Dick heaved a large sigh as he stared out of the enormous window of his bedroom. It had been three months since his parents had died. Now it was mid-November, and snow was gently falling onto the grounds of Wayne manor. Bruce Wayne lived here. He was the one who adopted him, gave him a home, and made him his partner in crime fighting. Today, however, was different. He was different. Earlier in the day, they'd gone to the psychiatrists, and he'd been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. It was something he couldn't quite comprehend yet- he was only eight years old- but he knew that there were problems with his memory, and that was enough. They had learned a little about each of the personalities- there was Jack, a Vietnam war veteran, Chris, a powerful CEO, Richie, the "bad-boy", and Christian, a scared, four year old little boy who was deeply religious. He was scared. That was an understatement. Losing time terrified him deeply. Bruce had promised to let him continue as Robin, but only if he'd agree to treatment. He'd agreed immediately.
Today, however, was the most bittersweet day of his life. In the same day that he was diagnosed with this disorder, he was also going to meet the Justice League. He'd been waiting for this day for years, and refused to let his diagnosis ruin it for him. He got up from his window, and started changing into his Robin costume. He looked at himself in the mirror- his hair was messy (although no more than usual.) and his mask was on straight. As far as he was concerned, he was good to go.
He bounded down the stairs, and went behind the grandfather clock in the living room, traveling down, down, down until he finally reached the batcave. He climbed into the teleporter, bouncing up and down. He just couldn't wait! When Batman got into the teleporter, he smiled at him, and made sure he stood extra close to his mentor. There was a flash, then suddenly they were there. The hall of justice. Dick looked around in awe, shocked as they entered the monitor womb. Bruce gave a small smile under his mask. Yes, his son was thrilled, which was what he'd been hoping for. The stress of finding out Dick's condition was taking it's toll on the both of them. It was good to see his son smiling- a true, genuine smile. When they exited the monitor womb, they were greeted with a small pack of heroes- Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern, all of whom were eager to meet Batman's little bird. Dick was thrilled, as Bruce had expected, although when he told his young protégée he had a meeting to attend, Dick had been less than ecstatic. Bruce had laid him down for a nap in his room before coming back to join the meeting. The boy had been getting less sleep lately, and it had started to worry him. He carried on, keeping his emotionless mask in tact, when inside, he worried over the health of his child. Once he entered the meeting, he swept the thoughts into a box and taped it shut. He'd worry over that later.