AN: Just so we are on the same page, this takes place somewhere after episode 14 (Captives) from season nine. Please enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

1: Prologue

Dean was eating a sandwich in the kitchen. He had just seen Sam in the library. The nerd had been looking for some book which could take him quite some time. Dean sighed. The atmosphere in the bunker was a little bit heavy, filled with uneasiness. It was like this nowadays when there was no case. Dean had hoped that after Kevin's visit Sam would give in a little. That he would be more friendly and consider Dean a brother again. They were brothers by blood, but Sam had spoken how he truly felt about that matter. Dean had seen some improvement in their relationship, so he didn't give up hope just yet. When they were on a hunt, Sam would be more invested and even take more interest in Dean. Unfortunately, as soon as they got home it was like Sam remembered why he only wanted to be partners and put distance between them again.

Dean pushed the last part of the sandwich deep into his mouth, making his cheeks puff out and went to his room to listen to some music. He didn't want to disturb Sam, but on his way he stopped by the library to get one glance at his little Sammy. God, he just wanted his brother back. For now, he had to settle with a hunter.


He had only been in his room for about an hour when his stomach started to growl, demanding more food. Well, you had to listen to your stomach right? Maybe there was some pie left from yesterday? Dean doubted that, not a chance that he would have left anything of something that delicious. Still, the fridge was calling out to him and it was his duty to obey. So, he got up and went back to the kitchen.

When in the kitchen, he saw that there was in fact no pie. But, there was a cake. Dean frowned, but took it anyway along with a beer. He went to check on Sammy and it looked like he had found his book.

"What are you reading?" Dean asked, mouth full of cake.

"Mythology stuff," he answered without looking up.

"Anything interesting?"

"Sure," Sam said while fully concentrated on whatever he was reading. "Hey, is there anymore beer?"

"Yeah. In the kitchen," Dean said and jerked a thumb over his shoulder.

Sam finally got his nose out of the book and went to the kitchen. Dean walked over to check out Sammy's book. As he thought, it seemed boring as hell. Then, Dean suddenly got a headache out of nowhere and it started ringing in his ears.

"What the hell?" He muttered and pressed his palm against one ear, hoping it would stop.

The sound just got louder and louder. His headache multiplied by every second.

"Sam!" Dean called out in agony and anxiety. "SAM!"

The beer slipped out of his hand and smashed to the ground into million pieces. Dean fell to his knees, covering his ears and screaming in pain.

When Sam heard Dean shouting, he quickly let go of everything and ran towards his brother. When he reached the library, he saw Dean on the floor, screaming his lungs out and blood running down from his nose.

"Dean! Dean, what is it?"

His brother seemed in so much pain. Just as Sam was about to approach him, there was a sudden bright light that forced Sam to close his eyes. Then, everything was quite. Sam opened his eyes and terror filled every inch of his body when there was no sign of Dean.

"DEAN!" Sam called out in panic. "DEAN!"

How, how could this have happened? They were in the bunker for God's sake, the safest place on the planet! Sam walked around in circles, trying to find out what or who could possibly have abducted his brother in this manner. Sam had no clue what to do, he needed help.

"Cas! I know you are busy, but someone took Dean! From the bunker! He is gone Cas! Help me!"

Sam ran his fingers through his thick hair, trying to calm himself. Castiel would come, Dean meant a lot to him. Minutes seemed like hours, but soon the angel was with him.

"What happened?" Castiel asked in serious tone.

"I don't know," Sam said. "I was with him here, then went to the kitchen and then he started to scream. I checked on him, he was on the floor, obviously in pain and then there was some light. When I looked up, he was gone Cas. Gone."

Castiel looked troubled by this. His eyes were fixated on the floor and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Well?" Sam said eagerly.

"I... I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know! You have to know! Dean is-"

"Sam! You-"

Their arguing was interrupted by another bright light that blinded both Sam and Castiel for a second. Next thing they knew, Dean was back and lying on the floor. Sam ran towards his older brother and was sitting next to him in an instant. He checked his breathing and could safely say that his brother was alive. Sam let out a sigh of relief.

"Dean..." Sam whispered with a soft smile.

Dean didn't reply. His body was limp in Sam's arms, he was shaking a bit, his face was pale and his eyes seemed empty.

"Cas! Cas! What is wrong with him?"

It was a long time ago Catiel had seen Dean in such a poor state. The worried angel quickly put his palm on Dean's forehead and after a second he relaxed his tense muscles.

"Nothing serious. He is just in shock," the angel informed Sam and then looked intensely at the older Winchester. "Dean? Dean, can you hear me? It's Castiel."

He repeated this until Dean's empty stare finally found the angel's blue eyes.


"Yes, it's me Dean."

Dean looked around at his surroundings, recognizing the walls, the floor, the shelves filled with books... It was the library. He was in the bunker.

"Sam," Dean said stunned when he noticed his brother holding him so tightly.

"Sorry," Sam answered awkwardly and gently let go of his brother.

Dean sat up and put his fingers to his temples.

"Man, I got the headache of the century."

"Stay down. I will get you something, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Dean gave his younger brother a gentle smile of gratitude. Sam left the room and Castiel couldn't resist asking.

"Dean, you have to tell me what happened. Sam said there was some light, we could be dealing with something very powerful. Tell me everything you remember, every single detail can be of importance."

"Right now? Cas, give me a break. I need a pill first."

"Dean," the angel said almost in a harsh voice.

The older Winchester looked at Castiel nervously and pulled his hands through his hair while taking a deep breath.

"What happened, Dean?" Castiel's voice was a little softer this time, after seeing the reaction from the other on this topic.

There was a short silence where the hunter could build up his courage.

"I-I think I met him, Cas..." Dean managed to breathe out.

Castiel waited for him to continue. Dean ran a hand down his face, closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. He then looked the angel straight in the eyes and opened his mouth, but didn't seem to find the right words. This was going on Castiel's nerves.

"Who, Dean? Who did you meet?"

It was just one answer. One word. Yet, it seemed like with that word, the world came crashing down on them.

"God," Dean whispered.