May I Be Your Shield? Chapter 1:

Summary: Who really is responsible for the creation of The Shield? Why is it such a secret? And what happens when the secret is forced out? Dean Ambrose/OC Rated for language and future chapters. ::Hint, Hint:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Abso-fucking-lutely not!"

"Hey! Language Al!"

"Oh bite me, Hunter!" The fiery blonde's blue eyes glared at the man sitting across from her. She had been called into this last minute meeting with the board of directors and so far it hadn't been going well. "I was promised this wouldn't happen. That if I came back and produced this, the board wouldn't get involved. This is bullshit and you know it!"

It had been almost a year since she has presented this idea to the board. A year of hard work and dedication to make this product the best the company has seen in years. With it finally being put into effect just 4 months ago, the WWE had been rocked to it core, and she had refused to let anyone fuck with it. Her master plan had been everything she hoped and more. However, now it was being turned and manipulated. She was furious.

"Things have changed," John Lauranitis spoke up, making Allie's icy glare turn to him. "We never expected this to be so successful. We have to make sure it continues that way. We've decided this is the best decision."

"You're only going to destroy it! What I've worked so hard to make successful is being ripped from my hands. Creative has produced absolute shit in the last few years. So now you're going to hand them our most thriving product? That's the most disastrous, idiotic, and cataclysmic thing that could be done," she lashed out.

Her words were acidic and venomous, making 'Johnny Ace' hesitate before speaking. She cut him off, her voice taking on an almost worried, yet hollow tone, "Not to mention the other side of the spectrum. What about how hard they've worked to make this a success? Trying desperately to prove to the WWE Universe and to you, what I have known all along. That they deserve to be here. Do they know?"

"No," Stephanie spoke for the first time, looking at her regretfully. Well, at least one person seemed to be on her side. "They don't know anything about you or this plan." Allie noticed how Stephanie scoffed when saying 'plan'. Obviously a plan she didn't agree with, but must have been outvoted. "I felt you'd prefer to tell them everything yourself. It's the least we could do. All they were informed of was that they have a meeting with creative at Raw on Monday in Pittsburgh. They were told to report to the Consol at noon."

"Well there's at least one bonus," she scoffed, "I won't have to travel far since it's in my hometown."

"You won't be needed until Raw, Al," Stephanie continued sympathetically, "You'll have a week to get everything in order."

With that the blonde stood up, nodding in Stephanie's direction. "Thank you, Stephanie." Glancing at the other's in the room, biting her tongue to stop herself from saying anything she may regret, "Gentlemen." Then excused herself from the board room.

Making her descent down to her car to head to the airport, everything felt like it was crashing down on her. Her project, her baby, was being taken away from her. She felt the tightening in her throat and tried to swallow it down as the years began filling her eyes. She wiped them away angrily, as she stepped off the elevator, into the garage. As she reached her rental, her phone alerted her that she just received a text. Retrieving it from her purse, she saw it was from Stephanie.

*Well that was a shit show wasn't it? I'm so sorry, Al. I really tried to stop it. If it's any consolation, Hunter's on the couch for the next week. He doesn't even get the luxury of one of the guest rooms. Ass.*

Allie smiled a little at Stephanie's last comment, knowing she was dead serious. Under normal circumstances, Allie would have felt some sympathy for Hunter, but at the moment, she secretly hoped for knots and cramping in his back. She felt as though he had betrayed her, and it hurt. She typed a response to Stephanie.

*Thanks for your support, Steph. :) It really means a lot. Will you be in Pgh on Monday?*

She slid into her car, waiting for a response, which she got shortly after starting the car.

*You bet I will be. Let me know if you need anything. And, just for the record, I'll always have your back. I agree with you about creative. Things need to change. Enjoy your week! See ya Monday, girl!*

After sending a quick response, Allie began driving towards the airport to catch her flight home. Around 5 hours later she was walking thru the door of her house. Glad to be home, and feeling completely exhausted, Allie made her way upstairs, dragging her bags along behind her to her bedroom. Dropping her bags by the closet and kicking her shoes off, she then fell into bed and let her exhaustion take her away.

A couple hours later, she woke up starving and extremely thirsty. Getting out of bed and making her way to the bathroom, she decided on a shower before heading downstairs. 15 minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, after a nice, relaxing shower, wrapped in a deep purple towel. As she dug through her drawers looking for something comfy to wear, she heard the familiar tone of her phone ringing. She retrieved it from her purse and smiled at the face lighting up her phone. Sliding her thumb across the screen, she answered.

"Sami," she laughed into the phone, "you creepy bastard. What the hell have you been up to?" The laugh of one of her long time friends, Sami Johnston, better known to the wrestling world as Sami Callihan, made the smile on her face widen even more.

"I was just sitting here wondering when your wicked witch ass was gonna come visit me," his voice smiled through the phone. "It's been way to long since you've darkened my doorway."

"Oh don't you worry," she laughed, "It won't be long too long til you'll be begging me to leave." She loved Sami like a little brother. They banter back and forth, giving each other's sarcastic personalities a run for their money.

"How 'bout this week?" Sami asked seriously, "I'm having a party tomorrow night. A bunch of people will be there. It should be a good time." Allie thought it over for a few minutes. She really didn't see the harm in going to Cincinnati for a day or two. She didn't have to work until Monday and she missed Sami like crazy.

"I guess I could grace you with my presence," she smiled, making him chuckle on the other end, "I don't have to work until Raw on Monday. I could come hang out for a day or two."

A loud "WOOT!" came through the phone, making her laugh. "Awesome!" Sami's voice boomed. Then suddenly his voice changed back to a more serious tone, "Wait... Raw?"

"Haha, yea." She said sarcastically into the phone, rolling her eyes. "I'll explain when I see you."

"Alright, we'll get your ass to Cincinnati. Let me know when your flight gets in. I'll pick you up." After finalizing plans, they finished their conversation so she could book her flight and pack, wanting to get to Cinci as soon as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: Let me know what you think. I have a good chunk of this story already written. So I should have the next chapter up soon. Would love to hear some feed back.