Okay so it turns out this is the last chapter of the Hoenn Arc. Woohoo!
This will probably be the last chapter I can publish before the next weekend or even the beginning of next week. I have have have have to actually study for my exams now XD I'm procrastinating so bad!
I've developed my outline of events for Sinnoh so once I actually get started on the first chapter and get into a grove like I did with Hoenn, I should be able to update regularly again.
Thanks for your patience! Enjoy! :D
Ash: 18
Misty: 18
Brock: 23
Gary: 18
May: 18
Max: 13
Drew: 17
Dawn: 18
Paul: 19
Cilan: 22
Cress: 22
Chili: 22
Iris: 20
Ritchie: 18
Clemont: 18
Serena: 18
Harley: 24
Solidad: 24
Zoey: 19
Barry: 19
Kenny: 18
Nando: 25
Stephan: 19
Bianca: 20
Cameron: 18
Trip: 18
Georgia: 19
Burgundy: 19
Various others:
Delia: 37 (based off her age of the novelization according to bulbapedia [29] + 8 years from the start of Ash's journey.)
Giovanni: (Unknown) but in this story: 58
Prof. Oak: 64
Redrick(Red Ketchum): 38
Normal Talk
Lucario talking unless stated otherwise
Zoroark talking unless stated otherwise
Meinshao talking unless stated otherwise
Let the journey continue...
"Aggron, let's start with Flash cannon!" Paul shouted. Ash was brought from his mental battle by Paul's voice. Ash's eyes glanced towards a nearby set of double doors, but he resumed watching the battle.
"Take the attack and then use Lock on," Brandon spoke. Paul was surprised that Brandon would allow a powerful move like that to directly hit his rock type. He watched Aggron's beam of ringing metal energy fly across the field and into Regirock's body. The Lock on mark stuck onto Aggron not too long afterwards, "Now Zap cannon!" Brandon added. Paul watched with gritted teeth as his pokemon roared in pain from the swift electric attack. Static crackled around Aggron's frame and showed he was now paralyzed.
"Let's try Iron defense," Paul nodded. A metallic sheen flashed across Aggron's body.
"Focus punch," Brandon replied calmly. Regirock's arm started to glow and the golem ran forward to attack. Aggron was told to dodge but was paralyzed by the after effects of Zap cannon.
"Aggron!" Paul shouted in fear.
Ash was suddenly back down to earth and realized he had been staring at the door again though he couldn't remember staring at it before. The noises from the battle had snapped him out of it again. He shook his head and glared back at the field to watch the battle, intent on keeping it that way.
Regirock's fist slammed into Aggron's stomach. Brandon was surprised however that Aggron didn't fall.
"Hm?" Brandon mused and rose an eyebrow. He then realized Paul had used Iron defense previously and scowled.
"Flash cannon!" Paul commanded, "Full power!"
Aggron's mouth started to glow and then his whole body started to glow, much to Paul's surprise. The energy blasted off of Aggron's form and swept away Regirock. The ringing of metal reverberated throughout the area, indicating that Aggron had used Metal burst. Regirock groaned out a computerized noise from the ground before it collapsed fully.
"Regirock is unable to battle, Brandon please choose your next pokemon!"
Brandon returned his friend and pulled out another poke ball, "Registeel I need your assistance!" Registeel cried out and stretched out its arms at the ready.
"Aggron, return," Paul spoke and praised the pokemon before choosing his next, "Torterra, Stand-by for battle!" His pokemon appeared and roared in for intimidation; it even appeared to be excited to battle for Paul. Paul could almost feel his pokemon's excitement, Is this what the bond between people and pokemon feels like? He commanded his pokemon,"Leaf storm!"
The leaves shot through the air at amazing speed and sliced across Registeel's body as it defended itself with it's arms. "Registeel, Iron head!" Brandon responded. His pokemon's body was coated in bright light and rocketed towards Torterra. Their heads connected and Torterra cried out in pain before Registeel jumped back a bit from the attack.
"Torterra Stone edge, trap it!" Paul shouted.
"What!?" Brandon exclaimed in confusion. Rock blasted through the ground in a circle around Registeel, trapping it.
"Now Earthquake!" Paul added. Torterra slammed it's front two legs into the ground and made it quake and rumble. Registeel cried out from within it's trap as the rocks fell away and Registeel fell with it. It worked hard to pull itself back up.
"Flash cannon!" Brandon nodded. He realized that surprise barrage of attacks had weakened Registeel quite a bit, perhaps more power was needed. The beam screamed across the field.
"Stone edge as a shield!"
Torterra's eyes glowed and rocks shot up around Torterra's body. The beam struck the barrier and broke most of it down though couldn't harm Torterra much.
"Use the rubble, finish it!" Paul declared. Torterra's eyes glowed again as he tossed the rubble and stones at Registeel. The attack pelted the steel type roughly before it stumbled forward.
"Registeel is unable to battle, Brandon please choose your next pokemon!"
"Quite a couple of unexpected tactics young man," Brandon smiled, "But don't think this is over. Aegislash, I need your assistance!"
The pokemon floated above the ground, though it was obvious this pokemon was a different color.
"Whoa! That Aegislash is black, gold, and red instead of its normal colors!" Max shouted in excitement from the stands.
"It seems Brandon really found a true treasure in that one," Clemont nodded.
