**The following chapter is 99% smut, because so many of you were dismayed by Mrs. Weasley's interruption…and because I got a little carried away writing a sex scene that was only supposed to be a paragraph or two *clears throat*. I apologize for the delay. Life has been very demanding lately, but I've already started the next chapter, so it shouldn't be long. Also, I would like to thank foxygirl98, vernieklein, schwartzshifter, achillesthegeek, and cleverblueeagle for their chapter 13 reviews! You guys ROCK! Anyway, without further ado, I present: The activities of Draco and Harry later that night (major major NC17) like, seriously. This entire chapter is sex. Am I even allowed to do that? I really don't think so. Well, here's hoping I don't get kicked off of this site. Enjoy it while you can!

-Also, Harry's inner alpha/top makes a little appearance here. I'm more of a Draco on top fan, and I think that he may end up preferring a more dominant role in this story, but I had a lot of fun with this. What do you think?-

"Draco, it's me," Harry whispered as he opened the door, peering into the blackness. "Are you asleep?"

He was met with a moment of silence followed by a low chuckle from the other side of the room.

"Hardly," came the drawl that made Harry both grin and shiver simultaneously.

"Too bad," he murmured, his heart skipping a beat, "I can think of a few ways I would have liked to wake you up…"

With a tantalizing little groan from Draco in response, Harry crossed the room in a few bounds until he was close enough to see the other boy, or at least his silhouette, sprawled invitingly across the large bed. Although it was quite dark and the thin cotton sheet was drawn up to his waist, Harry was fairly certain that Draco was already naked, and he felt himself instantly harden at the thought of it.

"Mind if I…join you?" he asked, surprised by the huskiness in his voice, and Draco propped himself up on his elbows.

"Get over here, you prat," he teased, and Harry immediately crawled onto the mattress, not needing to be told twice.

Without another word exchanged between them, Draco grabbed Harry by the shoulders, toppling him to his side, and the two boys melted into each other, lips finding lips in the shadows. Harry's mouth smoothed into soft, responding pressure as Draco continued the kiss, and his hands slid down of their own accord to grip Draco's hips, pulling the other boy close until their bodies aligned.

With his thumb and forefinger, Harry played with the soft fabric of the sheet, pulling down ever-so-slightly to reveal just enough skin to confirm that Draco was, indeed, naked. Breaking the kiss to look between them, he shivered again, feeling his abdomen coil with lust.

"God, Draco," he murmured, licking his lips, "ready and waiting, hmm?"

Draco arched his back a little in response, the sheet slipping down to his thighs as he did, and Harry, whose eyes were adjusting to the darkness, was rewarded with the sight of Draco's cock, so hard that it was straining up toward his stomach.

Growling almost primitively, Harry wrapped his hand around it, delighting in Draco's wild gasp as he did. His mouth found Draco's again as he stroked, and this time, the kiss was much more desperate in nature, almost painful, and he couldn't seem to stop himself was biting down on Draco's bottom lip hard enough to elicit a sharp inhale from the other boy followed by a barely audible whimper. The reaction only made Harry harder, and he hissed through his teeth, his other hand sliding from the back of Draco's neck to his throat, where he splayed his fingers across the sensitive skin possessively.

He was pleasantly surprised to see Draco lift his chin and press the back of his head to the pillow, displaying his throat even more as Harry caressed it. Something about this small act nearly drove Harry over the edge, and he moaned, swinging one leg over Draco's lap to straddle him.

"Fuck, Harry-…I…jesus," Draco was babbling incoherently as Harry pressed into him, his pajama pants now an inexcusable barrier that must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

"Wait. Stay. Right. Here," Harry whispered, breaking up the sentence with a lick to Draco's chest after each word. "Don't you dare move."

Rolling over onto his back next to Draco, he pulled down his pants, kicking them off, but before he could roll back, Draco was on top of him.

Groaning as Draco's cock pressed against his own, Harry instinctively grabbed Draco's hips again, pulling down hard. "I thought I told you to stay put," he chided between gasps, looking up at Draco with a hungry smirk.

Draco grinned and slid his hands up Harry's abdomen, pausing to rub little circles around Harry's nipples before pinching them roughly.

"I'm not very good at following orders these days," he murmured as Harry arched his back, sucking in a breath through his teeth. "Besides, I don't think you're going to be complaining…"

Before Harry could form a coherent reply, Draco leaned down to lick one of his nipples, gently nipping at the sensitive skin and causing a shock of arousal to flood Harry's stomach.

