"Don't worry Sherman, I have everything under control," Peabody said calmly despite the fact that a gun is pointing right at his face.

"A talking dog?" Sternwell snuffed. "Haven't met too many of your kind."

"Mr. Peabody at you service," Peabody introducing himself graciously. If he was offended by her statement, he didn't show it. "If you please but your weapon away so we can discuss this like civilized individuals." he suggested.

"What's the info on this Peabody dog?" Sternwell asked her robotic partner.

XJ5 began checking his records. "Peabody: early 21st century, dog, beagle class. Considered to be one of the greatest minds of all time and one of the first pioneers of time travel." XJ5 reported.

"Oh a smart guy, uh mutt huh. Well I bet your not smart enough to out think a phaser blast!" Sternwell retorted poking at him with her gun. Peabody simply reached up to the weapon, and pulled out a single component from her phaser gun causing it to fall apart. "How did you do that?" she demanded looking at the only piece she was holding on to.

"Faulty locking pin, a dangerous design flaw." Peabody explained showing her the part he removed. "You might want to get your quality control office to look into that."

"I knew it! I knew there's a reason my guns keep falling apart! And you said it was because I wasn't taking care of them. HA!" Tuddrussel sticking his tongue out at Larry. Larry groaned misery, if there's one thing Larry can't stand is being shown up by Tuddrussel.

"Well if I can't use my blaster then we'll do this the old fashion way!" Sternwell said getting into a karate pose.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, the mutt gots some moves." Tuddrussel warned. Normally Sternwell would just ignore him, but if he says someone is a good fighter then she better take his advice seriously. Not holding back she began with a series of punches and karate chops. All of which Peabody blocked with minimal effort and movement, just as he did with Tuddrussel.

"You weren't kidding," Sternwell said out loud to Tuddrussel. "The dog really has some good moves."

"You're not doing so bad yourself," Peabody complimented. "Seeing as how with battle is pointless, how about we discuss this over lunch?" Peabody suggested. The sounds of Tuddrussel's stomach rumbling echoed through out the base.

"Alright I'll hear you out," Sternwell agreed.

"Oh wonderful! I'll prepare a full course of my finest French cuisine!" Larry said excitedly. Anything to show off his culinary skills to guests.

"And I'll make us some of my famous Baked Alaska for dessert," Peabody offered.

"Great more fancy foods," Tuddrussel complained.

"And maybe I'll make some pizza for the kids," Peabody sighed. This got the big man to perk up. Everyone watched in awe as Peabody worked his magic, not only making a Baked Alaska but also with the pizzas. He spun the dough so fast that it actually started hovering in midair; and while it was floating, he then tossed the cheese and toppings onto the dough before hurling it like a frisbee into the oven. Everyone applauded seeing that magnificent display, to which Peabody graciously bowed. He even spared a moment to help Larry with his dishes.

A few hours later they sat down for lunch. As expected Tuddrussel began scarfing down on the pizza while everyone else enjoyed Larry's cooking. Mainly because there wasn't enough pizza to go around. As they ate, Peabody filled Sternwell on all that has occurred, minus the fact that Penny has seen Sherman's future. Sternwell sat quietly listening to every word, taking a moment to process everything he said before responding. After Peabody finished explaining, they all held their breaths waiting for Sternwell's response. She simply sat quietly, taking a sip of her drink. She then picked up her spoon and tried a scoop of the Baked Alaska.

"I find this dish to be acceptable," Sternwell said cooly.

"Is that all you have to say!" Penny yelled slamming her hands down on the table. After all she's been through, all she want is this whole ordeal resolved as quickly as possible so that she can go home and get to bed, but this new Time Cop is not helping things none.

"Penny please calm down!" Sherman begged trying to hold her back.

"Yeah, no need to lose your cool!" Otto said holding her back as well.

"I AM CALM AND I AM COOL!" Penny retaliated by grabbing both boys by the throat! "AND I'LL KILL ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE! YOU GOT THAT!" Penny snarled strangling both boys with her bare hands.

"Yeth, we goth ith," the boys choked, desperately nodding until she released them.

"Ha, the girl's got spunk," Sternwell laughed as she walked over to Penny. "I wasn't sure about you at first, but I like your style, so I'll give you a break this once," Sternwell said placing a hand on Penny's shoulder.

"So you won't try to stop us?" Penny asked hopefully, in her best cute girl voice.

"Not unless you keep talking that that to me," Sternwell warned.

"But, what about 'Enforcing the past to protect our future'?" XJ5 asked.

"Oh poo, she's an insignificant anyways. What she does with her life doesn't really matter. All we have to do is make sure the boy fulfills his destiny." Sternwell pointed out. XJ5 reluctantly agreed with that logic. Penny silently growled in frustration. She really hates it how people keep calling her insignificant.