"Torterra, Earthquake!" Paul declared. Torterra roared again and slammed its feet into the ground.
"King's shield," Brandon replied calmly and watched as Aegislash's shield came up and blocked the tremor from causing it harm.
"Let's use, Synthesis," Paul nodded as an idea came to mind.
"Sacred sword," Brandon nodded. Aegislash took down it's shield and floated forward to attack.
"Solarbeam!" Paul grinned. Torterra let loose a Solarbeam into Aegislash's body instead of using Synthesis. He had used the power of the sun, meant for Synthesis, as part of a Solarbeam instead. Aegislash shot back and rolled across the ground kicking up sand and dust before stopping and pulling itself up from the ground with some trouble.
"Again a clever idea, but it won't matter. Aegislash, Swords dance then Shadow sneak," Brandon spoke. Aegislash droned and spun quickly as a shadow slid across the ground at Torterra and struck it.
"Hold on Torterra, Use Stone edge!"
"King's shield."
The rock's ricocheted off the shield in front of Aegislash and scattered as dust.
"Aerial ace!" Brandon roared. Aegislash flew forward with it's blade pointed at Torterra. Paul made no movement to speak.
"He isn't giving up on Torterra is he?" Zoey asked, "Not again."
Dawn shook her head, "No, he wouldn't do that again. Not any more."
Some turned to look at her then back at the field.
"Crunch!" Paul snapped and Torterra crunched down on Aegislash, catching the blade in his mouth, "Finish with Frenzy plant now!" Torterra's eyes glowed green and thick vines broke through the ground and wrapped around the blade and started to squeeze it.
"Aegislash return," Brandon nodded and returned the tired pokemon.
"Aegislash has been forfeited, Brandon please choose your last pokemon!"
"You have certainly grown. One last challenge then. Regice, I need your assistance! Give me your all!" Regice beeped with its lights and then settled into stance.
"Torterra, excellent job," Paul smiled and returned his most trusted companion. He grabbed his next sphere, "Let's end this the way it began… with a Drapion. Drapion, Stand-by for battle!" Paul shouted and released the pokemon. It flexed it's pinchers and growled.
"Hmmm… I see. In Reggie's charge. Very well, let's see how much you want this. Regice, Ice beam on the ground," Brandon spoke. Regice shot the attack at the ground and soon the field was coated with ice. Paul gaped slightly and looked around with a bit of uncertainty.
"Wow, that's like what Brandon did for Ash's battle!" May declared.
"Huh, you don't say," Drew mused.
Ash nodded and flinched slightly when he felt that same aura from before. He started to glance at the door, but instead looked back at the battle. Pikachu cocked his head at his trainer and looked at the door himself. The mouse let a bit of electricity spark from his cheeks and turned back to watch the battle.
"Regice, Focus punch," Brandon commanded. Regice leapt onto the icy field and its fist glowed as it skated towards Drapion.
"Drapion use-"
Before Paul could command Drapion, Regice was already there and slammed its powered fist into Drapion's chest. Drapion righted itself as Regice prepared to attack again.
"Earthquake, try to break up the ice!" Paul commanded. Drapion slammed his pinchers into the ground and watched a good deal of the ice break up. Regice was still skating and hit a deiced spot, causing it to lose balance and let out a computerized cry. It was vulnerable now that it was on its side and on the ground.
"Regice, Hail and Blizzard!" Bradon responded and watched his view get obscured by snow and sleet.
"Drapion! Can you hear me!?" Paul shouted above the howl of the cold winds. If I'm this cold… How cold is Drapion? Paul leaned into the winds slightly and shouted again, Drapion if you can hear me, use Torment!"
Brandon frowned as soon as the Blizzard ended. The Hail still fell softly. "Regice, use Rest." Regice went to sleep and healing energies started to build up around it.
"No," Paul whispered in frustration, "Drapion, let's show him those tricks won't work on us! Use your pinchers to get closer!" Drapion roared and slammed its pinchers into the ice and then used its arms to sling itself toward Regice. "Brick break!" Drapion's arm glowed bright before it connected with Regice's face.
"Regice, Hyper beam!" Brandon shouted, finally showing a bit of panic. The beam connected and Drapion fell to the ground and groaned in pain.
"Drapion… Drapion I know your tired, but let's finish this… FOR REGGIE!" Paul roared. Drapion thought back, to its previous master and then to how its new one had grown, and raised itself from the ground.
"Regice, Rest."
"Oh no you don't! Drapion, stop it with Pin missile!" Drapion shot out many needles from its mouth and halted Regice's attempt to heal, "Now Earthquake!" Drapion roared loudly and slammed its claws into the ground again to cause the earth to tremble. Regice tried to pull itself up but finally fell.
"Regice… is unable to battle! The challenger, Paul Rebolledo is the winner!"
Paul was numb for the moment and couldn't even hear his friends cheering for him from the bleachers and trying to get down to him. I beat him… Hearing that echo through his mind… Caused a huge wave of relief to wash over him. The best part was it wasn't the revenge kind of relief or feeling… no. It was the right kind. He had worked with his pokemon and succeeded and no feeling could be greater, until Dawn slammed into him and hugged him tightly.
"Paul! Paul! You did it!" She yelled excitedly.
Paul felt his face heat up but it was hidden by the fluster he had from working and yelling during the battle. He felt so good at the moment that he didn't even grumble or growl. He simply hugged her back softly and sighed unknowingly in her ear.
