"Princess Anna?" Kai called for Anna. It was Anna's first day in college ever since she moved from England. She is the princess of England, but her parents wanted her to get a better education and a great future job, so her parents, the King and Queen of England decided to fly her over to America and get the education she needed.

After she gets the education, Anna will be going back to England, being the smart princess her parents have always dreamt of. But of course that would be in a few years.

Anna doesn't want to be the smart princess that her parents always dreamt of. She felt pressured and she was afraid to let her parents down because she loves her parents deeply. The ginger although, was at least extremely excited to live in America and see what the country is like and is all about. She especially couldn't wait to meet new people.

"Huh?" Anna groaned while being woken up for her first day of college.

"I'm sorry to wake you ma'am-" Kai said while being interrupted by Anna.

"No, no, no! It's okay! I'm awake" She reassured Kai, with her heavy british accent, stretching and yawning. "I'm awake, don't worry! I've been up for hours!"

"Alright ma'am. I'll let you go get ready" As Kai said, leaving Anna's door.

"Oh god… England and American times messes up my sleep" Anna groaned, trying to wake up from her grogginess. She slowly emerged, waking up completely from the tiredness.

The ginger woke up. She saw packages of new clothing her parents have bought her. She got so excited and couldn't decide what to wear on her first day of college. Finally, a decision was made. She has chosen an oversized green knitted sweater, with black leggings, and tan Uggs. Anna loved the way the outfit looked on her. She went to fix her bed head. She went into her bathroom and started to brush her hair. It was so knotty that it took fifteen minutes for her hair to be fully brushed without knots. Anna had a wavy like ginger hair, that was as long as below her shoulders and above her elbows. It was long and beautiful.

After Anna has gotten ready, in America it was 7:00am. College didn't start until 8:30am. Anna got her notebooks and organized the notebooks by classes. After the ginger has done that, she rambled to herself.

"God i'm so nervous… What if no one likes me? Oh bloody hell, i'm sure someone will like me or at least be my friend." Anna thought to herself and said her thoughts out loud, quietly. There was a knock coming from the door.

"Yeah?" Anna asked. "It's me, Kai! You have to leave now ma'am." Kai said, from the other side of the door.

"Alright! I'll be right down!" Anna quickly rushing to get her things together.

As Anna got everything together, it was almost 8:00am. Anna said goodbye to Kai and got into her brand new car that the King and Queen bought for her. It was an Bugatti, and the color was baby pink. She drove to college and parked where no one would really park, so her new car was safe from the dumb and new drivers.

The college was enormous. Anna stood besides her car and stared at the building with amazement. "Whoa...This place is HUGE" She thought to herself.

"Okay, here we go…" Anna mumbled to herself, walking towards to the college.

As Anna is walking towards to the college, she sees this one girl. A short-haired brunette. The girl seemed really happy and outgoing.

"She's kind of cute." Anna thought to herself, walking into the doors of the huge school. Anna walks around, trying to find her first class of the day.

Her first class was math. Anna was nervous but she knows she can do it. She goes into the classroom and was the first one there. She finds a seat in the back of the classroom and rathers to sit in the back so no one notices her. The bell rings and people start coming into the classroom. The brunette came into the classroom and when Anna spotted her, she got happy on the inside. She felt like they would be good friends. The brunette comes up to Anna and introduces herself.

"Hello! I'm Rapunzel!" The brunette delightedly introduces herself.

"H-hi. I'm Anna" The ginger said shyly.

"I love that name! Okay, I'll sit by you." Rapunzel smiled at Anna, taking a spot next to her.

"Wow… Rapunzel's a nice name. She seems to be wanting to be friends with me" As Anna thought to herself, smiling like an idiot, not knowing she was staring at Rapunzel.

"Anna? Are you alright?" Rapunzel asked, waving in Anna's face.

"Oh! yeah! I-i'm sorry about that! I-" Anna stuttered, not knowing what to say. Rapunzel calmed her down and reassured Anna that she understand and that she was just daydreaming.

"Oh Anna, I remembered, there's someone I want you to meet. She's one of my best friends and I think you two would get along great." Rapunzel whispered to the ginger, smiling at her.

"A friend of hers? How could she possibly know her friend and I would get along?" Anna thought to herself, nodding to Rapunzel and pretending she's excited.

"What if I don't like her friend? What if I do end up liking her? God i'm so nervous now." As butterflies came into her stomach, making her feel more nervous and uneasy.

As the class passed on by and at the end of class, the bell rings and everyone was dismissed. Except for Anna. The teacher told her to stay with him for a few minutes.

"Hello, Anna. I am Professor Williams." he said as his hand was on Anna's shoulder. He stood 6'1 ft high, he had short brown hair with green eyes. He was wearing a black button up shirt with a rose red tie. He wore dark blue jeans and black shoes. He was a pretty fancy Professor you could say.

'HI professor." Anna said softly, looking up at the tall man. "May I go now? I have to look for my next class" She asked, politely. The Professor nodded and let her go.

Anna roamed in the crowded halls, looking for room 356. All of sudden, Rapunzel calls for Anna. The ginger turns around, and smiles to see Rapunzel.

"Hey Rapunzel! I'm looking for my class, and if you don't mind-" Anna was interrupted by Rapunzel.

"Of course i'll help you look for your next class!" Rapunzel took Anna's hand and ran through the crowded halls.

"Whoa! She's really faasst!"

Anna yelping, trying her best to dodge the people in the halls as Rapunzel pulls her, running to their next class.

