I have no idea where this came from. I regret nothing.

Expect OoC-ness. This is like eight years in the future. The characters are bound to have changed in some ways.

Italics = Thinking

Bold = Nico

The water was deafening.

The water was silence.

Percy opened his sea-green eyes and stared toward the surface. He was in shallow water, it was only 8 feet deep, and so it wasn't too dark. Streams of light from the afternoon sun made their way under the surface; making the water that it touched warm.

For a Son of Poseidon, being underwater was as natural as breathing. And Percy took full advantage of that. Being under the sea's steady pressure was the only thing that could help him think. And that was something he didn't really get a chance to do these days.

How could he think with all the responsibilities that he had gained over the years? He watched over the camp, training the new Demi-Gods, and keeping the bond between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood strong. It was a lot to handle, but he wouldn't have any other way, he had been doing it for so long now it came as easily to him as breathing underwater did.

After the war against Titans and the War against Gaea, things had settled down quite a bit. The camps continued to co-exist and Demi-Gods were still given quests to keep the monster population in check. And before he knew it, Annabeth was leaving to go live in Camp Jupiter so she could go to college and Percy was left alone to his own devices.

At first they talked often while they were apart, and then when Percy's duties kept him away, and Annabeth's classes became more demanding, they eventually decided to call it off. They were still friends, and they talked every now and then. But it wasn't the same as before.

Percy did miss Annabeth. They had made it through Tartarus together, something like that isn't just forgotten about easily, but they were at different parts of their lives, and instead of dragging it out, they ended it so they could both move on.

He thought he would be upset, but truthfully, looking back, she was his first love, but they were children. They were bound to find different paths to follow.

Percy did try to date again, but it never really worked out. He was always so busy that he would end up ignoring whoever he was dating at the time. Or even, embarrassingly enough, forgetting and or being late for dates.

And now, at age 25, Percy was sure his love life was not something that was meant to be.

And here the Gods promised to make his love life interesting.

Someone approached the edge of the water. Percy could sense the blood flowing through the person's body.

Yeah. That was something new that had developed over the years.

At one point he had been scared at how much his powers were growing, but now he just went with it. If a new ability showed up, he trained, controlled and harnessed it.

He sighed (could you even do that underwater?) and kicked off the bottom of the ocean floor, making it to the surface in record time.

Jason was standing on the shore. His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his gray sweater, which meant it was probably cold.

The water temperature didn't affect Percy, even in fall. But his friends still thought he was crazy for swimming at this time of year anyway.

He swam to shore; as soon as he was standing on the sand he willed the water off him, leaving his jeans and orange camp t shirt completely dry.

"Hey, man." Jason ran up to him and clapped him on his shoulder, "you've been in there for three hours now. Is everything okay?"

Percy looked up at the sun, and sure enough, it was starting to dip below the horizon.

"Everything's fine," he said. "I was just thinking." He started back toward camp, Jason following silently behind him.

There was a time where someone would laugh and make a quip about him thinking too hard. But after being the leader of the camp for almost eight years, people finally came to understand he wasn't as stupid as he looked.

"So why did you come to get me? There's nothing wrong back at camp, is there?" Percy asked him.

"No, nothing's wrong. Piper was just concerned that you missed supper again. She's always worried about you these days. Should I be jealous?"

Percy laughed and pushed him gently. Ever since Jason had made himself a permanent resident at Camp Half blood, he and Percy had become best friends. Jason was his second in command, and a sturdy pillar to lean on.

Piper had become like an advisor to him after Annabeth left, and (not that he would like to admit) but she was there emotionally after his break up with the daughter of Athena.

And Leo… He shook his head at the thought. Leo was someone he could always go to if he needed to be cheered up. The guy was always a ball of energy, and his girlfriend, Calypso was no better.

He did miss Hazel and Frank. They were still at camp Jupiter, and from what he heard, they were doing just fine. He missed the awkward couple, but he still kept in touch with them as much as possible.

He resisted the urge to run his fingers along his S.P.Q.R tattoo. It burned every time he thought of Camp Jupiter, like it was trying to call him back there.

There was one person he hadn't seen in forever, and that was the one and only elusive Nico di Angelo.

After the war with Gaea was over, Nico stuck around long enough to make sure the camp was stable, before telling Percy his 'secret', and disappearing like the shadows he traveled in.

His secret, which Percy had caught onto long before poor Nico worked up the courage to tell him, was the fact that he was gay. Percy knew that, but what he didn't know was that the fourteen year old boy had a crush on him.

That surprised him, and if anything, it made him sad. He felt bad that Nico had obviously been beating himself up over his feelings, and Percy had gone on without noticing it. It must have been painful to hold something like that in.

