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June 4th Update
First things first, no, Waiting for Batman is not dead, nor is this account. A lot has happened in the past month, and I am sooo sorry that you guys have not heard a single word from me.
To put it simply, I am currently without a computer. Though this only happened about two and a half weeks ago, it is the main reason why I've been absent from the internet. And if it wasn't for the fact that I can't go into Best Buy for the part that I need because my laptop is that old, this would not have been an issue to begin with. I have a friend who works in IT, and after my computer stopped charging, he told me it was likely one of two things. Either my battery finally died out or my laptop charger had reached the end of it's days. My laptop is over five years old, and when I asked him about replacing both parts, he recommended it would be easier (and cheaper) for me to buy from amazon than risk going to an electronics store that might not have what I need. So, using the Amazon app on my phone, I purchased a new battery and a new charger. The charger came in about a week after my laptop died before I noticed it wasn't charging, even though it was plugged in, but I have yet to even get an email from Amazon saying that the charger, which turns out to be the part I actually need, has shipped. I've exchanged a few emails via phone with people from Amazon, trying to figure out the delay, and last I was told, I was likely to get it by the 9th of June, which is less than a week from now. If I don't get a confirmation on shipping email from Amazon by Friday, I'll likely be looking into cancelling my order and looking elsewhere, because I've had to wait long enough.
The worst part about all of this is the fact that I had both of the next chapters (10 & 11) nearly done for Waiting for Batman, but they're saved in a folder on the computer that I cannot start. I really wish that I had put them onto the flash drive with most of the other chapters, but luck was just not on my side. I'm typing this up at my parent's home, using their computer for a few minutes because I really just wanted to let you all know what has been going on that has resulted in no chapters since early May.
I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding. Sometimes these things happen, and there's not a lot that we can do about it. I will have the new chapters up as soon as I can scan over them and make sure they're ready for you to read, and I'll put them up on the same day to make up for my absence. But for the mean time, Waiting for Batman is on a hiatus. As for the Derek/OC story, I've been using this down time to plan out this story some more, and I have a lot of hopes for it. I won't be posting it until I get back into the groove of things, but I really hope you guys take a liking to it as you have with this story and, for those of you that read it, Just Enough Time.
Again, thank you for your patience, and I will see you again when I have a working laptop again, because I can't afford a new desktop for a few more months.
-Alex B.W.
July 4th Update
So I didn't mean for another month to go by before I posted this, but things in my life outside of writing are just crazy right now. I'm going to give a quick update so you guys know, but in the long run, you should know that it's going to be longer still until chapter ten of this story gets up.
First things first, my computer situation. I am still without my own computer (currently on my parents' again), because it wasn't the charger or the battery that was the issue, no, there is an internal issue that my IT friend told me would be a little difficult to fix because of the fact that my laptop is about five years old and it would just be easiest for me to buy a knew computer. I don't know how, but he was able to get most of my stuff from the hard drive without issues, which means I have the nearly completed chapters 10 and 11 sitting in one of three flashdrives. I have picked out the computer I want (deciding to go with a desktop rather than a laptop this time around) and am about half way to saving up for it, but that's because I took any money I had left from my birthday and set it aside for the computer. I'm not sure how long it will be until I have my computer again, but I'll let you know as soon as I do (hopefully with an actual chapter).
The lease for my apartment expires in a few weeks, and while looking for a new place, a friend asked what I thought of moving into this house with her and a few people she knows. I've gone to look at the place, met with the landlord (who's working on upgrading a few things around the house), and am ready to sign a lease as soon as I get a chance. I'll be paying about 3/4 of what I pay for rent and utilities now, which will make saving money like I am for my computer that much easier. I really don't mind the idea of living with a few strangers, as long as I get a lock on my bedroom door. It's a six bedroom, two bath house with two living rooms, a front/entry room, and a spacious kitchen. The house itself if a bit dated, but with the work the landlord is putting into it before the first of us six start to move in in two weeks, I know it's not going to be too bad. It's a lot better than some places I've lived in in the past.
I, and two of my co-workers, are currently up for a position that just opened up this past week, so I've been focusing hard on work to the point where I'm clocking in 50 hours a week, plus my second, part-time job. I'm really hoping that with enough effort put in until the interview with some of the higher-ups in the company, I can get this promotion, because it would mean several things. I knew the person who just left this position quiet well, and I know how much he was offered when he first started that position. If I can get it, it means quitting my part-time job because my full-time job will be enough income for me to live comfortably without worry, plus have enough to save up for the things I'm saving for (not just my computer, but more long-term financial goals). If I did have a computer right now, I'd have very little time to even write. Getting this promotion will allow me to not only write more often, but I'd have a social life again, and being single for nearly two years is getting old ;)
Alright, I'm typing this up at 1 A.M., so it's officially a holiday for me (since I live in the U.S.), so I think I'm going to take the chance to actually sleep in, since my family doesn't expect me anywhere for the next 14 hours. For those of you who live in the States, hope you enjoy the holiday and the long weekend! For everyone else, enjoy your normal weekend and I promise I will get chapter ten up as soon as I can. This story hasn't died yet.
-Alex B.W.