Spirit of Soul

(A/N: This is my first Shaman King and Soul Eater fic. I have to admit, my Soul Eater knowledge is lacking, compared to my Shaman King, but I know more than enough. On with the show)

First Encounters; The Ones Who Dance With Ghosts?

A typical day at the Funbari Onsen: Anna was watching soap operas, Tamao was with her, and Yoh Asakura was doing his 'Ahem' laps. It's been months ever since Yoh defeated Hao and the Shaman Fights have been put on hold, but as usual, Anna was unwilling to let Yoh get out of shape. The boy in question was being accompanied by his guardian spirit, the samurai Amidamaru, and his best friend Morty, who was keeping up with Yoh on his bike(well…actually trike).

"Geeze Yoh, you can't catch a break, can you?" Morty asked. "Apparently not." Yoh said panting. "You'd think Anna would at least let me do this with less weight." Yoh complained, while rubbing his shoulder. "Perhaps, but even in times of peace, you have to keep your strength up Yoh-dono." Amidamaru noted. "Yeah, I guess." Yoh said. After he was well rested, Yoh continued his jog through the city, unaware of the eyes targeting him.

"Is he the one?" a female voice said. "Yeah." A male voice answered. "But why do we need to beat this guy, he doesn't look like he's about to become a kishin." He stated. "Even so, this is the job we were sent on, and he's the one we need to take out, so be ready." The female voice said. "Okay. It's time to kick ass and look cool while doing it." The guy responded.

Yoh was nearing the final stretch of his run, and the sky had gotten dark. A possible indicator of rain. Yoh decided to try and pick up the pace, until he saw a mysterious person blocking his path. 'Who the heck is that?' Yoh and Morty thought. The person was wearing a black cloak and had their hands behind their back. "Yoh there, Yoh Asakura." Said he figure. 'How does he know me?' Yoh thought. The cloaked person swung their arms around revealing a giant scythe. "Your soul is mine!" the figure said the moment as lightning flashed, and a thunderclap boomed.

Morty saw this and immediately started freaking out. "Yoh…RUN! It's the Grim Reaper!" Yoh freaked out a little as well. "Don't have to tell me twice!" he said. Abandoning the weights and Morty's tricycle, the duo ran away from the figure to find another route back to the inn.

The figure was left alone with their weapon in hand. "What…what just happened? A male voice asked. "We have to find him again, that's what." His female partner answered.

(With Yoh and Morty)

Yoh and Morty had returned to the inn and slammed the door behind them. Panting hard, Morty asked, "You think we lost em'?" "I think so." Yoh answered. "What're you doing back here so soon?" said Yoh's fiancée. Both boys froze up and slowly turned around to face her. "A-Anna." Yoh stuttered. "What happened to the weights you were supposed to be wearing?" Anna asked vigorously. "W-well, you see-" Yoh then explained their encounter with the scythe wielder. "So you just ran away, without a fight." Anna concluded. "B-basically." Yoh answered nervously. The next instant involved a hard slap and two fearful yelps. 'Thank goodness it was her right hand!' Morty and Amidamaru thought.

"Yoh, do you really expect me to believe you ran into the grim reaper?" Anna sked to the brunette lying on the floor. Yoh, back on his feet, replied, "Now that I think about it, it could've just been some guy trying to scare us." He chuckled. "Well, I guess it worked." "This is no laughing matter!" Anna snapped. Yoh instantly shut up. "This person said they were after your soul, so it's likely they'll attack again." Anna stated. "If they do, you need to be prepared." Yoh started crying internally. 'Please don't say it!' he thought. "I'm doubling your training!" 'Awwww, she said it.'


Later that night, two mysterious figures arrived at the Funbari Onsen after the earlier rain subsided. "So, he lives at an inn? That's pretty cool." Said the guy. "We can't screw up this time Soul." Said the girl. "This time, his soul will make you one step closer to becoming a Death Scythe." She said to her partner. "Alright Maka," Soul said. "Time for a super cool entrance." Soul said while sprinting to the inn. "Hey wait!" Maka called to him.

