Chapter 2

Disclaimer: All created ideas, characters, and situations created by Dan Schneider are not owned by the author, 21BrokenPromises. Description:

Description: We all know that Shelby Marx is an exact replica of Tori, right? Well our dear Jade, pray for her, didn't know that at all! And now... Well... She ended up taking the wrong girl to bed, that girl being Tori. Starts out with Shade but ends as Jori! Rated M for Sexual Situations and Profanity.

Rating: M

Words: 3,529

AN: I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry for the late update. I know that some of you have probably forgotten about this but I just wanted to get it finished anyway. I thank you all for reviewing and cheering on the new Shipping. Sadly this will be the last chapter for this story but know that I wont stop writing at all. I also must apologize in advance for any mistakes in my Spanish! I really suck in other languages and I put together what I learned in Spanish class into this. Fell free to review about the mistakes because I do love to learn from them. I also want to say that I love you all and I really hope you enjoy this!

Friday had finally come, but not without a twist. Unbeknownst to our girl Jade. It had taken her two days, eight hours, twenty-two minutes, and eight seconds to finally find out what she wanted to do with her other half.

Have sex.

Yup, you got it. The whole fuck and fun thing wasn't totally out of the picture but oh no, it would not be a regular one either. It would be one for Shelly to remember. One to put in the books. She knew sex was a given in a healthy relationship. A couple of lovelets were fine but lately they haven't had any. Jade was getting mighty pissed and had a little more bark than the norm. Her comments had been meaner and her glares were angrier. She was frustrated, sexually frustrated. She knew her babe wasn't cheating on her, she just knew. Shelly wasn't like that. Jade knew it was possible but it was highly unlikely and she was happy too, very content because she had never been in a relationship where there had been so much trust. She cherished it so much and would rather die than be the one to mess it up. Jade may be a little bitchy but she wasn't cruel. Jade loved Shelby and cheating was out of the question...

Right now, the young playwright was getting ready. She wasn't kidding when she said it would be a night to remember. It would be a minor forty-five minutes before Shelby would be home and she needed everything to be perfect. Her hair was curled and dashed her features with light makeup but she didn't want to overdo everything with a slutty outfit. She knew her other half hated those. Instead of turning her on, it turned her off and Lord knew Jade was ready to fuck something up the night she found that out. Rest assured, she found a way to make Good ol' Shelly fired up again. Thanks to the West Charm and tongue skills.

Jade was adorned in a simple over-sized New York Giants t-shirt with ankle socks/leg warmers. In all honesty, it was sexy but in a mild way. You wouldn't know she was trying to seduce someone if you didn't see the devious smile adorned on her lips and looked up her shirt to see... She had on no tidy whities. Oh, and the way the crease in between the chest of her shirt complemented her voluptuous bosom. It was to die for.

Suddenly, Jade's ear twitched in tune with the clicking of the front door.

Show time.

The thespian gave herself one last once over before creeping down the stairwell silently. Her heart was beating hard. It had been so long and her insides clenched with anticipation. She wanted Shelly to fuck her so hard. Her legs weakened slightly at the thought. Fuck!

Nearing the last two steps, Jade sought out a figure standing next to the front door scrambling with the silent alarm. What the Hell? She's always chastising me about forgetting the damn code but when she bumps her little head on the pavement the way home, it's alright. Pfft, she's so lucky I'm horny or else she would've heard from me. Jade continued stealthily and took a deep breath in before brushing against Shelly but she didn't get the result she was hoping for.

The Latina jumped up in bewilderment and froze as if whatever it was would go away. Her fingers stopped pressing random buttons on the silent alarm but never left their place. Her breathing quickened when she felt warm ragged air brushing against her ear and, damn, what was that intoxicating smell? She silently prayed and waited to hear something, anything move from behind her so she could get a profile on what it was. This confused Jade. Usually Shelby would act on instinct and pin her to the wall or something! Not freeze like a coward. Who does that? The girl rolled her eyes.