"Whoa, Rapunzel! Please slow down, I need to catch my breath!" Anna said, still being pulled by the brunette.

As Rapunzel and Anna arrived to their next class, Anna was exhausted and panting from all the running and pulling by Rapunzel. Rapunzel was jumping excitedly and smiling big at the ginger. When Anna finally caught her breath, she smiled back at Rapunzel wearly.

"Alright, so what class is this again?" As Anna looked at the sheet of the paper with her schedule and the room numbers. Before Rapunzel could say anything, Anna found out what the class was.

"Oh, nevermind! It's History!" Anna looked away from the sheet of paper onto Rapunzel's face. The brunette was still smiling.

"Come on Anna!" As Rapunzel grabbed onto Anna's arm, pulling her once again. Rapunzel found a spot where her and the ginger could sit together. Anna was pleasantly surprised by the spot choice the brunette found for the both of them. Their seats were all the way in the back of the classroom, to the left. Anna loved it because she wouldn't be getting all the attention. The princess sat down behind Rapunzel's seat, as the brunette sat in her seat in front of Anna. They both were ten minutes early to class.

"So.. Tell me more about yourself." As Rapunzel faced towards Anna, resting her chin on her palm, staring at the ginger, smiling. Anna giggled, blushing and looking down at the desk.

"well.. I'm from England and i'm the prince-" Before Anna could even finish her sentence, Rapunzel knew.

"Whoa, wait! You're the princess of England?!" The brunette interrupted Anna, in surprise and excitement. Her eyes widen as Anna sat there, with her eyes wide open, in shock.

"Uh… Yes, yes I am." Anna resumed with a shaky, hesitant voice, adding;

"But you cannot tell anybody!" As she said in worry, while she rubs her hands together tightly.

"Don't worry Anna! I won't say a word. I promise." The brunette put her pinky out, reassuring the ginger.

"I pinky promise." She smiled.

Anna smiled then nodded softly, wrapping her pinky around Rapunzel's.

"Good" Anna said softly.

"So! How is it like being a princess? Also why are you here in America?" As the brunette asked in curiosity and excitement because she's friends with an actual princess.

"It's not that bad, actually. It's just, my parents expect a lot out of me because they're the king and queen and i'm the princess. I have to do princessy stuff and act like an classy, fancy, etiquette, princess." The ginger looked down, holding her hands together, twiddling her thumbs, slightly frowning. The brunette looked at Anna with understanding. Anna continued.

"I have to also learn what to do if I ever become the queen of England, which I probably will be. The reason why mother and father sent me over to America is because they wanted me to get a better education." Anna sighed. Rapunzel looked to her right, and pondered for a moment. Then she looked at Anna, grabbing her hands.

"Anna, I don't expect much out of you, but I will be here for you. You are a normal human being, just like us." She smiled a the ginger, holding her hands firmly. Anna looked up and smiled, holding Rapunzel's hands back tighter.

"Thank you, Rapunzel. That means a lot and i'm glad to have a friend like you." Anna said in her heavily british accent.

Rapunzel giggled "Gosh, I love your accent! And anytime!"

The bell rang and people started to walk into class, coming through the door. Anna watched people walked in. All of sudden, she spots this one particular girl, that catches the gingers eyes. This girl, was tall and petite. She had platinum blonde hair, in a side braid. The blonde also had tiny bits of snowflakes in her hair, glistening. She also had these beautiful blue eyes and pale skin. Her cheeks were filled with a hint of crimson. The blonde was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt that was V-cut, along with white and black aztec leggings. She was also wearing knee-high black leather boots. Anna was stunned and couldn't keep her eyes off of the blonde.

"Wow… She's soo… Beautiful. I need to know her name and I definitely need to be friends with her." The ginger gazed at the blonde, dreaming.

She didn't notice the blonde looking right back at her. Anna woke from her daydream and realized she was staring at the blonde the whole entire time. The ginger blushed so badly, looking down at her desk, covering her hands up with the sleeves from her sweater. Then she covered her crimson red cheeks.

"Oh god.. She saw me staring at her. Oh god. Why did you do this Anna?"

She sighed deeply, but quietly. Anna peeked out through her fingers and saw the blonde sitting next to Rapunzel to her right. The blonde turned around to put her purse down on the floor. Then she looked up at Anna, smiling a tiny bit. Anna smiled slightly back at the blonde, blushing.

"Wow.. How is she so beautiful? She looked back at me."

Anna blinked her eyes, trying to look away from the petite blonde. The blonde smiled once again, winked, then turned around. Anna saw the wink and started to blush even more.

"Wow… Just, wow…"

The bell rings and the class is over. Rapunzel asks Anna what class she has next. All the ginger could think about, the petite blonde.

"Rapunzel.. Who was that tall blonde girl that was sitting next to you in History?" Anna staring at the blonde as she walks out of the room.

"Are you talking about Elsa?"

"That's her name?" The ginger looking at the brunette. Rapunzel nodded and smiled.

"Elsa, huh? She has such a beautiful name.."

"Anna, if you want to meet her, I can introduce you to her. She is one of my good friends and I think you two would be great friends!" Rapunzel smiled, pulling the ginger out of the classroom, onto their next class.

"Rapunzel.. I-I want to meet her." Anna stuttered, still in shock by her name.

"Alright! I can introduce you to her after school!" The brunette said excitedly, smiling.

Anna smiled and was excited at the same time. But she was also really nervous about meeting the beautiful blonde.