Chapter 14-The Way To A Nerdling's Heart:


I was still blushing even when we were at the house after the trip. Sebby and the maids kept giving us weird looks- they knew something was up. I knew for sure that they were probably gossiping behind my back. Thinking about what they may be saying made me blush even more. Then I thought about Kaoru and my face seemed to be permanently red.

Then I started to think about the kiss. His kiss was soft, gentle, sweet. It wasn't like the other kisses I have had before. I found that I liked slow for a change. Slow like a peaceful river or a sloth. Yeah I'll stick to river because I'm not comparing my love life to a sloth.

My eyes widened, dear lord, I sound like a girly girl.

"You've always been a bit of a girly girl," Lori added.

"Did I say that out loud? Whoops... And I think of myself more of a... dorky, anime-loving, weird girly girl."

Currently, Lori and I were sitting in my room in our pajamas while gossiping like the stereotypical white girls at a sleepover- the types you see in the movies. The only difference was that we were always watching Death Note on my laptop as we gossiped and ate chips since it was still early in the night. We may have school tomorrow, but it's only like nine o'clock- still early, for us.

"So," Lori said with a smirk, "You were thinking about Kaoru and the kiss, weren't you?"

"Maybe," I huffed.

"~Kaoru and Chris sitting in a tree," Lori teased, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"At least Kaoru and I didn't kiss on my bed and almost do the frick-frack."

"We didn't almost do the frick-fack," Lori muttered.

"You're never gonna live it done," I laughed, "I can see myself now, at the wedding, giving a speech as the maid of honor, 'Well, I remember their first kiss better than they do since I was the one that walked in one them. Thank goodness I did, because if I didn't then they might have fu-'"

"Who said I'll marry Hikaru," Lori interrupted, "And who said that I would have you as the maid of honor?"

"You might," I pointed out, "And who else would it be?"

"Touche, dumbass, touche."

We turned our attention back to Death Note.


"YOU CAN'T FUCKING DIE," Lori screamed.

I plopped my head down in despair as Lori did the same.


After that depressing episode I watched with Chris, I was still thinking about what she had said. Every now and then-which as most of the time-I tended to over think practically everything. When she mentioned me and Hikaru at the alter getting married I couldn't think of anything else. Usually when I had his problem I sang and played my music. Which is exactly why I was now tuning my guitar, which only took about a minute before I played the first song that came into my head.


Crazy, but that's how it goes
Milions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not to late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hate

Mental wounds not healing
Life's a bitter shame
I'm goin' off the rails a crazy train
I'm goin off the ailson a crazy train~"

When I was done with the song I thought about how it suited my life pretty well. Like stated in Soul Eater, everyone had a little bit of madness in them, like bravery. I couldn't help but think that it was the same with everything else, like craziness. I smiled, knowing Chris would total agree with that statement.

After that, I just played what I was feeling, which was a lot of things. I felt happy, at peace,ad confused all at the same time. I didn't sing, I just played. I might have been artistic,but when it came to writing, I was like a two year old. That as more up Chris's ally. When she put her mind to something in writing, she was better than Ghostwriter from Danny Phantom.

Once I was satisfied with my feelings I brought out my laptop and continued the fan fiction.

Third Person:

Kaoru and Hikaru sat in Music Room Three, waiting for their girlfriends. Oh they loved saying that- their girlfriends. Who would have thought that one day that they might have a girlfriend? Not them, at least, not like the way they got them. Not in a million years did they think they would fall for a pair of girls that were so... nerdy.

They've been waiting all day to see them- sure, they did see them around lunch but it wasn't very long. Even if it was during club time, and they had to watch them flirt with the other guys, at least they were spending time together.

"They're total dorks," Hikaru huffed.

"Yeah, but our dorks," Kaoru added with a smile, "you know we'll have to take them on a double date soon."

"A double date..." Hikaru mused, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

After all, they did plan to take them on a date after school- but it would be a solo date. It would be a new thing to the twins and they were sure that they were ready. They had to go on a date alone before they did a double date, even if they were sure they would be more comfortable with a double date.

