" This is the worst thing we've ever done". Dick said observing the dummy. " Raven can't you just duplicate him as Tim".

Raven duplicated Tim and closed the cell door.

" Why didn't we do this before". Tim asked

" I have no clue but I have a problem". Dick said

" What"?

" If I'm arrested as Shadow and Robin suddenly goes off the radar people might get suspicious".

" You won't get arrested Jason hasn't". Tim said then saw Dick's face. " He has! How many".

" Five".

" Five! Where the hell were we"!

" You were at home, Mt Justice, your job, sleeping".

" You broke him out didn't you".

" It's not that hard to be honest even Kid Flash could do it".

" Have you gotten caught".

" Twice. Hood broke me out with Red Arrow and Kori the first time and the second time it was Hood and Kori".

" Does Terry and Damien know"?

" I don't know maybe probably".

" Well let's head to the mountain and find out".

" No! You can't tell them".

" Why"?

" I got arrested the first time after I killed a man that was about to kill Kori and the second I killed three people who were about to kidnap four kids and a mother".

Tim took a deep breathe and looked at Dick who looked worried.

" I won't tell them Dick but when Jason is up your telling everyone".

" Deal. Can we go back to the mountain. I wanna see Jay".

" Of course. We'll be back".

" Later! Bye! See ya. Good bye my friends"! Everyone said

" How's Jay". Dick asked immediately but knew the answer when he saw everyone's faces. No change.

" Listen if Jay doesn't make it you have to be strong okay". Terry said

Dick bit his lip and Terry pulled him into a hug. His little brother let out a sob and he held him tighter.

" I have to tell you something then". Dick said pulling away " I've been arrested twice as Shadow. Hood broke me out with Red Arrow and Kori the first time and the second time it was Hood and Kori. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react".

" We already knew". Terry said with a smile

" How"?

" We checked the cameras and were waiting for you".

" Oh". Dick replied and gave a nervous laugh. " How's Jay".

" No difference but we're not giving up yet".

" What if he gives up".

" If he gives up Bruce will shout at him to get his ass back here".

Dick laughed an everyone smiled. It was nice to know there was still happiness in their little Robin.

That night Dick couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned but nothing worked.

He sighed before he got up and opened his door. Dick was debating whether he should go to Terry, Damien or Tim. Damien it was.

Damien couldn't sleep either. He had tried for the past hour but couldn't sleep. He watched as his little brother stepped into his room.

" I couldn't sleep". Dick said before Damien could ask.

" I can't either". Damien replied and moved over for his brother.

" Do you think Jay will wake up soon".

" I don't know. It's a possibility we won't but there's also a possibility he will".

" I can't lose him again". Dick sobbed into Damien's chest.

Damien sighed and held his brother tight. He waited for Dick to calm down before he spoke again.

" Let's go somewhere".

" Where"?

" Anywhere. Get dressed we leave in ten".

" Dami what are we doing". Dick asked fifteen minutes later as they were on top of Wayne Enterprises as Robin and Renegade.

" We're feeling the rush". Damien said with a smirk before jumping off the building.

Renegade shot his grappling hook once he was at the sixth story and landed on a roof.

" You'll catch me right". Robin asked

" I'll never let you fall Robin. Trust me".

Robin took a deep breathe before he jumped. He felt the adrenaline rush and shot his grappling at the fourth story and landed next to his brother.

" Feeling the rush". Renegade asked with a smile.

" Let's do that again"!

" Let's go then".

Renegade smiled as he fell with his brother. His plan had worked. Take Dick's mind off of Jason and have some fun.

It was around three in the morning when Dick and Damien stopped what they were doing. They had moved to different buildings and were now at Jump City laying down on top of Titans Tower looking at the stars.

" We should do this more often". Dick said

" We should".

Another hour passed and the two brothers had passed out. Raven went up at nine just in time to see the two brothers jump off the building.

They landed in the water and she allowed a smile to appear as she saw Dick splash Damien.

The two swam to the city and Raven followed with the rest of the team just to make sure nothing happened.

" Guys we can take care of ourselves". Dick said smiling as they were about to step through the zeta tubes.

" Just making sure man". Cyborg said smiling also

" Thank you". Damien said allowing a small smile before stepping through the zeta tubes with Dick.

" Terry! They're probably fine"! Tim shouted as his brother was pacing back and forth. " It's Renegade and Robin that are out. I'm sure they're fine".

" Have more faith Ter". Dick said as he stepped through the zeta tubes with Damien.

" You had me worried"!

" It's Damien and I what could go wrong".

" See! I told you"! Tim shouted

" See Tim has faith Ter".

" I'm just glad your safe little wing". Terry said

" Me to". Dick replied with a small smile " Any change on Jay"?

" No but give it time. Don't ever lose hope".

" I won't lose hope ever".