And then when Nico had gone and finally confessed his feelings, Percy did the dumbest thing he could have done.

He went speechless. His mouth wasn't able to form any words to reply. It wasn't out of disgust, but more out of surprise.

But Nico took it in the worst way possible, and he disappeared from the surface world.

Percy had no doubt that the son of Hade's was down in the underworld somewhere, brooding.

Not even Hazel had seen him.

At least that's what she told Percy.

More than anything he wanted to make up with Nico. They had been friends once, and even with all the betrayals and the heartache, he enjoyed his company.

But if Nico wanted to hide away in the underworld, there was no way Percy could go after him. Not only was it impossible, he had no desire to beget the wrath of Hade's.

"Percy. Hello…?"

Percy jumped as Jason poked his ribs. "Sorry," he said, trying to get his bearings. "I was lost in thought again." He was surprised to see that they were already standing in front of his cabin. He couldn't even remember walking across the camp.

"Thinking about Nico again?" Jason asked in a sly tone.

Percy frowned at him. "What's it to you, Grace?"

Jason smiled at him, trying to act cute. "Oh nothing, I just wondering. You see, you get this dreamy look in your eyes every time you think about him…"

Jason was lucky he had learned to teleport (how cool was that?) because Percy would have punched him if he hadn't move out of the way.

The smiling fool waved at him from thirty feet away and yelled, "don't deny your feelings, we all know you have a big ol' crush on Nico!" With his point made, he skipped off before Percy could chase after him and beat the crap out of him.

Percy grumbled and opened the door to his cabin. He didn't even bother taking off his clothes as he collapsed on the bed and closed his eyes.

He resented the fact that Jason thought he had a crush on Nico. The last time he had seen the guy was eight years ago, he'd probably changed just as much as Percy had.

And it wasn't even a crush!

Sure he thought about Nico a lot.

And wondered where he was.

And what he looked like now.


He rolled over and buried his face into his pillow. He was twenty five years old. And he liked girls. Well okay, maybe his Greek genes made him open to looking at other guys, but that wasn't really his fault.

With those last comforting thoughts, he allowed himself to drift off.

And he was immediately tugged into a dream.

He was sitting on his bed, in his cabin, and for some reason the lights were all off. But even in the darkness he could make out the shadowed figure of Hade's leaning against the wall opposite to him.

The God of the underworld looked almost like the corpses he ruled over. His black hair was brushed back and was shoulder length; it stood out against his skin that was so white it resembled something that looked more like alabaster stone rather than living flesh. His black robes billowed out around him like silk, the tortured faces of evil souls starred at Percy like they were accusing him of something. But the worst thing was Hade's eyes, they were as black as the Stygian armor Percy had often seen him wear, and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. You weren't sure if you were looking in the eyes of a genius or a madman.

"Great, this looks like the start to every nightmare I've ever had."

The trickling of his fountain was the only sound between them for a few seconds, before Hade's spoke.

"I need you to do something for me." Hade's voice held no indication that Percy would be given a choice in the matter.

Percy scoffed at him, "and what makes you think I'd do anything for you?"

Hades face contorted in anger, but he managed to keep his temper at bay. "I've become aware of your…" His expression changed, and if Percy didn't know any better, he's say the God looked… uncomfortable?

"—your feelings for my son."

Percy didn't have anything to say now. He sat there silently; waiting for Hade's to continue. He tried not to look too embarrassed, even though all he wanted to do was smother himself in his pillow.

"My son, Nico, he's become disagreeable of late." Hade's expression changed back to anger, the souls on his robes mirroring his own. "He's went back into Tartarus and never returned, and unfortunately his mortal body died."


Hade's held up a hand, cutting him off. "Compose yourself, Demi-God. I haven't finished."

Percy said nothing, but he did curl his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

"As you know, we as parents are not allowed to directly interfere with our children's lives. And so instead of getting my brother all in a tizzy, I've decided to enlist your help." Those last few words appeared to hurt the God.

"But what can I do?" Percy asked him. "I can't bring back the dead, and besides, I'm the leader of this camp, I can't just leave."

"So you're willing to leave Nico's soul to wander about Tartarus for eternity?"

Percy didn't need to think about it. He had been in Tartarus, he had seen how horrible it was, how lost and desperate you could become. "No," he said quietly. He opened his hand and stared down at the blood gathered on his palms. "No, I would never leave anyone to that fate," he looked up and met Hade's eyes. "What do I have to do?"

Now the look in the God's eyes was definitely that of a mad man. "I need you to take a quest for me. That way no one here will question it."

"You still haven't old me what this quest will involve." Percy said curtly. He hated when the Gods toyed with him like this.