"We're here," Lori said as she ran into the room, barely out of breath.

A second later, Chris ran into the room, nearly running into Lori, but she was panting heavily.

"Are you okay," Kaoru asked as he and Hikaru walked over.

Hikaru put his arm around Lori possessively while Kaoru did the same with Chris.

"I'm fine," Chris huffed, "I... really... am... fine... just out.. of breath...sweet...merciful... air..."

"Get into your costumes," Kyoya snapped, "We don't have much time to get ready!"

"Okay, okay," the twins, Lori, and Chris said defensively and they gave themselves a smirk.

The cosplay theme of the day was Hell/The Seven Deadly Sins. It was a suggestion made by Chris and she had to inform Lori that it wasn't the deadly sins from Full Metal Alchemist. Kyoya agreed since the lack of shirts would be popular and all the girls love a bad boy and guys loved a naughty girl ("Dear lord, Kyoya," Chris had said horrified, "Do you realize how that sounds?" "Yes, but it's the truth."). Chris had also informed Kyoya that the hosts should dress in the colors that are most associated with the sins. Pride would be violet, greed would be yellow, gluttony would be orange, green would be envy, wrath would be red, sloth would be light blue, and lust would be dark blue.

Haruhi was going to be the angel/non-sinner that was being tempted by sins. She had on white pants that were dirty, a white puffy shirt that's sleeves faded to different colors (a mix of red, orange, yellow, light blue, dark blue, violet and green), and no shoes.

Takashi and Hunny wore matching outfits since they were both gluttony- orange horns, black pants, and no shirts. Kaoru was sloth so he had on light blue horns, light blue pants with holes, no shirt, and dirtied socks. Hikaru was wrath so he had on red pants, red horns, and a red leather jacket that was left opened with no shirt underneath.

Tamaki, obviously, would be pride so he wore white pants and an opened white suit jacket, no shirt, violet horns, and a violet ascot. Kyoya would be greed so he on a black suit with the jacket opened, no shirt, yellow horns, and a yellow tie that was untied.

Lori was envy so she had on green horns, a green off-shoulder shirt, a black skirt that was teared up at the ends, and black ankle boots. Finally, Chris would be lust so she wore a dark blue corset, a short black skirt, fishnet leggings with holes, and shin-high leather heeled boots (hooker boots as Lori had deemed them).

Chris's outfit, along with Lori's, made both the twins drop their jaws.

"You look nice," Kaoru complimented.

"Yeah, great," Hikaru added.

Music Room Three was decorated for the theme as well. The lights had been dimmed, almost entirely dark. Each host table was dimly lit with the color associated with the color of their sin (Tamaki's table was dimly light with a violet light, the twins' table was dimly lit with red and light blue lights, and so on).

However, Chris and Kyoya reminded everyone that it was their acting skills that would sell it. Of course Chris couldn't really act as lust itself since that would be inappropriate, but she did have to act more flirtatious and seducing. Hikaru would have to act a bit mean. Tamaki would have to be boastful and dramatic- no change there. Haruhi was to occasionally go to each hosts' table as if being tempted by sin. Lori was to do the same, but to act jealous of the hosts that she visited... and so on.

Then the doors opened they all got in position,


Why did I have to be freaking lust, Chris thought, it could've been anyone... well it could've been Lori or even Tamaki, but nope- it has to be me... I mean, the outfit it is a bit stylish, but sexy. I wish I could've been sloth then maybe I wouldn't have to host at all...

"I t-think you look ve-very nice," one guy complimented.

"Why thank you," Chris winked, "I rather like the corset."

She turned to the other customers,

"What do you think?"

She winked again and leaned on the table, propping herself up with her elbows.

"Best club ever," one of the guys whispered.

Chris felt a bit disgusted, honestly. She wouldn't want to do this much of a flirtatious seducing act on anyone- not even Kaoru. Well, maybe Kaoru. But I ain't a slut! I swear!

