before making eye-contact with Wil again. "As loathe as I am to say this… we shall need to actually work for a change."

Wil's eyebrow quickly shot up. He couldn't believe his own ears. "Sain, you're actually sounding halfway responsible. Did Kent break you or something?"

Sain cleared his throat before resting his hands upon Wil's shoulders. "I'll not dignify that question with a response, but level with me here, Sir Wil. I know a thing or two about the nobility. And I know two or three things about their social gatherings. Based on said knowledge, we shall be quickly trying to salvage many a situation within the coming hour."

"And?" Wil asked, waiting for the green knight to make his point.

"It'll take weeks to get the bloodstains out of the marble if we don't act in time," Sain concluded. The last time he had been witness so such developments… "Just remembering my parents' last party makes me shudder…"

"Blood?" Wil repeated, now invested in this conversation. "Why would there be blood? Sain… what do you know that you're not telling me?" However, Sain had already run off to whoever knows where, leaving Wil alone with those dubious words echoing in his ears. "… This is gonna end with one of us being a laughing stock, isn't it?" He sighed to himself as he looked down at his suit once more. He now couldn't help fight off the feeling that he had a giant bullseye on his back.

Casanova looked on towards Lyn as she downed her third glass of wine. Never had he seen a woman such as her down such liquor as quickly as she did! Why, if it weren't for the fact he was trying to bed her (along with not being the loving sort) Casanova would be sure he was falling in love. Alas, he could already see his victory. A woman running on the sweet delights of Lycian alcohol ran low on inhibition and high on rash decisions. The perfect type of woman, if Casanova were to be honest about his tastes.

'I'll fancy myself a drink as well while I wait for the grapes of love and lust to work their magic…' His nose had captured the faint aroma of some vintage Black Swan; one of the best wines in all of Lycia. Such a commodity that it couldn't even be sold abroad with how quickly supplies were bought up by the local nobility.

"Would you like a drink, good sir?" a male voice asked from behind him with a tap on Casanova's shoulder. A wide smile immediately spread over his face. Leave it to the servants of a castle to be so quick on the take!

"Oh, yes, thank you!" Casanova practically sang as he spun around to meet the servant carrying the platter of drinks. "Oh?" This servant was dressed in armor. Green armor (which was very aesthetically pleasing if Casanova was being honest) and a sword at his side. Wait… This wasn't a servant at all! "Who are you, pray tell?"

Sain took a glass of wine and handed it to Casanova before taking one for himself, putting the platter down on a nearby table. He raised it in a toast before taking a sip of some himself and glaring at Casanova with barely contained contempt. "Who I am is of no importance," Sain began. "However, I know who YOU are. Giacomo Casanova: heart breaker and bed-warmer of Lycia."

Casanova's hairs stood on end as the knight spoke his name. This could be a sticky situation if handled improperly. "Er… What is it you want exactly, sir knight?" Casanova took a sip of the wine hoping he could look more composed than he felt.

Sain placed the wine glass down on the table, extending his smallest finger onto the table to muffle the sounds of the glass hitting the table with experienced and calculated grace. "You shall NOT worm your way into Lady Lyndis's bed on this night. Or on ANY night."

Casanova stopped himself from taking another sip of the wine, also setting it down on the table. The edges of his lips curled into a smile while he chuckled a little. "Oh? And how would you think such a thing, Sir Knight? I was sent as a representative of my family."

"I'm well aware of your philandering ways," Sain continued, completely ignoring Casanova. "Whenever you volunteer to go wherever the winds of fancy blow in place of your middling noble family, a daughter of some reputable noble is taken to bed by you that night. Sadly, you are biting off FAR more than you can chew this time, good sir." His posture was rigid like the teachings of the church, back straightened like a pole perfectly hammered into the ground, and a scowl the likes of which only the most experienced of nannies could produce.

Trying to retain his cool, Casanova tried to probe this knight for information… and to keep himself from becoming intimate with the business end of the knight's sword. "If you know that much about me, (of which I am both grateful and desorbed by) then you must surely know that the women I have any and all trysts with always find themselves with many admirers and potential husbands, do you not? Surely your beautiful lady must find herself in the need of a suitable male companion to warm her bedside for many a future nights? Not to mention a husband fit to aid her in governing her land." Casanova paid a mindful eye to a petite young woman in a dress standing behind the knight, about to tap on his shoulder before she saw that the two were speaking. He couldn't help but think her a beauty on par with the fair Lyndis.

