
Everything she had ever feared had happened, the zombie outbreak started, not much people are left, they say there is a cure somewhere, a treasure that nobody had ever found. How can Annabeth Chase a normal 16 year old teenage girl manage to find the cure? with the help of some friends, with their young professor called Percy Jackson leading them. Will they find the cure? or will they not?

Annabeth's POV

"Go,run!" My father told us.

"But dad we can't just leave you and mom here!" My brother, Malcolm, stated.

"You have to, this is the time were we let you go, you have to save your siblings Malcolm, protect them, ill stay here with your mom, our time is over."

"Dad-" Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by the grumbles of zombies.

"Go!" My dad yelled

"Com'on" I told my small brother Matt, taking his hand, "Let's listen to dad, since he seems to know exactly what we should do." I muttered sarcastically, and angrily.

"We love you all so much, you know we're just doing this to protect you right?" Said my mom, then she approached me shakily, and whispered, "keep this safe you'll need it soon" handed me a key locked in a silver neck chain.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Soon, you'll understand everything soon dear, I love you, and i'm always there when you need me, remember that." And with that she and dad disappeared the other side, leaving me and my three siblings alone not knowing where to go, or what to do.

I hid the necklace inside of my shirt on my neck.

"Annie, where did mommy and daddy go?" Asked my small sister Amy, shes four years old and has light brown wavy hair and pacific blue eyes that would lighten up the whole world, every time my sister speaks, I feel happy, even though we're in the middle of a zombie epidemic, Amy and my brothers are now everything I have, and I will make sure that Malcolm and I will protect her and Matt.

I hesitated until thankfully Malcolm helped me,"They went somewhere better Amy," He answered grimly but calmly.

"So they're not coming back?" Asked Amy, starting to tear up.

"Maybe we'll never know, they might come back," I answered, "lets hope so."

And with that, we started walking in the now silent city of Manhattan, not knowing where we were going, just trying to find a shelter to stay in for the night, the sun was already setting, and I of course got lost in my thoughts, looking around me, my eyes landed on Matt, he's older than Amy, third in order, he's seven years old, but could run really fast, (which is a good thing). He has pure hazel eyes and dirty blond hair, yes I am going to have to kick chic's away from him when he grows up, well its not like there will be any chic's not while this zombie outrun is happening.

I drifted my gaze to my oldest brother, Malcolm he was holding Amy's hand while leading us, though he seemed exhausted which made me feel bad, why? I don't know. Malcolm has sandy blond hair and emerald green eyes. He's eighteen years old, and totally overprotective.

"Okay, there should be a good shelter here for tonight .." Malcolm's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, even though he was muttering to himself, I could still hear him.

I saw an old theater that has a sign saying "O'Henry's..."the rest of the sign was off the board.

"Look, this looks good," I pointed at the old theater. Malcolm seemed to think about it until he looked at all of our tired faces and sighed giving up.

"Looks good," He said, when we entered the theater we found lots of seats but sat at the last row seats since they were the furthest away from the door, besides there was an 'emergency exit' door close to the end of the room, "Ill take first watch."

"No you look tired, go to sleep ill wake you up after three hours then it'll be your turn," I told him, he looked like he wanted to argue but the look on my face made him sigh and accept.

I opened my Iphone, it still had charge since I had it with me before the epidemic started.

I plugged in my earphones and listened to Lady gaga, one of my favorite singers, her new album called ARTPOP was newly released, just thinking about it makes me wonder what had happened to her right now.

I put it on shuffle and the song Aura started.

I kept on listening with one ear-pod on, since I have to make sure nothing attacks us.

I hummed to the song, 'I'm not a wandering slave I am a woman of choice,

My veil is protection for the gorgeousness of my face

You ought to pity me cause was always one man to love,

But in the bedroom the size of him's more than enough'

Well that was until I heard some weird noise, I heard screaming, I held my baseball bat so tight, my knuckles turned white.

then I heard a gunshot. WAIT! A GUNSHOT! There must be someone here. I mean zombies can't use guns, duh.

Suddenly there were some footsteps, becoming louder each second, as if coming closer... Closer... Closer.

I looked at my siblings, they were sleeping peacefully, so I didn't wake them up, I started walking to the footsteps's source, it was coming from the other side of the 'emergency exit' door.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and slowly started opening the door...

I had never expected this to happen...

Hey guys so this is my first fanfiction ever, not my first story, just fanfic so yeah, hope you actually enjoyed it!

Reviews will mean alot to me :D
