Sunset Shimmer's Redemption

Chapter One: Saying Goodbye

It had been another thirty full moons since that fateful night of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. Sunset Shimmer was now standing in front of the school statue.

It was not an easy decision for her to make. She knew she could not stay on this side of the portal forever. But she had made so many friends on this side after Princess Twilight Sparkle had helped her see the light, including the human versions of Twilight's friends. She had even made up with her ex-boyfriend Flash Sentry, and the two stayed as friends ever since. They had all already graduated from Canterlot High, which meant they had lots more time over the summer to hang out together.

She had made so many friends that it was already breaking her heart thinking of a way to tell them without breaking their hearts as well. In the end, however, she knew that there was no sugar-coating this one. If she had learned anything from Applejack, Sunset knew full well that she was going to have to be honest with them about this whole thing.

So, with the thirty moon cycle approaching its eclipse and the portal's three-day period of access to Equestria nearing its start, Sunset decided now or never that they needed to know.

After sending them a group text, asking them to meet her at Sugarcube Corner, Sunset made her way over to the popular teen hang out. All six of her friends were there. Rarity was showing Fluttershy a new hairstyle in a fashion magazine while Flash Sentry, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were laughing at another one of Pinkie Pie's signature jokes.

"Hey, Sunset!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, naturally being the first to notice Sunset walk in. All of a sudden her entire body began to shake violently. Obviously her Pinkie Sense had just predicted another doozy, and if Sunset was right, her upcoming confession was probably going to be it.

"Heya, Pinks." Sunset replied, immediately taking a seat between Fluttershy and Applejack.

"So, you wanna tell us what this is all about, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked in a concerned manner. "You seem awful down about somethin', and Ah'm starting to think Pinkie sensin' a doozy as well right now ain't no coincidence."

"Yes Sunset, please tell us what's wrong….um if you don't mind us asking that is." Fluttershy agreed in her naturally soft and shy voice, and yet still looking cute while doing it.

"Sunset, darling" Rarity followed up with her refined and elegant, yet caring voice "you know you can tell us anything and we won't think any less of you. So tell us please, whatever is troubling you so on this fine day?"

"She's right." Flash assured her with his trademark smile. "We are your friends, and that's what friends do for each other."

"Yeah girl, so spill the beans already!" Rainbow Dash followed up in her own tomboyish way.

Sunset was all but on edge now, she knew she had to be honest with all of them about this. She only hoped they could take it without being too heartbroken, though one might think that hope would be wasted on Fluttershy. But no matter how one looked at it, hearts were gonna get broken no matter what Sunset said or did.

"OK, here's the thing." Sunset began after taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I am not really sure if any of you are aware, but it has almost been thirty whole moons since that night at the fall formal."

"Yeah, and?" Rainbow just replied casually and seemingly carefree.

"She means the portal to Equestria is gonna open up soon, Dash." Applejack clarified before turning back to Sunset. "But why bring this up?"

"Well, you see-" Sunset began only to be interrupted by Rarity.

"Wait a minute, darling. Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Please tell me you're not saying it." Fluttershy added meekly.

"As much as it is breaking my heart right now to tell all of you," Sunset sighed, "I am afraid that is the case. Once the portal to Equestria opens up, I am crossing back through it, and I do not believe I will ever be coming back."

At that moment, Pinkie Pie's entire body shook once more and then it suddenly stopped. "So my revelation was the doozy?" Sunset asked. Pinkie could only nod slightly sadly.

"But why are you leaving anyway, Sunny? Don't you like your home here and all the friends we helped you make, including us? Because if you didn't, then all that work we did helping you make friends and learn the Magic of Friendship like Twilight asked us to was for nothing and-" Pinkie ranted on at a ridiculously fast pace in a single breath, before Sunset's hand found its way to Pinkie's mouth.

"Please, Pinkie" Sunset whimpered with tears forming in her eyes, "Don't make this harder for me than it already is. You all were willing to forgive me after everything I had done to you guys. And after that you taught me everything I could learn about friendship, and I will always be grateful to all of you for that. But all of you know as full well as I do that I don't belong here. I can't stay here forever. Sooner or later I will have to go back to Equestria. Besides, I still have some wrongs to right and amends to make on that side of the portal."

"You know that's the full honest truth, right AJ?" Applejack could only meekly nod yes in response.

"Well when does the portal open?" Fluttershy timidly asked.