"Already taken care of," Sain replied harshly. Casanova made a double take before giving Sain a raised eyebrow of skepticism. "She already found herself a suitable partner some time ago. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if she were with child now!" Of course, Sain was lying about that last part, but what did Casanova know about the truth of the matter? Really, Sain just wanted to keep Lyn pure for her own sake as well as Michael's… and to prevent any bloodshed that would ensure from her being pursued by a man such as Casanova.

"Reeeeaaaaally?" Florina asked as she put her hands on her hips and began to tap her foot at Sain. Sain's eyes went wide with shock, his color draining from his face in an instant as he turned around only to cower in fear of the 4'9 monster behind him. "Sain, is there something I don't know that you should… inform me of? I'd quite like to know why Lyn wouldn't have told me herself she's with child…"

What Sain wouldn't give for Florina is be the shrinking violet she was supposed to be right now. "N-Now look her, Lady Florina darling, I can assure you that if you only lend me a few moments of your time I can bring you up to spe- Gah!"

With a flash, Florina wrapped her fingers around Sain's ear and whipped over to her side before pulling him away towards Kent, who none the wiser, was attempting to communicate with Lyn as she downed her third glass of wine. "We'll hear your defense once we reach your judge."

"I hope he's in a merciful mood…" Sain bit back as his eyes began to water. "Please, Lady Florina? Your grip is VERY strong…!"

Casanova was left dumb-struck by the stupid coincidence that had spared him the metaphorical rod. "… Are they an item?" he guessed. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Clearly if he were more concerned about the knight as of now, he obviously was worrying too much.

"Lady Florina?" Kent asked as he pulled himself away from Lyn, who was now trying to take the entire bottle of wine that had been prepared for her, "Why are you pulling Sain along by his ear? (Lady Lyndis, PLEASE, put the bottle down! You've had enough!)"

Sain shot Kent a pleading look as Florina frowned down at him. "You'll never guess what slime he was spewing when I went over to him!"

Kent sighed to himself as he pinched the ridge of his nose. "Who did he flirt with this time?" Kent barely had the energy to be mad at Sain anymore with how often this occurred.

"Some random guy that could really use a haircut," Florina replied.

"Two women that are lovely even when cruel…" Sain winced as Florina twisted his ear.

Kent was silent for a moment before he looked to Sain and weakly pointed a finger at him. "Him," Kent replied. "Bothering a man? S-Sain? Do you need to tell me something? Are you… How should I put this…?" Kent scratched his chin. "Are you… swinging for the other team now?"

Sain's body went limp at the accusation while Florina went as stiff as a board. Lyn, meanwhile, began to laugh, either from what Kent had implied, or from the alcohol, no one knew. "Ha!" Lyn hiccupped. "Sain, I guess women don't have to worry about you climbing into their beds any more, am I right?"

With that remark, Sain began to burst into tears, his intention to inform everyone about Casanova banished to the nether regions of his now broken psyche. Florina was so surprised by the outburst she let go of his ear, freeing Sain from her grasp as he began to run away, wiping away tears as he ran. Both shocked and horrified by what he had done to cause Sain such distress, Kent began to run after him to apologize, with Florina close behind him, though her feet were going to smart after they were done running thanks to her footwear. Leaving Lyn… alone and unattended. With a mostly full bottle of wine. Oh JOY, would this end well.

Wait… Where was Wil during all this?

Casanova watched both knights and that devilishly charming young woman from earlier run off and through some doors leading to somewhere else in the castle. "By Saint Elimine herself, luck is with me on this fine day…" He was honestly surprised at how easy this would now turn out. What kind of knights leave their inebriated lord by herself when there's at least one other strange man in the room with her?!

Casanova would just have to take it upon himself to lead her to a comfortable place to rest her head until her stupor ended. Of course, she might need her clothes removed to feel more comfortable, and Casanova was always one to sacrifice himself once he began helping someone…

A wide grin appeared on his face for a moment before Casanova regained his senses. This wasn't a time to start patting himself on the back or engaging in the fantasies concocted by his imagination. It was a time for action!

With the utmost confidence, Casanova began to walk over towards Lyn, who was holding onto the seat she was sitting on for dear life as she tried to maintain her balance. As he drew closer, Casanova called out to her with his most gentle and caring tone, "Would you happen to need another shoulder to lean upon, milady?"