Dawn didn't let it fluster her and smiled past a light blush, "I'm so proud of you. We all are."
They parted from each other and Paul glared at Harley when he gave the two a look. Everyone else was thinking similar thoughts but were more focused on congratulating him. Paul finally turned to Drapion, who had come over and leaned his head down. Paul held it in both his hands and smiled, "Good job. Thank you, Drapion." Drapion's maw flashed a small smile.
Misty noticed Ash smiling crazily, "What's up?"
Ash grinned, "I can see it… I can see their auras mixing together. It's really great to see that happen for them both, after so long of not feeling that bond fully."
Everyone smiled at the scene. Paul returned his pokemon and looked over at Brandon as he approached.
"You've come to understand your pokemon. You have come to understand your flaws and have worked to overcome them. Good job young man," Brandon smiled before fishing something from his pocket, "Here. I believe this will complete a certain collection."
Paul felt a small coin shaped object drop into his hand. He then saw the brave symbol shining up at him from his hand.
"I thought you weren't giving symbols away here?" Georgia asked.
"I do believe this is an important exception," Brandon looked back at Paul, "You finished what your brother couldn't. You both have fought together to grow strong and grow wise. We all have our callings. I hope you and your brother can complete what was incomplete." Brandon's words seemed to hold a deeper meaning for Paul. Paul nodded and stared once more at the symbol; he could feel his chest tighten and his throat followed soon after. No I won't cry. Don't you do it Rebolledo. Paul was able to keep it from going any further, but Dawn, from his position behind him, did think she saw one drop of water fall from his cheek. She only smiled and said nothing.
Everyone continued talking and congratulating Paul for his win and eventually they all settled down for the night in the guest area rooms of the Pyramid.
Ash opened his eyes from his bed. His mind felt a little fuzzy, probably from sleeping. He looked over when he heard the door creak open and saw something that made him almost completely wide awake. He saw his father standing silently at the doorway.
"Dad?" Ash whispered, but felt oddly like no words came out. His father walked away from the door. Ash got out of bed and walked out of the door and looked down the hallway. He saw his dad disappear around the next corner and the next as he followed.
"Dad…Please… Don't leave again."
Ash seemed to lose sight of him in front of a set of doors. He opened them slowly and walked inside. Several artifacts were behind glass cases and Ash passed them all until he walked through another small corridor. There before him he saw the cursed stone sphere. He realized his father wasn't here… Why would he have been? It had probably been a trick. He could feel the aura pulsing off from the sphere. It was incredible to him how he hadn't felt such evil energy the first time he had come in contact with the stone sphere. He guessed that him actually taking to time to train his aura was more important than he had realized. It was then that a chill went down Ash's spine when he heard a familiar voice.
So… my little puppet returns to me. You know what they say about things you let go, if they come back, they belong to you.
Ash gritted his teeth. I'm no one's puppet and I definitely don't belong to you.
I see your mind has matured some, your body, even your servant pokemon have gained strength. I do think I'll reclaim you.
Ash bit his tongue and didn't reply, instead he changed topics. It wasn't my naivety that attracted you to me the first time, was it? It was my untrained aura. You… when you were alive, you were a Dark one. You were foolish enough to think you could capture and enslave Ho-oh. You're the naive one.
Yes you are right. It was only by your aura that I could find the strength to escape my prison. I must say though that you are the naive one! The King spat and then laughed darkly, This is so since you are here with your aura… and it is even stronger than ever! I will claim you as my host once more!
The dark energy of the spirit of the King, shot out of the stone sphere and struck Ash square in the chest. At first it was easy to fight the evil spirit since Ash's will was so strong and had been strengthened by his training since the last time he had seen the spirit, then something changed, the spirit struck at his deepest fears and weaknesses. Though Ash's will was strong it hadn't strengthened to it's limit yet.
I will not obey… you.
I'm not going to change you. You're already a monster. We are more alike than you would like to admit, just like Robles… No one wants you, father left you- friends chose other paths over you- naive, foolish, clumsy, stupid, boy- who would want something like that? You kid yourself… Why did you leave everyone after Kalos?
How'd- *Gasp* -you know that?
I can see it all, desires, fears, everything. You left because you finally were starting to lose faith in yourself. Face it, they will abandon you. I've seen it too many times before. Guardians always die alone.
For some reason that final sentence broke something in Ash. His fear of being alone, his father leaving, the first time saying goodbye to Misty and Brock, to pokemon and other friends, that tinge of fear every time Paul or Gary said he was pathetic or never going to be good enough, that deep fear that he wasn't worth anyone's time if he couldn't live up to everyone's expectations, no matter how lofty or impossible to reach they were. Ash lost hope at that moment. He'd never be good enough. The darkness consumed him.
Yes… It's better for everyone this way. Time to put on a show, my little puppet. With that, the spirit of the evil King latched onto Ash's aura, which sent a sharp and unbearable pain throughout Ash's whole body. He involuntarily let out a ear-piercing scream of pure anguish and sorrow.
Misty's eyes shot open when she heard a scream. It kinda sounded like… No…
She rolled out of bed and saw that the scream had woken up Iris, May, and Dawn, who were in her room. They all dashed out into the hallway and met up with everyone else. Brandon and Scott came around the corner, along with Samuel.
"What's wrong?" Brandon asked in concern.
