Eeey, thank you for reading this fanfiction. I wanted this to be a one-shot but multi-chaptered makes it more synoptic and easier to update so yes, here I am. It's actually my first fanfiction for the One Piece fandom, and also for my OTP: Law x Luffy. I hope you enjoy it and if there are any questions, feel free to ask on my Tumblr: traffyya ^-^

Driving school 'Heart'.

It's a driving school that rapidly gained more popularity recent months, despite it being established only a year ago. It is mainly thanks to their mascot Bepo the Bear and the attractive founder of the company, Trafalgar Law, that they've attracted so many students. Even today, Law, boss and teacher of the school, picks up a phone call from a new potential customer. Like always, he uses his usual speech to start the conversation.

"Good morning. This is driving school heart, Law speaking. How may I help you today?" the raven-haired greeted polite, as he needed to sound friendly. He calmly waits for a respond, but only receives inaudible noises from the other side of the line. Even so, Law waited. Perhaps the person had mistaken the number, which isn't so strange after all. After a few more seconds, someone finally answers the telephone call.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The man who'll beco-!" The voice introduces himself, which is followed by a hard blow as if the caller is punched by a large fist against his head. A loud cough follows and another voice speaks up instead.

"I apologize for my idiot grandson. I hope you can forgive him," an old, raspy voice responded, which probably belongs to an elder man.

"I have, however, is there a reason I've been called?," Law questions, while hoping that this isn't one of those prank calls that he occasionally had in the past.

Fortunately, that it isn't the same case this time.

"Ah yes, I've heard a lot about your driving school and hoped someone could teach Luffy how to drive."

"That would be a pleasure, sir," Law replies but already fears for this rowdy Monkey D. Luffy, expecting him to be one of those lousy teenagers. Then again, every new student is good for the school's business. "I have a spot open for tomorrow, around two o'clock. Does it fit his schedule?"

"It's perfect."

"Great. If you give me the address, I can pick him up tomorrow," Law explains with his pen and paper ready. He writes down 'Dawnstreet 174' but at the same time his stomach starts to ache, because it somehow knows that it will be an exhausting day tomorrow.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. The amazing Odacchi does ^-^