Lyn looked up towards the new voice with one eye half open and the other barely focusing on the room. "Who are you supposed to be?" She was doing her best to keep from slurring, but her willpower was fading fast.

"I'm glad you asked, mademoiselle!" Casanova smiled as began to pose. His pose involved holding his pointer finger and thumb at a ninety-degree angle right on his chin and his other hand being rested firmly on his hip and leaned forward on his right leg, as he envisioned himself by the ocean upon some rocks as waves crashed behind him in the background. "I am the ONE and ONLY man of passion, fire, and beauty: Guercio Casanova!"

Lyn looked at him for a split second, in which time, all her remaining willpower vanished within the illusionary waves Casanova had imagined around him. Her arms let go of the seat and she almost fell out of it from the sheer volume of his introduction. Saving herself from smacking her face onto the floor, Lyn stood up straight as responded with,

"You're just a bigger oaf then Sain ever was or will be."

Casanova felt the waves crash into him this time, the ocean swallowing him up whole as if he were merely a speck of sand on a giant beach. "E-Excuse me, milady?"

"You're an eyesore," Lyn told him. "A misfit, an insect, a generic solider with nothing to live for… a copper sword. Do you want me to go on?"

Casanova felt a switch flip with every insult Lyn lashed him with. Such will! Such confidence! Such… BEAUTY. "N-No more, thank you…" Casanova shivered as he felt himself shrivel to a fraction of his former size. Talk about being knocked down from a high pedestal. But the attraction he was feeling for this woman was now burning brighter and hotter than before! Why bed this woman once when he could work for her hand and have her every night?!

"Good," Lyn snorted as she felt her way back to her seat before sitting back down and grabbing the wine bottle. "Now buzz off; I'm on my honeymoon…" She put the bottle into her mouth and took a generous gulp.

"Honey…moon?" Casanova repeated as the fires of his desire sputtered to cinder. Oh, the gods were cruel… "W-whatever do you mean, my dear? Don't torture me with such teasing! Tell me it isn't so!"

Lyn put the bottle back down and snarled at Casanova. "Don't call me dear! And what part of "I'm married" didn't you understand?! Look, I've got a ring and everything!" Lyn pulled on her neckline and produced the locket Michael had given her, almost shoving it into Casanova's face. "There, you saw it! Now leave a pregnant woman alone so she can enjoy her drink…"

"PREGNANT?!" Casanova repeated at the top of his lungs, loud enough half the guests in the room had heard and shifted their attention to the two. "B-But why are you drinking then?! Are you insane?!"

"Don't argue with a pregnant lady…" Lyn warned him.

"Give me that bottle," Casanova suddenly demanded as he extended his open hand. He'd be damned if he endangered a child, born or otherwise.

He was immediately punched in the face for his trouble and lost consciousness. "I tell you no argue with pregnancy," Lyn began to babble as her head began to spin. "Now… let me nurse my b…baby…" Lyn clutched the bottle in her hands as her head fell onto her chest, fast asleep.

The audience of nobles looked on in shock and awe. It wasn't often you saw a noble rip into another quite like THAT on any occasion. They all began to murmur about whether any should intervene and transport the two to some rooms or leave them there and laugh at their predicament. Camael, who had by this time been rejoined by his wife and daughter was struggling about whether or not to carry Lyn to safety himself or wake her up now to question her regarding the whereabouts of his son. Gabrielle put an understanding hand on her husband's shoulder before shaking her head. He looked her in the eyes and sighed deeply, bowing his head.

"What in the devil is going on here?!" a new voice thundered from atop a stairway leading towards the main entryway to the throne room. "What's all this I hear about a bloodbath?!" To everyone attending the party's shock, Lord Hausen was present, hobbling over a cane that was shaking violently in his hand, as Wil stood by next to him hunched over as a second support for the still weak Marquess.

Lord Hausen surveyed the scene with barely open eyes and huffed at its entirety. "What are all you pig-nosed barbarians doing in MY castle drinking MY wine and eating MY food?! I hope you'll recompense me for such losses!"

Wil looked at his lord like he had just initiated a Lycian Civil War. Even his suite had turned pale from such a declaration!

