Author: Last Chapter of my Avenging Pirates/Pirating Avengers Saga. Wheeee!

I want to thank all of you who stuck with me to the end. I didn't plan on more chapters, but I did plan to write some Outtakes down. Eventually.


After long difficulties, Hydra, AIM and Doom (who somehow got hold of his heart) finally managed to pull themselves together and ally with each other, if only to destroy the Avengers once and for all.

Of course, they knew that they had disappeared a while ago and since they hadn't reappeared since, they thought it would be a good time to also crush SHIELD while at it.

With thousand of soldiers, several Doom Bots, a few Hammer drones and two massive robots, they arrived in front of the White House in Washington D.C.

The remaining Avengers- Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, James Rhodes and Sam Wilson- and the Fantastic Four stood ready to stop them, even though they knew it was going to be hard.

There was a crowd, complete with news teams just behind the heroes.

Doom stopped when he saw the three posts Doctor Richards had built up on the front lawn.

"Reed", Victor purred, "You know that this is no effective weapon. No weapon can stop the might of Doom!"

"It isn't a weapon", the scientist explained. "It is a portal."

"A portal? How quaint."

"Let's see about this", Sam grinned as he pressed a button he held. On the inside, he whispered to himself: "Oh God, please let this work..."

The Portal came humming to life. A massive tear opened between the boundary posts, almost like a pool of water that reflected a completely different reality.

A large figure appeared in the dark of the other side, stepping through the surface.

Silver armour shone in the sun light, a red cape swished behind his back and a massive hammer was held in his hand.


The Prince of Asgard took several firm steps to the front before he lifted his head and sent a single stare to the crowd. The AIM and Hydra soldiers suddenly started foaming at the mouth, passing out as Thor's spirit crushed their resolve so much that they simply fell unconscious. Even the floor and nearby handrails cracked from the sheer pressure of Thor's presence alone.

The prince smirked, not bothering to move from his position as Natasha and Clint shot out of the portal. The archer grinned, pulling out a bottle of water and dripping some on his hand. With a simple flick of his wrist, he flung several water drops at the smaller Doom bots. The impact was similar to bullets as the droplets ripped through the Doom bots' armour, sending them stumbling back. As soon the water was inside, Natasha struck. Her fist hit empty air.

Or so it seemed.

Moments later, the machines became dented before flying backwards, landing in a heap, exploding violently.

Bruce strode out of the portal, pulling off his glasses nonchalantly and putting them into his breast pocket. He turned into the Hulk a moment later, leaping at one of the two giant robots and tore it to pieces before proceeding with smashing Doom into the floor. That done, the Hulk grinned and reverted back to Bruce, who simply straightened his still undamaged jacket and put his glasses back on.

Steve was the next to appear. With a smirk, he charged towards the remaining giant Robot, effortlessly avoiding every sort of onslaught before he leapt at its upper part, lifting his hand to strike. With two fingers held together, he slammed it like a claw down, shattering the machine instantly.

Tony was the last to exist the portal before it closed again, taking off towards the sky. The Hammer drones followed him, trying to pick him off.

Tony smiled, ordering JARVIS to continue the flight while ejecting himself in midair. The drones ignored the organic body, following the metallic suit. Tony was still grinning as he controlled his newly found Devil Fruit abilities to shift his body, shooting after the Drones and cutting them apart with Haki-sharpened Razor-like wings.

With their remains tumbling down, Tony landed gracefully next to the Ironman suit, crossing his arms after shifting back.

And thus the Avengers returned to their world.


Rhodey stared at his friend over his milkshake as Tony happily munched away on his Cheeseburger.

"So", he began. He had thousands of questions ghosting around his head, but he settled for just one. "You got... Devil Fruit Powers?"

Tony eyed him warily as he continued. "That means I'm Iron Patriot and you are..."

"Don't say it."







"Iron Parrot?"

"Great. You said it."

Author: Hiya. A few notes regarding the Avengers' Powers now:
-Natasha and Clint: Both have gained the Observation Haki, being far more proficient with it than any of the others. Both also have learnt Fishman Karate (Natasha mainly) and Fishman Jutsu (Clint) from Koala.
-Steve: He has a high level of Armament Haki, though his Observation is lacking. Also, Sabo taught him his Dragon Moves.
-Tony: While having sufficent skills with both, Armament and Observation Haki (though nowhere on the level of the others), he has also accidentaly eaten the Tori Tori no Mi, Model Scarlet Macaw. Why? Because I could.
-Hulk/Bruce: Both finally learnt how to deal with each other, allowing Bruce to simply switch with Hulk and vice-versa. Also, he got a whole load of clothes from the Grand Line so he doesn't need to buy new stuff every time he hulks out.
-Thor: Naturally, all Aesir have the ability to use all three kinds of Haki. Though most don't even know of this. Thor just learnt using his natural abilities to increase his already immense fighting power.