I've been having too many feels for Re: hamatora especially for Art after yesterday's episode. I feel so sad for him I really think he won't have a good ending. I feel that his regeneration minimum will destroy his memory. And it is going to make him forget everything about what happened and what he did. That is what I assumed since I don't think the writers will kill him off. The only positive outlook is that Nice promised to take care of him because of gasket and because he's his friend. :_:

By the way I give permission to Neon Night to draw this. Misty is from Hamatora ep 6 Shizuku is from the manga she is the girl they save in the mafia I thought she and Murasaki seem to understand one another Also thanks to the reviews

Art had always imagined different scenarios of meeting Nice once again. They were all good nice fairytale scenarios. Reality hadn't really caught up with his mental state back then. Right now reality was being very cruel and indecent with him. He was holding his pistol towards his most important person. Why? Because it turned out he was the one murdering minimum holders. Worse was the fact of how pathetic he had whimpered his companion's name. Nice was just staring at him with those blue eyes. Art looked down at his pistol and sighed using both hands he held it steadier now.

Nice smiled bitterly and knew the pistol would kill him instantly if aimed at his head. What a better way to die then by the hands of the one you love. At least in death I'll be free he thought. He closed his eyes seeing Art's eyes narrow in determination. At least I got to see him one last time he thought. He let his hands drop and just stood waiting for the gun to shoot. He heard the trigger moving and just kept smiling waiting for death's sweet embrace.


Nice felt the bullet whizz by but no pain came instead a crash was heard of a window being smashed. Opening his eyes he was surprised to see Art instead holding his shoulder where blood was coming out. Looking behind though the locks of the windows were opened to his surprise. The bullet did that he thought and turned to see Art smiling at him.

"Go before they get here." Art said before leaning on the doorway. By using a reflect shot which he mastered after reading it in a manga somewhere he was able to destroy the locks.

He also managed to make it hit him in order to make it seem like he had been wounded. The wound was nothing compared to other things he endured in his lifetime. Nice though was distracted at the smell of the blood. How he had missed that sweet aroma that only Art produced. His eyes started turning red much to Art's surprise. Art tried to call out to him but it was no good. All Nice wanted to do at this moment was pierced that pale flesh with his fangs and drink that sweet liquid. His mouth was watering from the very thought. Art sighed and started undoing his tie and pulled down his collar. If it weren't for his blood this would've gone easier but he hoped his men to take their time getting here. Without another word Nice pulled him forward and bit on the wound. Art winced before feeling that once familiar heat again from being drunk. He leaned onto Nice whose eyes were completely red from drinking. Nice missed this sweet taste more then anything. The very scent causes him to lose control.

"Inspector! Are you alright?!"

The call broke Nice's trance. Not thinking twice he removed his mouth but quickly healed up the wound. The brunette immediately ran to the window but turned to give Art one last look. Art only smiled gently before turning away to look at his men. Nice jumped down and slid down the fire escape. He immediately recognized Murasaki car and jumped onto it quickly.

"What the hell happened?" shouted Murasaki driving quickly. Nice shut the door after entering and only muttered a few choice words at him. Shizuku sighed knowing there was going to be a fight.

"How was he?" she asked surprising Nice who gave her a look. He then turned away and let his bangs cover his eyes.



"Inspector, is everything alright?"asked Gasket turning to the lilac haired man. It was odd but seeing Art so disheveled when they got up there confused him. The other though said that the assassin had escaped and therefore he collapsed from shock. Of course Gasket didn't believe the other one bit. Though the inspector seemed rather pale. Art smiled and only nodded an affirmative before standing up to walk.

"Why wouldn't it?" Art asked and with the next step everything turned black.

By the time he woke up he was met with the faces of everyone in Café Nowhere. Hajime looked worried but sighed in relief at seeing him wake up. Ratio suddenly reached forward to check his forehead before nodding.

"You fainted without warning. Lucky for you that it wasn't from your lack of diet or sleep. More out of shock." explained the doctor. Koneko ran over with a cup of tea Master poured. Art sighed and accepted it with thanks. Honey looked at Three who nodded. Art grabbed his shoulder where the bite had occurred. He could still feel Nice there drinking even if he wasn't there physically. I guess there are some things you can't forget he thought before laying back down. The urge to cry was really strong at the moment. Chiyuu and Misty along with Hajime noticed the youngest of the three went over to lay her head on his chest. Chiyuu went over to start drawing a sketch while Misty did the same. Takahiro wished he could do something but seeing the time he better leave before his mother gets home.

