I wasn't actually going to continue this, but all those positive reviews simply gave too much encouragement and I couldn't help myself! I love it that you thought it was good!

Adam could tell he was the last to actually wake up the next morning. He was still curled in a ball shape in between the most powerful archangels in existence and for some strange reason, didn't find that alarming at all. He could feel someone gently raking their fingers through his hair and quiet voices whispering to each other.

"So.. Is he.. You know?"

He didn't recognize the voice, but it didn't make him anxious or anything so he didn't jump away from it. Besides the hand continuing to card itself through his hair felt really nice.

"We don't know Gabriel. I can't tell"

Silence was the response for a moment. Gabriel? Where had he heard that before?

"So this little human boy is the thing that ended the legendary war?"

How had he ended anything? He doesn't remember doing anything other than sitting in the cage fore over 600 years and getting out and landing in a large muddy field before coming here. how is any of that war ending stuff?

Gabriel silently observed Michael and Lucifer both look down at the teen boy pretending to be sleeping still. If this one 'in the background' boy was the one who had ended the war before anything got real bloody and ended more lives then sure he was family. Anyone who could prevent his oldest brothers from killing each other. Besides the fact that he found it absolutely adorable that he was currently curled up like that and he like him soo much better then his idiot half brothers, Adam was turning out to sound like a cool kid.

"He was like our second chance brother, he opened our eyes"

"How, did he, open your eyes?"

"He was innocent"

It was obvious they both knew Adam was awake and yet didn't say anything about it. Simply content in just being near him at the moment. Kid was different than his brothers. He needed nobody but himself, or at least he tried to live like that, its always good to have somebody. And he was strong, they had seen what had happened to Sam while and after he got out of the cage. He pretty much went bananas and lost his mind and had been a hunter of supernatural beings his entire life. then, there was Adam, the one who was a pushed to the background bastard son spare vessel for Michael who had ended up just fine. Ended the legendary war even.

Kid had Gabriel's respect even if he didn't want or know it.

"Welcome to the family kiddo"

A week out of the cage went by faster then they imagined it would. Gabriel went back and forth between the Winchesters and them, Adam had become somewhat as a tricksters apprentice even if he didn't know it yet. Gabriel found himself adoring Adam, kid was simply too much, always up for anything anytime.

Being in Hell for so long finally started to catch up with him. It had started as a pounding headache then moved to a fever until it looked like he had caught the flu. He vaguely remembers Michael, or was it Lucifer, saying something about his soul and healing. Sometimes he wouldn't be able to sleep at night and one of them would stay up with him.

Michael would read this book, a new one every time, and he'd lay there curled up into his side listening half consciously as he did so. Or Lucifer would stretch out on the couch and pull him up onto his chest and they'd watch a movie or something, the mans hand constantly running through his hair until he drifted off or something, then he'd feel lips press against his forehead every five minutes. Or what felt like five minutes anyway. Sometimes he'd be vomiting his guts out and one of them would be kneeling behind him with a cup of water and a cloth. Or his head would start pounding and Lucifer would place his surprisingly cool hand across it and Adam unintentionally would let out something between a moan and a sigh and lean into it. Never noticing the way the elder blonde would smile.

After what seemed like ages he finally fell asleep. In one of the weirdest positions. He had been taking the garbage out and his head started to spin and he had sat down for a moment to catch his bearings. His eyes slid shut and next thing he knew the rocking of being carried while someone was walking woke him up. Apparently Michael had gone to check on him and found him sleeping against the dumpster.

It had been a Tuesday two weeks after the day of their release when it happened. Both Michael and Lucifer had went to the store for food and stuff leaving Adam all by his lonesome. He had been chillin on the bed watching some old T.V. show when someone knocked at the door and naturally like anyone's reaction to someone knocking at the door he got up. Thinking it was either Michael and Lucifer, or Gabriel, he though nothing of it when he threw the door open. Only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight waiting for him.


There stood Sam and Dean, Castiel and Gabriel behind them. Everyone stood frozen for a moment until the archangel of the group groaned and shoved them aside with a 'Heya Ads! Mike or Luce home?' and walked in like he usually did, like he owned the place. Castiel followed after Gabriel, albeit a tad slower, but Sam and Dean just stood there. Mouths gaping and eyes wide.

There was no 'Hey your out of the cage!' or 'Are you ok?' nor any 'Sorry we were douche bags and left there to rot without second thought!' nothing and that made him mad. His fists clenched and he clenched his teeth like people do when angered beyond anger. He felt kind of funny too, like his body was on fire but not, if that makes any sense..

His eyes were locked on the two Winchesters in front of him so he never noticed how the two angels in the room had stopped and were staring at him in a shocked silence or that two familiar beings he had been living with for the past 600 and then some years were walking towards them. No all he felt was immense anger and like he wanted to reach over and pull Deans stubby little head off and kick it like a ball across the parking lot and the some, he didn't have anything really against Sam, he knew it was Dean who called the shots in their unhealthy co-dependency.

He vaguely heard someone shouting his name and that when he finally snapped out of what ever daze he was in. Adam looked around sharply before turning and looking at his unnaturally warm feeling arms. His eyes widened as he finally saw what everyone was staring at, fire, different colored flames, were licking the air around his arms. He looked around frantically, how was he even doing this? His eyes landed on Gabriel and Castiel, who both stood like fish with their mouths hanging open. He looked back at the two in front of him, or more rather, behind the two in front of him. Michael and Lucifer had apparently seen it too because they had dropped the bags they had been carrying and were now running as fast as they could towards them.

Adam started to panic, he was on fire! How was he on fire! He didn't know how this was happening or how to stop it and he felt tears, dread damned tears, coming to his eyes. He felt a hand wrap around his arm and he was pulled around to come blue eyes to green eyes. Gabriel was holding on to im, he was going to hurt his only real friend other then the older two.

"Stop! I don't wanna hurt you!"

"Kiddo, I promise your not going to hurt me, yet. OK! Sorry! Not helping here! Look Adam you need to calm down! Your going to burn the whole place down!"

Gabriel bit back a grimace at his choice of words, while it was most likely the truth, it wasn't going to have helped anything. It only seemed to make Adam panic more and the flames surrounding him strengthen in power. Someone tore him from Gabriel grasp and he was spun around and buried into someones chest.

"Ads.. Calm down... Everything's ok..."

Adam tried as hard as he could, but the flames wouldn't go anywhere.. they kept flicking against his arms and the person holding him. He felt two fingers be pressed against his forehead and soon knew nothing more.

Dean crossed the room at light speed it seemed as Adam fell into Lucifer's arms. He even had the decency to glare at the archangel. But the blonde simply glared back and pulled Adam even more into himself almost protectively. Michael got in front of the two and blocked Deans path to them.

"What did you assholes do to my brother!"

"Your Brother!"

Everyone looked surprised at the outburst from Gabriel. He stomped forward and shoved Dean away from his brothers, all three of them.

"Your Brother! What brother leaves their brother in Hell! What kind of brother doesn't even plan on getting him out! He is not your brother! Not anymore!"

Michael and Lucifer nodded once to Gabriel's statement and went back to whispering to each other quietly. Dean Winchester, for once in his life, was speechless.

"How was he able to do that?"

They pretty much ignored Sam's question.

"Looks like he's more of our Baby Brother then we thought"

Adam simply snuggled close to Lucifer's neck.

So I don't like this chapter very much! I'm like super tired but wanted to get it p tonight! Sorry if its bad and makes absolutely no sense! I'm gonna write anther Adam fic in the near future so keep your eyes peeled! LOL! Tell me what you thought, honestly I do hope you liked it!