"The 3-day access period starts tonight." Sunset could only reply with tears while Pinkie hugged her.

"You know what, you really should just go." Rainbow replied in a somewhat bitter tone. "It won't matter to me anyway." And she stormed out of the café after that.

"Rainbow Dash, wait." Flash called after her, but he was already too late.

Sunset looked hurt by that comment, but AJ and Rarity both laid a hand on each of her shoulders. "Don't you worry about her, Sugarcube. You know how Rainbow is." Applejack consoled.

"Yes darling, she will come around like she always does. She just needs some time to wrap her head around this situation." Rarity added. "As for your decision to leave, while I would be happy if you stayed, I cannot argue with all of your logic from earlier. Whatever choice you decide to make, I will support you every step of the way."

"Same here." Applejack remarked.

"Me too." Fluttershy added.

"And me too." Pinkie pitched in.

"No argument here." Flash finished.

"Oh guys, you're the best." Sunset exclaimed softly while bringing her five friends into her reach for a group hug, which they eagerly returned.

Later that night, a few minutes before the portal was due to open, Sunset was standing by the Canterlot High School Statue, the base acting as the portal to Equestria, along with Flash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy. Suddenly, they heard footsteps, and as soon as they all turned towards the source, they noticed Rainbow Dash walking right up towards them, a regretful look on her face.

"Hey Sunset, I'm real sorry about what I said in Sugarcube Corner earlier today." She apologized.

"It's alright Dash, I understand. I would not want to believe me either if I were you. Just stay awesome after I leave, OK?" Sunset asked.

"You know I will!" She replied coolly then proceeded to do a secret handshake with Sunset that only those seven knew how to do (which in actuality, they just copied from a cool cartoon because it looked awesome).

"Go up, take around the backside, snake-bite, piston grip, snap, slap slap, and slide it home."

Rarity and Fluttershy then approached her with a small gift wrapped in paper. After pulling out a small box and opening it, Sunset could only gasp in surprise. Inside the box was a gold locket containing a picture of all seven of them took together after graduating from Canterlot High, in which all seven of them were smiling.

"I wanted to give you something to remember us by, but I did not have enough to pay for the locket, so Rarity helped me pay for it. I hope it's not too mu-" Fluttershy explained only to have Sunset cut her off by hugging both her and Rarity.

"It's wonderful, I love it. Thank you girls. Please, don't ever change." Sunset said with tears in her eyes.

Rarity and Fluttershy could only return the hug, while starting to get tears of their own.

AJ then walked over. "Now sugarcube, ah know you probably heard this lots of times before, but everything will work out for the best. Just be true to yer new self and everythin' will be fine."

"You're still just as wise and honest as ever Applejack. Don't ever lose that part of you. I don't know what anyone would do without you." Sunset replied while hugging AJ, who returned it.

Sunset then turned to Flash. "For what it's worth, Flash, I am glad we still got to be friends in the end. I hope you find the right girl out there for you. After all, you deserve better than me."

Flash then hugged her, catching her completely by surprise before she returned it. "Don't say that." He muttered. "That applied to the old you. You've changed now. It's all in the past. Although, I do appreciate your good wishes for me."

"Thank you." Sunset replied before kissing him on the cheek, which caught him by surprise. "That was just a token of gratitude, just for being you."

Sunset then walked over to Pinkie Pie, who looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

"Pinks, I only have one favor to ask of you. Don't ever stop smiling. If you do, it just won't be the same around here." Sunset said.

And with that Pinkie's tear dam broke and she scooped Sunset into a bone-crushing hug, which Sunset eagerly returned. In fact, the rest of the girls joined in to make it a group hug.

At that precise moment the moon shone unusually bright and for a brief instant a flash was seen coming from the base of the statue.

Having been released from the group goodbye hug, Sunset made her way over, and used her hand to test the portal. When her hand phased through the base she knew it was time.

"Well, this is it, goodbye everyone. I'll never forget you. Stay true to yourselves and your friendships with each other. Because you already know, friendship is magic!" Sunset told the rest of the gang.

"Bye Sunset!" They all exclaimed. "Say hi to Twilight for us!" Pinkie added at the last minute.

So with her farewells expressed, her mind now determined, and her new gift locket on her neck, Sunset Shimmer stepped through the portal back to Equestria, never to return to this world again.

To Be Continued...

(My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and all associated characters are the property of Hasbro.)