Gary stumbled out from his room behind Brock and Ritchie, "Ash! He's missing!"
"No… I thought that voice sounded familiar," Misty spoke and turned to look down the hallway, "Ash! Ash!" She cried out in worry and dashed off with everyone following her.
After some more turns and halls they came to a room and Brandon was shocked and stopped, "This door should be locked! How in Groudon's name did it get opened? I have the only key."
The group pushed through the doorway and down one last small corridor.
"Ash!?" Misty called out again as the group, plus Brandon and Scott rounded the corner.
They saw Ash sitting there, silently on the ground.
"Ash?" Misty asked again and tried to take a step forward.
Brandon looked up and saw the last few wobbles coming from the stone pokeball. His eyes widened in shock.
Heh heh heh heh…
Brock had figured out what had happened but was stunned when Ash's voice came to him. It wasn't distorted like the first time; it was truly Ash's voice but his tone was different. A dark purple aura started to glow around Ash as he stood and looked at them over his shoulder. His eyes were slightly tinted red and his canine was more pronounced as he flashed a wicked grin at them.
Hello there, friends…
"Leave him alone!" May shouted.
"What do you mean? What's wrong with him?" Misty asked.
"Misty, he's been possessed," Brock murmured. Misty looked at him in dismay and once she saw his was serious, a look of dread replaced it.
'Ash's' faced changed and he looked closely at everyone before grinning again. Idiots.
"What's your problem!?" Trip growled.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Trip snapped.
"Trip, stop. It's not Ash," Max spoke.
"Huh? But he's right in front of you," Barry said in confusion.
"Ash has been possessed once more by the King of Pokelantis," Brandon said so everyone could hear.
"Possessed?" Paul muttered and looked back over at 'Ash'.
Of course I'm Ash! Could anyone but Ash do this?
The spirit caused blue energy to crackle in 'Ash's' hands.
"That doesn't mean a thing if Ash isn't acting like Ash!" Iris snapped.
'Ash' frowned Such stubborn people. I'm doing you all a favor. With talent like his simply walking around don't you think he could hurt someone? Me and him… we are so alike.
"What… do you mean?" Misty asked.
'Ash' smiled, His aura is or was… not as unique as it is now.
"You're a Dark one. At least you were when you were alive," Gary replied.
By that time, Pikachu had had enough of watching the spirit use his best friend like a tool and started to build up a Thunderbolt.
"PIKA-CHUUUUU!" Pikachu shouted and released the stream of electricity, directly at Ash. Of course he didn't like shocking him like this, but if it had worked once… it could work again, right? and Pikachu just wanted his friend back.
To Pikachu's horror, however, 'Ash' simply raised his hand and easily deflected the bolt with an aura shield.
Not this time, rat.
Those words, even if they didn't come from the real Ash, cut into Pikachu's heart. Just to hear them come from his mouth, with his voice, was enough. Ellie shivered next to him, but Pikachu hardly felt it.
"Ash… You don't mean that," Misty whispered.
Hmph. Says you. Now if you don't mind… I have a world to conquer. Step aside.
'Ash' went to move through them and yet none would move.
"We aren't moving until our friend comes back to us," Dawn said defiantly.
'Ash's' face curled into a sick smile, Fine. He rose his hand and aimed a building aura sphere to fire at the group.
"What on earth!?" Samuel yelped.
"That's what I thought. A spirit alone couldn't produce an aura sphere. So they do still exist… Aura Guardians," Brandon murmured, "Ash! I know you're in there! If you truly have the gift of willpower within you, then you can fight back! Fight it!"
'Ash' froze and his eyes started to flicker blue.
"Ash, please if you can hear me, if you can hear us, please! Fight it!" Misty shouted.
'Ash' grabbed for his head and his knees bent in weakness. "Mist…" The true Ash's voice trembled out and blue eyes looked out pleadingly. Before he screamed again. He sounded like he was in agony.
"Please! Stop hurting him!" Misty yelled.
The purple aura resumed and 'Ash' glared back up at her, Then tell your boyfriend to stop fighting me…A cruel smile came to his face, It only hurts when he rejects me.
Misty bit her lip and could feel a bit of irony blood on her tongue.
Thought as much… You'd rather him suffer than rest, hm?
"That's not true at all!" Misty growled.
He's always been lacking. I'll make him more.
"So that's your game huh?" Gary snorted.
"Ash snap out of it!" Serena yelled in worry.
Suddenly 'Ash's' eyes seemed to glaze over and he slumped to the ground. Misty ran forward with everyone else and rested his head in her lap.
"Ash?" Misty whispered.
"Come on big guy," Brock spoke.
You are really a stubborn sort, aren't you?
Ash opened his eyes and looked forward. A cloaked man with cruel eyes glared back at him. The King of Pokelantis was eyeing him within a sea of darkness
"Oh no, You've got me all wrong. I'm only this way when a dead mad man tries to take over my body!" Ash snapped, his voice filled with sarcasm.
You have no form of discipline in you, do you? The dark spirit shook his head. You're really playing a game you can't win. He vanished from his place. His voice echoed through Ash's mind and got louder and louder.
Alone. They'll abandon you. Not good enough. Don't you get it? You aren't strong enough!
Ash tried to fight it, even through all the pain, but he realized… he couldn't.
