A/n: Yea the flames of OTP reignited and I couldn't fight the feeling so I present to you these drabbles.

"Rui,"she heard a shout from the front of the apartment. Her heart started to race and the temperature drastically rose.

"I'm in the back," she yelled, sitting up and lifting her head from the cradle of her hands. Her eyes closed, anticipating him any moment now. She heard two sets of footsteps. One was a lax stroll the other was a four legged trot. She felt her stomach twisting and tying itself into a knot as the steps got closer. It'll be ok. It'll be ok. Maybe it's not. He won't be mad...right?

"What are you doing," a gruff voice asked from what she knew was the door way. She looked over and saw him leaning against the frame of the door, jerky hanging from his lips."Why are you just sitting here in the bathroom? Fucking weirdo," he smirked knowing it'd get a rise out of her but it didn't and that was enough for him to know something was up. She didn't clapback with a "stupid mutt" or some witty response. She didn't even cut her eyes at him. She just sat there, quietly, worry written on her face. If the knit of her brows wasn't a clue then the lack of spark in her amber eyes was a definite red flag. "What's going on," he looked around the bathroom in hopes of finding the root of the problem. He spots three white wands lying on the counter. "Are those vibrators? Why the fuck do you have vibrators...three of 'em," his eyes narrowed,"Are you tryna tell me something?"

"Kiba," she sighed,"Shutup. You're talking too much and I have a headache."He pouted but didn't say anything. She crossed her arms, hands gripping the other in a self hug. "They're not vibrators."

He eyed her suspiciously. No baka. No flea bag. No big head or anything. He stepped inside the bathroom and leaned on the counter. He gingerly picked up one of the sticks, one that had a pink cap on it. He held the stick up then grimaced. "Why the hell did you piss on this?" "

Can you just read it? I'm scared to look."

"Scared," he quirked a brow. His eyes studied the stick then grew wide. In his shock, his grip loosened and it fell to the floor. His mouth gaped as his brows knit then rose then knit again. "Puppies," he screeched. Her bisque eyes gazed up at him as his lit up. His face looked like it'd split in half from the big, stupid grin he was sporting. He wrapped her up in his arms and she felt the anxiety and doubts fall of her as he lifted her up.