So, naturally, I'm a big Michael/Adam fan! Nothing slashy, though I have nothing against it, the whole slash thing kind of hits to close to home for me and I simply like the familial relationship they could have! Anyway enough of my boring nonsense and on with the story!

This first thing that Adam became aware of is the rain, the cold as ice beating down on his hair and back rain. Something that he hasn't felt in, in only God knows how long. It was cold and wet and so so amazing. He tried to stand up but fell right back down into the mud, the squishy soft mud that splattered everywhere when he made impact. He didn't remember much, bright light and a bunch of noise, someone grabbing him and then pulling. Hard pulling, painful pulling, kind of like his entire being was being stretched out as thin as it would go.

He tried to get up again and like he had the first time fell right back down. The cage didn't have gravity like it did here, or he just wasn't used to being an actual body. More or less Adam simply gave in and allowed himself to tumble to the ground, he didn't bother trying to get up again.

Michael and Lucifer, both, landed with a thud and a skid. They knew where they were immediately and the rain bit into their skin. Lucifer ran a hand through his blonde hair, smearing mud in it, and sat up onto his knees to catch his bearings. Bright blue eyes scanned the cemetery for any sign of their human cage mate, and frowned when he caught no sight of him. He stood up on shaky feet and took a moment to steady himself before walking slowly towards Michael. The older of the two was already on his feet, leaning over hands on his knees, Michael looked up at the approaching footsteps and took in the sight of the mud covered Lucifer.

"Are you alright?"

Lucifer nodded, "Have you seen Adam?"

Michael frowned much like he had and stood back up to full height, eyes scanning their surroundings just as his had minutes earlier. Adam was, well Adam. They couldn't lose Adam. He was the one... They owed everything to the kid. He was the one who had ended the war, not them, him. the bastard son of the father of both their true vessels. He had opened both their eyes and they had taken him under wing. Adam was like their fresh start.

"We have to find him"

"Couldn't have said it better myself"

So even in the rain, the cold biting rain, they walked around calling out his name. Hoping that they'd hear his voice shouting back.

Adam moved a little when he heard his name. It was faint, over the sound of the beating rain, but there. He tried to shout back, over here he was over he, but his voice was scratchy from little use and it sounded more like a cat trying to spit up a hair ball. Apparently his hair ball imitation was loud enough because soon there was pounding footfalls and there was hands grasping his shoulders. Someone wiped the muddy wet hair out of his eyes and he looked up into the concerned blue eyes of Lucifer. It took them a moment to adjust to teh light, or lack thereof, before he was able to make out Michael's form behind Lucifer.

"Adam are you ok?"

"...I'm a little wet... Can you help me up?"

Lucifer nodded and took a small step back as the arms on his shoulder switched places and hooked under his arms. He was hefted to his feet and steadied out as he wobbled, but the inevitable still happened and he found himself falling forward into Lucifer. The archangel paid him no mind as he bent once more and scooped the human teenager into his arms.

"Your surprisingly lighter then I thought"

Adam spared him a small smile as he wrapped his arms around Lucifer's neck. He didn't know why he trusted him so much, he just did. Michael draped his wet although slightly warmer jacket over him as a shield from the rain beating down on him. Lucifer adjusted his grip to make sure the jacket wouldn't fall off and the trio turned tail and walked out of the cemetery and down the surprisingly quite for this time of night highway. At some point Adam must have fallen asleep because when he woke up he wasn't being rained on anymore and he noticed the road rushing past out of a window. Lucifer must have passed him to Michael at some point because he was well aware of the archangels arms wrapped tightly around him and the fact that he was sitting like a baby in his lap.

"So.. He's your brother then?"

Adam didn't recognize the voice but after looking up at Michael's face, who was still staring out side the large window of the truck, and considering how he wasn't reacting badly and the feeling a thumb rubbing against his neck calmed him Adam felt safe.

"Baby Brother"

Why was Lucifer calling him his brother, let alone his baby brother, to some human truck driver. He turned his head slightly against the pillow that was Michael's chest and saw out of the corner of his eye the blonde archangel spare him a wink and a smile before falling back into conversation with the truck driver.

"That makes sense. He looks a lot like you"

Nobody commented at the remark. It was kind of true, he had blonde hair and blue-green eyes, the perfect combination of both Michael and Lucifer.

