The bully problem

I don't own Wreck It Ralph

Lucy and Kevin Fluggerbutter belong to me

Ella Nougatson belongs to Captain Alaska, if you haven't read his stories i highly advise you to read his stories, they are awesome.

(Sugar rush main street)

Lucy Fluggerbutter was walking through main street after school to another game to hang out with her friend Ella. She had a pair of headphones on her head listening to music as she walked past the businesses with her backpack full of school stuff on her back. She walked past an alley when a hand grabbed her and pulled her in, she was slammed into a pile of trash

She looked up to see Jimmy Cane, the school bully, he was a tough candy person, never got caught by anyone, and Lucy was his favorite target

"Hi jimmy" said Lucy scared

"Hey pipsqueak, you managed to avoid me today, i'm impressed. But now i've caught you, and you know what i want" said Jimmy

"Please, i don't want any trouble, my mom's-

"Yeah i know your mom's the president of this game and all, but she's not here, and you're not gonna tell her about our chats or i'm gonna pound you harder than i already do. Now fork over the cash" said Jimmy angrily

Lucy quickly pulled some gold coins out of her backpack

"That's it?" asked Jimmy angrily

"It's all i have i swear" said Lucy frightened

Jimmy threw her at a dumpster and hit her with her backpack and threw her headphones and phone in the dumpster

"Next time you better have more" said Jimmy "And remember what i said, you tell your mom and i will kill you"

Lucy reached into the dumpster and pulled out her phone and headphones and put them in her backpack

"Luckily he didn't take all my money" said Lucy as she pulled out a few gold coins and put them back

(Super back to the future trilogy: Cafe 80's)

Lucy walked into the 80's themed restaurant and sat at a table with her friend Ella. Michael Jackson's beat it played over the restaurant as video waiters of dead people took people's orders

"Hey Ella" said Lucy

"Hey Lucy, you ok?" asked Ella

"I got attacked by Jimmy, what do you think?" asked Lucy

"Ouch, so sorry. Maybe a snack will get your mind off this" said Ella

Lucy looked at a menu and was shocked

"50 bucks for a soda?" asked Lucy "Even with the money i have left i can't afford anything here"

"Relax, i get stuff for free here, watch this, HEY WAITER" shouted Ella

A video waiter of Ronald Reagan moved towards their table

"Welcome to the cafe 80's, where it's always morning in america, even in the afternoo- oo- oon. Good to see you again Ella" said Reagan "As always your meal's on us, can i get your- your usual?" asked Reagan

"2 pepsis please, if i need anything else i'll call you" said Ella

2 bottles of Pepsi Perfect came out of a slot on the table

"Thanks Ella, you get food free here? How?" asked Lucy before sipping her pepsi

"I discovered something about this place that they don't want me blurting out to everyone. The owner promised me free food whenever i want as long as i don't tell the restaurants secret. My advice, don't order the spaghetti, the grilled sushi, or Monday's classic dinner" said Ella

"Ok" said Lucy

"So have you told anyone about your bully problem? Have you told your parents or teachers or-

"The teachers don't believe me, all they do is show up teach something and do crosswords all day. And i'm too scared to tell my mom. Jimmy said he would beat me harder if i told" said Lucy as she started crying

"Don't cry" said Ella

"What am i gonna do?" asked Lucy

"Maybe the owner can help you, he's a bully but i'm good at persuading people" said Ella

"You think he'll help me?" asked Lucy

"I'll ask him, HEY GRIFF" shouted Ella

The owner and a boss in the game, Griff Tannen, walked towards the table

"Hey Ella, can i interest you in a burger or sandwich?" asked Griff scared

"2 sandwiches please, and i was wondering since you're a bully, do you think you can help my friend with her bully problem? Maybe toughen her up or how to handle her problem?" asked Ella

Griff looked at Lucy

"And why would i help this Butthead?" asked Griff

"I don't know, maybe your secret?" asked Ella

"Ok Ok i'll do it just don't tell anyone that please. We'll start whenever you're ready" said Griff before walking away

"Thanks Ella, you're the best" said Lucy

"It's what i do" said Ella