Hade's smiled then, and Percy wasn't sure if he hated his smile or his glare more.

"I've split Nico's soul into five pieces. I thought that would be appropriate. Five pieces of his soul to represent the five stages of grief after someone dies." Hade's seemed so proud of himself.

"Each piece of his souls will be located in different parts of the place you now call Europe. The monster population is much higher over there. I had to make it a challenge for you."

Percy rolled his eyes; he was already starting to regret helping him.

"Guarding each piece of Nico's soul will be a monster of legend. You defeat the monster and that part of Nico's soul will go into this," he held up a familiar blade, it was Nico's Stygian black sword. "When you collect all five pieces, return to me in the underworld where I will be keeping watch over his body. I will return his soul to his flesh then, leaving no room for Dear Zeus to complain."

The weight of what he had to do hit him after he sat there in silence for a few minutes, and Percy couldn't tell if he was terrified, or more excited than he'd been in a really long time.

"If you do this, Percy Jackson, I may consider taking your feelings for my son into account." Hade's was frowning again, and yes, Percy liked it more than the smile.

"Not that I'm too concerned. Nico overcame his feelings for you a long time ago, and he's changed much since you were children. I doubt once you see him again you'll feel anything for him at all."

Percy was about to come back with a rude retort, but Hade's cut him off.

"It's seems our time is up. You have one month to collect the pieces of Nico's soul and return them to me."

"You didn't say anything about a time limit!"

But Hade's only answer was an infuriatingly smug smile.

When Percy opened his eyes, the sun was shining in them, almost blinding him. He didn't even bother moving, he was still dazed from the dream.

"If it even was a dream…"

After laying there and feeling miserable (which tend to happen when a god keeps you up for what feels like half the night) he finally summoned up the will power to get up.

It was a chore to detangle himself from the blankets. His foot was completely stuck, and it took a good pull to get it free. Unfortunately in his enthusiasm he ended up flipping himself right over backwards, almost landing on a black sword that hadn't been lying on his floor the night before.

He groaned and pushed the sword away from him, being careful not to cut his hand on the razor sharp blade.

"So it wasn't a dream."

He was going on a quest to find Nico. It would probably be a very dangerous quest that would (most likely) kill him.

It must be Wednesday.

By the time he finally managed to pick himself off the floor and get a shower, it was already past lunch. Piper would no doubt be freaking over the fact that he missed two meals that day.

He didn't have time for the last meal of the day either. He still had to pack and inform Chiron that he was leaving, and he had to set Jason up as the leader for the time he would be gone.

He pulled on his jeans and his orange camp t shirt. He could feel the moisture in the air, threatening to snow, so he put on a blue jacket as well.

Nico's sword was still on the floor. He wasn't sure how he was going to carry it around; it didn't have the same magic as Riptide. There was no way it was fitting in his pocket.

He picked it up anyway and held it close for inspection. Other than feeling unbalanced in his hand, it wasn't a bad looking sword.

"By the Gods."

Percy damn near jumped out of his skin.

He spun around, looking for whoever spoke. There was no way anyone could have snuck in while he was in the shower, Percy would have been able to sense them.

This person was not alive though.

He was see-through, his coloring dulled by the blue walls visible behind him. But Percy could make out his black and wavy shoulder length hair and his black eyes. His outfit hadn't changed much: black skinny jeans and a skull t-shirt, and a skull ring on his finger. The only big difference was the missing aviator jacket, which had been replaced by a sleek black leather jacket.

"Out of all the people to get a hold of my sword, it had to be you."

The ghost of Nico di Angelo looked more like his father than ever as he gave Percy a look of distaste.

"I think I would have rather been awakened by a monster."


Percy wanted to kick himself for sounding so stunned.

Nico smiled at him as he pushed off the floor to hover around him in circles. "That's me. Here in the… Ectoplasm…"

Finally regaining his senses, Percy stepped forward and stuck his hand through Nico's chest. His eyes widened in amazement when his hand turned ice cold. "How are you here? Isn't your soul…" He drew his hand back and waved his arms around. "Scattered or something?"

Nico gave him a weird look, and Percy felt like he was missing something important.

"I'm the Ghost King, did you forget or something? Scattered soul or not, I can still turn myself into a spirit."

Nico drifted around Percy in a slow circle. He loved how uncomfortable the Demi-God looked. "How did you get my sword anyway? I intended for it to stay down in Tartarus."

"Your father brought it back for me," Percy tried not to sound too rude. "He's sending me on a quest to bring back your soul and revive you."

Nico frowned and said nothing.

There were a million things he wanted to ask the ghost, but Percy once again found himself tongue tied. He wanted to know why he left, and why he refused to take any of his Iris calls.