(In the inn)

Anna decided to be 'generous' and let Yoh restart his training in the morning. The boy in question was off listening to music elsewhere, while Anna was forcing Morty to make dinner. The peacefulness was interrupted by the sound of shattered glass. All of the patrons ran to the sliding glass door to see it smashed in. "What happened?" Yoh asked. "This could be what my kokkuri board was saying!" Tamao said. "What do you mean Tammy?" Morty asked. "It said, we will be visited by a 'poor unfortunate soul'" Tamao explained. "What does that mean?" Yoh asked. "I think they mean me." Said a new voice.

The shamans turned to see a boy with white hair, a black and yellow jacket, and a headband. "Who are you?" Anna demanded. Soul snickered. "I'm the guy who's gonna eat all your-" CHOP! Soul was cut off by a large book hitting him in the head. "YOU MORON!" The shamans witnessed a blonde girl in a black cloak smash Soul in the head, then scold him. "Way to give away our element of surprise Soul!" she yelled at him. "If we'd done this your way, Maka, we'd be getting nowhere even faster than Black Star!" Soul shouted back. "Oh, so you choose to act like Black Star instead!?" The two continued to argue and the viewing shamans all sweat dropped. "Uh, do you two like, want some time alone?" Yoh asked. Maka and Soul froze, then turned to Yoh.

"This is no time to argue, Soul, it's time to fight." Maka said. "Right, let's go." The shamans were still confused. "What do want with Yoh?" Morty asked. "I believe I already said it." Maka started. The next instance shocked the shamans as the boy, Soul turned into a mass of light and reappeared in Maka's arms as a scythe. "We've come to claim your soul!"

[Transmission Animations]

(See an animation of Yoh's Spirit of Sword and Maka's Witch Hunter crossing blades)

(We now see Yoh and Soul with lumps on their heads with Anna and Maka standing over them)

[Back to the story]

Maka stood firm in a defensive stance with scythe-Soul in hand. Yoh and Morty looked at her intently. "How the-!? What the!? Where the-!?" Morty shouted in disbelief. 'Her friend transformed into a scythe? But how is that possible?' Anna thought. "Wait a minute, you're the one we ran into earlier, aren't you!?" Yoh asked. Maka nodded with a confident smirk. "Yoh…" Anna started in a low dangerous tone. "I swear, I didn't know beforehand!" Yoh tried to defend. They all heard laughing. "Dude, I think your girlfriend's got other plans," they heard Soul's voice say. "Oh she's not my girlfriend, she's my fian-" Yoh stopped mid-sentence. "THE SCYTHE CAN TALK!?" Yoh, Tamao, and Morty shouted. "Well duh." Maka said. "Soul's my weapon partner." She explained. 'What does she mean?' Anna thought.

Yoh stepped forward. "I dunno why you're after me, but if you're that eager to fight, can we at least take this outside?" Maka sighed. "Fine." She then leapt out into the back yard. Yoh followed her lead with Harusame in hand. "So I take it that sword is your weapon partner?" Maka said. Yoh chuckled. "Harusame is my weapon yes, but my partner is it's original wielder." Yoh said. "What do you mean, original wielder?" Maka asked.

Yoh put his hands behind his back as a wind whipped up. "What's going on?" Soul asked. Maka was silent as shock overtook her when she witnessed a large man in white samurai robes appear behind Yoh. "Who is that behind you?" Maka asked. "Do you really think he'll fall for that?" Soul asked. "You mean you can't see that samurai?" Maka asked her partner. Yoh chuckled. "So, you can see Amidamaru too? Good. That makes things interesting." Yoh said to the meister. He then turned to his partner. "Ready to go?" Yoh asked. "Always, Master Yoh." The spirit answered.

(Insert English Dub OST music here) Amidamaru transformed into a small blue ball. "Spirit Form! Amidamaru, into the SWORD!" Yoh stood battle ready with his oversoul sword pointed at Maka. "What the hell just happened?" Soul asked. "Why's his sword glowing?" Maka shakily answered, "That Samurai guy, is inside the sword." "What Samurai guy?" Soul asked.

"Amidamaru's my Guardian Ghost." Yoh said. 'Ghost?' Maka and Soul thought. "You see, I'm a Shaman." He informed them. "What's that?" Soul asked. "I've read about them." Maka said. "Their people who communicate with ghosts and can use them as weapons too." She explained. "Using a dead guy as a weapon? That's actually pretty cool," Soul commented. "Enough talk, let's get this over with," Maka said.