"Fuck," he moaned, his fingers tightening around Draco's waist. "Fuck, Draco…wait. Wait."

Surprised, Draco raised his head, giving Harry a questioning glance.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, a touch of concern in his voice, and Harry raised himself to his elbows.

"Mmmm, yes, I just wanted to-" with a quick maneuver, he had flipped them again, one knee on either side of Draco's thighs and his hands on Draco's shoulders, holding him in place. "Do that," he finished breathlessly, leaning down to capture Draco's mouth before the other boy could form much of a thought about the sudden power shift.

He knew that Draco was more dominant by nature, but that was what thrilled him…what egged him on. How far could he push the boundaries? He needed to know.

Breaking the kiss, he sat up, gazing down at the boy struggling beneath him. Harry's eyes roamed all over him, his claw clenched and his breath uneven.

"My god," he said, half to himself. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Without waiting for a response, he rubbed the heel of his hand down Draco's straining cock, stifling any words that the other boy might have been about to say.

"Mmm, and you're so…wet," he continued, bringing his hand to his mouth to lick a stripe down his palm, groaning at the sweet, salty taste.

After an extended moment, he looked down again, and his breath caught in his throat. Draco was watching him, mouth half open and eyes heavily lidded with lust. There was a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, and his chest was rising and falling as though he had just run a marathon. It was the single most erotic sight Harry could have ever imagined, and he felt his cock twitch in anticipation.

"Harry, you win," Draco panted, his eyes drifting down to Harry's cock. "Fuck me. I need it. I need you."

He pushed his hips forward like he couldn't help it, throwing one arm up to grab the top of the bedframe and letting the other hand fall to clutch the sheet, knuckles white with the effort.

He was giving Harry permission to do whatever he wanted.

Oh, god.

Whatever he wanted…

He shuddered, willing himself not to come on the spot. He squeezed his cock at the base to relieve some of the pressure, sliding down Draco's body until he was between the other boy's legs.

He had to taste some more. He had to.

Bending his head, he sucked Draco's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue to catch every trace of flavor. Draco made a sound like a wounded animal and bucked into Harry's throat, completely filling him. Nothing had ever felt so right. The taste was…god, it was indescribable, strange and delicious, something Harry felt he would quickly become addicted to.

After only a few thrusts however, Draco was clawing at Harry's head and moaning.

"Harry, pull off," he gasped. "You're going to make me-ahhhh-you're going to make me come."

Harry pulled off for a moment, looking up at Draco.

"That is the general idea," he said, licking his lips. "I want you to come in my mouth, Draco. I've never wanted anything so much in my life."

"I-but…have you ever…" Draco broke off as Harry ducked down again, swallowing Draco to the hilt.

"Oh God, Harry, oh Jesus Christ-"

Draco was gone, grabbing Harry by the hair and lunging into his mouth over and over again with increasingly ragged movements. With one last thrust, Draco's hips froze in Harry's hands and Harry felt hot come spill into his throat like pure heaven. Swallowing it hungrily, he lapped at Draco's cock, not wanting to miss a single drop, until Draco gently pulled back, his now sensitized skin needing a reprieve.

"Harry, you…that was…god, that was amazing," Draco was whispering as he collapsed onto the mattress, panting heavily.

"Yeah, it really was," Harry said with a grin, absentmindedly reaching down to rub his own still-very-hard cock.

Draco's eyes followed Harry's hand, and he smiled, rolling over and groping for something on the bedside table for a minute.

Harry watched curiously.

"What have you got there?" he asked, peering into the shadows.

"Harry, come here," Draco said, rolling back again, and Harry could see now that he was holding his wand.

"Draco, wha-"

"Just come here," Draco said again, cutting him off.

Harry crawled forward on the mattress, and Draco lay back, spreading his knees invitingly. Pointing his wand into his hand, he muttered something, and, to Harry's surprise, a gel-like liquid began to drip from its tip onto Draco's fingers. So he had been right about last time. Mesmerized, he watched Draco slip his hand between his legs and begin rubbing himself in that special place…the place Harry so desperately wanted to know.

"Fuck, Draco," he groaned, squeezing his cock again, and Draco smiled dreamily.

"That is the general idea," he murmured, mimicking Harry's words from just minutes ago.