"Well if we are all in agreement, I could use your help with one last thing," Peabody said. Sternwell stared at him curiously.

Sometime in the year 2003, the members of Time Squad and Peabody's group appeared in the middle of a large city right next to a rundown orphanage.

"So where are we Mr. Peabody?" Sherman asked.

"Not where, when." Peabody corrected him.

"Hey isn't that Sister Thornly's orphanage!" Otto gasped.

"You mean the place where you lived?" Penny asked.

"Yeah," Otto cringed. He still has nightmares of this place.

"About 2 years after you joined Time Squad," Peabody clarified.

"So what are we doing here?" they all asked the little dog.

"Making sure Otto disappears from the history books," Peabody said directing everyone to a local costume shop.

A few moments later at the at the front of Sister Thornly school for wayward tots three individuals knocked on the front door. "What do you want?" Sister Thornly demanded after opening the door, only to be shocked by the presence of two police officers with a dog.

"Excuse me ma'am, I'm Lt. Sternwell and this is officer Tuddrussel.'" Sternwell introducing themselves. Peabody on a leash barked in frustration. "And this is our dog Peabody. We're here investigating the disappearance of one Otto Osworth."

"I haven't seen him since he vanished about a year ago, but who cares. One less orphan the better I'd say." Sister Thornly laughed. This got Peabody to growl in anger. Growing up as an orphan himself, he hated seeing them treated like garbage.

"Yes well uh, we received a tip and um we're here to check it out yeah that's right!" Tuddrussel stuttered. He had a hard time memorizing his lines so Larry is feeding him what to say through his ear piece.

"Wait where's your warrant! I know my rights!" Sister Thornly demanded. After all she can't have the cops looking around her place, at least not until she's had time to hide evidence.

"Warrant yeah I think I have it here in my other pants pocket," Tuddrussel patting his pants since he didn't have a warrant.

"Look ma'am, this isn't a formal investigation, so we don't need a warrant," Sternwell tried to explain.

"No warrant, no entry!" Sister Thornly declared.

"Um what do we do now mutt," Tuddrussel whispered to the little dog. Peabody found a crumpled piece of paper on the ground and quickly wrote something on it and whispered something to Tuddrussel before giving him the paper. "That's never going to work!" Tuddrussel protested.

"What are you talking about?" Sister Thornly demanded.

"Uh yeah, um here's your warrant!" Tuddrussel said shoving the paper at her face. Sister Thornly stared at the piece of paper which had the words 'Search Warrant' written on one of her older to do list.

"Well it looks legal, but you can't come in here just yet! The place is a mess. Come back here tomorrow." Sister Thornly insisted.

"Ma'am, we're her investigating a young boy, not for a house inspection!" Sternwell said getting into the older woman's face.

"Well I'm just, you know, embarrassed that's all," Thornly said nervously. Sick and tired of all this, Peabody unhooked his leash and ran into the house. "Stop that dog!" Thornly ordered. Peabody ran as fast as he could over to Otto's old room, where he pretended to find evidence.

"What is it boy did you find something?" Sternwell said, just as they rehearsed, to Peabody. Peabody showed her the evidence he planted. "Sister Thornly, care to explain this?" Sternwell demanded.

"I've never seen that before in my life!" Thornly said truthfully, probably for the first time in her life.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to come to the station for questioning about the murder of the orphan Otto Osworth!" Sternwell ordered. "Tuddrussel call for backup."

"Can do," Tuddrussel grinned using the phone to call the cops.

Across the street, the kids watched as the police carried Sister Thornly away. "Wait I'm innocent, who's going to take care of my little darlings if I'm in the hoosgow!" Thornly cried hoping to get some sympathy from any onlookers.

"What's going to happen to her?" Otto asked.

"Well the evidence I planted on her won't stick, but she will be under investigation for a long time. Naturally she will be found innocent of your murder, but I'm certain that they will find incriminating evidence of all her other wrong doings." Peabody said confidently.

"But what about the other orphans?" Sherman asked.

"Don't worry, I called in a few favors, Clinton still owed me one, and have a suitable replacement already selected." Peabody promised.

"Well then that's mission accomplished, let's go home." Tuddrussel declared. With that Larry and XJ5 activated the time controls and the gang was transported back to the space station.

"Once again thank you for your assistance," Peabody thanked Sternwell.

"Yes well, I have to admit, I like the kids. And I be sure to report only about those faulty pins to my superiors." She promised with a smile, just before XJ5 then teleported both them back to their station.

"Well I guess this is goodbye. Too bad the WABAC can't travel to the future so we can't visit." Sherman said sadly to Otto.