Instead of letting it hinder her, Jade continued and leaned against the girls back, pressing her breast warmly on the Latina. She heard a shriek but that wasn't all Jade noticed. Had Shelby gotten shorter? Jade peered down and, yup, this girl was two inches shorter than before. The two lovers were roughly the same height but all of a sudden either Jade got taller, Shelby got shorter, or the floor wasn't leveled. Something was fishy here. The girl knew change was possible but come on! Losing two inches in a day? Impossible.

Then something clicked. Shel' did mentioned something about a sister... What if... What if she came for a visit?!

Jade's face flushed.

There was a possibility. First, this girl didn't know the code to the damn alarm. Two, she's a little scaredy-cat. Three, she's a midget too! Something was really going on and Jade didn't like it. What would she say to Shelly? 'I'm sorry babe, I accidentally rubbed my breast on your sisters back.' She would have a tough time getting out of that one and Jade had slithered her way out of a lot.

Instantly, 'Shelby' turned around and Jade prepared herself for the worst.

"Oh, it is you! You know, next time you should call me when you get in. I could use a little reassurance you know. You're so self-centered." The light-brunette's mouth was agape. What the heck did I just walk into? Shel' is so going to hear from me! She's such a dirty freak. Despite her thoughts, Tori couldn't get her eyes off the mysterious girl. She was so... Sexy. Now Tori wasn't gay but she sure could appreciate a beautiful person. And this person right here was especially beautiful, fascinating even. It was hard to rip her eyes from the body but Tori managed to find her eyes not that it helped. Her body was great but her eyes were just... Wow.

Tori's ogling just made Jade smirk further and she stalked towards the smaller woman. "What's wrong hun'? I told you we would be having a fun night tonight so whats the problem? Chickening out on me?" Although it was a question, even a deaf person could hear the sultry tone lacing on the words. The shorter woman backed away slowly but Jade followed and took it in stride. In her mind, Shelly was just playing hard to get but she did like a little fun.

Just before Tori could round the corner, the raven-haired girl quickened her pace and latched onto her wrist, wrapping the Latina's arms on her own waist. "Stop playing around baby. You know how much I want this and you told me how much you wanted it too. So come on and fuck me." The words were drawn out and Jade made sure to moan the last bit in her lover's ear. Tori shivered. What the fucking hell?! I walk into this damned house and I have a girl begging me to fuck her. Oh, nah. I'm not about that life and even if I was... I couldn't do this! It's just wrong and weird... But I can't hurt her feelings by telling her I don't want it. That would be so embarrassing! Despite her thoughts, Tori didn't fight back. It was as if Jade was a magnet, collecting her body and drawing her in. Tori could feel the magnetic waves pulsing the air around her and vibrating her crotch. I-I can't do this...

"Come on mami, fuck me." But she makes it so damn hard... Tori whimpered. This girl was so hard to resist. Almost everything she did was alluring and the way she was nuzzling her cheek wasn't helping either. Jade strategically trapped the Latina in between the counter and herself, making it hard for the shorter girl to escape... Not that she wanted to.

Jade's hands wandered down to 'Shelby's' purple shirt and played with a breast from the outside, teasing it. She could feel a taut nipple peeking through her mami's sports bra and asking for attention, drawing her hands closer. It was hard to resist. Magnetizing.

Tori bit her lip.

"Nm." Jade wasn't the only one with sexual needs. Like her sister, Tori's career had been taking off as well so she didn't have much time to fool around like she used to. Yes, 'Used to'. Tori had a couple experiences in bed so she did know a good lovemaking from a bad one. She also knew a couple of tricks herself. She was growing up and in case you didn't know, porn wasn't very hard to come by. The wrong spelling for 'Come' and millions of pictures soared on her screen. It was amazing with what she found. There was straight sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, absolutely anything. Then, a thought rushed in.