With a yell, Maka rushed Yoh and swung her weapon horizontally. Yoh put up his guard, and leapt over her attack. "Now it's my turn!" Yoh said in midair. He pulled his arm back and attacked with a vertical slash that Maka blocked with Soul's handle. Maka pushed Yoh back and tried kicking at him. Yoh dodged it and countered with a horizontal slash. The two continued attacking and parrying each other's attacks.

"Wow, that scythe girl's really good." Tamao commented. "Yeah, but there's no way she'll beat Yoh, right?" Morty asked. 'I agree with Morty. However, if he keeps up his 'attack head on' strategy, this could take a while. And there's no telling if that girl is using all of her power.' Anna thought.

Yoh was fending off another one of Maka's attacks with Amidamaru's Oversoul shield. Maka pulled back the scythe and tried to contemplate her next move. "Dammit, we have to get past that shield if we wanna beat this kid." Maka said. "In that case, I say we break it down with one full strength blow." Soul suggested. Maka smirked. "Alright Soul. It's time to go all out." Maka swung Soul like a baton and took another stance. "Let's go, Soul Resonance!" MAka and Soul's soul wavelengths converged and their spiritual energy exploded.

Yoh was getting set to defend himself. "Yoh, I don't think my shield will be able to defend against that." Amidamaru warned. "In that case, let's take their power and match it." Yoh charged up his furyoku.

Maka and Soul were still screaming charging their attack. Soul's blade transformed into a glowing, crescent shaped scythe, and Maka swung him with all of her strength. "Witch Hunt-" Maka started. Yoh took his own ready stance to fire off his attack. "Celestial-" he said.

Tamao and Morty clung to each other waiting to see what was next. 'This could be it…' Anna thought.


Maka slashed Soul against the ground firing a shockwave. Yoh slashed sideways, also creating a shockwave. The two attacks pushed against each other and ultimately, canceled each other out.

"Whadaya know, it worked." Yoh commented. 'No way, he was able to match Witchhunter. Wait…that was long range.' Maka thought. "Let's try it up close and personal!" Maka and Soul matched wavelengths again. "They're trying that move again?" Yoh asked. "Don't let your guard down, Yoh-Dono." Amidamaru said. "I think it's time to end this partner." "As do I." Amidamaru agreed. Yoh reached behind him and pulled out the Futsu-no-Mitama-No-Tsurugi(I'll just stick to calling it 'antiquity' from now on). "Spirit Form! Amidamaru, in Harusame, and into the Antiquity!" Maka watched as her opponent powered up even more. "Oversoul: Spirit of Sword!"

'His weapon's massive, but I won't be defeated!' Maka thought. 'I have to get stronger, for Soul's sake!' "Let's go, Soul Resonance!" Soul transformed once again. "Hraaaaagh! Witchhunter!" Maka decided to slash Yoh directly, instead of doing a ranged attack like before. "Let's finish this. Amida-Style: Grand Halo Blade!"

Both attacks met and the two warriors clashed. Both fighters tried to overtake each other, and neither one seemed to be giving an inch. However, the Witchhunter began to dissipate, and that was all the opening Yoh needed. "This is the power of the future Shaman King!" Yoh's attack went straight through Soul's handle, transforming him back to human form, with a large slash across his arm. The S.O.S got Maka too, hitting her across the chest, leaving her cloak in tatters as well as a mid-sized gash in her midsection. 'We lost.' Maka thought as she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Yoh standing above her with his sword pointed at her.

(A few moments later)

Maka awoke to find herself in an unfamiliar room. 'Where am I?' she thought. She tried to stand up, only to find that her side had been bandaged and patched up. 'Wait a second, I remember now…wait, where's Soul!?' "Soul!" she shouted. She heard the door on the other side of the room open to reveal, the Asakura kid? "Oh hey. So you're finally awake huh?" Yoh said.

