Hi! This is a new story which I had in my mind some time… I like DB and I think it's a shame there aren't much people writing fanfiction about him… Also, I wanted to have some more DB and Greg together, because I think they have much in common. There is Morganders, of course. A review would make my day, really. BTW, the doc manager is being funny, so if the layout doesn't look nice, my apologies.

DB Russell, graveyard shift supervisor of the Las Vegas Crime Lab, entered another crime scene that night. Behind him was Gregory Sanders, a CSI Level 3. They both were carrying their kits, Russell was holding a flashlight as well.
'Hey David, tell us what happened,' Russell said, kneeling down, 'at least everything you know.' David looked up for a moment and then looked at the body again.
'This girl has been found just half an hour ago. Someone with a dog.' He paused, looking at the wound. 'She's been stabbed with a sharp object, I would say a knife.'
Greg turned around, looking at the wall.
'Yeah, look at that blood over there, that pattern. A knife for sure.' He turned back at the body. Russell was investigating the body as well and studied the blood on the ground.
'T.O.D.?' he asked.
'Less than two hours ago.'
Greg stood up. He took a glance around the warehouse; it was dark, the ceiling was low which gave him an unpleasant feeling. It was a mess. A table was lying on his side together with some chairs, lots of empty bottles and some playing cards.
'Probably a party or something,' Greg mumbled, more at himself than at someone else, and walked to the cards to place a yellow board and take pictures. He went on making more pictures. Suddenly he heard his name.
'Hey Greg, you should see this.' It was David. He turned around and walked back to the victim and David.
'What did you find?' David pointed at the skirt.
'She was raped.' He paused. 'I found her wallet. She was only sixteen.'
Greg stared at the girl. The blond curls as a crown around her head, the eyes looking at the dusty ceiling, it wasn't a pleasant look.
'Okay,' he mumbled, 'Some more?' David shook his head.
'I'll do the rest with Albert at the autopsy.' He struggled to his feet and groaned when he finally stood. 'Can we get the body out of here?'
'Okay for me. Just ask Russell.' Greg took a few steps away from the body and got his phone out of his pocket. No signal. 'Damn,' he said and left the building for a second. One police car had already gone. There was still one, and an ambulance. He walked to the yellow tape, but he didn't dive under it. He quickly dialled the number and waited while the phone rang.
'Hey honey,' he heard and he immediately smiled.
'Hi babe,' he smiled. 'How're you doing? Everything still okay?'
'Yeah, I'm fine. I love it when you call me, you know that? It's just… heavy.' Greg loved the sound of his girlfriend talking to him. The little sigh in the end drove him crazy.
'Of course it's heavy, you're carrying two babies, Morgan.' He smiled. 'I'm proud of you, and surprised that you're still happy, healthy,' he lowered his voice, 'and sexy.' Morgan giggled through the phone.
'Stop flirting, Greg! You're on work. How's it going?' A silence fell.
'Raped sixteen year old girl, it gets me.'
'O my god, that's horrible! Keep strong sweetie, it's okay that it gets you. Proves that you're still human.' He smiled.
'Thanks babe, I'd love to be there with you, but I should get back to work. Russell's probably waiting for me.'
'Okay Greg, good luck! Love you.'
'I love you, Morgan.' He sighed, put his phone away and then hurried back to the building.

It was nearly empty. Some officers were walking around, but Greg couldn't really make out what they were doing.
'We're gonna finish this scene. Go see that blood.' Greg nodded at his boss. 'Yes, sir.' He grabbed his kit and went to look at the pattern. He put on his gloves, took the pictures and then took a sample from the blood. Suddenly he noticed a little blood drop next to his right foot. He took another picture and found out it was a trail. He followed it, placing a yellow board at every drop. Sometimes it was one drops, sometimes more. It stopped at a clearly loose board. He lifted it and saw… the knife.
'Russell!' he said loudly. 'I found the knife.' Within a few seconds, his boss stood next to him.
'This guy surely wasn't a professional. Good work.' Greg put the knife in a bag and went to one of the officers to sign it and send it to the lab. When he came back, the last officer just went out. He was alone with DB now.
'Hey bud, look at this.' He said. He was kneeling down at something. Greg knelt next to him. He quickly picked up his camera and took a picture.
'Drugs,' Russell pointed and took a bit of the white powder in a plastic bag. He turned his head around. 'Hey, why are all those cops gone? I didn't give them the permission to…' BANG!

Both men jumped by the loud bang of the heavy doors closing. They now didn't even have the light from the lamppost outside anymore. A silence fell.
'Bud you okay?' Russell then asked. Greg nodded, but Russell didn't see that of course.
'Yeah,' Greg said quickly, 'let's see if we can open the doors again.' His boss patted his pockets for the flashlight. A thin but strong beam of light helped them to come to the door. There was no heck from the inside. 'These doors are likely not to be closed.' Greg said and tried to push against the strong wood. Russell did the same and they started to push harder. Finally, Greg kicked against it, but the door did not budge. He cursed under his breath.
'Hey there!' Russell yelled and knocked on the door. 'Someone there?' There was no answer. 'HEY!' both men yelled. 'Anyone? Hello? Help us out here!' Greg tried to kick again. No answer. The door didn't open. They pounded for some more time.
'Damn we're alone.' Russell said finally and turned off his flashlight. 'We can better spare it.' Greg searched his pockets for his phone and looked at it.
'Of course not signal, just as earlier.' He tried to investigate the facial expression of his boss, but it was too dark.
'You think this is deliberately done?' The elder man asked.
'I dunno. Can't we find another way to get out?' They began to touch the walls, pushing at it, groping the holes and bricks that seemed loose. They tried to take away the wood at the windows, but they stayed strong. Finally, both Greg and DB sank to the ground with a heavy sigh. They were both panting slightly. For a few minutes, there was no word or sound; just the heavy breath of Russell and the soft, deep breath of Greg. Then the young man said the thing they both knew, but didn't want to admit.
'We're trapped.'

Let me know if you like it so far. Yep, I beg for reviews (: x