"What?" Mitch cocked his head to the side, still not understanding. "But why? I was so sad!"

"Uh, maybe I was a bit jealous," Scott replied. "Of him."

Kevin was trying to hold back a smile. He knew it was inappropriate at the moment, but he couldn't decide if the two were more awkward or adorable.

"Huh?" Mitch froze. His dark eyes widened, and telltale blush lit up his face. "I-I…"

"Oh god," Scott turned away, running a hand through his hair. I've just made the biggest mistake of my life, he thought. He hates me. He'll never talk to me again. He-

"Hey, Scott," Kevin's voice snatched the blonde out of his thoughts. "You look like you need some fresh air." He grabbed Scott's arm and practically dragged him out of the house.

Mitch took a shaky breath. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down. He tried again and did it, going to his room and grabbing his phone. "Kirstie?"

"Hi," Kirstie responded.

"I've gotta tell you something," Mitch said, still unsure what had happened, what he was doing.

"Shoot," said Kirstie.

"Something… happened." And he commenced to tell her everything.

Meanwhile, outside, Kevin gently laid a hand on Scott's shoulder. "It's okay."

"Ugh! No it's not!" Scott brushed Kevin away, pacing. "I only just ruined, what? The best friendship of my life? Yeah, that seems about right."

Kevin sighed. "Well, even if you aren't friends anymore, you can still-"

"Still what?" Scott interrupted. "What?"

"I don't know," Kevin admitted bleakly, pulling his jacket tighter around him.

The cold sun shined down on the pair, strong winds not helping. It was freezing out.

"He probably hates me," Scott said. "We were friends for years and years and now what? All gone. What was I thinking? I'm the most dumb, ignorant, stupid-"

"Stop beating yourself up." Mitch stepped outside, smiling at the two.

"Hi," Kevin said.

Mitch shivered, not wearing a sweater in the cold air. The beatboxer offered his jacket, but Mitch waved it away and instead pressed himself up against Scott.

"W-what are you doing?" Scott stammered, resisting the urge to grab Mitch and pull him closer.

"You're warm," the tenor replied confidently.

Kevin couldn't resist a smile. This is so sweet, he thought. Another freezing wind buffeted him, interrupting him. "Guys? Not to ruin the moment, but can we go inside now?"

Mitch smiled at him, nodding in consent.

The three of them went back indoors and sat on the couch.

"What's going on?" asked Scott, turning to Mitch.

"What do you mean?" replied the tenor, tilting his head to one side and smiling innocently.

"Uh, like, us," Scott answered. He bit his lip.

"Well, I think it's about time we start using that shipping name." Mitch looked up at Scott, his smile one of bliss. "What do you think?"

Scott tried to respond, and found that his voice wasn't working. He nodded instead.

"Huh," Kevin said, feeling weird. Third wheel, he thought. "Well, I'll give you guys a while to get used to… this." He turned to go.

"Hang on!" Scott stopped him, getting his voice back. "Actually, I think I can focus on music now."

Kevin grinned, sitting back down and pulling out a journal packed with ideas.

Scott smiled down on the plans, and as they discussed, he put his arm around Mitch's shoulders and pulled the little tenor closer.

It didn't feel awkward at all.

That night when Kevin pulled out his journal, he realized that sometimes stuff did happen the way it was supposed to. He wrote.

I guess there is such a thing as happily ever after. Or, at least, happily ever after until the next mishap. There is such a thing as true love.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get pulled into things like that, but one can only guess, and hope that the future is favorable. But just in case, I know exactly how to handle it, thanks to my two friends.

~The End!

Well, who knows. If you guys like it enough, there might be a part three. If you have a good idea of what will happen next, please PM me or write a review with it. I love your criticism, so pile it on! I think this is a really cute little episode, so I really enjoyed writing this last chapter. Hope yall like it just as much as I did! 3