"You're right…"
Then Ash paused, "At least… I'm not strong enough on my own…"
Ash could feel a flash of fear surge through the King's aura as he slipped back into consciousness.
Ash looked up and into the eyes of his girlfriend. He knew he didn't have much time before the King would resume from his shock, "Mist… I can't do it alone…Help."
"What?" Misty asked and everyone around him looked on confused.
His back arched and the purple hue started to flood back over his body. A dark glint reflected back in his eye as 'Ash's' hand reached up towards a part of Misty that she wasn't comfortable with him coming near yet. She yelped and snatched his hand as well a leaned back.
What's wrong? I thought you were… mine…
"How dare you make Ash try something like that!?" Misty growled though she couldn't stop a few fearful tears coming to her eyes.
Did I frighten you, girly?
"Shut up!" Misty shouted.
"You get out of my pal, this instant!" Cilan yelled suddenly.
Everyone started but suddenly felt the same sort of anger flood them.
"Yeah! Leave Ash alone!" Bianca said loudly.
"Coward!" Barry shouted.
"Parasite," Clemont frowned.
"Can't do anything yourself?" Gary glared.
"Pathetic," Paul snorted.
You will regret calling your King such names.
Misty looked deep into 'Ash's' eyes and saw a small flicker of blue. A small memory came to her.
"Most of the things you used to say about me are right."
She started thinking and soon realized what the King had done to tear down Ash's will. He had made him think they didn't value him. Made him feel like he wasn't good enough for them. Made him feel like a failure, unwanted.
"Ash…" Misty whispered and suddenly drew him into a hug, causing some of the others to gasp. She heard a slight hiss from 'Ash's' throat. "You will always be more than enough for me… for us… You have no idea how important to us you are… Please trust us… We won't hurt you. We won't leave you.
"I promised we'd see each other again, and we did. Will you promise me to never stop being my friend? No matter what?" Ash asked with a sad and distant look in his eyes.
"I promise that we will never never stop being your friends… okay? We won't leave like he did," Misty spoke soothingly. Behind her everyone was looking into 'Ash's' eyes and nodding, all of them smiling. Pikachu and Ellie placed a paw each on Ash's hand. Ash grit his teeth and screamed once more. Blue aura flared out powerfully but didn't harm anyone in the room. The group heard another scream but it was from an older man, the King. The dark spirit had separated from Ash and soared back into the wall. Brandon ran over to the sphere but froze when he heard the King speak.
No! NOOO! May Chaos reign! The guardians will fall! The guardians will die!
The King screamed louder and suddenly started to fade away. He dissolved into purple sparks and was gone forever.
"He's gone…" Ash let out a hoarse whisper, "Finally gone…"
Misty turned to look at Ash, "Ash… You okay?"
She felt her heart leap in joy when he smiled at her, "Better than I have in a while Mist…"
Everyone saw his pendant glow with blue light.
"What's with your pendant?" Kenny asked.
"Meinshao," Ash breathed and focused to form the pokemon's poke ball in his hand. He tossed it with some effort.
Master, are you alright? I, as well as the others, were concerned when we sensed your aura fluctuating wildly.
"Yeah, I'm okay now," Ash smiled.
The good news, however, is that your Wisdom aspect has been unlocked. Congratulations Master. You learned to truly rely on your comrades… to fully trust again.
Ash nodded slowly, "Mmhm…"
Rest Master. I will make sure your levels return to normal. Sleep.
Ash's eyelids closed fully and his chest started to rise and fall softly. He was fast asleep.
"So he's okay?" Misty asked Meinshao in worry.
Yes dear Mistress Misty. He is only resting to regain his strength and energy levels.
Misty sighed in relief and waited for Brock and Gary to come over to help lift Ash up. Everyone made their way back to their rooms and went to bed. Meinshao and Pikachu remained awake most of the night, watching Ash closely. Ellie had opted to sleep with Misty and, by the water trainer's command, had snuck in with Ash's hat. With Ellie snug beside her along with Togetic and Ash's hat grasped in her hand and resting next to her head, she was able to find a somewhat uneasy sleep.
You didn't think you could escape did you? Monster…
"No! No! You're gone! You can't be here! I destroyed you!"
Exactly… you monster… Destroying things, your specialty.
"Leave me alone!"
Ash's opened his eyes slowly and saw sheets wrapped about him. He felt sweaty and hot; his heart was pounding fast in his chest. Just a bad dream.
How do you feel today, Master?
Ash turned to the voice and smiled when his eyes locked with Meinshao's, "I'm feeling pretty good thanks. What time is it?"
Quite early in the morning, Master.
Ash nodded before a grin split his face, "How about some training?"
Pikachu's cheeks sparked next to him in excitement and the three snuck out of their room and down the hall to the field.
Misty had woken up early when she thought she heard a voice echoing slightly down the hall. Ellie had taken her right shoulder and Togetic her left as she made her way to the origin of the voice. Ash's hat was held in her folded arms. When she rounded the corner her face started to beam.
"Alright, that's great Electrike! Run a little faster. Keep up with Pikachu!"
"Hey! Those holes are looking good, Nincada. You're getting faster at digging."
"Alright Meinshao, let's practice some of those fighting positions together."
Misty watched as Ash stood next to Meinshao and started to practice the movements they were taught at Muscle Island. Ash kicked a wide arc the air in sync with Meinshao. Ellie and Togetic ran over to Pikachu and Electrike as Misty made her way over the Ash and started to perform the same movements.