The nobles all looked upon the Marques in silence for a moment before bursting out into thunderous laughter. 'Oh, Hausen, there's the wit I missed!' and 'Ah, such a typical greeting of his' and other such remarks filled the air before it all died down.

"Get out of my house and never speak of this to anyone," Hausen advised the whole lot of them with as much of a yell as his body could muster. "If anyone who didn't attend thinks I've lost my gallant hosting abilities, I'll be a laughing stock."

Wil looked on in shock and awe as everyone began to nod, offer their condolences, and LEAVE like nothing had happened. "What… What just happened?" He could swear he heard lord Hausen whisper "Deus Ex Machina" under his breath, but he wasn't sure.

Two Days Later…

Lyn finally finished scribbling down the last details of the party onto a piece of paper before dropped her quill and stretching out her arms. She had to get Wil and her grandfather's testaments for how the gala had ended, since she had fallen asleep towards the end. Though there was this dull pain in her fist she couldn't shake off. Did she punch Sain at one point? That idea was more plausible than she thought.

"I hope he responds fast…" Lyn smiled as she took the piece of paper and rolled it up neatly. This would be her only way to communicate with Michael for the next year since that huss-woman Anna had kidna-taken him back to Bulgar with her for him to work off his debt.

Lyn reached down towards her chest and picked up the locket hanging freely from her neck. She cupped it in her hands and kissed it, hoping that just maybe when Michael returned for it that he would feel the eagerness and pent up emotions that plagued her without his presence.

"Lady Lyndis?" Kent's voice called out as he knocked on her closed door.

"Come in!" Lyn told him before the sound of the door filled the room.

The knight bowed to her before presenting her with a letter of her very own. "This… letter arrived for you today."

Lyn's eyes light up, hope flooding through her entire body before immediately dying down. "Michael couldn't have responded yet. He'd still be hiking back to Bulgar…" Lyn really needed to get herself a hobby if she was going to survive this year with her sanity intact.

Kent winced as she took the letter from his hand. "Well, yes, about that… I accidentally inspected the letter before coming to you… I wanted to make sure there wasn't any questionable writing…" In truth, when Kent had been on his way to deliver the letter, both Sain and Florina had managed to intercept him. They had gotten into a scuffle over the letter when Kent had informed them about it and they had ended up "accidentally" opening it by "accidentally" opening the seal and "accidentally" letting it fall onto the floor and unrolling itself.

Lyn blocked out the rest of Kent's excuse as she read over the letter, rushing through each line of text. "Kent?" Lyn asked, cutting him off as she looked at him with a confused frown. "Who the heck is Casanova and why does he want to court me?"

"That's what we would like to know!" Sain replied, his and Florina's eyes peeking out from the doorway.

"When did you two get here?" Lyn asked them, clicking her tongue against her teeth as she placed the letter down. She would be very eager to hear about this happy little coincidence.

"They were… ah, accompanying me, my lady," Kent began to hurriedly explain. He could feel his collar tighten. "Once they were informed of a letter addressed to you, they, along with myself, thought it prudent that this letter be delivered to you without haste and as safety as possible." Technically, Kent wasn't lying. He was simply just not telling the whole truth.

Sain popped his head into view as he bobbled it up and down. "It's true! The cutthroat information game the nobility plays can be very lucrative! Why, I remember a scandal a few years back involving a Marquess and a fish that blew up to such a degree you couldn't even fathom it!"

"Concerned friends are the best of friends, Lyn," Florina agreed with the other two as she pushed Sain aside and walked into her room. She looked at the letter with a sour frown and then set her gaze on Michael's locket before looking Lyn in the eyes. "So Lyn, you sure you didn't accidentally accept a marriage proposal at all during the party… right?"

Elsewhere, high on a watch tower, Wil was busy taking a nap. He finally had some free time after the events of the gala two days ago, the responsibility of knight sub-commander falling upon his shoulders temporarily while Sain was recovering from some "horrendous and truly character-destroying accusations" that had been tossed his way by Kent. Wil would have loved to know what exactly had been said, especially since it was Kent being the one to say it, but he had been sworn to secrecy by Sain to never speak of the incident. Oh well, at least Wil could take a nap…

His reverie was crushed as a muscular hand grabbed one of his shoulders. What came next would forever haunt Wil in his deepest and darkest nightmares.

"Hhhhhhheeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeee'sss WALLACE."