Time flutters by and we stand unaware of how short our times stand. In the blink of an eye, human's are born and killed, in what seems like mere minutes to demons is a few years to humans. Humans aren't immortal, and they are only alive for a short 100 years.
To a demon such as myself, I have seen all stages of a humans life flash before my very own eyes and needless to say, they seem unfazed. From child, to teen, to young adult, to adult, to elderly then dead, these humans work. They are born and put in school were they follow orders and work away, then to be pushed into work until their last day. It is pitiful.
And sad it is to admit, my human, the boy I call my own is just like these creatures. He lives a short life of work and struggle, and I once found it amusing, but I do not anymore.
I can remember when I first saw him, so young so brave, so naive.
I used to fight the child for game unaware of his strength. I played my game too long and he got stronger and stronger as time drew on. It was my own fault for letting him live.
When he defeated my master in the name of Hylia, he was not the boy I once knew him to be. No, he was a man.
No longer did he have the pleasantries of being a child, he now carried the burden of adulthood. I had noticed as time went on, the mark of the triforce faded away along with his peace in mind and when he lost the last bit of Her blessing, he was never the same.
Nightmares plagued his poor mind and the death of many creatures whether evil or not tainted his being and destroyed every fiber in him. And I could see it before anyone else could.
I would admit that my fascination became an obsession, and I watch him now. He believed to have defeated me but he was dead wrong. I am the new demon king, my master's death sealed my fate of sitting on the throne of power watching humans toil and struggle.
But still, my fascination lays in him. The one named, Link.
I didn't understand before why I was infatuated with him, but now I understand. There have been more legends of the same hero named Link, and they all carry the same burden. I have found they- or perhaps I should say, he, was always around childhood. The youngest he ever was would've been eight, and the eldest was eighteen.
All the legend speak of the hero saving the day, and then he'd suddenly change. He never was himself exactly two weeks after the final battle.
I watched my skychild die with a plagued mind, tortured by his past. This boy is too young to carry such a task, and when he comes to this world again I will save him from everyone else.
I have heard of a baby born with eyes more blue than the oceans, hair, golden like the sun and the mark of the goddesses on his hand. He is who I seek.
I sneak through a village named Kakriko, and I look into the houses until I find the one. A mother and father stand watch over their child with content smiles etched across their faces. When they leave and close the door, I snap myself into the room where the child sleeps.
I wonder if he dreams of his past or maybe his future, but my thoughts are meaningless and foolish, so I shake the thought from my head. My hands trails across the golden locks of his hair, a pleasant smile spreading across his tiny face. This child can be no more than a few days old, and yet he possesses so much power, I can feel it.
I hear movement behind me and realize someone is walking this way, with swift and gentle hands I sweep the baby into my arms and fade away into diamonds.
I will protect this seed of life and stop the cycle. If push comes to shove I shall defeat the evil being this time, but I forbid to watch this child suffer once more from the guilt. This child is now mine and I will protect him with my immortal life. No creature well dare harm a hair on his innocent little head.
This boy is my fascination, now my obsession, and as an experiment, he is mine to raise and teach as if he was my own. I care not of the consequences of my actions, I merely wish to see this boy have a normal childhood without the burden of being a hero along with it.