Hey guys!

Goodness, what do I even say? I can't believe the story is finally over..and like really over!

I want to thank you all for being such lovely, devoted fans throughout this entire story both on tumblr and here on fanfiction. I have received so much love, so much support and dedication from you all..and I truly appreciate it! When I first started this story it was just a small idea, a prompt to see Knight Anna or an Anna as a guardian for Elsa. That idea turned into an adventure and another step in my writing that I never saw possible. That would never have become possible without you guys. So again, thank you...you all mean the world to me..and I just love your helpful suggestions, your sweet words and your awesome support!

I wrote the ending in a way that I felt was necessary. There was several different ending's I played out with, all finalizing the same thing-a happy ending with the girls! But I just couldn't write it right! I struggled for a good month on the ending, whether or not to include Anna's parents, include Olaf or even to have Henrik in it at all! But I finally sat down one morning and got it all out, every different ending (which was at least 8) and went from there. I felt it very important to include Olaf in the end of this fanfic, especially since I only had such a short part for him in the story..and he doesn't even talk! I hope you guys are satisfied with this ending and I really hope you guys enjoyed the entire story as much as I did writing it.

For the future I do plan to write more elsanna fanfictions! I have at least 3 prompts that I have a desire to work on...but as far as energy and time, that is where I am lacking! I will keep you all posted on my tumblr of any additional stories I might write, but for now..(as my girlfriend says) I shouldn't force it..and allow my writing to gradually come when it does!

To all my readers, I am sending all my loving!
See you all soon!