"What can I say, dad's got dominate genes"

The driver laughed and they continued to talk for a couple more minutes before the only sound that could be heard was the vroom of the engine and the pat pat pat of the rain. Adam drifted in and out of consciousness, having swore to himself he wouldn't fall asleep again. Just thought you'd like to know he failed, miserably. It was still dark when the truck stopped at this run down motel. Michael passed him back to Lucifer as he jumped out of the cab with a thanks and Lucifer passed him back so he himself could climb out. The driver gave a gruff welcome and just as Satan was about to close his cab door the man called out and reached over to pass him a hundred dollar bill with a 'get a nice warm room for the kid, he'll catch his death or something', Adam could officially say he has seen everything, Satan thanking a human for something. Who would have guessed. He felt Michael's arms tighten around him as they walked into the sketchy Rent-a-Room office, is this what older brothers did? Adam was still new to this whole 'baby brother' thing. Sure he already had older brothers, but what kind of brother leaves someone in Hell or more specifically, Lucifer's Cage and forgets about them.

They talked to the stinky fat man behind the counter as quickly as possible and soon they were walking up some stairs towards room 308. Lucifer opened the door and all three let out a relieved sound when they could finally step out of the rain. The blonde archangel said something about passing a store a couple minutes down the road ad about getting dry clothes before he walked back out again. Adam squirmed in Michael's arms until he was set down, still wrapped in the security of Gods Sword's arms. He shot a hand out and grasped the side of a chair.

"You got it Ads?"

Adam looked at him funny at the nickname and Michael's eyes widened in realization at what he had said.

"Yah I i think I got it, thanks.. Mike"

Michael smiled at him, whether at the nickname or not commenting on his 'Ads' or both Adam didn't know. He watched as the prince of heaven nodded at him once, as if double assessing for himself, and turned towards the heater on the other side of the room. Adam shed out of Michael's jacket and hung it out on the chair he was currently grasping the back of. Michael made a noise of triumph at getting the heater to finally turn on and Adam had to bite his lip to stifle a laugh threatening to break out at the older man. Michael must have heard him because his head snapped over at him briefly, his eyes narrowing, before he smiled again and stood back up walking towards him.

"You need to rest Ads. But I know neither of us want you climbing in the bed covered in mud... and it would be faster if..."

Adam wanted to retort that 'Hey you guys are covered too' until what Michael had said had officially clicked into his mind. He was suggesting they shower together, that was all sorts of out there. An archangel, not just any archangel but the first ever AKA the prince of Heaven or God's Sword, that archangel was suggesting that they shower together because it would be faster. While he couldn't fight on the logic part of it, because it would be faster. He was kind of against the being naked together in the same unlawfully small shower part of it. However, there was that small part of him that could assure the other part that if he were to let go of this chair he would undoubtedly fall right back down to the floor. In the end he ended up having Michael holding him up while he washed the mud of his body and out of his hair.

"Never speak of this to anyone"

He still had his dignity people.

"Speak of what to who"

A couple minutes later Michael had a towel wrapped around his waist and was helping Adam walkout of the bathroom, a towel around the teens waist too. Lucifer must have returned sometime during their ( he shuddered slightly) shower for there he was watching the cheap television. The blonde pointed at the clothes on the one of the beds before picking up what he must have gotten for himself and walking into the bathroom. The shower turned back on only a moment later.

Adam sat on the bed as he slowly but surely put his pants, blue and black sweats, and a black t'shirt on. Michael stood beside him while he put his dry clothes on as well. At seeing the graphic of a unicorn he gave a "LUCIFER" and their only response was a spout of laughter from within the bathroom. Adam slowly but surely stood from his spot on the bed and walked towards the sink, turned on the water to its hottest setting and held up a hand in a 'wait' motion. Moments passed and there was a shout of "COLD!" and a thud from within the bathroom and it was Michael and Adams turns to break out into fits of laughter. It was kind of strange really, how they were acting like actual family, like they hadn't have just been stuck in the cage for almost 600 years. It was a kind of nice turn of events.

In the end they, and by they Adam meant the two 'smite-you-with-a-simple-look' archangels, had decided to push the two beds together into one large bed. Adam curled up in the middle as the two angels looked at him almost shyly. Adam sighed and patted the spots next to him.

"Beds not going to heat itself guys"

He saw them both exchange looks before climbing up on either side. Michael and Lucifer curled around Adam and pulled the blankets up around them. Damn Devil must have grabbed the remote because the man turned out to be a channel surfer. Adam didn't seem to mind, neither did Michael who looked to already have fallen asleep, the teen simply laid his head on his shoulder and they watched whatever cheesy movie came on until it lulled him to sleep. On the brink of sleep he vaguely felt a pair of lips press against his forehead.

"Night Ads"

"Night Luce"

So! I hope you liked it! Please tell me what you thought!