Hey! I do hope you enjoy this tale! :3. This is my first KevEdd story, so please, if you have anything to say, I would love to hear!

Okay! I will say this. I have taken small pieces from what I have read of other stories to piece together their personalities because what other writers have done was just...amazing. These other writers had brought me into this world of KevEdd and I do not wish to leave! XD. Anyway! Sorry, I have a thing of rambling. Okay! I do not own any of the characters except for the ones that I create, which would come in Ed boys, Kevin, Nazz, Nat (I will say this, I can not see a see a story without this love who is obsessed with asses XD. Who ever created him, you have done fantastic! I will find out later and give where their credit is due!), and so on!

Now, there is going to be some major fluff going on later in the story XD, so BEWARE! Even in the first little bit there is something going on :3. In this story there will be fluff, cuss words, and maybe rape later on (awful, I know.)

So, my sweet ones! Let us begin!



Chapter One

Edd shivered as he felt Kevin's hands on his lower back. "Kevin wh-"

"Shh.." The red head cut him off and smirked, his hands continuing to explore the smaller male's back. Edd couldn't hide the shiver that escaped him, and it made him turn a deep red. Giving a deep chuckle, Kevin began to pull his shirt up. Gently nipping Edd's ear, he pulled away only for a second to lift the material and toss it aside. Shivering as his bare skin is exp-


Edd sighed as he slowly opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm. Another dream. He thought and gave a soft sigh. This has been going on for the past week, ever since Edd had been forced to tutor the Jock. Running a hand through his hair, Edd sighed. "Come on, Eddward." He mumbled. "There is no chance that a relationship between us would work. He probably doesn't even feel the same, he is probably in love with Nazz." He spoke as if there was someone else there, but he knew there wasn't.

Slowly climbing out of his bed, Edd gave a soft sigh as he turned around to debate fixing it. No. He thought, determined. He was trying to break away from the habit of trying to be perfect, of trying to make sure that everything was perfect. His parents were barely there, so why should he even try?! It wasn't like they wanted him in the first place, and ever since he was born, they have always wanted bragging rights, so they pushed him and pushed him.

Removing himself from his thoughts, the young teen grabbed a new set of clothes from his closet and headed towards his connected bathroom. Turning the water on to scolding hot, Edd quickly climbed in. Filthy, Filthy, Filthy. He thought over and over. Some things never changed, no matter how hard he tried.

Once he made sure that he was clean enough, Edd climbed out of the shower and began to dry himself. It took all of his willpower to make sure that his mind didn't drift off to the annoying Jock that had plagued his mind for the past week. The way his holds himself with that tan and toned muscular b- STOP. He yelled in his mind. This has to end, NOW. No one knew that he was gay except for a few close friends. Eddy, Ed, and his new best friends, the Irish fiery Victoria and her sister Lucida.

Shaking his drying hair, Edd looked at himself. His dark ebony hair went in waves to his shoulders, it honestly looked like an emo hair cut, as Eddy would say. Only he and Ed have seen the young teen without his beloved hat. His beautiful cyan eyes were bright against his creamy porcelain skin. Though he was still lanky compared to others, he had filled out a little more over his high school years from swimming. Slipping on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a Pop Evil tee shirt, Edd soon began to slip his beanie in place.

"There." He mumbled and gave himself a once over look. Adding final touches, such as cologne, Edd grabbed his black hoodie and slipped it over his head carefully. Not being able to stand it anymore, he gave a soft groan as he began to fix his bed as he was taught. Hearing the door bell, Edd perked up and ran, and practically fell down the stairs to answer. Opening it, a small smile appeared on his face as his gaze landed on two of his best friends.

"Salutations Eddy! You are a bit early this morning, which is quite surprising. If you will give me a moment, I shall slip on my shoes and then be ready to go!" The smaller man gave a small nod and ran a hand through his hair.

"Hurry up Sock Head." He said and gave a small grin. Edd couldn't help but smile a little.

He and Eddy have been through a lot together, especially when he came out.

Double D began to pace as he tried to find the courage to tell his friend his most deepest secret, as he did, he glanced over at his short friend. Eddy had a look of concern on his face.

"What is up, Double D? You are acting weird." Taking a deep breath, Edd faced him,

"I want to tell you something, and since we are so close, I feel that I can say so without you judging. I am..well...gay." Edd mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to look Eddy in the eyes until he said something.

Eddy took a moment to reply, a laugh soon escaping him. "I thought so." He said. Edd looked over in him in surprise,


He laughed again, "Double D, I know you better than anyone. Just because of the fact that you like guys instead of girls doesn't change anything."

The fragile teen couldn't help but smile widely as he pulled his friend into a tight hug before quickly pulling away. "Thanks Eddy."

As his mind wondered to the memory, his body moving on it's own as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his messenger bag. "Ready." He said and soon followed his two friends out. Ed pulled him into a tight hug.

"Double D!" He said with his wide goofy grin.

Edd stiffened, "E-Ed! Desist this instant!"He said in one breath, or...at least the only breath he had at the moment.

"Sorry Double D." His large friend said and put him down. Eddy just gave a small laugh before looking at the two.

"Come on Sockhead, Lumpy." He said as he began heading towards his old beat up car. As Edd began to follow him, his eyes couldn't help but drift to a red head just across the street climbing on to his he watched the movements of Kevin lifting his leg over the bike and straddling it, a warm feeling soon began to grow in his stomach.

"Double D! What the hell are you doing?!" Eddy called out from his car. Edd quickly shook his head and quickly walked to the passenger side.

"M-my apologizes." Edd said quickly as Edd started the car, and before he could begin driving, he was cut off by Kevin.

"That damn son of a bitch!" Eddy growled, which made him receive a glare from his passenger. "Language Eddy."

"Yeah yeah." The stouter one replied in a low tone before making their way to the school.

Kevin watched as the car he just passed sped up and passed him; and he knew who was all in it; the Dorks. Though he was tempted to get in front of them again, he knew it wasn't to risk. At least not yet anyway. Though, his mind couldn't help but drift to the smart one; Double Dweeb. Kevin couldn't help but think about the young teen. Every since he saw one of his swim meets freshman year, and now they are seniors, he hadn't been able to get the image out of his mind. He didn't understand it; and when his Science teacher, Mr. Barlow, paired him with the dork to bring his grade up, he couldn't help but feel...excited.` Regaining his thoughts, Kevin sighed as he pulled up in front of the school. He had to figure out what was going on in his head, but, part of him was scared too. Maybe Nazz would know what to do.

Hello my lovelies! I know this chapter is a bit short, and for that I apologize, but hey! The next ones should be longer, :3. Please either Review or PM me! I would love to hear from you all!