well here it is the finale Chapter thank you everyone who has read, favourite/followed and reviewed this story your comments were very motivating to continue this story I hope it has made for a good read for all of you.

and thank you to WW 2 Killer for suggesting the story it was a fun change from my usual rushed stories (for those Spider/tiger fans adventure fans check out some of his stories)

without further ado shall we wrap it up?

Chapter 20: Peter & Ava

Peter couldn't comprehend it, 2 weeks and he still couldn't believe it…he was dating Ava Ayala. And that realization alone was worth this horrible, horrible punishment.

Aunt May was out of town for a few days on girls retreat ("she neglected to mention she was going to Niagara Falls but whatever makes her happy") so here was Peter chasing a wild Tiger cub around the house trying to prevent him from causing any more damage.

("see here's the thing Tigers like to be up high off the ground, you know like in trees and such but like any cat Raja doesn't listen so he's bouncing from shelf to book case and even to the top of the pantry completely ignoring my orders to get down")

(Chibi Spidey is standing on the floor pointing at the ground "Raja down" he demanded, but Chibi Raja just looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Stupid cat" Chibi Spidey mumbled turning his back to the tiger cub, who jumped him from behind and planted him into the ground)

Raja bounded from the book case on to the TV stand knocking over the TV before scurrying away scared from Peter. "come back here you!" Peter shouted chasing the cub upstairs, Raja hopped up on the hand railing and jumped for the attic rope that was dangling at the end. Peter reached out to grab him just as Raja's teeth clamped down on the small knot tied into the rope pulling the sectional ladder down on Peter.

"oh I so hate you right now" Peter moaned as he squirmed under the ladder trying to push it off of himself, Raja looked down Peter as if he was laughing at him "I'm considering turning you into a throw pillow" Peter mumbled finally pushing the ladder back up once more Raja took off running again With Peter on his tail.

For 45 minutes Peter chased Raja all through the house bounding off walls and furniture, at long last Peter caught him…by the tail though. Raja's eyes went from round to slits and he rounded on Peter raking his claws over every inch he could reach, Peter's screams filled the whole house.

The front door opened and Ava poked her head in to see a white and grey blur mauling Peter "oh my god!" she screamed picking Raja up "Peter are you ok?" she panicked. Peter stood up luckily Raja didn't go for his face,

"I'm really not liking him" he growled pricking Raja in the nose. Ava planted a quick kiss on Peter's cheek.

"brought you your homework….you know everybody's been asking about you" her tone dropped as she lowered her bag on the couch "are the nightmares passing?" she asked.

Peter sat on the couch there it was the elephant in the room, Peter had been having nightmares ever since his first night home at first it was just nightmares preventing him from sleeping but they quickly escalated into hallucinations and voices in his head. They became so overwhelming that Tony and Steve told him to stay home until they passed and he even had to stay home from school.

"they're becoming less violent but still just as frequent" he replied, Ava sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder she was worried about him and asked him multiple times to talk to a specialist but he was to stubborn to listen.

"Peter I'm begging you please talk to somebody, when somebody endures what you went through a little psychiatric distortion is a possible side effect…and I worry about you completely breaking" Ava whimpered.

Peter pulled Ava in tighter, her being close to him was a great comfort but he didn't want to see some shrink and have them tell him he was crazy although Ava's concern was in consideration "you know Ava just having you close by helps more than you realize" he said which was true.

Ava lied down with her head on his lap "ok Peter just please think about seeing a specialist, I'd feel better knowing you were trying resolve this"

Peter leaned back stroking her silky black hair briefly closing his eyes 4 razor sharp talons slashed through the dark jolting his eyes open. Why was this time so different? He was nearly killed last time but never had any after affects,

Ava looked at him while squeezing his hand Peter's mental instability might have her scared but still she was dating Peter Parker the Amazing Spider-man and in its own way that was hope enough that he would pull himself together.

"are you sure you're ok?" she asked.

Peter ran his fingers through her one more time his eyes traveling along her smooth beautiful mocha face "I'm ok Ava…promise"

But Peter was far from ok as Ava would soon learn later that night when she crawled into bed beside him. She kept snuggled up tight because Peter's body was like a self-sustaining furnace keeping her warm, but as the hours ticked by into the night Peter started twitching and jerking under the sheets waking her up.

She sat up on her side of the bed Peter was sweating a cold icy sweat and breathing irregularly almost like he was in pain "Peter? Peter wake up" she shouted.

Peter's nose started bleeding before he shot straight up wide eyed and gasping for air, Ava sat back against the wall scared out of her mind, Peter was actually shaking and bleeding.

"ok Peter that's it either you see a specialist and find out what's causing you to be in this distress or I'm never staying over again because you're really starting to scare me…for god's sake Peter you're bleeding!" she cried fighting back her tears of fear.

Peter took a few more deep breaths to steady himself Ava was right he had to talk to somebody things were getting worse, "ok Ava I'll go first thing in the morning" he said with heavy breaths. Ava nodded then slid back down beside him hesitantly she was scared to share a bed with him yet she still loved him scared or not she wanted to stay close.

"what was it this time Sauron? Mutates?"

Peter looked over at her his eyes glistening from the water pooling up "Sauron" he breathed "I couldn't stop him this time, I was helpless as I watched him slaughter you and the others" he whimpered. Ava placed her hand over his chest to feel his heart racing like rabbit Peter was able to just let it all roll off his shoulders Fury setting him up, coming after the team on the island, nearly dying multiple times and Tiger going feral on him but now he was feeling the full wrath of his traumatic mission. Ava had started to purr knowing it would help relax him eventually Peter fell asleep while Ava sat up staring at him,

"I'm so sorry Peter…I did this to you" she whispered before kissing his cheek.

well it wasn't an epic ending but Peter's having nightmares that have gotten so bad that he's been sidelined and told to stay home from school.

Ava feels guilty thinking she's some how responsible. is she though?

will Peter see a specialist?

will Ava be able to handle his current condition?

and will Raja take over the house?

find out in Savage Lands 2: 30 days of darkness coming next Fall

some where on Savage Land Island a bloodied, mangled and chewed body slowly drags itself from the water bite marks scarred upon the torso and the left leg looked to be ripped off. "I live!" Equilibrius proclaimed to the heavens.

if anyone has any suggestions for the sequel please feel free to post it.