disclaimer: I do not own Ultimate Spiderman, Xmen or the Savage Lands they are owned by Marvel and some reason Disney don't know why but they do, I own nothing but this story
Chapter 1:The New Assignment
Director Nick Fury had often heard stories regarding an Island in Antrtica, one that was sustaining life since the triassic era believed to have been created by visting life forms this Island was home to many other forms of life including that of the dinosaurs. This was called for justifiable reasons the Savage Lands.
Fury stood at the helm of the Tri-carrier reading a newly recived File "the arc project" as he skimmed through the file the mission overview was to secure samples of all life forms and in habbitable land mass should a "new Earth" be needed, his superiors were ordering a him to send a squadron to aqciure samples of the Savage Lands for a future prison Island. But due to act 3302 The United Nations considers the Savage Land an international wildlife preserve, and forbids any commercial exploitation of its resources. So this would have to be a covert mission, luckily he had team that needed a refresher course after their team leader was recruited by the Avengers.
"Agent Hill contact Coulson have him send the young heroes back to the Tri-carrier" he ordered.
"yes sir" agent Hill replied, as she began pressing buttons on her control pannel.
(midtown high school)
It was lunch time for the students at Midtown high and the four young teenagers were sitting at their usual spot eating their questionable cafiteria food. Sam looked around his attention drawn to the new students rather than on the conversation his friends were having.
His focus was locked on the Pair of girls the first one was shorter of the two, she had light brown hair and green eyes she was defenitly cute and very friendly, the second one had Silver hair with blue eyes, she how ever reminded Sam to much of crazy cat lady Ava, she was strict and very aggresive possibly homicidale tentacies.
"Sam!" Ava hissed snapping him out of his trance, Sam quickly shook his head "what!" he snapped back in irriation. Everyone stared at him in awe "Dude what's your damage?" Luke asked.
Sam just scowled "my damage?, I'll tell you what my damage is Parker!" he growled,
the others went quiet they hadn't spoke about or even to Peter in 3 weeks after he joined the Avengers he just kind of fell off the map, he'd pop up for a brief 5 minutes then dissapear again without even so much as a hello.
"He dropped us with the first chance he got and hasn't looked back" Sam snapped
Luke and Danny were about to tell Sam he was wrong but to their surprise Ava beat them to it and in her own agressivly terrerfying way made her opinion known,
"he didn't just drop us Sam!, the Avengers recruited him because they saw potential in him! and as I recall he gave us a week to tell him if we wanted him to stay! we told him to go when an oppertunity like that arises he was supposed to take it!" she hissed nearly over reaching the table forcing Sam to lean back away from the table.
Ava had become insanely hostile lately, three weeks and they hadn't recived any missions like the others she was bored even worse was unlike the guys she didn't have any distractions other than her homework & her books.
"Mrs. Ayala, Mr. Cage, Rahnd and Alexannder please report to the principals office" came Coulsons voice ove the P.A system, "finally!" Luke whispered as he jumped from his seat,
The team sat in prinicpal Coulsons office waiting their briefing, "you kids are going on a trip to antartica for this mission" Coulson said bringing up the mission review agent Hill sent him. "what's in Antartica?" Danny asked,
"an Island, a perfectly egineered Island designed to sustain life in that harsh conditions" Coulson said.
"why would anyone want to live there?" Luke interjected with a puzzled look, "it wasn't designed for just human life, it's home to many other forms" Coulson replied.
"like what?" Tiger asked, Coulson figited in his chair "we're not entirely certain, you're going in to recover as many samples that you can"
Sam looked very disheartend about his mission "so what, now were just shields errand team?" he snapped It was very clear he wasn't happy with the way things were going for the team "Parker get's to go out and save the world everyday and we get reduced to do collecting dirt samples" he growled.
The team just looked at him Sam was just flat out pissey lately aside from no missions for 3 weeks he wasn't overly happy when Fury put Ava on as team leader,
"Ava get your team ready you leave when you're ready" Coulson orederd ignoring Sam's little rant,
"yes sir" Ava replied "you heard the man let's go" she ordered moving her team mates to the detention room. "does this seem like were only getting half the intel we need?" Luke asked taking his spot.
"indeed we are accepting a mission we know nothing about" Danny agreed sensing something dark surrounding this mission,
"I'm sure it's just as simple as Coulson says, lets just get back to Tri-carrier" Ava ordered as the floor boards parted away from under their feet.
within a few minutes they were on board the Tri-carrier and Fury was waiting for them, "nice of you kids to drop by maybe now we can get down to business, how many of you have heard of the Savage Land?"Fury asked.
Tiger was the only one to raise her hand, she was also the only one who read shield access files, the Savage Lands file was brief but that because most of the file was deemed ultra-top secret, "ok good, this is your guide for the Island" he announced waving in a man in shackles with high tech shock collar around his neck.