"I'm glad you're feeling better," Misty smiled.
"Yeah," Ash was a bit quiet now that Misty had come near. He finally asked a question, "Hey Misty… did I hurt anyone? Did I hurt, you?"
Misty almost faltered in her movements. Should I tell him about how he almost touched me inappropriately? Misty frowned internally, No… He'd never forgive himself. Besides, that wasn't Ash. She finally spoke, "No, You did great Ash. A more important question is if he hurt you… Did he?"
Ash frowned and gave one of his crooked smiles. His traditional way of unintentionally showing that he was trying to hide the truth or at least off play the severity of what happened, "Yeah, I guess so."
"You were screaming… How bad did it hurt, Ash?" Misty asked and could feel tears trying to slip through.
"Bad enough."
Ash sighed and started to stretch instead, twisting his upper torso left and right, before stopping completely, "He was attacking my aura. That kind of pain is different. It's hard to explain it to someone who doesn't use aura. I will say that it did hurt though, pretty badly. I'm okay though Mist. He wanted to break me, but he didn't, because of you guys."
Misty smiled as he brought her into a hug.
"Thank you," Ash murmured into the crown of her hair.
"No, Thank you."
Ash and Misty looked up at the same time and saw Brock, Gary, Dawn, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Serena, and Clemont. Suddenly Paul and Drew came around the corner, followed by Barry and Bianca. Then slowly all the rest of the two groups came to attention in the field.
"Some of us kinda started to realize something important," May said softly.
"At first we just thought of it on our own after Misty said what she did to you to snap you out of the hold that spirit had on you, but then we realized we were all thinking kinda the same thing," Dawn smiled.
"You seem to always tell us thank you all the time, but… I think we haven't gotten the chance for you to realize what you've given us," Cilan smiled.
"I wouldn't have ever realized I wanted to be a doctor without traveling with you and getting the chance to have the experiences I did. Seeing you have the courage to forfeit your match for Pikachu, gave me the courage to leave my siblings in mom and dad's care," Brock smiled kindly.
"I don't really know what kind of trainer or co-ordinator I would've been if I hadn't met you, Ash," May smiled.
"You taught me a lot," Dawn giggled and Piplup chirped happily from the ground.
"Even some of us that haven't traveled a ton with you see how loyal you are to your friends," Drew nodded.
"Thanks Ash," Serena smiled.
Everyone in the two groups nodded in agreement. Ash stood stunned. Misty smiled at him softly, "See? I told you, that you mean a lot to us."
Ash smiled and dipped his head. These people had always been his closest friends to him and even the newer ones who had gotten a taste of what it meant to travel with Ash were close becoming the same to him. To hear them say truly how much he had touched them… Ash grabbed his hat and tried to pull it down slightly. Don't cry you sentimental fool… Don't… cry. He felt a few tears slip down his cheeks. He did the only thing he could think to do and laughed, "Damn it guys. Are you trying to make me look like an idiot?" Ash laughed at he spoke those words and pushed up his cap without shame. Most could probably see the glistening of a couple unshed tears or even the trails left behind by ones past, but Ash didn't care and he was pretty sure that everyone else didn't either.
The rest smiled at him and Paul chuckled, "Pathetic."
Ash only grinned, "Ha, you got that right." Both were speaking in jest. Pikachu climbed up on Ash's shoulder and Ellie followed soon after as the rest of his pokemon that were out came to his feet. Nincada climbed up to his chest, much to Misty's displeasure.
"Whatdaya think, Mist? Wanna try and pet him?" Ash smiled softly, "You won't trouble Misty will ya, Nincada?"
":D" Nincada smiled brightly at Misty.
"Umm…" Misty blanched slightly.
"How about just the tips of your fingers? One step at a time?" Ash asked calmly. Misty thought it was so wonderful how understanding he was being. Maturing some had helped him to better sense when such understanding was needed. Ash was such a fearless person that often he'd forget that other people scared quicker than him in the past.
Misty nodded and slowly started to reach out at Nincada. The two groups held their breath as Misty's fingers came in contact with the bug type's head. The pokemon let out a soft rattling sound that could easily be misheard as a cat's purr.
"There, is that so bad?" Ash asked in all honesty.
Misty smiled as her fingers glided across Nincada's smooth shell, "Not really. Nincada's shell is a lot smoother than I thought."
"He polishes it often to make it look nice. This little guy is actually kinda a neat freak," Ash grinned at his little friend as Misty retracted her hand and held it to her chest.
Marvelous job, Mistress Misty. You aura has mixed slightly with Nincada's.
"Ra-Really?" Misty asked and looked up at Ash.
"Yeah, it happens every time two living things have an important interaction," Ash nodded knowingly.
"So you feeling better, young man?"
Everyone turned to see that Brandon and Scott had come into the field.
"Yessir, I am. Really good actually," Ash smiled.
"NOOO!" Brandon yelled.
Everyone flinched and sweat dropped at the same time.
"You should've known better than to wander around my pyramid alone. I truly thought you had learned better than to be so naive and reckless," Brandon scolded slightly.
Misty was about to say something when Ash stopped her with his speech. Ash bowed halfway with one arm across his stomach. Nincada had scuttled down to the ground, "You are right. I let my emotion get the better of me. I allowed that spirit to once again make a fool of me. Without my friends, I would've been lost. And as an Aura Guardian and knight of Rota… I am deeply dishonored by my own actions. All I can ask is that you don't think ill of Rota by product of my insubordination."
