NOTE: Yep, another Hunter fic. I enjoy these stories, and I sure hope nobody's getting tired of them. I'm not. I wanted to write a long one of my own. I already wrote a couple of one shots on it, and wanted to write a longer one. Enjoy! :)
After Skipper and Professor got Gilligan out of the tree, they walked him back to camp where the others were waiting on him. Gilligan had a splitting headache, and just wanted to lie down and forget the whole mess. It had been a very long and stressful twenty-four hours. The others jumped up anxiously when they saw Gilligan. As expected, Ginger and Mary Ann ran up to him, hugging him and kissing him, not wanting to let him go. The Howells were overjoyed to see that the dear boy was alright, and were struggling to hold in tears.
"Now, now, everybody, let Gilligan breathe," Professor said, with a laugh. He was so relieved that his friend was all right, that he couldn't care less that they weren't rescued.
"Are you hungry, little buddy?"
"Not really, Skipper. I-I just want to lie down."
"All right, but at least have some water."
Gilligan nodded and took a cup from Mary Ann, and gulped it. He had never been so thirsty in his life. After finishing it, the others watched Gilligan head to the direction of the hut so he could lie down. They were worried about him. They knew that it would probably take a while for their best friend to get over this ordeal.
Professor went to his hut to work on one of his many experiments, the Howells returned to their hut to change their clothes, since they had worn them for twenty-four hours straight. Ginger went to set the table for dinner, and Mary Ann decided to bake a coconut cream pie for when Gilligan woke up. Skipper decided to go into the hut and watch Gilligan as he slept.
His poor little buddy. Gilligan had been ecstatic that he survived, but after finding out how close Kinkaid came to killing him, he passed out. It was one of those scary situations where you didn't really get scared until after it was over. Like, when you watch a scary movie, and you're not scared watching it, but get scared after it's over.
After a couple hours sleep, Gilligan woke up to find Skipper sitting in a chair, reading a book.
"Oh, little buddy, you're awake!"
Skipper sat his book down and quickly ran up to his little buddy.
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay, I guess."
"Well, come on. Dinner's ready."
They walked outside to the table where the others were waiting eagerly. Mary Ann put on her brightest most cheerful smile. Professor had told them all to behave happily and normally around Gilligan, and not to ask him any questions about the hunt. After all, when Gilligan was ready to talk, he would.
"Hi, Gilligan! I've made you all your favorites. Professor went to the lagoon and trapped some lobsters for us. I baked you a coconut cream pie. Ginger cut up some fruit for you."
Ginger shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry, Gilligan, you know I'm a bad cook."
Gilligan gave Ginger a small smile. "It's okay, Ginger."
"And I decided to bring out one of my best bottles of Bubbly," said Mr. Howell holding up a bottle of wine.
They all sat down to eat, and couldn't help notice how Gilligan hardly touched his food. He would take little nibbles, but other than that, he barely touched it.
"Gilligan, you better clean your plate if you want any of my coconut cream pie," Mary Ann said with a wink and a smile.
"Your pie is wonderful, Mary Ann, and I thank you all for this delicious meal, but I'm not feeling too good. I-I think I better go lie back down."
Gilligan excused himself from the table and headed back to the hut. The others all watched him, concern etched on all of their faces.
"Oh, my poor little buddy."
Mrs. Howell waved her gloved hands. "He really does need to eat something to keep up his strength. He's such a skinny boy."