White Tigers temper spiked as she looked into the lifless eyes of Kraven the hunter "why is Kraven coming!" she growled extending her claws,
"he's going because he has been to the Savagelands before, restassured Tiger he's under shield control with this" Fury replied handing her a remote "press the button and he recieve 125 volt shock" he finished, Tiger remained skeptical of this plan but took comfort in knowing she could shut him down with continues pressure on a button.
"this will be fun some quality bonding time young Tiger" Kraven said coldly, Tiger mocked a retchiting sound "Fury please just get rid of him" she moaned.
Fury shook his head "I'm sorry Tiger but you kids need a guide, if he gives you any cause to do not hesitate to use that remote" he replied
Tiger glared at Kraven then pressed down on the button, Kraven's body went in to a violent spasm from the pain of the shock collar, Tiger held the button for 15 seconds savouring the feeling of enducing pain to the man who murdered her father ignoring the cries of protest from Fury and the others.
"Tiger stop!.." Tiger hesitated on the button "Tiger please control yourself, just because you have the power to inflict pain doesn't mean you should I'm begging you please think of what your father wanted for you... this isn't it!". Tiger came back to her senses as the smell of burnt ham and singed hair floated up her nostrils "oh that's rank!" she gasped.
The others were all staring at her "IronFist take that remote from her before she looses control again!" Fury snapped,
Tiger handed IronFist the remote she was at a loss for words everybody screamed at her to stop but the only voice that made it through was from the one person who wasn't present with them. "how does he do that? he hasn't been around in weeks and one moment of weakness i hear his voice and it pulls me back" She thought to herself.
with her head hung in moral shame Tiger followed the others to their operation jet, her first official mission as team leader and this was her first impression a vengefull school girl with anger issues. "Fury must be regretting choosing me as team leader already" she sighed sitting in her chair while Powerman secured Kraven to his.
"you so much as look at Tiger the wrong way and I'll have fist barbeque you on the spot" he groweld softly,
Kraven smirked a smug self satisfied grin " believe me boy where we're going you should be concerned about your friend It's the SavageLand for a reason" he chuckled omniesently,
Powerman glared at him he didn't like this arrangment "hopefully Fury had covered all the basis with this plan" he whispered to Nova.
"all right Jungle man where is this place?" Nova demanded turning to face Kraven, "Pays Sauvge is an Island in Antartica west of the land mass "tail", although I am most intrigued by the notion that your director is sending someone who would kill you in your sleep without hesitation rather then one of your hero allies who have been to the Island" he baited.
"nice try Kraven no body from Shield has set foot on Savage Land Island it's a protected wildlife preserve" Tiger replied venomously,
Kraven glanced back at Tiger she had taken his bait, "is that so?, I've witnessed the pressence of that animal man wolverine and other mutants on that Island and on one of my more recent journies I heard tales of a man who could spin webs like a spider. I also noticed Spiderman is not accompaning you four" he laughed.
Tiger flexed her claws as a warning but it did not get the intended reaction Kraven continued to smile to himself almost as if he knew something was going to happen that impact the mission. "I suggest you rest up kiddies you will need your strength just to survive your first day" he chuckled closing his eyes.
Tiger was unwilling to rest up she watched Kraven through the course of the trip, she didn't trust him and he was far to calm for somebody in his position but her focus soon began to drift away from Kraven and more towards what he had said "on one of my more recent journies I heard tales of a man who could spin webs like a spider". She knew he had to be lying she had been with Peter for these past two years and he never once went on a trip or mission to the Savage Lands and he never met Kraven until last year when he attacked them.
"No he has to be lying Nick would have sent him along rather than Kraven also it would show up in his files if he had entered a federaly protected wildlife preserve" she thought to herself, "or Fury did ask him and he chose not to be bothered with the team anymore" Tiger shook that thought out of her head she didn't believe Peter would turn his back on them Kraven had to be lying.
While Tiger was lost in thought the plane began to violently shake "were loosing power!" IronFist shouted as he tried to pull the plane out of its impending nose dive. The others began buckling up, Kraven however was roaring with laughter "haha welcome to my world children the Savage Land will be your ends... and the Tiger amulet will be mine!" he maniacally laughed his bezerking eyes fixed on Tiger. The plane balanced out skimming across the tree tops crashing into a swamp 5 seats ejecting in different directions in the confusion no tracking beacon was activated and plane began to sink into the swamp chunks of burning debris scattered across the marsh lands.
The 5 chairs deployed their chutes and floated to different terrertories of the Island, the young heroes were scattering across the unknown Island, multiple sets of eyes fixed on the falling foreigners.
none more with more ferousity then a pair of glowing ambers eyes floating above two immence saber teeth concealed in the shadows of the forest.
this is a work in progress and is open to all suggestions so please feel free to voice opinions on this story and because I know very little of the Savage Lands if I made any mistakes please correct me
This story idea was suggested to me be a talented Author WW2 Killer and I'm hopping it lives up to his and everyone's expectations