"Are you…sure?" Harry asked, hoping desperately that the answer would be yes, "I mean, you just…"

He trailed off as Draco pushed a finger inside, slowly fucking himself with it, and Harry nearly collapsed, immediately reassigning the title of the most erotic thing he could have ever imagined to this scene that was unfolding before him.

"Mmm, yes, I'm very sure," Draco responded, his voice dripping with sex, and Harry nearly fell over himself getting closer.

Draco now had two fingers inside, and he was making these noises…these perfect, sexy little noises as he thrust them in and out.

Harry couldn't help himself. He started stroking his cock to the same rhythm that Draco was using, already breathless again, needing this like he had never needed anything before.

"Draco-" he choked out, and as if the other boy could read his mind, Draco pulled out and grabbed his wand again.

"Let me," he whispered, filling his hand again with the gel and reaching forward to slick Harry's cock.

The sensation of Draco's hand on him alone nearly did him in, and Harry threw his head back a little, desperately dragging some self-control out of the depths of his sex-muddled mind. Draco's fingers slid up and down the length of his shaft, and after a minute, Harry felt Draco's other hand on his hip, guiding him forward.

"I'm ready, Harry. Do it," Draco said, lying back and spreading his legs even further apart.

Harry took a deep shaky breath and positioned himself, pushing as gently as he could against Draco. "Don't fuck this up," he thought to himself. "Control yourself."

But Draco seemed to have other ideas.

Suddenly grabbing Harry's hips, he pulled. Hard. And Harry was in. All the way in.

Biting his lower lip to keep from howling, Harry arched his back, flooded with sensation. The heat…the tightness…he had never known that sex could be like this. God, he had never known.

Looking down at Draco, he saw that the other boy's face was twisted into an expression of something between pain and pleasure, and Harry reached for him, softly caressing his cheek.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, resisting the urge to move.

Draco managed to smile and put his hand on top of Harry's, turning it over to draw slow circles in Harry's palm with his thumb.

"Yeah," he whispered, thrusting his hips forward. "Yeah. I'm okay. I'm more than okay."

Draco's small movement caused Harry's self-control to instantly evaporate, and he moaned, pulling out a little only to push back in roughly, causing Draco to cry out into his arm. Unable to stop himself, he began to thrust in earnest, plunging into Draco as if his life depended on it. Instinct had taken over, and Harry could barely even remember where they were, let alone that he was supposed to be taking this slow.

But Draco didn't seem to mind, now. Harry glanced down to see that Draco's face was now awash with pure pleasure again, his head thrown back and his nails digging into the sheets wildly.

"Christ, Harry, fuck, yesss," he cried out, bucking up frantically, and this movement caused Harry to slip in even deeper.

"God," he groaned, knowing that he wasn't going to last. "So good, Draco, so fucking good."

He saw that Draco was hard again, painfully hard it looked like, and he reached between them to grab Draco's cock, stroking it almost brutally.

Leaning down, he began to lick and bite Draco's skin as he fucked him, still jacking his cock with one hand. His mouth was everywhere at once – throat, shoulder blade, chest, and he felt the familiar tightening in his stomach as he neared the edge.

He moved a little bit to the left, changing his angle, and without warning, Draco exploded into his hand, every muscle in his body seizing up as he came.

Harry felt the clench around his cock, and he was gone, coming harder than he even knew was possible, his nails digging into Draco's skin and his face twisted into a silent scream of pleasure. It seemed to go on forever and yet not long enough all at the same time, and when it was over, Harry could no longer support his own weight, falling onto Draco's chest with a sigh.

For a while, neither of them said anything. They just lay together, breathing heavily and bathing in the afterglow of what they had just shared.

Then, after what might have been five minutes or an hour, Harry slowly pulled out, collapsing next to Draco and smiling at him through the shadows.

"Mind if I sleep here tonight?" he asked, reaching out to run his fingers lightly across Draco's collarbone. "I don't really think my legs work at the moment."

Draco chuckled and pulled Harry closer.

"Let's hope we wake up before everyone else does, though," he said, giving Harry a little kiss. "I don't think I fancy being subjected to the wrath of Mrs. Weasley."

Harry nodded, his eyes already half-closed.

"Me neither," he whispered. "Don't worry. We'll…we'll be up…in time."

He felt himself drifting into a deep, satisfying sleep.

He was almost completely gone when he felt Draco lightly touch his shoulder.

"Harry?" he whispered. "Can I ask you something?"

"Mmm?" Harry murmured, not even opening his eyes.

"If we ever…when we get out of this, when we're away from all of this…will you…will you marry me?"