She looked over to Kaoru- he wasn't enjoying it as much as she was. Though, she was sure that he liked the outfit. What guy wouldn't? Unless he's 'oh my god- that color'? I mean, I don't think I'm much too look at, I just know that guys like corsets because of boobs- the lovely lady lumps. What's so sexual about a lump anyway? I mean, all a boob is a little lump on a bigger lump. Squishy lumps.

Chris started to giggle to herself slightly at the image of her going, it is my squishy! like Dori from Finding Nemo to her boobs.

"What's so funny," one guy asked.

"A lot of things," Chris answered vaguely as she sat back up, crossing her left leg over her right casually.

"However," she continued, "I was just thinking... what do you think about today's theme?"

"Err, it's a bit hard to tell what it is," one guy said, "but it's obvious that all of you are demons."

"Good," Chris cheered, "See, each of us are a sin. Haruhi is the one being tempted by our sins. Tell me, what do you think my sin is?"

Chris batted her eyelashes as she leaned forward slightly and rested her elbow on the armrest of the couch. When no one answered, Chris sighed.

"Oh dear, see I'm lust. Now, don't you get your hopes up, I do have rules and restrictions I must follow, call it the demon laws," she winked, "I may be lust, but that doesn't mean I want to get punished."

"I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you," one guy whispered as he looked up hopefully.

In the background, Kaoru was fuming slightly. He knew how good Chris looked in the cosplay, but he didn't want the other guys to notice. She was his girlfriend after all.

Lori was anything but comfortable, and she felt like he was exposing so much skin even though the only thing that had really changed was the bottom. She preferred jeans over anything, and a skirt was just about crossing the line.

Well, she thought, At least it's not a dress.

"You look very nice today, Lori-chan. But, to be honest, a skirt was the last thing I expected you to wear."

She blushed and started to feel even more self conscious than usual.

"Um...Thanks? I think.." she said.

The guy smiled and blushed, noticing that Lori was acting a little more...Girly than her usual tough self. She was even crossing one leg over the other instead of putting her ankle on her knee.

"I kind of wish I had your freedom right now," she told them. "You get to wear actual pants instead of...This. I'm kinda jealous."

She added a pouty face for effect, and almost laughed at their reactions. Then she stole a glance at Hikaru, who was in the middle of his brotherly love act with Kaoru. At the thought of Kaoru she glanced at Chris, who had one of those faces.

She's probably thinking about something weird like Dori from Finding Nemo saying 'Squishy!' to a boob.

Lori laughed slightly at that.

"What's so funny," another guy asked, his face painted with utter confusion.

"Eh, don't worry about it. So, tell me about yourselves. I want to know lots."

"FINALLY," Lori cheered as she emerged from the changing rooms- back to her normal clothing.

"Eh," Hikaru commented, "I thought you looked nice in a skirt."

Lori blushed slightly,

"Err... well, it's not really my style."

She turned to the changing rooms and called out,

"Chris, are you done yet?"

"I'm over here," Chris said as she appeared from behind Lori, making her jump.

"What the hell!?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Chris rubbed the back of her neck.

Lori took a good look at Chris. She wasn't in the school uniform and she wasn't entirely out of the cosplay. She still wore the dark blue corset and the skirt with her normal black flats.

"Why aren't you changed?"

"Are you kidding," Chris scoffed, "You know how long I've wanted a corset. I bought this from Kyoya- it's totally worth it."

Kaoru had to nod in agreement,

"It looks really nice."

Chris smiled with a faint blush as Lori shook her head,

"Honestly, I should have known..."

Chris held hands with Kaoru as they walked through the garden's maze at the school. They were alone- the way that they wanted it. The students were long gone and no one besides the gardening club ever went into the maze at the garden. There was no one that would see them holding hands. They were safe.

Chris was just glad at the location. She wouldn't have been comfortable if they went to a fancy restaurant or some place like that. Besides, since it was at the school, she didn't have to wait in an uncomfortable car on the ride to some place awkwardly.