Everyone was frozen in slight shock since Ash hadn't used his formal speech for quite some time. Misty's face seemed almost heartbroken by how Ash had degraded himself. Is this how all knights were asked to speak of themselves should they make a mistake?
"Rise Sir Ketchum."
Everyone glanced back over at Brandon as he spoke. Ash slowly rose from his bow.
"Hmmm… I believe whatever caused you to explore alone must've been quite jarring to make a fine and disciplined young man like you to act so recklessly. We are all human, Aura Guardian or not. You seem like a fine example of Rota's people and sovereign kingdom. Do not bear dishonor in your heart. For whatever dishonor you gained was quickly dispelled once you destroyed that monster that was once a man. Hold your head high, Sir Ketchum," Brandon finished with a smile at Ash's stunned face.
Ash bowed quickly as Meinshao followed suit, "Thank you for your words, Master Brandon Blair."
"You kids are really great. You're going to go far. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see you place high in this competition. Good luck to all of you," Scott grinned before turning to Ash, "And if you ever feel like it, the offer for a Frontier brain still stands. You might even give Brandon a run for his money as the toughest brain."
Brandon seemed to scowl at Scott in jest before actually laughing, "Perhaps so."
The group went to their rooms after that and gathered their things and returned most of their pokemon. They said their goodbyes to Brandon, Samuel, and Scott before making their way to the docks of the Battle Frontier island. As they walked, a Torchic suddenly dashed out from a facility that happened to be the Battle Factory.
"Hey wait! Come back!" A young attendant yelped as he chased the pokemon over to the group. The fire type ran behind Chili's legs and fired an Ember as the attendant when he came close. It wasn't long after that Noland wandered up.
"Well if it isn't Ash. I see you found our runaway. Little fella just doesn't seem to want to work for us. While on the island, my Factory works on the battle style of rental pokemon," Noland smiled and looked down at the Torchic, still hiding behind Chili's legs, "Maybe he would be better with a permanent trainer."
"Hmm. I could see that. Every pokemon is different and some require a constant presence," Brock nodded.
"Every creature being unique in its own right," Nando smiled.
Chili's face brightened up as he squatted next to Torchic, "Wanna be my pokemon, then? I promise we'll stay pals as long as you like!"
Torchic ruffled his feathers and nodded with a happy cut off chirp. Noland smiled and released the pokemon from his rental poke ball before Chili successfully caught the new fighter. The group said goodbye to Noland after he wished them luck on their journey. The group finally reached the docks and saw their boat. Captain Dusk's head popped up out of a hatch on the deck. He had soot on his hat and clothes as well as his face.
"Ahoy! Did you all finally find what you all were looking for!?" Dusk asked kindly.
"You bet mister Dusk sir! We finally did!" Bianca said giddily.
"We need you to take us to Stateport. The Sinnoh region is our next stop. We're going to be out of your hair soon," Solidad informed.
Captain Dusk seemed surprised and slipped down into the hole, "Yikes!"
The group ran around the dock to the ramp and ran on board to check on the captain. Tempest reached down and pulled the clumsy captain out from the hole. His clothes were torn slightly and he was almost black with soot.
"Are you aright sir?" Cress asked in worry.
"Peachy. I just slipped! I'm perfectly fine though! Ha Ha!" Captain Dusk grinned as Tempest placed him on the deck carefully. Dusk slammed the hatch closed and walked hastily towards the bridge to start the boat up. He froze suddenly and turned around with some rare seriousness on his face, "It's… it's been truly a pleasure sailing for you kiddos… Um… make sure to take care of yourselves, you hear? That's an order from a captain." Before the group could respond, Dusk was gone and inside the boat once more.
"Huh… That's weird. I wonder why he'd act so funny," Max mused.
Misty smiled, "Because when you care about somebody and they have to leave you, all you can ever think about is whether they're alright or not. I think Dusk is just trying to show he cares."
"Hmm… I wonder if he's had to say goodbye to someone before?" Zoey asked.
"I wonder too," Solidad hummed.
The group all moved towards the dining room as the cooks started to get to work. It would be a few days before they got to Slateport.
The next couple days went by pretty peacefully. Mostly just the group sleeping, eating, talking, and waiting until they would reach Slateport. At the end of the second day, they could see the lights of Slateport in the distance.
Late that night, the group docked at Slateport and prepared to disembark. Pikachu and Ellie were asleep, one resting in Ash's arms and the other in Brock's arms. Togetic was sound asleep in Misty's arms. They all had their backpacks and belongings in hand and walked a ways down the docks, Dusk following behind them. Solidad, being always the one thinking ahead, had prepared for the group a chance to board a ship that would take them to Sinnoh within a few days. They purchased their tickets swiftly and were ready to go. So they turned to say goodbye to Dusk and Tempest, who had followed them from the water.
"Thank you so much sir. You've truly been more than wonderful," Serena smiled sweetly.
"Yeah! You sure can handle that boat of yours," Barry grinned.
"Thanks so much," Iris nodded.
Captain Dusk nodded silently before speaking, "Like I said before kiddos. A true pleasure. Be careful and take… take… care- Bah bah ha ha!" Dusk had started to bawl, "I'ma miss you kids so much!"
