Team Toretto had been lounging around Dom's house all day. Bumming between rooms drinking beer, watching movies and eating popcorn. It was that night, the one moment they turned on the news and Brian's face covered the screen, that shock shook them to the core. Of all the days to watch the news… Why did they choose today?

"Early this morning officer Brian O'Conner was reported missing, if anyone has seen him or has any information on his whereabouts we ask you to call the number at the bottom of the screen immediately."

Everyone turned to Jesse as he spoke up making his cheeks heat in embarrassment.

"B-Brian's not good at keeping out of trouble… I think he'll turn up sooner or later with a trial of destruction after him as always." Jesse smiled nervously as the others chuckled and huffed in amusement and agreement, their worries only slightly eased by the sound logic. They hadn't known Brian for long before he left them but they knew that anywhere he went, disaster of any kind was soon and sure to follow. All they had to do was wait him out and he'd eventually show up on his own, it'd just take a bit of patience and a lot of sanity.

Three months later and there was still nothing, underground or not, nobody knew where the hell Brian had gone…

Four months and most of the search parties had given up and gone onto their next job…

Five months, there were a grand total of nine people still looking for him...

Dom and his crew, Tej, Suki and Roman were the last ones left…

Six months, he was presumed dead…

Everybody had given up…

Nobody was waiting…

Eight months…