"Hope you feel better Art. I gotta get going." said Takahiro grabbing his backpack. Hajime waved him goodbye as he said goodbye and left. Art had rubbed his eyes dry enough to stop the tears from coming. He sat up as Hajime lifted her head up and the two headed to the bar counter. Koneko gave Art a piece of cake and to their surprise Honey let it pass. While eating everyone noticed Art wasn't in the best mood even while eating his cake. This worried them since the other tended to always smile and be cheerful.

Honey then stood up and went over to Art and without warning hugged him. Hajime then followed. Soon Ratio, Birthday, Chiyuu, Misty, Koneko forcing Master all were hugging Art. Art couldn't help but laugh and smile causing to join along until Three joined in and started choking all of them. The huge bodyguard was so touched he started crying not realizing he was choking everyone. Birthday the got an idea and took out his tazer. Ratio seeing this immediately shouted no. Too late as Birthday activated his minimum everyone was electrocuted immediately. The screams were heard all the way outside Café Nowhere that passersby couldn't help but stare. Back inside Birthday was the only one standing while everyone else had fallen to the ground twitching and moaning in pain.

"Well that was a shocking end." announced the electric minimum holder with a smirk.

"Guys thanks for making me feel better but next time try not to choke and electrify us next time." Art groaned out while still twitching.

"Birthday…"groaned Ratio.

"Yellow."Chiyuu said while her eyes swirled.

"Ratio-nii next time warn us." said Misty.

Koneko's tail twitched while Master's baldhead looked as though it was smoking. Honey was spazzing a bit while Three's beard was singed as well. Hajime only sighed and felt her stomach rumble. Everyone sweat dropped but laughed.

After the shock faded Ratio, Misty, Birthday and Chiyuu left. Leaving only the others present. Honey and Three finally decided to tell Art about their bodyguard job in Germany. Art nodded in understanding and said it would be fine. After he and Hajime started Hamatora Mark two, Birthday and Ratio started an odd job business and Three and Honey a bodyguard one.

"Are you sure? I mean you still have those nightmares when you sleep alone." questioned Honey in a worried tone remembering the first time it happened.

Art smiled gently and said that Hajime would be sleeping over so there should be no worries. Honey nodded and together with Three the two left to sleep to get their flight tomorrow. Art turned to see Hajime giving him a patronizing look.

"You're back to the office aren't you?" she said in an irritated tone. Art smiled guiltily and nodded.

"It's better that way. Then I wont have a relapse if I don't fall asleep."

"Nothing happens when someone is at least present in the room or at least sleeping with you. But when you are on your own you nightmares. Strange."Koneko said never having seen Art have an attack like the Hajime, Honey and Three.

"Sometimes being of royal blood isn't very fun." stated Art bitterly unconsciously touching his back.

"Either way Ratio said you needed rest and besides your day off is tomorrow." Master said as he continued cleaning the plate. Art only hummed obviously not wanting to take the advice.

"We might get a job tomorrow and you wont be in the best shape if you don't properly sleep." stated Hajime with a firm pounding of her knuckles. Art held up his hands inn surrender but was still going to try either way.

"I want to get the report in that is it. So please stay over here tonight." he begged to Hajime who pouted not liking when the other used his cunning smile.

"You owe me two dozen hamburgers." she said before she hugged him tightly. Art smiled in appreciation and softly patted her head. With that he decided to get going so he won't feel too tired. He left to his car and noticed a gang close by it and groaned. He hated when this happens especially because-

"Hey there cutie."

Yeah that is why.


"I told you to shut up!" shouted Nice slamming the door trying to hit Murasaki on purpose. Murasaki though opened it for both him and Shizuku who looked worried that something bad is going to happen. Whenever the two were truly pissed off with one another they would beat the crap out of the other.

"The hell Nice! You didn't finish the job or anything. Worse is that fact that you let him see you." snapped Murasaki removing his glasses.

Nice glared daggers at him putting on his headphones. His temper was bad at the moment and he sure needed a good fight. Shizuku groaned there goes another building to the ground and their paychecks. Man this was a moment where she wished their stupid creepy boss would show.

"Is something the matter."

The trio froze and turned to see Moral on the monitor of their downstairs base. Shizuku almost jumped in joy of seeing him. Key word is almost. Nice immediately turned away not liking to see the bastard's face one bit. Murasaki sighed wishing the other hadn't shown up since it would make Nice's mood worse. No matter how much ruder Nic e had gotten with Moral because of Art. Moral had always treated him like a precious son who he wanted to spoil.

"Nothing." muttered Nice.