Paul sweatdropped while others laughed lightly in amusement.
"Thanks sir," Ash smiled and gave the sailer a fully formal bow to show his appreciation.
Dusk tipped his hat and gave them a smile before walking away and down the docks. He was almost to his boat when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. Solidad was standing there and smiling at him, "You remember Allison?"
Dusk's mouth gaped slightly in shock.
"Go to Muscle Island. She's been wondering about you for a while. Ease her worry, captain," Solidad smiled and gave the man a wink before walking back down the dock and rejoining her friends.
"Hm. What do you think, Tempest? Wanna go visit Miss Allison? It sure has been a while. Who would've guessed that's where she ended up," Dusk chuckled.
Tempest called out happily.
"Maybe she could even teach me how to be more graceful, HA ha ha!" Dusk chuckled before boarding his ship. Tempest opted to curl up on the boat itself for a change as it set sail to make way for Muscle Island.
A few days later two friends would reunite and swap tales of their past adventures and how a group of kids had somehow brought them together again. How fate is a fickle thing.
The group boarded the ship as they watched Dusk's pull away. They made their way to their assigned rooms and started preparing for bed. Dawn was walking back from the bathroom when she saw Paul leave his room and walk down the hall. She silently followed him to the outside of the boat. She was wearing pjs and he was wearing sweatpants and a night shirt. He was looking out over the ocean as he spoke.
"You should work on your ability to follow people unnoticed," Paul smirked.
"Who said I was trying to be sneaky?" Dawn teased and stuck out her tongue at him.
"That's a good look for you," Paul quipped.
"Pffft!" Dawn added by blowing a raspberry at him.
"How mature," Paul smiled.
Dawn giggled slightly before glancing out over the water as well, "Why did you come out here?"
"I wanted to think some, alone."
"It's not a big deal… Maybe more a force of habit. Perhaps talking with someone would be better."
Dawn was slightly shocked by Paul's words but smiled at him and nodded.
Paul smiled back which was a bit of a surprise for Dawn, "I was just thinking about how I finally beat Brandon. I want to visit Reggie when we get to Sinnoh. I want to tell him I'm sorry for some things. I want to talk to him."
Dawn nodded for him to continue.
"It's just that after all this time… All the anger inside for wanting to destroy Brandon in battle. It's just gone. I didn't even feel any hate when I was still battling. I don't know if I should… feel different than this. It's like I just don't care that I won."
Dawn smiled brightly and walked closer to him before placing a hand on Paul's chest. He blushed slightly but tried to keep his mouth in a thin line. Dawn continued to speak, not realizing what she had done was flustering him.
"It's because you've changed, Paul. You've come to understand what's important. You don't need to win, because you've gained something more important. Paul you should just let yourself be happy," Dawn smiled and then realized what she was doing. The two were really close.
"Hmph," Paul grunted in an almost impatient matter, before pressing a kiss on Dawn's lips. She froze in shock at first before wrapping her arms around Paul's neck to deepen the kiss. He put one arm around her waist. Finally they parted and panted as they stared into each other's eyes.
"What- what are we again?" Dawn asked, out of breath.
Paul actually stuttered slightly, "I- I guess-" He was cut off by another quick kiss from Dawn.
"I think we may be something more now, right?" Dawn asked with some apprehension.
Paul took a breath and smiled another rare smile, "I suppose we are."
"You think we should tell the others?" Dawn asked.
"I'm sure Ash will notice something funny with that aura stuff. I say we let them figure it out on their own," Paul nodded.
After a little more time simply talking about trivial things, they both returned to their respective rooms for the night.
A few days passed for the group on the boat, which were mostly uneventful save for some training done with their pokemon and themselves. On the last day, they could see the shores of Sinnoh in the distance. The next part of their journey was about to begin. They would part ways again, as weird as it sounded after being together for so long. There was no doubt though in their minds that they would see each other again pretty soon. Their journey in Hoenn had come to an end.
So I hope you guys liked this chapter like I did ^^
I even managed to throw in some Ikarishipping at the end there :D
I also like to think Paul's Drapion used to be Reggie's
I also hope that Shogun is okay with me kinda giving Dusk a bit of a interesting back story sort of, with him knowing Allison from Muscle Island. He was the trainer she was talking about to the girls :D
Thanks for all you support and be on the look out for the Sinnoh Arc!
I've decided to give you guys a list of the new pokemon caught after each chapter so that new pokemon aren't spoiled but you also can remember which pokemon are new and aren't on the list at the start of the Arc.
Ash: Electrike/ Nincada/ Bagon
Misty: Togetic (reclaimed)/Jigglypuff/Spheal
Brock: Vulpix
Ritchie: Zigzagoon(Fawn)
Gary: Meditite
Max: Slakoth
May: Altaria/ Spoink
Drew: Kecleon
Dawn: Mawile
Paul: Gulpin
Cilan: Treecko/Tropius
Chili: Vulpix/Torchic
Cress: Carvanha/ Clamperl
Iris: Trapinch (shiny)
Serena: Goldeen
Clemont: Nosepass
Nando: Chimecho
Burgundy: Clamperl
So there you are I hope this helps some :) If you ever need the full list, minus the newest additions, it's at the beginning of the Arc.
Follow, Fav, Review, and most importantly, Enjoy! :D
NoSignal, out!