This was a girl she was about to have sex with. She didn't know what to do this time. But she couldn't stop now! She was in deep and Tori was sure the girl fondling her didn't wanna' stop either. Tori's grip weakened around Jade's waist, which didn't go unnoticed.

"What's wrong mami?" Jade stopped her ministrations and looked up at her lover's eyes. They were different somehow. Just... Softer? Unlike usual, her other half had a certain dominance racing through her iris. A certain look that just screamed CONFIDENCE but now... Now she looked, nervous. It was unusual and it scared Jade a little bit. She sighed.

"Look, I'm... I'm s-s. Ugh I feel really bad okay! I just wanted a night to ourselves for once and I thought I told you how much I wanted this." Jade motioned between them. "I understand your career is taking a lot out of you and I guess I understand but... I have needs too. I have needs for you." Tori turned away and so did Jade but for different reasons. Tori felt guilty. Although they had only just met, she felt as though this girl knew her some how. Obviously she did if she was able to understand that her career was taking the best of her. Tori would admit, she did feel frustrated too but it was hard to fulfill her wants sometimes. Tori sighed. There's no better time than now.

Tori walked over and nuzzled Jade's neck, just like she had done and that released all the doubt in the playwright's mind that this wasn't her love. Who else would know how to make her feel so calm with such a simple gesture? Tori grabbed Jade's wrist and lead her up the stairs that Jade had recently descended.

"Look, I know we both want this but I refuse to do it on the floor. I have standards y'know." Tori and Jade both chuckled. That somehow made it all easier on the both of them.

When Tori stepped on the solid floor she panicked.

What room?!

There was like a bunch of doors and she wasn't sure which one would be the right one. She didn't wanna' kill the mood by walking into the bathroom or making it seem like she didn't know her way around. The brunette took a gamble and walked in on the third door to her right. Hopefully that was the right one but since the girl, whose name she still didn't know, didn't make any sound of refusal, she guessed she made the right decision.

Her hand grabbed the knob and she peeked into the room.

Yes! I'm so smooth! Papa would be so proud!

Tori silently cheered and continued to walk into the room. It wasn't much. It looked like a guest room, not too much but not too little. There was a bed, a decent television, lamps, windows, a closet, and a dresser. You know, things that made up a room but it had no personality. Tori shrugged. As long as it didn't stop her now, she was fine.

As soon as Tori neared the bed, Jade didn't waste time returning to her past ministrations. Her hands found their way back to the Latina's chest but she was able to control her moan this time around. Tori's hands found their way to the pale girl's torso to bring her closer. Jade felt warm, so different from their other lovemaking sessions. Maybe tonight is different.

Tori's hands lowered to grab onto Jade's ass. The said girl bucked forward and the simple act of approval nearly made Tori moan. "Ahn. Do that again mami." So Tori did but this time she ground into the thespian's thighs and they both sighed in pleasure. Tori rested her head in Jade's shoulder as the girl caressed her body, massaging almost every inch of her, intimate or not. The attention made her quiver but she didn't want it to stop.

But it did.

Tori whimpered when Jade backed away, taking all the warmth with her. She felt as though all the essence of the girl was what kept her thriving on and without it, she wasn't sure if she would be able to continue.

Jade stared at the Latina carefully as she sat on the bed. Her eyes wandered down the singer's body which made her cheeks blush at the attention. Another obscurity that Jade noticed but she didn't mind it, it turned her on. She gestured her finger in a come hither motion but didn't have to wait long for 'Shelly' to comply.

Tori straddled the girls lap and wrapped her arms around the pale neck. Jade took this as an invitation to nibble on her neck. Her teeth raked against her neck softly, this made the brunette moan. Slowly, Tori began grinding her hips into Jade's as she combed through her dark locks. Suddenly, she felt a cool breath on her shoulder and she gasped at the change in temperature.

Jade smirked. It was a little something she learned to do not to long ago. From experience she found out that a good cool blow on your lover's neck made them go bonkers. It especially felt good when replaced with a warm mouth not to long after, this made the subject crave more warmth. She also knew that from experience.