He wanted to know how he still felt about him.

Percy didn't care if Nico didn't have a crush on him anymore, but he wanted to know if it was possible to rebuild their friendship.

Nico never gave him a chance to reply to him all those years ago. Now maybe he would get the chance to talk to him.

"How long are you going to be here?" Percy asked him as he maneuvered around the ghost until he could get to his bed. He put the sword down and started packing his things so he could keep his hands busy while they talked.

"Well my spirit is tied to my sword, so as long as I'm dead I guess. I wasn't really thinking when I tied myself to it."

"You weren't thinking at all if you went to Tartarus by yourself. What did you think would happen?"

But he didn't say this out loud. Instead he finished packing his things and then made his bed.

He ignored Nico's remark about his sloppy bed making skills.

Percy strapped the sword onto his bag and then slung it over his shoulder; he almost walked right through Nico's ghost who was standing directly behind him.

"Dude, personal space."

Nico laughed and Percy's heart almost stopped. In all his years of knowing the Ghost King, he had never heard him laugh. He wasn't expecting it.

Nico seemed to notice the look Percy was giving him, and his mirth quickly vanished. "Whatever. Hurry up and go find my soul or whatever. I'm already bored. The afterlife sucks."

"Don't hurt yourself saying 'thank you'." Percy muttered under his breath. Hades was right, Nico had changed. He was more bitter and ungrateful than before.

He flicked the light switch off and opened his door, almost running right into Jason who was standing on the other side.

"Jay! What's up?" He looked over his shoulder at Nico's ghost who was still floating around behind him. He had no idea how to explain this to the blond boy.

Jason didn't wasn't able to see Nico's ghost though, even when the Italian floated right through him.

Percy did however; notice the slight shiver that overtook Jason when the ghost made contact with him.

"Nothing much, everyone was just wondering if you were going to come eat at some point today." Jason stepped back and allowed Percy to walk out of his cabin and lock the door.

"And by everyone, you mean Piper?" Percy turned and both the boys smiled at each other.

"You two are so lame." Nico said as he continued to hover around them.

Percy chose to ignore him.

It was then that Jason noticed Percy's packed bag, and a certain stygian blade strapped to the back. "Is that Nico's sword?"

Percy tried not to look too guilty as he shielded the sword from Jason's view. "Yeah, it is. I got it from Hades."

When Jason continued to stare at him confused, Percy quickly explained to him the dream and the quest that the God of Death had given him. He didn't mention the fact that Nico was currently floating behind Jason, which would probably overwhelm the situation.

"So basically," Jason said as he and Percy started walking in the direction of the big house. "You're saying that your first quest in like eight years is going to take you all the way to the most dangerous part of the world for Demi-Gods. And you're somehow going to survive even though you're horribly out of practice."

"Hey, I've been training every day with the campers!" Percy said angrily.

"Yeah, you train against Demi-God children." Jason said. "It's been a long time since you've been out on your own."

"Is he like- your boyfriend or something?" Nico sounded amused.

Percy tried not to pay attention to him. "I know, but I can't really tell Hades to go fuck himself."

"Well…" Jason trailed off, not able to make an argument for that.

They walked past a couple of campers that were practicing their sword fighting. The two men were quiet, but Percy could tell Jason was upset.

"You know, Percy."

Percy looked at the son of Zeus out of the corner of his eye.

"There's no guaranteed this quest will fix things between you and Nico. Even if you do manage to bring him back, he might not be the same person…"

"Tell me about it." Percy looked at Nico's ghost, who was following them closely, he appeared deep in thought.

Jason stopped them and placed a hand on Percy's shoulder, "I won't try to stop you. I know how you are when it comes to your loyalty with your friends. So don't worry about the camp, I'll keep everything together while you're gone. It will be one less thing for you to worry about."

Percy let out a sigh of relief. He could always count on Jason.

"He's a good friend."

Percy met Nico's eyes, and he saw that the ghost was being sincere.

"He accepted me for who I was, and even helped me to come to terms with my feelings. I missed his friendship the most when I left the camp."

The green-eyed man couldn't agree more.

Jason's hand gripped his shoulder and he shook Percy slightly. "And maybe if you're lucky, you'll finally be able to talk to Nico about your little cr—erk!"

Percy slapped a hand over his mouth, his face turning red. "Stop being so loud!"

Nico narrowed his eyes at the two of them, but he didn't say anything.

There was no way he was going to make it through the next month alive.

Welcome to the life of Percy Jackson.

So there is the first chapter. I've been away from fanfiction so long, I have no idea if it's any good.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to update, but I'm hoping it won't take long!