Hello, pixies! ;) Ehehehehe... Too late? *nervous smile*

Sorry about the veeeeeeeeeery long wait... School is a &?#$%! .-.

Okay, I'll stop now. Here comes Jerza!

A - Armor

She once showed him her secret armor: the seduction armor; he liked her armors in general, but that one was by far his favourite.

B - Bachelors

At his bachelor party, Gray brought Jellal a stripper (and no, Gray didn't bring himself to entertain others), but Jellal refused and let the boys have fun, because the only stripper he needed was at her own bachelorette party.

C - Cake

It's funny that she loved strawberry cheesecake, but loathed blueberry shortcake, while Jellal adored blueberry shortcake, but hated strawberry cheesecake; no one ever talked about this, afraid of the consequences.

D - Dream

"Erza?" "Yes?" "I dreamed of you last night." "I hope it was not a nightmare." "How could a dream of us becoming parents be a nightmare?"

E - Eloping

They thought about eloping a lot of times, but never actually did it, because their love was fully accepted and supported by Fairy Tail; and by pretty much the entire world, except the bad guys, Sho, Millianna and Wally.

F - Family

Jellal used to always ask himself who would want to create a family with a criminal, but his answer was finally given when Erza slapped him and they almost kissed; two years later, his little family was created.

G - Grin

Erza let her lips form a proud grin as little Simon walked for the first time with his father alongside him, both wearing matching grins.

H - Happiness

It will be tough achieving happiness, but they will keep trying.

I - Ivory

Her skin was delicate, flawless and unscarred, even after years and years of battles, and he often compared it to ivory; he loved ivory.

J - Juice

Jellal once said we wanted some juice from her; she choked when she thought of the juice from her favorite genre of books.

K - Ketchup

Erza once overheard a conversation between Igneel and Simon; as every young child, they were talking about random things, and Igneel asked Simon at a moment what was his favourite sauce - he answered it was ketchup, because it had the same colour as his mother's hair, and the woman in question thought it was the sweetest thing an eight-year old ever said about her.

L - Lingerie

Jellal stared at his half-naked wife sitting on the petal covered bed and thought the piece of clothing she wore, as sexy as it was, was merely a barrier in his way towards bliss.

M - Magic

It was magic that made them escape the Tower of Heaven, magic that made them meet again, and magic that saved them from death; others may think their love was impossible, and the world may ask how they fell in love - the answer of that, according to them, would be the same: magic.

N - Needs

She never thought of him as the impatient type, but as soon as he burst into the room, threw his coat somewhere on the floor and pounced on her, kissing her and tasting her like there was no tomorrow, she realised distance was not a good factor on their relationship - but it definitely spiced up their nights.

O - Overdose

He suffered of an overdose once; he swore to do that everyday, because he sure loved the drug called Erza Scarlet.

P - Promises

They could never promise to come back home in one piece, yet their will and the thought of someone waiting for them at home is what kept them alive.

Q - Quarrel

They rarely quarreled, but when they did, they usually ended up apologizing to each other two minutes later.

R - Roles

The two could create a new fairy tale, with the princess saving the prince this time.

S - Scarlet

The colour of her silky hair, but also the colour of blood - a fierce shade, but also a passionate one; her name was pronounced by many in fear, leading to Titania, the proud Fairy Tail mage; Scarlet stirred controversy beyond end, and his lips turned upwards when he realised it was him that gave her this name.

T - Test

He once had a taste of her cooking; never again.

U - United

They stood back-to-back in a neverending fight, reminding themselves they had something to live for, and didn't leave each other's side until the rest of the monsters were slain.

V - Valuable

He was once threatened by a dark guild master on a mission of Crime Sorciere that he would lose his most precious thing if he anihilated his guild; Jellal just scoffed and said that he couldn't take on himself, much less Titania.

W - Weaponry

Jellal wondered how many torture devices she had hidden for her enemies and how many for him.

Y - Yawn

Her argument was cut off by a large yawn; pregnant women were always sleepy, to Jellal's luck.

Z - Zest

Her favourite moment was when they just sat in the bed, cuddling and enjoying each other's company and talked about their tough days or missions.

So... Kinda random, but my middle name is Random! (No, it's not, it's Joanne... Romanian style.)

Answer time!

Thank y'all for:

-reviews: animelove1999 (you've become a regular ;D), BloodyRose2016 (why 2016? Is something going to happen then? :3), and lastly moon730.

-follows: BloodyRose2016, DorkyHater (I've heard your username somewhere...), Itherion, LightLessDay (so, an eclipse? XD), PalominoGirl, Red moon95, hapiflower, moon730, and sujuelf1599.

-favouriting: Animelove9195, ConfessLunaNalu (Luna for LuffyxNami and Nalu for NatsuxLucy or both for NatsuxLucy?), Cyfeb 2013, DorkyHater, I am Sebastian Michaelis (oh my God, Sebastian Michaelis faved my story *squeals*), Itherion, LightLessDay, MewNinja, NEMESIS-THE AVENGER (omfg O.O), PalominoGirl, PyrusAngel, dhampire712, hapiflower, loud-er (o-k), mavrick588, moon730, saphiredragonstorm, shine3000, and sujuelf1599.

Virtual cookies for animelove1999 and for moon730 for reviewing on both chapters, favouriting and following :D

Again, thank you all :) Questions are welcome and watch out for the Gruvia chapter! ^_^ My Easter break just started, so I have more time now to write!