Dragon Ball Z: Another Road
( A/N- This is my first Dragon Ball Z fanfiction, along with my first fanfiction ever. It's an alternate story of what if Future Gohan didn't lose his arm in his first appearance in the fight of the androids. What if Trunks achieved Super Saiyan when Gohan had trained him the first time? What if it was Gohan to go in the past instead of Trunks? Find out here in Dragon Ball Z: Another Road.
Disclaimer- I own nothing
"Dragon Ball Z: Another Road"
Chapter 1: Realizing the Answer part 1
For the last several years, the world had been chaos. Dr. Gero, an evil scientist of the Red Ribbon Army had created two androids, 17 and 18, that soon took over the world. First Goku, the strongest warrior feel I'll of a heart virus and soon after died. One by one the Z fighters had been slaughtered by the hands of Dr. Gero and his creations. Soon after the Z fighters had been defeated, 17 and 18 betrayed their creator and destroyed him as well. Now the hope of the world and possibly the universe lays in the hands of two young men. Gohan the son of Goku, and Trunks the son of Vegeta.
Today was a nice and beautiful day at the amusement park, Super World. Even though the androids had destroyed most of mankind, there was something's that people could still enjoy. Even if it was a little corrupted. But little the people knew, the citizens of the park were going to wake up to a rude awakening very soon.
Down below getting a snack, was a young teen. He had lavender short hair that resemble the shape of a mushroom. He wore a Capsule Corp T-shirt and baggy pants to match it. On his feet were large boots that obviously too big for him. The name of this man was Trunks Briefs.
Trunks had already learned of his family's death, his race, and most of the facts of the power he obtained. Sadly with most of the fighters absent, training was very hard. Even his mother, Bulma Briefs wouldn't let him train on many occasions, fearing that he might challenge the almighty 17 and 18. He knew that someday he would achieve the Legend Super Saiyan and soon defeat the androids. The world would be saved and the nightmare would end. And Trunks would execute it.
'Only a little bit more and I'll achieve it. I feel myself getting stronger by the day. I just-'
His thoughts were soon interrupted by the cashier at one of the stands getting slightly mad at the line Trunks was holding up at his stand.
"Sir, Like I said earlier that will be 6.97. Pay up or leave!"
Trunks blushed madly as he quickly reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a large amount of crumbled bills and dirty change. In embarrassment, he put the money on the counter, not even caring and leaving the stand in a hurry.
'Gosh, I need to stop talking to myself and enjoy the park. Who knows the androids might destroy it and I don't even get to ride anything!'
It had been several hours since arriving at the park and the young Saiyan had rode every ride several times over and over. Just as he was about to leave disaster struck.
"Infinity Blitz"
Those words were heard from above the standing point of Trunks as he witnessed Pink and yellow Ki blasts shooting down below, killing and destroying anything in its path. Trunks being the only alive witness stood there in fear with his jaw almost to the floor. The only thought in his mind was the leave and hide.
'I got to leave, I can't die now!'
Trunks quickly powered up and blasted to the sky, alerting the two attacks of the park to the unknown energy source. Just as the half Saiyan made his way out of the park, he was surrounded by two villains that everyone knew too well. 17 and 18.
The least powerful of the deadly duo was 18. To much surprise, she looked harmless and much like a human, but possessed inhuman power and caused death like a demon. She was dressed in a jean like skirt and jacket with a black and yellow long sleeve shirt. Much like most of the women she wore high heeled boots. In front of her was none other than her brother 17. The most powerful and destructive android of the two.
His face was very similar to his sisters, but instead of long blond hair he had long black hair. He too was dressed in a long sleeve shirt but all black. 17 wore an orange bandana around his neck with regular khakis on.
"It seems like we didn't kill all the Z fighters huh sis?" 17 announced crossing his arms arrogantly and smirking much to Trunks's dislike.
"Seems so. Let's test his power. Maybe he's more of a challenge than that stuck up bastard Veget-"
18 was cut off by a sneak attack from trunks, slamming his fist into her face causing her to fly down to one of the half destroyed stands. He soon turned around to meet an axe kick from 17 to send him down to the floor, but met another kick from 18 to send him down across the park.
Trunks hit the concrete with much force, struggling to get up. It felt as if a semi-truck had hit him at full speed. A small smile was appearing on his lips as his vision had blurry.
'That teachers that bucket of bolts, speaking like my father like that.'
Soon after 17 and 18 landed right beside trunks, 18 more pissed than usual. She rushed toward the beat Saiyan and rose him by the shirt, making him see eye to eye.
"I admit that was a nice shot, but too bad it will cost you, your life."
A pink beam was charged at her hand aiming right at the heart. Right before it was launched, a blue and orange boot sent her flying into more of the rubble disabling the attack. 17 rushed toward the mystery interceptor but was met with a punch that sent him flying the other direction.
"Sorry to interrupt the party, but after today, no more lives will be taken."
The bold words were spoken by none other than the savior of Trunks. The possible savior of the world. It was none other than Gohan.