Disclaimer: None of the characters, places, yadda-yadda belong to me, quite unfortunately. They belong to Tamora Pierce.

~Chapter 1~

Kel was exhausted. She and Neal had been traveling all day. They were on their way to Steadfast, and neither of them could wait. Neal would get to see Yuki, his betrothed, and Kel was hoping to see a certain older relative of Neal's.

Steadfast's banner was finally coming in sight over the horizon. Kel's heart skipped a beat. Stop that Kel. She commanded herself. Don't act foolish over some guy, but she couldn't help it. Just the thought of Dom made her jumpy.

Neal interrupted her thoughts. "Kel, do I look okay?"

"Hu? Oh, yeah, of course you do." At least I'm not the only one who's nervous. Kel smiled, Neal did look handsome. He always did.

"Kel, you-who." Neal snapped his fingers trying to get her attention. "We're there." ~*~

"Kel! Neal!" Owen was the first to greet them. He was extraordinarily happy, as usual. "It's so jolly to see you guys!" He enveloped Kel in a gigantic hug.

"It's great to see you too Owen." Kel returned his hug.

He suddenly put on a strait face. "Kel, can we talk later? I think I may have found someone."

"Really? That's great Owen!"

"Yeah, but I don't know how to act around her. She's just so perfect that I feel as if I'm constantly messing up around her," he heaved an over- dramatic sigh. "So will you help me?"

"Of course I will!"

"May I say hello now, Owen, or will you do as normal and never let up on your insistent chatter?" A deep voice said from behind.

"Sorry Lord Wyldon. She's all yours." Owen went over to say hello to Neal, who was busy enough as it was catching up with Yuki.

Kel turned around, "Hello Lord Wyldon."

"It's good to see you Kel. How is New Hope holding up?"

Kel smiled, Wyldon was his usual self. Always thinking about work and duties. "It's doing very well. Merric should be able to run the place while I'm gone. Well, if he doesn't lose his temper first."

"Merric? In charge? Gods help us." Wyldon shook his head. "Well, I have other matters I must deal with for now. I'll see you tonight, Kel." Kel nodded to him as he stalked off. Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Kel? Is that you?" She turned around, only to find herself staring into immensely blue eyes. "Dom."

~ Ok, there's my first chapter. Please review!~