"I hated seeing all those guys fawn over you," Kaoru commented as they took a seat at the gazebo in the maze.

"I know," Chris bit her lip, "I.. I'm sorry."

"What for? You suggested the idea for the cosplay and all that, but it's not your fault that you got stuck with that costume... It does look nice."

"I like the costume," Chris pointed out, "I just don't like flirting with guys, especially not when you're right across the room fuming."

"I wasn't fuming."

"Yes you were."

The two sat in silence for a moment, but they enjoyed the silence- it was a silence that they never got besides when they were alone. Chris was fidgeting slightly, the silence quickly turned into a weird, awkward first date for her. Though she had to admit, it was a sweet idea for a date.

Kaoru looked off into the distance, enjoying the silence and enjoying holding hands with Chris. He was unaware of Chris's uncomfortableness until he glanced over from the corner of his eyes. He noticed the way she was fidgeting slightly and he looked mildly amused from her antics.

"So," Chris said, "If both of us are mostly considering an uke, then who's the seme?"

Kaoru chuckled- out of all the things that he expected her to say, that wasn't one of them. Though, she did have a point. If both of them were more submissive to others, then who was the seme? He thought for a moment- all he wanted to do was see Chris happy. She came first.

"I think... I think you would be the seme," Kaoru finally said.

Chris started to laugh, letting go of Kaoru's hand to grip her sides. Kaoru looked at her concerned and he put a hand on her back.

"Chris, are you okay?"

She continued to laugh before finally, she managed to catch her breath.

"... I'm an uke on the streets, seme in the sheets."

Kaoru turned bright red at the vague implication she made and she didn't notice as she continued to laugh. Chris continued to clench her sides as they started to hurt at all the laughter. Kaoru cracked a smile, noticing that he loved the way she laughed- it was soft and breathless, her eyes were tightly clenched and her mouth was wide open, showing her slightly messed up teeth.

Finally, he started to laugh as well.

"Stop! I can't take it anymore! It's too much," Lori yelled at Hikaru.

"But your laugh is so cute!" he countered, tickling her sides even more.

After he stopped the tickling she couldn't stop her giggling for roughly five minutes.

"You have a beautiful laugh," he told her.

Lori blushed and smiled.

"Thanks you have a beautiful-I mean -handsome-not beautiful!"

She blushed even harder and kept fumbling, tying to find the correct words to say. That is, until Hikaru kissed her.

When they separated he saw that Lori had gotten even ore red but was grinning.

"So," she said, following Hikaru as they walked to there date place, "Where are we going?"

He just grinned.

"You'll see."

"Tell me, I want to-no, need to know!"

He just laughed.

"It's killing you on the inside, isn't it?"

"Well duh! I hate not knowing stuff."

For effect, she crossed her arms over her chest and made a pouty face. He smiled and ruffled her hair.

"You're cute when you pout. Anyway, we're here now."

She hadn't even realized they were at the park. They had stopped in front of a picnic blanket plus basket.

He rubbed the back of hi neck sheepishly.

"I know it's a little cliche, but I thought, since you like the stars and all..."

Lori gaped at him. He had actually listened to me when I said that? Coolio.

"It might be cliche," she said, kissing his cheek and making him bush, "But it's also really sweet."

Chris was still smiling like a total dork when she arrived home at around ten at night. After her and Kaoru's little 'date' at the maze, he was nice enough to take her out to diner at a simple little cafe and then they went to see a movie.

Lori arrived home at around the same time that Chris did. They both shared a large dorky grin at each other before they went inside.

They may not have realized it, but it seemed as if them and the twins might be together for a long time. Chris and Lori had a feeling that it would pretty interesting dating the twins- mostly because they all agreed that normal was way too boring. It seemed as if the twins were a perfect match for the girls.

The twins were dorky as well, tricksters, funny, cute, and most of all- understanding. Plus about a million other things that the girls loved about them... But thus that was the way to a nerdling's heart.