About a month later….

Callie POV

This is it! It's the day before my 18th birthday and I can't be more thrilled. Not only will I be an official adult, I will finally be able to be with Brandon. I have been walking around with the biggest smile on my face waiting for 12:00AM to hit. I walk downstairs for get a drink from the kitchen and I see Brandon, Lena and Stef sitting down in the living room. Thinking it's a private conversation, I turn around when I hear Lena call me.

"Callie, can you come here please? Mom and I want to talk to you two" She says and I start to panic.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Are we not allowed to be together anymore? I'm turning 18 we both are legal. " I say. They see the look on my face and Brandon gets up and runs to me.

"No, nothing is wrong. They want to talk to us about school" he tells me and I relax a little. I sit down and try to catch my breath.

"Sweetie nothing is wrong. Mom and I couldn't be happier with you two being together and I am so proud of you both for waiting until the right time. We want to discuss the fact that you both will me in New York next year miles away from us. We just want you both to be responsible and don't forget why you both are going there." Lena says

"You both are going to get an education so you both will make something out of your lives together. I know you both will be with each other all the time and spending the night in each other's dorm rooms. Just don't lose focus with school. We don't want you both to put yourselves in any difficult situations where you are not able to continue your education" Stef adds on.

"You mean if I was to get pregnant? We haven't even gone that far" I tell them.

"Yeah mom, we barely will be a couple in a few hours (Brandon looks at me and smiles) and sex is not something we are planning on doing right away. I love and respect her too much to jump into something so serious so soon" Brandon tells them which makes me smile and a little sad. I know he respects me and I love him for that but at the same time, I want him so bad it hurts.

"We know but being by yourselves and the tension that the entire family can feel between you two, it will probably happen sooner than you think and we just want you both to be responsible and think about your future, okay my babies" Stef tells up. We both nod and moms give us both a famous "Mama Sandwich". When Brandon and I head upstairs, we turn to each other.

"See you at 11:59AM" He tells me and I blush

"Okay. See you then" I tell him and then I go in my room. Marianna is sitting on the bed painting her nails and looks up when I walk in.

"Hey Callie are you excited about tomorrow. I still don't know why you don't want a party. It's your 18th birthday" She tells me. I told everyone all I want is a private dinner with the family and a few of the girls from Girls United after we get home from school. The main reason if after the dinner, I plan on spending the rest of the night with Brandon.

"I just want to be 18 and free from the system completely. I don't need a huge party. Everyone I care about will be there anyways. I don't hang out with that many people at the school anyways."

"Yeah well at least you and Brandon can be together. I see the girls after him and he turns them all down. I know it's to be with you. I can't wait for you both to walk down the halls together tomorrow. It's going to be epic" She says and then starts painting her nails again. I just shake my head but she's right. My life will finally begin and it will be epic.


I get a text from Brandon to meet him in his room at Midnight. That way we can have privacy when we finally make our relationship official. I look at myself in the mirror and I gasp. Oh no I look horrible in these clothes. I have on some baggy pajama pants and a t-shirt with stains. I hurry up and change into a tank top with some short pajama shorts and I brush my hair and put it in a loose pony tail. When 11:59AM comes I open the door and walk to Brandon. This is the first day of the rest of our lives together. Before I knock I see a note that tells me to come in. When I walk into the room, I gasp.

Brandon POV

When Callie walks in, she freezes with her mouth wide open. I have balloons tied to the keyboard and the bed. There are rose petals all over the floor and candles lit. I am standing there with a bouquet of flowers in my hand. She finally closes the door and locks it.

"Happy Birthday Callie" I tell her and she walks over to me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Brandon thank you so much! You are so sweet" She tells me and she gives me a big hug.

"Callie, I love you so much and I want to know will you be my girlfriend" I ask her. My hands start shaking and get nervous.

"Yes, Brandon. I am yours now and forever" She tells me and I smile. She takes the flowers from me and sits them down on the piano bench. She comes toward me and wraps her arms around my neck. I grab her by the waist and pull her close to me and we both lean in and our lips touch. This is the feeling I have been waiting a lifetime for. She is mine and I am hers. We kiss with such intensity that my knees start to weaken. We both lay on the bed, me on top not breaking the kiss. She pulls away and we look into each other's eyes, breathing heavily.

"Brandon, I know we said we would wait but this moment is perfect and I want to give myself to you fully. I want you to make love to me" She tells me and now I am speechless. After a second to long, I speak.

"Callie, are you sure? You are the love of my life and I don't want to rush into being with you. I don't want to regret this" I tell her and she smiles. She reaches up and caresses my cheek.

"I am so sure. I don't want to wait. I am ready" And with that we kiss again. The kiss is slow and sensual, with so much passion, it's overwhelming. We slowly undress each other and I look down at this beautiful woman I can now call mine. She looks at me with so much love that a tear runs down my face. That night is filled with the love we have been waiting for this entire time. We are finally together and nothing will keep us apart.

The next morning, Callie and I are outside Anchor Beach. We look at each other.

"Are you ready" She asks me. I take her hand in mine and bring it up to my lips.

"Yes I'm ready" I kiss her hand and with that we walk in. All eyes are on us as soon as we step in the hallway. We walk pass Marianna and Jesus and they look at us and smile. We then pass Tayla and she has a look of disgust on her face. She takes out her camera and takes a picture.

"I will be sending this to Social Services. I know you both are not allowed to be together" She says with a smirk on her face.

"Go ahead. I don't care because as of 12:00AM today, I am officially 18 and not a ward of the state." Callie tells her. Her smirk falls and now she looks pissed. I look at Callie and she knows what I'm thinking.

"What the hell" she says and with that I grab her and kiss her like there is no tomorrow. I then sticks my tongue in her mouth which at first surprises her but then she give in. After we pull apart, Tayla turns around, closes her locker and storms down the hall. Callie and I laugh and then continue to walk to our class when we see Lena standing there. We think we are in trouble but she smiles at us and then turns the corner.

"OMG you should have seen the look on her face when she walked off. Priceless" Marianna says as she runs up to us. She hugs us both while Jesus comes up and nods with approval. This has to be the best day of my life.

Later on

Callie and I are telling all the guests by as her birthday dinner is over. Everyone is so happy for us. Even Sophia and Robert are happy for us. Robert offers to get us an apartment in New York since we will be there together but we decide to live in the dorms our first year. We want to actually have the dating experience so we want to live separately. At the end of the night, Callie and I are outside on the porch looking at the stars.


"Yes my love"

"I am so happy. I can't believe we are finally together and nothing will stop us."

"I know. I remember the first day we met. Despite the bruises I thought you were so beautiful."

"Yeah when I first saw you, I wanted to know about you but I knew it was temporary so I put up a wall. I think I first started to like you when you helped me save Jude. You risked your life for us and I can never repay you for that." She tells me and I pull her closer.

"I think the moment I knew there was something there was when we played together that 2nd night. Do you know that I was supposed to meet Tayla that night? She was the one that texted me in the middle. I told her I couldn't make it because I was in trouble but it was because I wanted to spend time with you" I confess.

"No I didn't. Yeah I couldn't stop looking at you when you started playing. I miss our jam sessions."

"Well, we can have many of those in New York. I can't wait to start our life together. I love you"

"I love you too. Now and Forever"

The End.

I decided to stop there because there will be a sequel with Brandon and Callie staring college and their life together. I hope you enjoyed. Please review!