"Hey we're all time travelers, I'm sure we'll see each other in the future, or past, or whenever." Otto joked. "But we are friends right?" Otto asked nervously.

"Of course!" Sherman and Penny said at the same time. The three got together for a group hug.

"Oh that is so cute!" Larry cried, wiping a drop of lubricant from his eye. "I know I shouldn't do this but here," Larry handing Peabody an electronic component.

"What is this?" Peabody asked.

"A time recall unit. Just attach it to the WABAC and it will 'recall' you back to this station whenever you want to come for a visit." Larry explained.

"REALLY!" the kids cheered. Larry nodded affirmative.

Peabody was about to give the device back, since obtaining future tech goes against his principles, but seeing how happy the kids are he couldn't do it. "Thank you for this gift," Peabody said.

"Your welcome," Larry said. "Well this certainly calls for a celebration!" They all cheered, but then the time alert went off.

"Uh-oh, looks like duty calls," Tuddrussel said.

"Just as well, we needed to get back anyways," Peabody said.

"Aw," the kids whined. Peabody and the kids got on the time platform first. "Be sure to come and visit," Otto waved to his new friends.

"Will do," they promised as they vanished with a flash of light.

Back at Peabody's apartment, the trio reemerged right where the left from. "Whoa, I will never get used to that!" Penny gasped not liking the time transport. "I think I'll stick with the WABAC from now on."

"You're back!" the Petersons cried giving their daughter a hug.

"How long were we gone?" Peabody asked.

"About two hours," Paul said. "So what happened, what about those uh, time patrol guys?"

"Time Squad actually," Peabody corrected him. "And the situation has been resolved. Penny is allowed to continue time traveling with us."

"That's a relief," Paul said. He really didn't want to go against that big guy ever again. "But what happened?"

"Yes this sounds like it's going to be an interesting story,' Patty said.

"Oh indeed it is," Peabody promised.

"But not as much fun as flying on Leonardo's flying machine eh Sherman." Penny winked causing Sherman to blush.

"Or like the time we helped Cornwallis find his sword so he can surrender to George Washington!" Sherman quickly said, choosing one of the least romantic adventure they had. Mainly because Penny got sick on the boat ride to England and back.

"My word Peabody, you definitely found a way to make history fun!" Paul laughed.

"More like making fun of history," Peabody joked.

"HA-HA-HA!" Sherman laughed. "I don't get it?"


Sherman and Penny now in their mid 20's sat down in a fancy restaurant for a lovely brunch. "Don't you think this place is a little elaborate," Penny teased.

"Hey we're celebrating your graduation from Harvard," Sherman said nervously.

"Come on, we're celebrating with our parents later so there's no need for you to do this. Unless you have something else in mind?" she teased.

Sherman took a long drink from his glass of water to calm his nerves down. The two have been close friends/rivals ever since childhood, and yet they've never gone past the friend zone. They even gone and dated others for awhile, but the bond and attraction between them stayed strong. Now Sherman was determine to finally move out of the friend zone and on to the next step! "Penny will you marry me?" he asked bluntly presenting her with diamond ring crafted to look like the WABAC.

To say that Penny was shocked would be an understatement. True they've been close, very close, since they were kids; but they've never been on an official date. Unless you count all the romantic trips through time. To jump straight into marriage is crazy, but the sight of that ring and the memories they have shared together was enough to convince her. She was about to accept but a long forgotten memory resurfaced and a promise that needed to be fulfilled. "Sherman, do you know what I really love?" Penny said cryptically picking up a piece of bacon. "Bacon."

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Sherman getting all confused.

Penny smiled as she took a bite of bacon. "But you know bacon is bad for your health with all the fat and cholesterol. If you can make healthy strips of bacon, then yes I will marry you." Penny challenged.

"You got it!" Sherman accepting the challenge. Sherman worked tirelessly, rarely leaving his home, and putting all his efforts for that one single tasks. During this time, Penny took a job as a perfume saleswoman since it was the only job that kept her near Sherman's place, and while she was courted by many men, both co-workers and strangers alike, she waited patiently for Sherman.

'Then 5 years later the big day arrived as Sherman introduced his Miracle Bacon to the world! Not only was it good for you, it actually improved people's health. The creation of the miracle bacon soon led to other discoveries, like a new quantum theory and space colonization program. Sure it was happening in reverse order, but he still accomplished everything that he was suppose to plus one. Penny and Sherman got married about a week after announcing the miracle bacon. Nothing big or elaborate, just a small ceremony with family and a few friends, including those of Time Squad. And I for one couldn't be happier for them.' Otto happily wrote on his journal when the time alarm sounded. "Time to get back to work," Otto said placing his journal next to the autographed poster of Peabody and Sherman and Penny with the WABAC.