Hello there! This is my prologue story to my original fanfic: Going Back to Being Lost. This being said, however, you can just read this by itself if you'd like. You won't be missing anything by not reading the original story but I would really appreciate it as it is still being written and updated.

Note that if you did read GBtBL, this beginning is kind of different than what I had originally described in that story so be aware that some things will be different and some things will be the same.

As always, thank you for reading! Please review, follow, whatever you want! No pressure! :)

"Where are we?" Michael asked me as we walked on the soft sand. His small hand was wrapped around mine, gripping it tighter at the unknown.

"I'm not sure." I looked around. All I saw was clear water on one side and a forest where the beach ended. Rocks littered the sand along with sticks and shells. No tracks of animals or people. Just fresh sand, water, and trees.

"Wendy, I'm scared." Michael whined and moved closer to me. I rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. These were the moments where I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that we landed on this beach after talking about leaving our great-uncle's home. A large ghost carried us here like a dream. I thought it was a dream, the air rushing past us, the view from the stars. London looked so small beneath us. People looked like ants, cars and houses looked like strings of lights laying in the snow. I realized reality when we fell from the skies onto this beach. It was all real.

"What even happened to us?" John looked around. "We were flying! How can that even happen?!" I was wondering the same thing. Flying was impossible yet we did it. Flew from London to here, wherever this was. We flew. No airplanes. No anything. "Should we go into the forest?" John asked me, pulling me from my worry. He was motioning to the large trees. "There has to be somebody here, right?"

I shrugged. "I don't know." I had to be honest with John. He would know if I was lying and frankly, he could handle these situations a bit better than me. He was a problem solver, I was level headed. We complimented each other while at the same time, despising one another's thinking. His ideas were sometimes too out there for my simple mind.

John turned to me and closed his mouth into a hard line. He was no doubt frustrated at my lack of knowledge. After sighing, he started to speak again. "I think that-"

"Who are they?!" Michael almost screamed, cutting off John and sending us to spin around to where he was frantically pointing. John to take a defensive stance next to me and Michael ran behind my back. He dug his trainers into the ground.

A tall figure had emerged from the tree line about a hundred feet away from our spot on the beach. With it a few shorter ones, dressed in dark colors and draped in black cloaks. I swallowed and stepped back, pulling John with me. The figures kept approaching and I continued to grow nervous.

They looked like the type of people my mother warned me about growing up: Dangerous. They were all boys, some older, almost men, and some younger, maybe John's or even Michael's age. As they walked forward, I saw that they all had the same look in their eyes. That they had seen many things, things I didn't even want to know, things that I needed to fear.

When they were finally close enough, one broke from the crowd, the tallest one, and stepped to only ten feet away. "We have guests." He pushed back the hood to his cloak and smoothed his blonde mop. He was handsome, with lighter green eyes and a sharp jaw. He looked like he could have been British but his accent told me he was American. He was lean and muscular, his good posture making him seem even taller at his already large structure. He had to be at least six-foot-five.

We didn't respond.

"Do you speak?" He asked us, moving his head in a way that signaled his curiosity. I noticed a thin scar going from his cheekbone to the corner of his lip.

John took the liberty to be our representative. "We do."

"Ah." The guy nodded, holding his hand up to tell the others to step back more. He must have sensed our fear and tried to keep us from escalating it. The other boys took steps back but kept their attention on us. "Where are you from?"

"London." John responded again. Silence was hindering my speech and John knew someone had to speak. I cursed myself for being so scared. I needed to be protecting us, not John. I was weak.

The guy nodded again. "Good. Do you know where you are?"

"Well-" John began and I cut him off.

"Obviously not," I said in a high voice that surprised me. Way to go, Wendy. Way to take a stand and show him that you mean business. You should have kept you're mouth shut.

The blond guy turned to me for the first time and the side of his mouth turned up just barely and his eyes crinkled a little more. "The girl speaks," he said in an appreciative tone.

"Where are we?" I ignored his comment despite in making me turn a little red.


I raised an eyebrow. "What is Neverland?" I had never heard of such a place. Neverland island? Was it a country? Definitely not.

He shrugged. "The island you come to get lost in."

"Lost?" Michael spoke for the first time from behind me. He had been lost once when he was about four. He ran off when our family took a trip to Paris. Our parents, worried as could be, called the police and we all had to search for him. We found him about an hour later near the large carousel near the Eiffel Tower. He wanted to ride it since my parents had refused. He was crying profusely from realizing he couldn't find us and he never ran off again.

The guy nodded. "Sometimes people don't want to be found." He was still watching me and I looked away. He was making me even more nervous.

I swallowed nervously and John broke the silence. "Pardon my asking but who are you?" He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

I looked up and the guy gave us a grin. "My name is Felix."

"Felix?" John repeated. He probably had never heard of such a name. He knew other Michael's and John's, as well as William's and George's. Nothing with an X in it.

"Correct." Felix nodded to him. "Who are you?"

My eyes stayed on him and John introduced himself and Michael. "I'm John Darling and this is our brother, Michael."

"John and Michael." Felix turned his eyes back to me. "Does your sister have a name?"

