AN: Okay, this is my first Jelsa fan fiction. I've had this idea in my head for quite some time but I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to do it. I decided this was the best way and I hope you like it :) The story is AU and Jack is a prince, but he still has his powers just like Elsa. Basically this story will be about their relationship and how they have to go through their arranged marriage. All the "drama" will happen inside their heads so you don't need to worry about any "villains" or such.

Anyway, English isn't my first language so I apologize if I make mistakes (which I think I will make…)

Law of Love

Chapter One: The Law

"A law?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"What does it have to do with this situation? I'm sure my sister wants to get married soon and there shouldn't be anything stopping her," the Queen said and looked at the councilor sitting in front of her.

"Unfortunately there is," the councilor answered. "According to this law, you must get married before your little sister can step into marriage."

Elsa's eyes widened and she held her breath.

"What?" she managed to choke out.

"Like I said, your Majesty, you must-"

"I heard what you said!" the Queen snapped and the councilor quickly shut his mouth. "Why hasn't anyone told me about this law? Why is this the first time I even hear about it?" Elsa continued and the councilor started to look really nervous. Elsa's powers had never gotten out of her hand after that accident six months ago but people were still a little afraid of her, especially if she was annoyed.

"Well, your Majesty… I assume we all thought you would get married sooner and that's why this law was never mentioned."

Elsa knew he was right. She was 21 years old and the Queen of Arendelle and it wasn't normal for a queen to rule without a king. She had gotten many marriage proposals from other kingdoms but these people only wanted power. They weren't really interested in her.

"This is all because I need an heir, isn't it?" the Queen then asked, her voice calmer and quieter. "The law, I mean."

"Um… I suppose so," the councilor replied and nervously played with his fingers.

Elsa sighed and leaned back in her chair. She knew she had to get married at some point but an arranged marriage was not what she had planned. Of course Anna's happiness was the most important thing for her but all this information in such a small amount of time made her head ache.

"Are you okay your Majesty?" the councilor suddenly asked and snapped Elsa out of her thoughts.

"Oh, yes… of course I am!" she replied and tried to fake a smile. "I'm just really tired. I think I will go to sleep."

The Queen stood up and the councilor bowed as she walked past him. Elsa headed back to her royal chambers and quickly shut the door behind her. She didn't even change into her nightgown but simply fell onto her bed and let out a long sigh. Was arranged marriage really the only thing she could do to keep her sister happy? Anna and Kristoff were shamelessly in love and it was just a matter of time before Kristoff was about to propose to her. That, though, was not going to happen until Elsa was married. To some stranger, probably.

She closed her eyes and let the sleep overtake her. Just before she fell asleep she knew she had made her decision.

This first chapter was kind of an introduction so it's not that long. I still hope you liked it and I'm happy to hear what you think :)