"The job was a fail. We weren't able to attain the brain." explained Murasaki looking at Nice.

"Oh. Well in that case do not worry about it. I'll deal with that and also how about a month's break."

The trio turned in surprise at that announcement since they have never received a break like that. Moral smiled at them and nodded.

"You deserve after all the hard work you've done these past few years. With that I'll leave you be. Oh and Nice-kun. Do you need me to send over someone to feed on?"

Nice eyes narrowed into daggers and shifted to the color of red. "No."

Moral smiled and with that his face disappeared from the screen. Nice not wanting to do nothing else left towards the exit.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm staying at a hotel. The fuck I want to be at the moment." The brunette shouted back and left without another word.

Stepping outside into the fresh air he put the volume to his headphones high. He got a bunch of weird stares but he didn't care at this moment. He pretty much just wanted to leave at this point. Finally the streets were empty that is until he noticed a group of thugs. But to his luck they were already checking out some chick by a car.

The chick didn't look too happy but it wasn't his problem and he didn't want to be in the middle of it.

"Sorry but I have to get home."

You have got to be kidding me though Nice stopping to see the all to familiar lilac hair. Art was trying quickly to unlock the door to his car. Unfortunately for him the group surrounded him. The ringleader went up to Art and took his chin in his hand. Art didn't appreciate that and without a second thought punched the guy straight in the face. Nice smirked as he watched as Art took care of the guys. Three's training sure paid off doesn't it. The smirk fell though when they all attacked at once. What should I do he thought and snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Art was pinned by the leader who smirked down at him before taking out a knife holding it to Art's neck. "Now that wasn't very nice sweetie."

Art only glared feeling only a bit scared. The moved his hand down his chest and he felt disgusted.

"Not much of a rack but you seem to have a good enough body for us to enjoy." said the ringleader who bent forward to kiss Art. Art closed his eyes regretting letting Honey and Three go when a gust of wind flew by. Opening his eyes he noticed all the guys being beaten up before they all fell down. He looked up to see Nice before him who only stared down at him. Art stared as well.

"Were you stalking me?"

"What?! Hell, no!"

"Then how-"

"I just happened to be here at the right time that's all-Gah!"

The ringleader stabbed Nice in his side suddenly when a bullet hit the guy's left shoulder and knee. Nice took out the knife and turned to see Art holding his gun at a weird angle. Nice wanted to know how the other learned to shoot that way. Art though put the gun away and ran over to Nice. The wound could be stitched up easily without trouble.

"Come on, you have to get it stitched up." ordered the lilac pushing the brunette into the car. Nice didn't know what he was doing but he listened and got into the car. Art drove to somewhere a bit farther from the city. The ride was silent the whole way when finally he saw a rather huge hotel.

He could only assume that Art's family specifically built the building for Art and Hajime. Silently they entered the building and went over to the elevator to open to get to the penthouse. Entering the room Nice noticed paintings, and drawings hung everywhere all done by Art along with a huge piano. He sat there while Art left to one of the rooms. He started to hit random notes when Art came back out. He couldn't help but stare since Art was only in short and a tank top. The other wasn't as skinny as many thought. He had certainly gained muscle but his body was still effeminate no matter how you looked at it especially his legs.

Art put down the first aid before looking expectantly at Nice. Nice figured it out by removing his dress shirt, jacket and tie. Art blushed upon seeing Nice's well-built upper body, which caused Nice to smirk. Either way the superintendent started stitching up the wound quickly. Nice kept hitting keys while this was being done. He felt hungry again and he could assume it was from the loss of blood. Suddenly Art came into view and Nice's urge took control. He bit down and felt Art's arms wrap around his body. He tasted the other's blood and drank to his heart content. It wasn't until Art slumped forward that he realized the he had gone to far. He immediately released Art whose head fell onto his shoulder.

Nice looked down to see the other blink a few times before smiling up at him. Art gently cupped his face.

"You idiot! What if I had drank you dry?"

"You didn't. Besides it seems odd how you can somehow never kill me like the others." stated Art feeling too weak to walk now. Nice glared down at him but he smiled like nothing.

Nice sighed and carried the other to his room. He laid him down and was about to leave when Art grabbed his hand.


"I don't-"

"I can't sleep well unless someone is on the room. Please, Nice."

Nice sighed knowing he could never say no and relented. He got into the bed and Art immediately rested his head on his chest. Nice automatically placed his hand in Art's hair gently brushing his fingers through it. Art smiled and fell asleep quickly while Nice's eyes were drooping as well.

"I've missed so much." He whispered kissing Art's head and sleeping finally.