John went to open his mouth but I spoke first. "I don't think it's of importance." I met his eyes again and a smile was lining his lips. At least he found my avoidance amusing compared to annoying. I wasn't ready to give up my name. I wouldn't have had John or Michael give up theirs but I know John wouldn't see it my way.

He fought back a full smile. "Of course." He nodded and clapped his hands. "Shall we get to camp then?"

"Camp?" Michael spoke again. His voice was small and frightened but lined with curiosity.

"Yes, we have camp towards the center of the island."

"We?" John, with his own curiosity shining, pointed out his pronoun.

Felix motioned towards the other boys behind him who seemed to now be lost in the foliage. "The boys and myself."

"There's more of you?" John was stunned, if that could possibly be possible. He seemed generally surprised.

"Yes, about thirty."

"Oh." John closed his mouth in thought. He would stay silent until he sorted out his head.

Felix gave me another smile. "Shall we?"

Michael surprised me by responding again. "Will there be food?"

"Do you like stew?" Felix asked him.

Michael nodded.

"Perfect." He smiled. "It's dinner time."

We walked through the forest behind Felix but in front of the other boys. We were almost prisoners in a way. Like we would suddenly make a run for it. I wouldn't even know where to run, there were only trees around us now. Trees that looked the same as all the other trees. Nothing even marked the path we took now. Felix must have a map memorized in his head. I would certainly not be able to remember.

"I'm tired of walking, Wendy." Michael lagged behind me.

I gripped his hand tighter. "We're almost there, Michael." I had no idea if this was true but I really hoped. We had been walking for a while and it seemed to be getting darker.

"I think I'm going to fall over." He groaned slowing even more.

He was the dramatic one of the bunch and this was his theatrical prime. Early evening, hungry, tired. He played this game often. Normally, I would tell him to grow up a little but today, I just wanted to keep going without an argument or tears. I sighed and kneeled down. "Climb on my back."

Michael smiled, knowing he pulled something over on me and situated himself on my back. I gripped his legs, standing up shakily as he was heavy and cautiously walked behind John.

"Do you need help?" Felix asked me, turning to see why I had stopped.

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay," I said softly and used my free hand to brush a piece of fallen hair out of my eye.

He nodded. "Just ask if you need anything." I heard the lingering question in his voice. Somehow, I knew I would cash in this offer sometime in the future.

"Thank you."

We continued to walk through the forest. My boots, thank heavens I was wearing them, crunched on fallen leaves and sticks. It was a clear night, I didn't know if this was normal, and the stars were out. It was pretty but scary. I was finding out more and more things I didn't know about. The weather? Who these boys really were? If I would get off the island? Michael broke through my thoughts. "Do you think he's cute, Wendy?" He whispered into my ear.

My face set ablaze. "Michael!" That was entirely random. Michael had never asked if I liked someone before and why should he? He was eight!

"You're cheeks are really hot." He touched my cheeks, pushing them together.

I laughed and swatted his hands away. "No, Michael, I don't."

"You're lying." Kids knew everything.

"Michael, please." I begged him to stop. I didn't want Felix to hear that I may have a small crush on him. Even if I just met him, how could one not? He was cute and nice…

"Wendy and Felix sitting in a tree." He sang quietly and I stopped walking.

"Who raised you to be so annoying?" I asked spinning around in circles as he laughed wildly behind me.

"We're here." Felix interrupted us and I dropped Michael to his feet.

Felix held up a branch and let us walk through.

It was a large clearing with a fire blazing in the middle. It was empty, only abandoned tables, cooking ware, and random supplies littered the ground. I looked up and about a dozen or so houses lined the tree's canopy. They were all fairly small but had their own character. Some had one window, some had none. Each had a door and a ladder leading to it from the ground. One house, bigger than the rest, stood by its lonesome on the outskirt of buildings. It had two windows, a door, and a little balcony, barely large enough for one person but still, none of the others had it.

"Felix." I turned around to ask where the other boys were and he was gone, only the trees and silence around us again.

"Where did they go?" John asked me expectantly and I shrugged.

"I don't know." I looked around and found only the rustling of trees from the wind.

Suddenly, boys descended from all angles, all cloaked in the same black fabric as the first set, hiding their faces.

"What is this?" John asked, moving closer towards me for protection. Michael clutched my waist tightly, so easily had I become the protector. I knew John was scared as he attached himself to Michael and I.

The boys circled us, forcing us to the center of the clearing, near the fire.

"Who do we have here?" A voice asked. I couldn't see who asked it as it seemed to come from all different directions.

"Who's talking?" John yelled to the boys. No one answered. Instead, the circle parted in response and a new figure stepped into the circle. They pushed back their hood, revealing one of the older boys, at least seventeen, who was giving us a knowing smirk. Despite his obvious arrogance, he was incredibly handsome, maybe more than Felix but not as tall. He had light brown hair that brushed his ears in an effortless but perfected way. He had deep gray eyes that drew me in and contrasted his lightly tanned skin.

"I am." He said confidently. I knew immediately he was the leader of this group. He was in charge.

"And you would be?" I asked, fishing for more information.

He turned his attention to me, his smirk fading for just a moment. His eyes flickered away from the confidence and arrogance to something softer. It was so quick, almost unnoticeable before it all reappearing full force along with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you liked it, please follow, review or you know… favorite? (insert nervous laughter) I really, really hope it was good!

Thank you!