Maka just stared at him for a moment. A few seconds later, "Maka…CHOP!" "Dyaahhhh!" Yoh hit the floor as Maka smashed him with a book she pulled out of nowhere. "Alright you jerk, talk. What'd you do with Soul!?" she demanded. "I'm right here," said the voice of the afformentioned scythe. Soul had his body covered in bandages. "Soul? What happened to you?" Maka said shakily. "Calm down, I'll tell you. And as it turns out, this whole assignment was a bust." Soul said. "What do you mean?" Maka asked.


After the battle ended. Yoh approached Maka. Soul managed to get to her first and shield her with his body(Again). "If you touch my meister dude, you die!" Soul threatened. "Hey buddy, you and your friend started this." Yoh countered. "Enough!" Anna snapped. "Why did you attack Yoh?" she asked the scythe. Aoul, with bravado, said, "You can't make me talk, you flat chested bitch!" he spat. Yoh, Tamao, and Morty froze as they saw Anna narrow her eyes dangerously as her rage exploded. "You just made…a big mistake." Anna said in a low emotionless tone. The next thing Soul saw before passing out, was two creatures, one red and the other blue.

"We were sent here by Lord Death. We assumed it'd be another routine, 'kick bad guy's ass' mission. But you guys actually seem like…half decent people." The injured Soul explained to the shamans. "Who's…Lord Death?" Morty asked, with fear in his voice. "Our school principle, the Grim Reaper." Soul answered. He was met with a left handed slap in the face by Anna. "The…Legendary…Left!" The others said. "Don't lie to us." Anna snapped.

Soul managed to pick himself up. "What was…? I wasn't lying. And I can prove it. You gotta mirror?" Tamao gave him a small compact mirror. 'What was it again? Oh yeah.' "42-42-564 when you wanna knock on Death's Door." The mirror came to life showing the grim reaper. "Oh, Soul. This is unexpected." Lord Death said. "If I may ask, where is your meister?" "She's DAO right now, but would you mind explaining to us what this assignment was about?" Soul asked.

(Many moments later)

Lord Death gave the shamans a run-down of the DWMA, Meisters and Weapons, and the kishin. "Okay, I got that much." Yoh said, "But why'd you send these guys to attack me?" he asked the Shinigami. "I actually sent them just to retrieve you, Yoh Asakura." Death said. "What!? You didn't say that before we left, why!?" Soul shouted. "Oh it just slipped my mind, is all." Death replied. The others all fell down. 'Who knew that the grim reaper could be such a goof?' Morty thought. "You see, after the incident with the Demon Sword and that witch, I thought it'd be a good idea to seek reinforcements, so I called some friends from the Patch Tribe and one of their highest recommendations was Yoh." Lord Death explained. "I'll give you and your friends the full briefing when you get to the academy. See you then." The transmission was cut off.

(End Flashback)

"So, that's the gist of it." Soul finished. "So now what?" Maka asked. "Simple," said a demanding female voice. The meister and weapon turned to see the Shaman crew standing before them all packed and ready to go. "We're going with you guys," Anna said. Soul smirked. "You heard the lady, Maka. Let's get going." He said. "Wait, that's it? Just like that? We're supposed to bring the guys who practically murdered us to our school?" Maka said.

Yoh put his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, I wouldn't have actually killed you. And besides, that fight just started because you made a small mistake." He pointed out. "Well that mistake was humiliating," Maka said under her breath. "Don't worry. We can keep this just between the six of us." He assured her. Maka sighed, but gave in. "Fine let's get going," she said grabbing her, newly fixed cloak(Anna has mad sewing skills) and heading out the door with Soul right behind her.

"Uh guys, is this really a good idea?" Morty asked the others. "You heard Death shorty, we're in no position to refuse." Anna said. "Besides, this means another adventure." Yoh added. "Yeah, but I'm still shaken from our last big adventure." Morty complained. "Don't worry buddy. It'll all work out in the end. Now let's get going!" Yoh said sprining out of the inn, with Morty and the girls following.

To be continued…

(A/N: For those of you concerned with the fight, both sides take from the respective anime, not manga [although Shaman King will have some inspiration/elements from the manga], and this happens after the end for the Shaman King side, and after the fight with Crona on the Soul Eater side, so Maka wasn't as strong as she was at the end of the series. As for who'd be stronger on an even field…I'd still say Yoh(even without Spirit of Earth). I will post more of this fic, but even so, it's not top priority.