Chapter 1

Sheldon and Leonard's apartment

No longer able to concentrate on his research Sheldon sighed, lent back in his computer chair and thought to himself "this cannt do!"

"I'm staying at Penny's tonight, so don't wait up."

Sheldon looked around at his roommate "since when do I wait up for you?" Sheldon was annoyed at the interruption. "Anyway it's mine and Amy's date night tonight, so I'm off to hers in a bit. She is on her way over now." Turning to his computer screen and smiling a bit to himself, Sheldon felt the flutter of butterflies in his stomach, an all to familiar feeling now, when thinking about Amy.

"OK have fun with Amy, see you tomorrow."

Sheldon watched Leonard exit the apartment and resumed his thoughts. "I wonder if Amy will see through my plan?" He sighed and realised that she would. She is very smart after all. Ever since the train ride to Napa Valley, the crazy idea of trying to break up with his girlfriend and seeing his mother with that man, Sheldon had gone through a nightmare of new emotions and feelings. He kept them to himself, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. They had already added kissing at the end of date night to the relationship agreement, and he had to admit to himself, he enjoyed it. But this had also left him with new problems. He couldn't cope anymore and decided to put his plan into action tonight.

Knock Knock

Smiling, Sheldon got up to answer the door. Always on time, he thought. Opening the door he was now face to face with a smiling Amy Farrah-Fowler.

"Hello Sheldon, how are you?" Amy stepped into the apartment gazing into Sheldon's eyes.

Without realising, Sheldon took a small step towards his girlfriend so they were a few inches apart and answered "Very well thank you. How are you?"

"I'm good thank you, we had better go soon though, I have already put the dinner in the oven. I'd get your jacked, it's a bit cold outside."

"OK, be right back." Sheldon turned away from his girlfriend to get his jacket. Closing his bedroom door behind him, he leaned back against it taking a deep calming breath, needing a few moment to compose himself. Feeling a little nervous, he grabbed his jacket and murmured to himself "I can do this."

"Sheldon?" Came Amy's voice from the living room "are you ready?"

Exiting his bedroom, he noticed that Amy was sitting half on his spot and half on hers. Before commenting on it, he noticed that he had never seen her in that cardigan before. "Is that new?" he said, pointing at it.

Smiling, and slightly pleased he had noticed, Amy looked down at it. "Yes it is. Penny thought it was a good idea for me to get come new clothes. I didn't get much, just this and some new pj's. I like the clothes I already have. Anyway, you can quickly choose a movie if you like, or maybe a TV series?"

Looking at his DVD collection, a new dilemma occurs. "Choosing a movie takes a lot of thought Amy." Turning around, he browsed through.

Amy walked over to him and picked up a box set. "How about this?"

"Game of Thrones? I'm not sure that its your thing Amy."

"Well I haven't seen it. You said it was good, so I will give it a try."

Smiling down at his girlfriend Sheldon took the box set off her, "well we had better start with Season 1 then. Sheldon put Season 2 back and got the correct one. "Come on, lets go, I'm getting hungry now. After you."

Letting Amy go first, they headed out of his appartment, their hands brushing slightly as they walked down the stairs and out the door to Amy's car.

Buckling himself in Sheldon turned to Amy. "How is your study going? I forgot to ask you at lunch today."

"It's going well. Today I was testing some of the monkeys with new images. How about you? At lunch you said you were busy with a new project. You going to tell me what it is?"

Sheldon looked out the window, then turned to look at Amy. He studied her for a moment before smiling at her. "Well I have a hypothesis, and will be gathering my results very soon. I will tell you about it when I have the results."

The butterfly feeling in his stomach returned. He was scared and exited about what he was planning to do. He had put a lot of thought into it, and was sure that it would work.

He came up with his plan two days before their date night. He had become sick of going into work and thinking about their kiss on the train, or how Amy's lips had tasted of brownies. He hadn't done any real work in four days.

They have had two more date nights since their first real kiss, and having to leave afterwards was making him more and more frustrated.

"We are here. Sheldon, are you OK? You have been very quiet."

Sheldon looked over at Amy. "Yes I'm fine, just hungry."

They both exited the car and made their way to Amy's apartment.