479 Followers, 455 favorites, and 13 communities.

I never once thought that this story would have the response that it did. It's incredible to think that even one hundred people would have found something that I did to ever be entertaining in the slightest, even if it was just a simple fanfiction. I suppose it's because GRRM's works themselves are so good that people came to this site to see how others would adapt them, should circumstances be different. I feel really lucky for all of the input everyone has put into this story, both positive and negative, as it has helped me evolve into a better writer.

At the same time, I feel as if I've let everyone down who has followed this story for not posting as often as I should. It is my job as a writer to entertain you, to make you feel. But over time, I've had my interests drawn elsewhere, specifically towards working on my own personal projects, and chasing the dream of writing for a living, creating unique worlds that can entertain others on their own merits. For that, I do apologize. I know how many of you look forward to seeing an update of "High as Honor", and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for that. This is not the end, as I'm sure I will undoubtedly be back in an attempt to finish what I've started. I hope all of you are here for that day as well. But for now, my focus is in attempting to make my own mark in writing, with my own stories and characters.

I often think that I just got lucky, that I'm not that good of a writer. But when I came here tonight, I realized that yes, I truly was lucky to have a readership and a community as passionate and supportive as all of you were. I thank you again, and until next time, best wishes to you all.