Pale hands wandered down to grab onto Tori's hips and without notice, the two fell back onto the bed. Tori couldn't help but giggle at the action.

"Before we do anything, we need to get to know each other better." Tori leaned down to kiss the girl on her lips softly. A slight flicker of something was felt and it made the two moan in delight. But soon, Tori parted their lips and smiled. "I know you know me but who are you?"

Jade laughed. "Come on baby, I just really wanna' do this. It's been too long..." Jade leaned in for another kiss but Tori turned her head. She could not engage in sex with this girl if she didn't know her. That was rude and her father would shake his head at her if he were aware of the situation. Matter of fact, he would shake his head at the fact she was even having sex.

"No, who are you?" Jade rolled her eyes. Did Shelly really want to play this game right now? Right before they were about to have sex? Maybe this was one of Shelby's new tactics to apologize for the time she missed with her. Jade sighed and complied. If this was her way of telling Jade she was sorry then who was she to deny it?

"I'm Jade West, nice to meet you." Tori smiled and gave the thespian an Eskimo kiss. Jade giggled and pulled her in closer, as if they weren't already.

"Nice to meet you too. So, shall we continue?"

"We shall." Before they did, Tori shredded off her clothes, only her underwear and bra remaining. She made an attempt to shield herself but Jade knocked her hands away, shaking her head no. Had Shelly gotten more beautiful while she was gone? Jade continued to ogle at the Latina, who was now blushing.

"Don't cover yourself. You never did before." Jade reached up to cup two soft breasts. Tori's hips bucked into the goth but it didn't stop there.

Jade reached under her bra to flick at her right nipple whilst the other hand encouraged her to continue and she did. Tori's hips rolled onto Jade's and a nice rumpling of her over sized shirt added friction to their arousal. Tori set a slow rhythm as Jade nibbled on her neck in an attempt to suppress her moans but it seems as though they just slipped of the Latina's tongue instead.

"Joder... Mas..." A gush of want rushed from Jade's thighs. She always thought Spanish was such a romantic language and that it sounded so... Sexy. But coming off of 'Shelly's' lips, it was pure ecstasy. The way it sounded was so alluring and although she didn't know what the Hell she said, Jade knew it would turn her on either way.

"Talk dirty, mami." Tori was jolted out of her reverie by the sweet sound of Jade's voice whispering in her ear. The warm breath made her shiver and on instinct she rode in harder. Jade grunted, grabbing the Latina's hips to bring her in closer.

"Mas rapido, papi. Me vuelves loca." It didn't take a rocket scientist to know Tori wanted it faster, so Jade complied. Moans filled the room and a constant squeaking of the bed was evidence of their fast pacing. Tori fell onto Jade's chest from the exhaustion in her thighs but the thespian continued. Her pale hands reached down to cup Tori's rounds ass. It made the girl moan in approval, so she grabbed harder and rocked her in faster.

"Jade, ah. Tan bueno! Fuck, ahn!" Tori was barely able to get her words out through the constant swaying of the bed. Her hands grasped onto Jade's shoulder for balance. Tori was so close, she could taste it. Her body bounced forward and backwards to their rhythm and soon enough a sharp moan pierced the air in the room and it wasn't Tori's.

The name that rolled off of Jade's lips made the Latina halt instantly. It was almost as if all the right of the moment flicked to wrong and by the look in Tori's eyes, Jade could tell something had to be wrong.

"Did you just say Shelly?"

AN: So that's it! I'm sorry for the way I ended it but I had to put a cliffhanger in there somewhere. I hope you caught the parts that hinted at the love she found in this 'New Shelly'. Like when she thinks 'Did she get more beautiful...". I had to rush this out so that I had something to give to you guys! I didn't want you thinking that I forgot about FanFiction because I didn't! I love you guys and I really hope you enjoyed it! Remember to review and have a great day, evening, or night.

PS: I think I need a Beta reader. I just cant critique my own writing! So if your interested please PM me!