a/n: it's so short but i had to write it okay

prompt came from imagineyourotp on tumblr!


"Haru, I'm cold. Damn blanket-hog..."

"You keep kicking me."

"So you decided to steal the blankets?!"

The black-haired teen shrugged. "I won't feel it so much with blankets between us."

A veritable growl left the redhead then. "Haru, let me back under the damn blankets before I freeze my ass off."

Haru seemed to ponder it for a moment before acquiescing, gently throwing the puffy blanket over Rin. "I like your ass where it is," he said in reply, allowing his eyes to finally shut.

Rin let out a scandalized sounding gasp, booting his boyfriend in the leg. A single blue eye cracked open at the black-haired teen mumbled, "Ouch. Why did you do that?"

"Don't talk about my ass!" exclaimed the redhead, cheeks hot as blood rushed to them.

The other eye opened, and Rin was rather alarmed by the suddenly mischievous look in them. When Haru's arms wrapped around him, hands coming to rest on the firm cheeks of his ass, a shocked squeak escaped him. "But your ass is great. The water agrees," he argued, sliding their bodies flush against one another, his breath warming the redhead's lips as they hovered inches apart.

"D-don't be a pervert," he whispered, flushing all the way down his neck.

Haru said nothing in return, choosing to reply by pressing their lips together instead. It took a moment, since Rin was a stubborn bastard, but eventually the redhead returned the kiss, albeit sulkily. If Haru was the type to smile, he'd have been grinning.

"Pervert," repeated the redhead once their lips separated, red eyes glinting in the dark.

"I've never heard you complain about it before," Haru practically hummed in response, fingers lightly tracing his boyfriend's bare back and causing him to shiver. "Why now?"

This seemed to fluster Rin. "Because we're sleeping together for the first time a-and that's a big deal to me and—"

A slender finger on his lips cut him off, and he caught amusement in Haru's deep blue eyes. "Rin, we've already had sex more times than I can count on one hand and you're getting sentimental about sharing a bed for the night?"

Rin's cheeks heated up once more. "Don't make fun of me, jerk!" He looked down, nibbling on his lower lip. "It's just...we're going to wake up together for the first time. Deal with each other's nasty morning breath. The real couple-y things. Isn't that special to you at all?"

Something in Haru's stoic heart melted, and he found himself smiling without even really meaning to. "Of course it is. I'm just not a sap about it."

Rin exhaled slowly through his nose, shaking his head in exasperation. "Whatever, let's just go to sleep."

Still smiling, Haru kissed his forehead and tugged him closer. "Goodnight, Rin."

He felt soft lips gently touch the skin of his chest, followed by a nuzzle and a soft exhale. "Goodnight, Haru."

Slowly, their breaths began to even out, and a soft snore picked up.

"Rin, you're kicking me again. And snoring."

"Shut up, Haru."


i hope you all enjoyed this very short, fluffy piece of shit that i spewed out at literally six in the morning after no sleep

i need more rinharu ideas so yeah if anyone has any requests that'd be great (or marinka or reigisa, i'm not picky)

afom out~